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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×

Sign up Closed: 2023 MGS Forum Test: SuperSpeed Training

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1,676 signups
Equipment Type: Speed Training
Vendor: Super Speed

SuperSpeed the #1 Golf Swing Speed Training System is back!




Increasing your swing speed with SuperSpeed leads to a more athletic. powerful, and consistent golf swing. 20 more yards off the tee leads to about 2 less clubs into every green, closer proximity to the hole, more greens in regulation, less bogies, and more birdies.

We are looking for 9 MGS Forum Members (3 slow, 3 mid, 3 high swing speeds) to test and keep the SuperSpeed Training System and report their results over a 6 week program!

Included for this MyGolfSpy Forum Test is the SuperSpeed Training Sticks (3), PRGR Launch Monitor for recording swing speed and consultation with SuperSpeed with program introduction and more!


Are you up for the challenge?

This test is open to MGS Forum Members worldwide!


New to the Forum? Interested in how we select our testers and want to increase your opportunity at being selected in this or future tests? READ MORE HERE!


4 hours ago, Stevenhp said:

It would be interesting on how much an increase in speed someone like me would gain given my age and decrease in mobility.

Hi Steven,

I started when I was 62 and my swing speed at the simulator went from mid 80s, 90 max to being right around 100, with the occassional swing up to 108. So I saw significant improvement.

Still working at it as I have hit in the mid teens with my driver, during the workout sessions and would like more of that in my game speed.

My wallet however, went to very empty as I needed to get fit for my driver again, but buying new clubs is fun.

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I'd give it a try.  I'm 43 swing speed is 110ish now, would like to give it a try to keep up with the young guys.  I lift pretty regularly outside of golf, so I feel like I have untapped speed left.

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I have looked at swing speed trainers in the past but have never tried one. 

I would be great to see if I could consistently get my driver speed over 110 to start bombing it past my buddies.

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I'm tired of losing 1/2 a club a year. I have started a stretch/mobility and conditioning program in attempt to get some of it back!  This would be a compliment to that program.  (mid ss, 57, 9 hcp)

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Love to try this as a compliment to the GOLFFOREVER training I’m doing.  Need to get that 30 yards and full club with irons back that I’ve lost in the last 10 years.  Father Time is a B1$*^#!!!

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Padraig has really proven this system to work. 

For my age, I would like to see if I can get my swing speed back up over 100. Now that would be something!

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I have been working on my physical health since Mid November- trying to keep/gain swing speed. Daily trying to - push ups, book openers, pelvic tilts, quad stretch's, alternating supermans, halos, around the world, bridges, cat/cow, 100+ putts per day, swinging partial wedges, and swinging a 2# hammer 50+ (simulating golf swing per coach Fossum). Thinking this system might help me gain back some of my lost speed….

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My biggest weakness when I play with better golfers is speed. The ball stays in play, but at 100mph I’m giving up 20 yards to guys on 2 equivalent good drives. I’ve thought about incorporating a speed system to get the gains everyone else sees, this would be perfect motivation to start.

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I have increased my playing time about 10 years ago, not 2-4 times a week. I am still hitting it well, but I would love to increase my speed and distance.

But with that being said, I would still like to keep the ball in the fairway as opposed to punching out from under the trees.

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Would be nice to check my swing out on this . I had Polio in my left leg but I play golf right handed. I've tried many training aids through out my so called days of playing golf. Tried many golf pros, hoping that one of them would give some advice worth trying. Most of them didn't tell me anything I hadn't read in a magazine. Any one out there that can offer some advice , I'll be glad to listen 

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This would be great to try. I have seen these and have been very curious to try them.  I think everyone would like to gain some clubhead speed and distance and I certainly would.  This could also be a great part of my fitness routine.

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These speed trainers really do work.  I have been using Stack since November, and went from an initial Driver swing speed of 109 to 122.  Since I'm already very happy with my swing speed trainer I'll pass on this opportunity, but hope the testers have similar successes.

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Would love to get more.  Ballspeed during a round on my sim is around 165-174 bs.  

I have already improved my ballspeed with lessons and axius core.  I'm 48 turning 49, and took axius core to help with back issues.  My back now feels strong and powerful, and would have no problem trying out this system.

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Super interesting test here, I already have plenty of speed for my level of play but I've always been curious how fast I could push it up to given my activity level in the gym. 

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I do want to test that out to see if it really works, I've been looking for an affordable lunch monitor for a long time, When I'm on the DrivingRange, I never quite know how far the ball is flying, the signs are very bad there's sign at 100 and the next one is 150 and in between is just guessing and after the 150 too.


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Been dealing with some lower back and Calf issues (tore my achilles about a year ago). Curious to see if something like a trainer of this caliber could help me. Excited for if I get picked or to read the reviews who do!

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Lost 40 yards off tee after 10 year hiatus due to back injury.  Looking to find some of it back.  Years ago was upper 120s, now 105.

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I would be stoked to be a tester for the SuperSpeed.  Here's why:  We have a set in our club's studio, and I have done some limited work with them but it would be great to have the full set and the monitor, so I can do a proper training program, i.e. at home and report my results to the Forum and to our club's membership!!    I have also been looking at the RypStik, which our pro shop also sells.  -- -=Doug Hansen , Skagit Golf & Country Club, in the North Pacific

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