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Everything posted by beelzeberto

  1. 1. it wasn't directly communicated no, but I did a lot of sifting through the website looking for information about the product and saw that it does include a trace amount. 1a. I think it was because it was a direct route sublingually, and liquid. While the gummies have to be absorbed through the GI, I would think the gastric acid would deplete some of the medicinal affects of it. 2. I didn't try that but I have a few left and will do that to see what happens. 3. I have chronic hand/finger pain r/t grappling for over 10 years and my hands didn't hurt *as much* as normal. I wasn't taking aleeve when I was taking the CBD, so I would assume the Kanibi was helping.
  2. just picked up 4-PW Srixon Z785 with AMT white shafts, should be here monday. Pretty pumped about them. I have three or four different sets of shafts to try them out with. DGPro s300, C taper Lite, the AMT whites they're coming with, and eventually the Recoil F4 shafts my P790s are in.
  3. I just want to clarify, are we talking edibles as in the normal edibles with flower in them, or are you calling the gummies edibles?
  4. I'm not sure of the science behind their ESC, but yes I think it's just the same as those or at least it feels the exact same. I also can't vouch for the CBD that's added into the ESC because I can't physically notice a difference between the effect of the ESC and the ones you listed.
  5. Congestion can cause it yes, but so can a large tongue, a thick neck, and a narrow airway. Or all of those combined plus some others.
  6. I tend to snore quite a bit, I'll ask the SO what she thinks about my snoring after the gummies.
  7. Mine was a TM Spider putter. BUT, I recently found one for a good deal and she's back with me. I now alternate between it and my BM putter.
  8. I'm really enjoying the products by Kanibi. I know I can physically feel a difference with the Full Spectrum Tincture and the Gummies. But, I'm not really sure how much the CBD is coming into play with the Enhanced Sports Cream. That's going to be a big factor for me going into the final stretch of the review.
  9. I play better around strangers, but my first tee jitters is because I'm always the first or second one to go out early in the morning and I never warm up. Our course doesn't do tee times throughout the week; only Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So it's first come first serve, Mon-thurs, and there's a line of at least 20 guys behind me waiting to go on the first tee lol.
  10. Last week I ate one gummy before bed and every morning I was having a hard time getting up, feeling groggy. I haven't taken then gummies before bed this week starting Sunday night and I didn't experience any grogginess Monday morning or this morning. I didn't sleep as well, or I should say I woke up more the past two nights, but no grogginess either day. Anyone else?
  11. I've been using mine cream every day since I got it, multiple times a day. So I wasn't sure if it was the amount of times I was using it or what.
  12. Alright guys, I'm back. So after that day I reported there was some soreness in my shoulders and hips on the lateral sides, but nothing like it normally is after I play that much. In regard to the gummies, I definitely feel like I go to sleep easier but the side effect is some crazy dreams. I'm not normally a huge dreamer or can remember what my dreams are but since I started taking those gummies at night, my dreams have been highly vivid and outright strange lol. I also typically wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason, and again right before my alarm goes off but I've been sleeping until my alarm goes off now. The dreams though, crazy. As for the cream, I haven't experienced the same measure of heat that I did with the initial application. It's more tame than the first, not exactly sure why though. Any of you other testers experience the same?
  13. Today’s activities is going to be a real test. Taught two kickboxing classes, ran 7 miles, sat in a lecture for three hours, then went and played 36 holes. I didn’t notice any on course benefits from the CBD oil (one dropper) or gummies (one) in regards to calmness or added focused but I just took another gummy about 15 minutes ago to see how I sleep. Enhanced sports cream on my shoulders, hammies, and hip flexor as well. Lets see how I feel tomorrow for a 12 hour clinical shift.
  14. It’s similar to other muscle rub creams like Bengay, same menthol smell as well. Straight heat with no icy feeling like Bio Freeze. The heat starts about 30 secs after you apply it with a gradual increase in intensity and for me, lasts quite a while. I think the heat stays for around 20ish minutes? I used it yesterday on my hip flexor with improvement to pain, And again a second ago on my lower back.
  15. You all don’t realize how ecstatic I am to try the Kanibi products out, and how thankful that I was chosen to see how they perform. Like @TR1PTIK said, Kanibi was gracious enough to send us the variety pack, which was a complete surprise. The shipping time was also incredibly fast. It left on Utah the night of the 25th and was delivered Saturday morning the 29th in Arkansas I work out and play golf quite a bit so I’m looking forward to seeing if the products work as well as the claims say. I know that results are going to be subjective from person-to-person, while we all share the same basic makeup in our body, we are drastically different at the same time when it comes to recovery and how things affect our bodies and at what rate. Pumped I say!
  16. Kanibi CBD Products – Official MGS Forum Review by beelzeberto A little bit about me, I’m around a 7 handicap and shoot around the Northwest Arkansas area. Beautiful scenery around here in the fall/winter, with solid courses that vary in skill level. I play the various tracks around here 3-4x a week (I would say at least 72 holes) and get to the driving range (1-hour sessions) twice a week as well. Now the biggest thing that I think separates me from a “normal” golfer, and I use that term loosely, is the extracurricular activities I also partake in on a weekly basis. I wake up around 0400 every day to run around three miles 4x a week, with a long run around 7-10 miles once a week. I also do the Strong Lifts 5x5 workouts three times a week, and I teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and striking classes four times a week. So, for me, being sore with aches and pains is something that I pretty much live with on a daily basis and anything that can help me recover and stay focused is definitely needed. First Impressions With CBD, there is tons of research out there that shows the benefits but I’ve never actually tried it due to so many companies out there that have products, and it’s hard to decipher which ones are legitimate versus the ones who are just trying to make a fast buck. On the Kanibi website it has helpful articles, a coffee recipe, analysis results, information about each product as well as reviews from customers. But the thing is, there is no clear definition of what the products can do for you, besides the pain and sore muscle relief of the sports cream that is clearly laid out. Now I realize that CBD isn’t FDA regulated so they can’t make any factual claims, but I did scour the website and eventually found that it says their products can help your overall well-being, give you a sense of calm, and can promote a good night’s sleep. My main goal for these products is to hopefully alleviate the normal aches and pains from daily activities as well as giving me a tad more focus and an “in the moment” calmness while on the golf course, especially in the later holes. Kanibi organi gummies The gummies themselves aren’t that big, maybe the size of a rolo candy only square. They do have a solid fruity taste to them with smaller crystals covering them. The crystals easily fall off when handled so it’s best to just immediately pop it in and chew. Full Spectrum CBD Oil (Choco mint flavor) Honestly, I’m not going to lie. When using the dropper, I feel like Hunter S. Thompson and I’m about to ingest some Adrenochrome in a penthouse suite while wearing a dinosaur tail and wading through whatever liquid is pooling up in the floor. Obviously, that’s not the situation, but a girl can dream right? Just get me some golf shoes. Kanibi Enhanced Sports Cream Initially I was expecting this to be another form of a muscle rub similar to Bengay, Bio Freeze, or Icy Hot. I use Bio freeze more than anything these days along with anti-inflammatories for general aches and pains. I’m curious how the CBD comes into play and how it works in combination with the cream. Basic Characteristics (27 out of 30 points) I haven’t used any type of CBD product before and have no preexisting conditions other than typical on the course jitters that we all experience. Oil (9 out of 10 points) I used one dropper (1 mL) every morning but like other testers, the dropper itself was hard to get the full amount in so I did two 0.5 mL droppers to get the full dosage amount. I followed the directions and put the liquid in my mouth directly under the tongue to absorb as much as I could for a full minute, the ChocoMint flavor made the liquid easy to keep there. After I waited the full minute, I swished it around my mouth and then swallowed the rest. Some days I woke up late, so I dropped the liquid in my mouth and swished it around then swallowed in less than a minute. At first nothing jumped out at me like the other two products did. I slowly started to notice that while I was groggier in the mornings, once I got up and around I had a more clear head and had pin point focus in whatever it was I was doing. Gummies (9 out of 10 points) I ate one gummy before bed each night for the full duration of the bottle. I would say I could feel myself starting to get more tired at a faster rate than usual and I was asleep within 30 minutes of physically getting into bed. Now I’m not sure if this is an adverse or good side effect. I'm not normally a huge dreamer or can even remember what most of my dreams are about but since I started taking those gummies at night, my dreams have been highly vivid and outright strange too lol. I also typically wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason, and again right before my alarm goes off but I've been sleeping until my alarm goes off now. The dreams though, crazy. the left is my first week on the gummies every night before bed, the slide to the right is no gummies. As you can see my REM slightly decreased but my deep sleep was up by quite a bit. REM is where we dream and your mind recovers, deep sleep is where your body recovers. One downside to the gummies is I am a bit groggier in the morning. I would give the gummies a 10/10 solely based on the quality of sleep and how fast I’m getting to sleep but since I’m groggier and it takes me a second to get clear in the morning, I’m going to deduct a point. Sports Cream (9 out of 10 points) I use the enhanced sports cream basically all over considering the amount of exercise I do on a weekly basis. I used it every day, multiple times a day. For most areas just one pump of the product allowed for a good amount of coverage on the muscles that were needing it. Obviously larger muscles need more than one pump. The website says you need to rub it on for a good amount of time to allow your skin to absorb the added CBD. It takes about 30 seconds of rubbing to get the product fully into your skin and the whiteness of the cream to go away. In that same 30 seconds after rubbing the heat sensation to start. The warmth slowly crept up in intensity for the next 2-4 minutes until it hit its maximum peak, then stayed there for about 25 minutes and slowly dissipated over the next 10ish minutes. All in all, it lasted around 35-40 minutes from initial application to nothing. The pain in my hip flexor had improved after the heat was gone, it wasn’t completely resolved but it was noticeably better. Downside, the intensity of the heat wasn’t as much with continued use. The therapeutic effect was the same each time though, I was less sore than I would have normally been without taking any Aleeve or other anti-inflammatory meds. I’ll rate this a 9/10 based on the effectiveness of the cream, the short amount of time for it to start working, and the small amount needed to see improvement to pain and soreness. Minus 1 point for the intensity of the heat not staying consistent and declining at a faster than normal rate Anxiety (10 out of 10 points) I did notice that when playing in a scramble and having to make a shot that counts, there was no pressure or anxiety in that shot and I made my stance with confidence. Whether it was a putt or off the tee, I didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. I typically have some hesitance with important shots. Energy (8 out of 10 points) I honestly didn’t notice any benefit to energy, but I did feel more sluggish than usual in the mornings after using the gummies so I’m going to deduct some points for that. Pain (9 out of 10 points) I could definitely see improvement to pain with the Enhanced Sports cream. It wasn’t immediate but the heat that the product generated caused increased blood flow to the area and improved circulation to help alleviate the pain and soreness I was experiencing. 1-point deduction because I’m not sure about the effect of the CBD. Taste (10 out of 10 points) I didn’t taste the cream because that would be…how do I put it…not in my best interest? The flavor of the Full spectrum oil was chocomint, and it was magnifique (insert kissing my fingers here). If you like Andes mints that you get from the restaurant Olive Garden, or if you like mint chocolate chip ice cream, then you’ll like the taste of this. The Organi Gummies tasted like a fruit chew, it is hard for me to nail down exactly what candy it tastes like, but I’ve encountered that taste before and it was pleasant. Zero complaints when it comes to taste. None. 10/10 On-Course Performance (14 out of 15 points) Mentally, 100% these products have made me a better player IMO. They eased anxiety when I’m playing. There are certain holes that are in my head on the courses I play due to previous experiences, but those holes aren’t having the same effect on me anymore. I can move on from a bad shot easier and make better decisions after those shots as well. Maybe this is what I needed to get over that mental block to push my game further? Physically I feel great after the round, and even the next day I don’t feel as sore due to the cream. I can’t pinpoint which product I liked the best because I truly feel like they all complimented one another. Miscellaneous (4 out of 5 points) I want to go ahead and say the shipping was lightning fast from Kanibi. I believe it was to me in less than four days even with the USPS being hit or miss across the United States right now. When I received the box, I shook it to see how well it was packaged and if anything would rattle around. There was a small shift in contents but no loud thuds like some products come. Upon opening the box, you could see a large bubble wrap keeping the product pushed up against the side of the box. Now I was a little worried about the Full Spectrum Oil when I looked at it. I could see what I thought was condensation, but was in fact some of the oil leaking between the dropper and the cap. I checked the box and it wasn’t drenched so I’m assuming the loss was minimal. Minus 1 point because of the oil leakage. Use it or lose it? (8 out of 10 points) I think the products definitely have a use, especially if you’re one who wants to get a good night’s sleep before an important tournament. We all know muscle aches and pains can keep us awake, along with anxiety for the next day’s festivities. I think the price of the tincture and gummies is fair for the effects I experienced. The enhanced sports cream is more than what I would pay, especially since I can’t 100% say that the CBD enhanced it, and other creams do have similar effects for a considerably less price. Conclusion Long story short, I can honestly recommend all of the products. I think they did help me with anxiety and focus when it came to playing, and they helped relieve aches and pains that normally I would have to take anti-inflammatories for, on top of a muscle cream. The price may not be for everyone, but if you’re interested in CBD products then why not give them a shot? Especially since they have bundle deals that make it easier on the wallet along with a generous 15% off code on their site AND free shipping on orders over $100. I hope this review was helpful for you. Final Score: (90 out of 100 points)
  17. Practiced four and six foot putts in between sets of lifting this morning in the garage.
  18. Played at the ever frustrating Big Sugar here and started off with a birdie on the first hole (YAY), then proceeded to shoot +15 on the other 8 holes of the front nine lol. I reeled it back in with a +6 on the back nine. My putting failed me all day after the first hole and my club selection was not the best decision making I've had in a while. I can't remember the last time I've four putted but I had a couple on the scorecard. What. The. Eff. Such a fickle mistress.
  19. I'm still waiting to experience those flyers with my P790's, I guess I'm not good enough yet lol
  20. I just bought a basically brand new set of Nike Pro Combos 4-AW, original S300 shafts and nike grips, with a Nike Method Matter putter for $300 on a local FB ad. I'm playing P790's but I couldn't pass this deal up. I always wanted to try them out but never pulled the trigger.
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