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Everything posted by BKervin

  1. Good Morning Spies, It's a beautiful Saturday here 67° and sunny. The airstream is bringing the Canadian fire smoke but not nearly as bad as before. Gotta get some supplies at the store. Dig up a part of my flower bed as it's been taken over by an aggressive weed. Then get it replanted. Have a great Saturday Spies!
  2. Happy Anniversay @EasyPutter! Good luck with the HOPE Program!
  3. Happy Anniversay @EasyPutter! Good luck with the HOPE Program!
  4. Good evening Spies, I've been MIA this week. Been busy with Chamber. Getting golf fliers out and hung up. We moved recently and have an open house next week - so making sure the place is ready. Also been out seeing my businesses. It's been raining most of the week so no golf anyway. Oh and I guess I shouldn't forget - celebrating our 42nd wedding anniversary! Hopefully will be caught back up and back to posting regularly.
  5. After my daughter has her initial interview and was moved on to an owner review the first questions were: Do you golf? What's your handicap? 3rd question: What kind of beer do you drink? Only questions owners asked. Her answers all quality and she was hired!
  6. Congratulations! I'm sure she'll be a "Daddy's Girl" soon!
  7. Not a fan of the TaylorMade at all. It reminds me of the crayon rubbing where the kids use to scratch of the black crayon over painted rainbow is background. Callaway looks alright but reminds me of Converse Star. I do really like the Cobra but I've always been a fan of that color combination!
  8. Congratulations testers! I'm excited to see the results!
  9. I guess I didn't realize how lucky I am. Our range is included with golf membership along with lockers and pool. There is always giant baskets of great balls available. There is a 5 gallon bucket that you can put any questionable balls in and they discard them. There is always new balls placed into the area with additional balls still in boxes in the pro shop. Just off #1 tee box we have our driving range that goes about 400 yards and then into the woods, a separate chipping area with a sand trap and then a separate putting green down by the pro shop. All are mantained top notch as is the rest of the course! We also have a box at #1 containing pencils with erasers, score cards, pennies for marking your ball, wooden tees and plastic divot tools in it for who ever needs them. Sorry to hear that some of you must pay for balls- and terrible ones at that!
  10. Happy Birthday @rmk! and @BadAsp! Hope it's fantastic!
  11. Good Morning Spies, It's a cool comfortable 63 and rain here. Reading the Morning posts drinking my coffee. Up really late today, didn't sleep well. These posts are all great; its almost like we are all sitting around the table with our coffees having a talk - in a little bit of a time warp. I love it! No golf unless this rain clears out but doesn't look good. Glad I'm hearing safe travels have been had/are having by our Spies who went to Pinehurst. Sounds like they all had a terrific time. Can't wait to see/hear more pics and stories! I'm sure there is a little bit of "what happens in Pinehurst, stays in Pinehurst" behind the scenes as well. Whatever you do today golf/no golf make it a great one!
  12. Does he play poorly? I'm thinking he might be trying to distract you from his swing/play!?
  13. Love Hockey! Stanley Cup just wrapped up. Your hockey players are into the golf world as well. This is one of my favorite pictures of the Stanley Cup! You might recognize your fellow Canadian Alex Pietrangelo. He had brought the Cup home to play around with it in 2019! He even tried to Bank a putt off it on one of the greens!
  14. It has actually collapsed part of the highway. https://amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/11/us/philadelphia-i-95-collapse-fire/index.html?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQGsAEggAID#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16865097406368&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2023%2F06%2F11%2Fus%2Fphiladelphia-i-95-collapse-fire%2Findex.html
  15. Then it's truly a scary situation for you(her). Best of luck to her. Something definitely needs to be done. Can your daughter talk to other neighbors and see if similar situations have occurred? If so, then there would be more reason for removal. They may not be keeping records if the woman says it never happened before everytime.
  16. Good Morning Spies, It's much better to breath today with the smoke cleared out from Canada. Windows are back open letting in the cool 66° air. Golfed yesterday, new to us course. It's a course that I'm sure is a converted crop field. Rough ride bouncing all over. Course wasn't bad and I did alright. Some greens were great others your ball weebled all over the place. No real plan for today. I hope you all have a fantastic day in whatever you do! Best of luck to those in NC on trip!
  17. Thank you so much! Never knew that was there. I have my clubs in there already - should be an easy thing if I can remember to hit the mark your ball each time.
  18. That's just terrible! I'm glad everyone is alright. That ladies homeowners insurance should be paying the vet and your daughter's doc bills. It falls under liability. I also wouldn't be surprised if the insurance is canceled, Non renewed or because ridiculously priced. Best of luck to her and her pup
  19. Happy Birthday @dbdors! Hope you have a fantastic day!
  20. I have the SkyCaddie SX400 but there is bo data for tracking. Do you have any trick to get data @Dean M?
  21. I don't like wearing a watch golfing either
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