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  1. long putts 1 lift and mark with my left hand /left eye above the ball 2 fix ball marks with putter on my right hand 3 crouch down and read . set the putter in my right hand when I read 4 find my spot and putt to the spot short putts<5 feet 1 use the line on the ball to the cup 2 practice strokes looking at the line and the cup 3 place my right hand on my right thigh as I setup to the ball 4 tap stroke looking at the ball keeping my eyes looking at the ball and trying to hear the ball drop into the cup
  2. Interesting! Grass stains balls look straight roll to the cup but just short. Dirt covered look like they were rolling wobbly and away from cup Would you consider cleaning half a dirty ball The reason is say there a fast breaker L to R. Everyone least favorite Mark the ball. Clean half a ball Replace the marker with half clean ball with the dirt just on the right side of the ball this way when rolling to the cup. the dirt on the ball acts a brakes to prevent to much rolling offline to the fast breaking low side. this will prevent easy misses to the low side
  3. Take home message for me is when the TV announcer says he hit his 8 iron X yards, its could be a loft of 7 or 6 iron. my other take message is that there is no standard loft that correspond to the Number on the iron
  4. I think I over practice my putting, Was squatting for every putt to mark the ball and line up and it did improve my putting but my knees hurt and it had a detrimental effect on my long game I bought some ball markers that have lines and will just line up the marker to the cup and then will just bend over without squatting to line the ball up to the marker as a easier way to line up the ball My back might be the next thing to go
  5. I like how Rory and R Fowler demonstrates bunker play stand square and bring the hands low and shaft is more horizontal to skim the ball onto the green from the sand
  6. I think Chamblee makes things up just to get controversy started and hooks audience like Stephan A smith does Tiger has a routine.... reads ... walks around the putt ... take two practice swing then putts
  7. Unfortunately he does jacks up the lofts , I think its smart move so it confused his competitors what loft he actually using Bryson also using the new Avoda 3D printed with budge technology that was approved just before the Masters This is brand new concept in irons Suppose make the off center hits on irons fly straight He plays single length irons the 8 iron length is 6 iron length He got over size grips the size of motorcycle handles This cat doesnt play equipment like anyone else forgot to mention he uses graphite shafts He can stamp it XYZ for all I care, cannot really compare his equipment to the standard OEM manufacturers
  8. was talking to my work mate about this We both saw him in tournaments in his prime My college saw him when he was amateur playing in the UK and how impressed was Tiger was 30-40 yards past everyone else I followed him live at the Canadian Open in 2000 witness the 200 yard 6I landed over a water softly onto the green Driver distance he was past way everyone in the field with backspin ! Ball actually kicked backward when it landed on the fairway He was doing stuff no one else could do then He was using small head metal driver back then too to drive those distances A whole new generation of golfer wanted to be like Tiger and develop a power game Now a day 6 iron 200 yards is typical for pros i think he could have been more dominant If the driver technology didnt advance to 460cc and everyone was able to develop distance and catch up to Tiger
  9. Try it many years ago. Not for me back when I tried it I prefer my thumbs closer together I like my thumbs Right on top of each other
  10. Wasn’t planing to do HU cause it never really work for me in the past but I did HU for 9 holes just cause I felt like it that day and it was just incredible for speed control I never left myself more than 4 feet for my 2nd putt Plenty that were inches from draining in Not sure why it worked that day but I free me up for long putts especially the ones that had a late break to the left
  11. Getting ready for tournaments and need to practice putting out on every green No gimmies and it’s amazingly bad the confidence and nerves are if I have not been putting out the 4 footers regularly I started using the line on the ball only for 5 footers and in to settle the my eye movements i just lock in to tap and roll the line on the ball
  12. How do you put your hands on the putter to feel this? And do you prefer to apply grip pressure when the putter shaft is parallel to the ground or more or less vertical in the pre putt routine?
  13. I agree What do you do in the set up/ routine to facility that feeling in your hands to reduce/ eliminate the rotational torque?
  14. The face balanced and toe hang importance to a putter when the putter is lying horizontal seems like a really silly concept when the putter is rarely in that position I can understand how the amount of toe hang is relevant for swings greater than a full chip when the shaft does go parallel to the ground or greater length swing So yes its a concept important for full swings and long chips But The farthest the putter travels back is maybe just past the back foot and really lie angle balance is a more scientific relevant concept in how much torque/ feel need to keep face square when the putter is motion
  15. I like tapping the heel down as a trigger when I swinging my wedges and shorter irons
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