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Everything posted by BKervin

  1. For me it's getting out of my own head! I play my best games when I've got the earbuds in - rock on Sirius XM - just playing the game without a lot of preshot thinking! Do what I know and hit the ball. Earbud in - swing - get to ball - grab the club for the distance - swing - repeat!!! I believe when I think hard on each swing I take the swing out and make it about mechanics.
  2. Go for it and play 18! Life is too short
  3. Good Morning Spies It's extremely foggy this morning here. Going to head to the range and hit a few. Ladies Invitational at Ridgemont (Rochester NY) Wednesday and Thursday with my daughter. Our course is closed yesterday and today for the ProAm there - 36 4-man teams. (pool, due to no parking, is closed also) the Pros come from all across the states and Canada.
  4. He passed in 1996 at 65. Way too early. I had terrific parents. Great senses of humors and loved all 6 of their daughters! I'd like to think I got their sense of humor. Lots of great memories. It was a houseful - 6 daughters - 6 sons-in-laws - 18 grandchildren - 1 great-granddaughter before he passed away. Had to add on to the dining room so we could mostly fit!
  5. My Dad always said he was 29! My young son was amazed the year I turned the same age as my Dad. He said to my Dad "Grandpa did you knoooww that you and mmmooommm are the same age this year?" My Dad took a $10 out of his wallet and said "It took me having 18 grandkids to get one to believe me!" (My would be 83 now if he were alive)
  6. GHIN I'm curious on how other courses calculate your handicap for a tournament. Do they simply use what GHIN says? Do they adjust it based on their course level? The reason I am asking is - My GHIN 28.7 Ridgemont Country Club - GHIN shows my handicap at 35 Which one do they use? How do they know how to calculate the difference for their course? If they don't calculate it based on their course I am at a disadvantage? How do I get them to adjust it if they do? Thank you in advance for any assistance!
  7. Wanted to give an update on my progress to lower my GHIN. I did not achieve the aggressive 25 by July 4th - however, I was able to achieve 28.7! Still working to get to 25.
  8. Date 07/23/2023 Course Name Ridgemont Country Clu Gross Score 125 Course Handicap 32 Gross Strokes over/under par 53 Net Score to Par 21 Net Score 93 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 150 Special Event Golfing with my daughter and son-in-law - always fun. Couldn't get my game together until 13 on the back or it would have been uglier!
  9. Date 07/22/2023 Course Name Pennhills Club Gross Score 106 Course Handicap 31 Gross Strokes over/under par 34 Net Score to Par 3 Net Score 75 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 143 Special Event
  10. I was right under that bright orange just over the Pennsylvania line for about 2 hours. Lots of close lightning strikes, rolling thunder, heavy rain and winds. No damage we are aware of. Poor pup hiding out in basement he doesn't like storms. Thanks for thinking of me. Glad all is well your way!
  11. Big box of baking soda will help
  12. Great game and the Pirates pulled out W! Great seats too.
  13. Thank you @TylorJudd. Never thought I'd be at the top of the board! I'm normally near the bottom. High handicap because I'm inconsistent and an amazing round. I've only been under 100 3 times. Congratulations to all that played this week.
  14. Good Morning Spies No golf today. Making thex3 1/2 hour drive to Pittsburgh to watch the Pirates game. Then dinner and hotel. Headed back home sometime tomorrow. Looks like a great day for baseball or golf! Enjoy your game if you get out!
  15. WOW! Looks like you were lucky with outcome. But man it must have hurt! Good luck with the microwave and heal fast!
  16. Date 07/18/2023 Course Name Pennhills Club Gross Score 100 Course Handicap 31 Gross Strokes over/under par 28 Net Score to Par -3 Net Score 69 Net Birdies or better 8 Longest Drive 142 Special Event Much better than yesterday! Drives were in the fairway! Irons were hitting normal distances. It was a great day on the course.
  17. Congratulations everyone! It's going to be fun for you all!
  18. Date 07/17/2023 Course Name Pennhills Club Gross Score 114 Course Handicap 31 Gross Strokes over/under par 42 Net Score to Par 11 Net Score 83 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 135 Special Event Well this was definitely not a good for the driver! Kept slicing nearly every hole! Not out of bounds but definitely into the rough.
  19. Good morning Spies Have a board meeting at noon - then headed for 18. Need to get 9 in before men’s league starts this afternoon. Hopefully the rain holds out or is over by then. I'm not a rain golfer. I hate slippery grips with wet hands/gloves. Maybe I need to invest in wet weather gloves. Any suggestions? Have a tremendous day Spies!
  20. Looks like a fun, great day! Congrats on first place!
  21. Happy birthday @Bob Jerabek! Hope day is fabulous!
  22. Good morning Spies Just got caught up here with my cup o Joe. Waiting hubby to wake and we are headed to play 18. Hopefully the pesky Canadian smoke won't be bad enough to shorten our game. But it's like @EasyPutter and @Bsimpson24 said - overcast of smoke and being in the downwind of a camp fire. What's the saying - Smoke follows beauty? Well lets hope that's my game today!! Have a terrific day in whatever you do today!
  23. I've not played there. Let me know what you think. Good luck
  24. You as well! Both my kids graduated from RIT. We go right by the exit on 390. I'll waive.
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