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palvord last won the day on June 11 2019

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About palvord

  • Birthday September 25

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    Royal Oak, MI
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  1. Cut Number Will Be: E Highest Round of the Week Will Be: 87
  2. I am exactly the golfer that I put the time and effort into being. The wonderful thing about golf is that it always makes us realize that if we just eliminated certain errors, we would be so much better. But it requires time to eliminate those errors from our game. I know I have the potential to be better, but that requires more practice time that I don't have and that is ok by me. I'm happy to hang out as a 12 handicap and shoot the scores that resemble that.
  3. Echoing the pace of play here with this one, be ready to play when it is your turn. Don't wait to gather your yardage, pick your club, take a drop if needed, assess the lie, etc. These are all things that can be done while others are hitting their shots. The caveat being make sure that you're being respectful of others, aka don't do these things if you're going to be interfering with a playing partners shot. The other piece of advice for beginners with etiquette is have fun.
  4. I need to set my ego aside and take something off the longer club. As many have mentioned, trying to crank on the shorter club causes a balloon shot for me, or I catch it thin and who knows what the heck is going to happen.
  5. Based on all the info in this thread and the review, I took advantage of the 4 dozen for $105 deal and am moving to the TourX as my gamer. Was on a golf weekend with friends and family and I couldn't believe how far the ball was flying off the tee. I really didn't notice any difference between the ProV1X with iron play. Same ball flight, and reaction on the green for the most part. I do need more time with them to adjust for how far the ball rolls out on the green for the short game shots. It could have been due to the greens we were playing being super dry with lack of rain, but I felt that the ball just kept on rolling with my bump and run shots.
  6. This thread is the gift that keeps on giving.
  7. I think that the critical piece here of why this is so attractive for potential client's is you get the simulator to yourself or your group when you are there and the 24hr access. Just like 24hr fitness centers have created a niche alongside the behemoth fitness centers, a place like this would appeal to clients who work varying hours or want the feeling of privacy to work on their game. The one bay model for sure limits overhead, but also allows a client to get that "at home" feel where you are less worried about observers. You are free to work on whatever you need to in your game or your group can socialize without being concerned about bugging other patrons. There are a few indoor simulators in my area, but most seem to be trying to appeal to the crowd that wants to socialize and happen to be doing something other than being at a bar. Here in Michigan, this would appeal to the crowd that goes to the driving range in the winter under the heated bays.
  8. I wipe the face after every shot, and then do a thorough scrubbing mainly of the grips once a month so that qualifies me for the after every 8 rounds or so. Personally, I like looking at a clean club face so I am pretty consistent with keeping the club head and face clean throughout the season.
  9. That looks incredible! Thanks for the recipe idea.
  10. It's been quite some time since I posted in here. Heck, I think in the time between posts, I've started and stopped multiple weight loss plans. I'm stealing the time to toot my own horn for my success on my current journey. I'm down 53lbs from May of 2021. Started at 250 and down to 197. Some things that have helped me be successful this time: - I don't have a goal weight. I have a goal of living as long as possible and being able to do the things I love. For me that means being able to move the way I want. This mentality shift has helped me not rely on motivation, but rather on discipline. - I still hate going to the gym. I have accepted the fact that if I want to watch my (Lord willing) future grandkids get married, that I need to be physically active on a daily basis. - As some previous posts have mentioned, I have developed a better view and relationship with food. No food is bad. Food is a means to living my goal. There are foods that get or keep me moving towards my goals, and there are foods that slow me down slightly. This has helped me not beat myself up when life says it makes more sense to have pizza tonight. I don't punish myself the next day, I just move back towards different foods the very next meal, and keep the same exercise plans. Consistency over perfection. - Becoming a father has probably been the biggest thing that changed the way I take care of my body. I know that I need to set the example for my daughter, and I want her to see that physical well being is important. This is what allows me to choose getting on the elliptical or picking up the weights when I don't feel like doing it. It's been so much easier to not view my physical activity and eating plans as sacrifices when I am keeping her in mind. - Resources. I try to read something about longevity every day to help stay focused on why I am changing my habits. I read and listen to various folks such as Peter Attia, Layne Norton, the Renaissance Periodization folks, David Sinclair to name a few. - I like how I look. Vanity is not something I would ever consider as a motivation, but before and after photos have been really powerful for me. I have scrolled back through my phone and been ashamed and in awe of the man I used to be compared to the man I am now. I haven't done any other measurements other than weight, but now that I am working on maintenance, I should do that.
  11. Stinks to hear an app isn't in the near future, but I understand priorities. Gotta put the attention into what makes the most sense for the most people. As to the testing side of things, I stopped trying to poke around after the first month or so of the change. Poking around today things are more user friendly than before. Thank you! It's an initial look, but for me when the change was made, I couldn't figure things out easily, so I stopped trying and that probably lowered my participation compared to previous years. Will be slightly more active now that I can figure things out.
  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am forever grateful for this forum. I know that I've been less active this year, but still love and appreciate this place. Some random thoughts on the forum that I hope is constructive and not just whining for the sake of whining: I struggled/am struggling to adjust to the new way that testing is displayed on the forum. Granted, I haven't had the time to really learn the new way to navigate through the threads. I'm not sure if it's because I'm acting like a stick in the mud and not adapting, but the user experience is best if it doesn't need lots of explanation on how something is supposed to be used. When I first joined the forum, reading through the testing threads required no explanation on how to read and learn the the thoughts of the testers. Also, my lower interaction with the forum is also linked to losing the app. The online version of the forum on a cell phone is less than quality, so I only jump on the forum on my work laptop during work hours. Having an app would be a way I could engage better than I currently do.
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