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Sign up Closed: PXG GEN7 and Black Ops Irons

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
4,012 signups
Equipment Type: irons
Vendor: PXG

Testers Wanted


MyGolfSpy Forum is thrilled to announce a new release testing opportunity from PXG. This is the first time PXG has ever participated in member testing, and there couldn't be a better product than their newly announced Gen 7 irons and Black Ops irons.

About PXG

It’s no surprise that PXG is a polarizing brand. Since their inception in 2013, they have been bold and, for some, brash. The evolution of PXG has been fascinating to follow as they transitioned from a boutique, high-priced, exclusive brand to a company offering a range of options with price points that will suit most, if not all, golfers.

PXG places significant focus on fitting, ensuring customers have the proper products to get the best performance from their game. This is evident with their various in-store fitting options (at PXG-specific or partner stores) and the option of over-the-phone fittings.

PXG also offers their PXG for Heroes program, which provides first looks, discounts, and more for active duty, veterans, first responders, and law enforcement personnel. It is a “Thank You” to all those who have served and is a core pillar of the brand.


The PXG Perception

As mentioned earlier, PXG is a polarizing brand. This was evident in the 2022 Brand Perception Survey done by MyGolfSpy, where results were varied. PXG ranked high with related words such as Modern, Premium, Engineering, and Innovation, while also ranking high with less positive keywords such as Hype, Follower, and Gimmick.

When brands are louder, there will be more people on each side of the fence, compared to those straddling it, which is why these results are not surprising.

This brings us to a key point: does it matter? If a product performs or outperforms what is in your bag, will it, or can it, change your perception? Could it make some of those negative associations fade away?


The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for six golfers to test, review, and keep a set of PXG Gen 7 irons or PXG Black Ops irons. We will be selecting three for each, and while we have no specifications or further details to share with you (those will be released soon), we are thrilled to provide this early opportunity to our members.

What is your brand bias towards PXG? Do you think it will make you the perfect tester?

Let us know!


*This testing opportunity is open to registered forum members in North America.
*Registration closes August 4.
*Testers will be announced August 6.



What a Fantastic Opportunity, thank you MGS & PXG. 

The fact that PXG is willing to put their product in the hands of the average Joe to test, is awesome!  The testing opportunity may confirm or dispute the perception of PXG! Is it just hype or is it the real thing?  ⛳

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Most my thoughts on PXG i’ll keep private here, but did express in my entry. Expensive clubs initially but you can get at a very low price during sales. I think they are definitely quality and i believe it shows in their exclusive distribution model. I did get fitted for a set before but ended up in Ping i230. The clothing they make for the ladies look great. 

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Updated my data on MGS. Would love to have the opportunity to test and play these clubs. I have had friends that played this brand in the past and were happy with them. I am a custom club builder and avid tinkerer with all golf clubs. The theory behind their brand has always intrigued me and have thought about buying them. Just never pulled the trigger because of the other brands that were readily available. Hopefully I will be chosen and would look forward to giving some honest feedback.

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should I be so fortunate as to be selected, please check with me to make sure I haven't quit the game altogether.

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My bias towards PXG is hard to describe other than to list what I have used of theirs.  I started with the Gen 2 irons. And then dabbled way too much in their clubs.

Gen2 irons - modus shafts

Gen3 irons with TT shafts

Gen4 with TT shafts

Gen5 P with MMT shafts, also Gen5 T chrome with MMT,  Gen5 T black with MMT

I have played around with the iron weights and I have had a ton of their woods

I then moved away from their woods to Titleist woods because I like them better, and I also moved to the Titleist T150 irons with  Tensei shafts.  My most recent move has been back to the Gen5 P irons with the MMT shafts

I am not a PXG fanboy but I am super familiar with their clubs especially with their irons. I do my own club work and have tweaked my iron lofts and lies to suite my game. I also have a simulator to be able to gather numerical differences between the clubs

I am an engineer that likes to tweak to much but will always dig into the problem to come up with a solution, so testing clubs is why I end up moving around with my equipment too much since I am always searching for something better



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Great opportunity!!  I've certainly been skeptical of PXG since the beginning, would love the chance to change my mind!!

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PXG's technology has improved every year.  The Gen 7 series should be awesome!  I play several times a week and hit countless balls at the range trying to find the ultimate game for me.  I score in the mid 70's.  I had the opportunity to play with a former PGA Tour winner, Kenny Knox, and he was really talking up the improvements over the years - he is on their staff.  Having the chance to test their irons (or woods) is an exciting opportunity and gives me a chance to express to the subscribers what these irons feel like, perform and help me score better - that is huge!!!!!  Looking forward to getting the nod and giving you the inside scoop on these irons!

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I have never swung a PXG club but have always had the stigma that they were overrated, overpriced, and a want to be premium brand with big marketing bucks. Would love a crack at these to prove my bias wrong! 

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Agreed with Many of the other comments - Very unaffordable, so I have never considered them. However, my friends who play PXG love them. I can golf every morning at 6 am where I live without a tee-time - so I can be a testing machine. Just saying - ha!

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Really like the looks of the Black Ops  iron.Would really love to test these irons since I am looking for some new sticks.

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Since my irons were recently stolen, and I'm currently using a super game improvement set that's over 20 years old, I've made the decision to sign up.

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I absolutely love my PXG Gen 4 0311P. Would love to test the gen 7 against those. I had done a fitting to compare to the Gen 6 and shaft stayed the same and did have a small improvement to dispersion and distance, but not enough for me to pull the trigger

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I bought the gen 3’s awhile back secondhand and have never had new clubs and have been waiting for the right gen of PXG’s to come a long and I think these are it.  Almost got fitted for gen 6 double black and black ops driver but couldn’t pull the trigger. Love the brand & their numbering system 🇺🇸 


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Wow, this is cool. I play the Gen 3 irons I think they a perfect for my game. I like the feel and I don't think they hold me back in any way. I did dump my PXG driver for a Ping 425. Didn't like the driver at all. I couldn't control it that's for sure. The Heroes program is outstanding. When I got my irons, I was deciding between the PXGs and a couple of different brands. Once I plugged in the Heroes price, the choice was easy.

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I have never considered pxg for no reason in particular, they seem like very good quality clubs but for some reason I never even gave them a chance. It would be great to finally give them a go. Thanks to pxg and mgs for the opportunity. 

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I have some friends that rave about there golf ball and have really enjoyed using them myself in a small sample size. am really interested on their irons, I've been needing a upgrade for sometime now and they could do it for me


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