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Posts posted by MIgowfer59

  1. 1 hour ago, Old Texian said:

    I often play as a single, and when not pressed have enjoyed scouting the woods and water holes for lost balls. I've decided that I will no longer use a water hole ball unless it's one I've just dunked, because I've seen some data on the waterlog effect. So I'm also not interested in buying used balls because I have no idea of how long they've spent soaking. I'll still use nice-looking balls found in the woods unless they have obvious squirrel tooth marks.

    No - please do not misunderstand.  If I "dunk" the one I usually play and there is no drop zone, the next one is a much cheaper ball - but brand new.  Thanks!  😎

  2. I understand the context of your question - my reply?  How do you know once the "used golf balls" are sold, that they are not simply mixed within "refurbished golf balls?  I worked at a golf course that replaced range balls 1x per year - "used" was REALLY "used."

    True confession - I keep 4 or 5 for "water balls" on a Par 3.

  3. 5 hours ago, DaveP043 said:

    I am not an adaptive golfer, but I've been aware of the abilities of these kinds of players close to 30 years ago.  The son of my club's head pro won the world one-armed golf championship for two years running back in 1993 and 1994.  Obviously not all players are at that level of ability, I still admire the perseverance of these players.  My wife was a volunteer for the 2023 USGA Adaptive Open at Pinehurst, and was impressed both by the golf ability and the attitudes of all the competitors.  I imagine we'll both volunteer when the tournament comes to Woodmont CC in 2025 and 2026 in Maryland.

    For @scolist, welcome to golf, for @MIgowfer59 welcome back to golf, best of luck going forward!.


    Again, thank you for your kind words!  Yes, I have marveled at the talent and abilities of many Adaptive Golfers!  I was aware of the 2023 US Adaptive Open at Pinehurst and this became the source of my interest in rejoining the sport.  Ironically, Pinehurst No. 6 was where I played my last full round of golf in the fall of 2016.  My golf score(s) took a hit from that point on as the neurosurgeon kept chasing a solution to my issue - and succeeded in stopping the progression.  But, while we were at Pinehurst looking at Real Estate, that dream of living on the fairway faded.  Revival is now at hand and the goal is to be competing in 2025 albeit with a slight "adapted" golf swing.  Perhaps we can shake hands hello at that time.  It is a small world after all!

    Happy New Year!!


  4. 6 hours ago, william_abu said:

    Hello Steve,

    Firstly, kudos for diverting from the holiday hustle to delve into the world of golf! I explored the provided links and found the concept of Adaptive Golf truly inspiring. It's heartening to see a community fostering inclusivity and embracing diverse abilities on the golf course. I believe the spirit of Adaptive Golf not only adds a layer of resilience to the sport but also exemplifies the profound impact it can have on individuals' lives. The commitment of organizations like USA Golf to provide resources and support is commendable. Count me in as someone who admires the Adaptive Golfers, and I'd be keen to learn more and contribute to the discussion. Happy holidays to you and all the forum members!



    VERY kind words!!  And yes, the sphere of Adaptive Golf reaches worldwide.  It has been a part of the European golf world for longer than it has in the USA.  However, the USA is making up for lost time quickly.  Although I would like to shoot 68 on a 7,000-yard course, that is not my reality now.  However, the opportunities presented in golf extend beyond tour-level courses/players.  

    From golfers with various physical disabilities (including www.denniswalters.com), to intellectual disabilities (read about Amy @ https://www.igotthis.foundation/,) non-sighted golfers, stroke survivors, those on the autism spectrum, and others.  There is a world of golfers out there that are only now beginning to emerge into a world of ability versus disability, increasing in self-confidence, a spirit of camaraderie, and well...heck...just having fun at a sport many never imagined that they could participate in.

    My issue, although limiting, is mild compared to many.  And like you, the inspiration I have gained in my short association with golf in its adaptive forms is tremendous.  So much so in that I have received a Coaches Certification from the USAGA and I look forward to receiving my  World Ranking for Golfers with Disability (WR4GD) which will allow me to compete on a formal basis with other Adaptive Golfers.  

    Heh, I started in this sport when I was 8 years old - now 57 years later, I am not going to give in or give it up.

    I again thank you for your kind words and I too hope that you had a great Holiday season.  I am looking forward to a new year of golf.  I trust that you are too!

    Take good care and hit'em straight!!


  5. I am one. A below knee amputee of the left leg, and I just started playing "fetch the ball" in June of this year. It's been a challenge on both fronts.

    I did attend three adaptive golf clinics this past Spring which is probably why I took up this sport/game.


    No doubt, there is a challenge.  I have a neurological challenge that has affected my balance within the past 18 months.  I started golfing when I was 8 years of age (I am now 64) - I have re-taught myself an "adapted" swing.  I will spend 2024 getting my golf handicap down.  Maybe I will be able to play in WR4GD tournaments in 2025.  That is the goal anyway.

    You say that you attended 3 clinics - are there other day-to-day resources in your area?

    Jimmie V. said it best:  "Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.”

    Thanks for saying hello!!

  6. Good afternoon all!

    Wow...4 days before Christmas, I should be shopping/wrapping instead of talking golf!  Be here I am.  😂

    As the title indicates, how many forum members are Adaptive Golfers?

    Rather than take your time to read my description, I would like you to take a look at the following two websites that provide better descriptions of this golfer than I can.


    If there is enough interest, I will continue the discussion from this point.  Thanks!

    Happy Holidays everyone!!


  7. Driver -  Exotics by Tour Edge C722 (set at 11.5°)
    4 WD -  Exotics by Tour Edge  EXW 220 - 16.5°
    7 WD -  Exotics by Tour Edge EXS 220 -  21°
    5H & 6H   -  Exotics by Tour Edge EXS 220 - 25°/28°
    7i - PW - Miura CD-301
    Wedges - Miura Milled Tour - 48°, 52°, 56°, and 60°
    Putter - Edel Custom
    Ball - Titleist Pro V1 (yellow)
    Bag - Sun Mountain 4.5 (14 way)

  8. Driver:  Riley, SMT, Krank, Mizuno, Titleist, Exotics by Tour Edge
    Fairways:  Riley, Adams, Mizuno, Titleist, Exotics by Tour Edge
    Hybrids:  Adams, Titleist, Exotics by Tour Edge
    Irons:   Riley, Founders Club, Titleist, Mizuno, Miura
    Wedges:  Riley, Cleveland, Titleist, Mizuno, Miura
    Putters:  Ping, Ray Cook, Mizuno, Tad Moore, Odyssey, Scotty Cameron, Miura, Edel
    Balls:    Maxfli, Bridgestone, Titleist
    Gloves:  Mizuno, Titleist
    Shoes:  Footjoy, Adidas, Sketcher's
    Bag:  Founders, Sun Mountain


  9. 25 minutes ago, Christof said:

    Persoonlijk, Ik weet niet hoelang bij jou de grip er al opstaat, maar de Max niet gewent wordt, de Max misschien niks voor jou is.

    Personally, I don't know how long your grip has been on it, but not getting used to the Max, the Max might not be for you.

    Perhaps - I have only had it installed for a week or so.  I am seeing an increase in consistency with time in use.  Thanks.

  10. 51 minutes ago, Caddie1966 said:

    Thanks Steve, are you a fellow Spartan?

    it’s just excel.  I don’t have any special golf software.  I logged putts manually and uploaded the data to excel.  I had to take photos of the spreadsheet as my iMAC would not cooperate and let me export them.My iMAC is 15 yrs old and has to be replaced.  Software won’t update and it just won’t do simple functions or sync with anything anymore.
    Where are you in Michigan?  I left in 1994 and have been in TX ever since.  

    Class of 1981 - back home after 40 years of living in CA and that was about 25 years too long.

    I live in Adrian, MI - where are you in TX?  

    Yes - probably time for a upgrade in Technology!!  The good news is that you can buy an inexpensive laptop or better yet desktop for 1/3 of the price that you paid for the iMac! 😎

    Thanks for the reply!


  11. On 5/2/2023 at 1:40 AM, Caddie1966 said:

    My name is Chris.  I go by Caddie1966 on the MGS forum.  As a baseball obsessed 12 year old my exposure to golf was to chase down balls hit OB at a muni by my house and sell them back to the players who hit them out.  In April of 1966, I hitchhiked 15 miles for the first time to and from a private course and started caddying on Saturday and Sunday.  When school ended for summer, I hitched a ride 7 days a week; caddying Tuesday through Sunday, often 36/day and played 36-54 with the other caddies each Monday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.  I fell in love with Golf back then and have been infatuated ever since.

    Like Danny Noonan from Caddyshack, I focused on earning an Evans Scholarship so I could attend college.  Unlike Danny, I did earn the scholarship to Michigan State where I briefly continued my baseball career.  After my freshman year, pro baseball was not in the cards, so I played ball only in the summer, studied harder and played more golf.

    I introduced my wife to Golf shortly after we married in 1974.  49 years later, she still plays and enjoys new courses as we travel the US.  We moved to Texas in 1994 where I taught my daughters to play well enough that they both played on HS teams that qualified for the State Championship.  I am now teaching my youngest Grandson to play.  I play to an index of 8 now as a 70 year old but was as low as 3.7 in my late 40s.  I retired in 2017 and play 3-4 times each week and walk 120+ rounds each year in North Texas.  

    Putting has always been my Achilles heel. Over the past few years, I have developed the Yips inside 10 feet.  My fault is right hand and right elbow breakdown on short putts.  I have been a conventional grip guy for almost 60 years and have NEVER stroked a putt with anything else.  My average putts per round have increased from 29 or 1.6 to 32.5 putts or 1.8 per hole in the past 3 years.  My birdie count has dropped significantly from over 1.3 per round in 2020 to 1.15 in 2021 to .925 in 2022.  This decline is primarily due to putting inside 10 feet. 3 putts have gone from 5% to 7% in that same stretch.  

    My selection to test the Garsen MAX came the same day I had scheduled a switch to a super soft oversize at my proshop. Serendipity?  The only exposure I had to Garsen prior to this test was checking out Tony Finau’s bright green grip with his logo during the Dell WGC this year and learning that Garsen had quite a few wins on the PGA and LPGA tours.  I did not focus on the three grip selections, as I wasn’t considering a grip change until very recently.  

    I am changing my gamer, an Odyssey EXO7 to the Garsen MAX.  I want to see if my hand and elbow integrity improves with this new grip.   I am going to have the new grip installed with air so I can swap out to the Ultimate and QUAD Tour without cutting the grips off.  I’ve been a stats guy since I collected baseball cards as a kid.  I plan to log my results with the current EXO7 grip and the MAX as follows:

    5 rounds each at my home track, pacing off each putt and logging makes, misses, break direction and short, left or right on the misses.  Home putting mat performance from 4 and 8 feet. Putting green testing from 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 feet, logging the same as I do during the rounds I play. Reducing my average putts from 32 and making more inside 10 feet while improving my hand and arm integrity will assure the Garsen MAX stays in the bag.

    Garsen MAX Putter Review

    Thank you very much to MGS and to Garsen Golf for the opportunity to review the Garsen MAX putter grip.  This is the first opportunity I have had to review any products through the MGS Forum since I joined in October 2021.  Admittedly, I didn’t finish my profile until mid last year so I feel fortunate to be testing within a few months of completing my profile and becoming qualified to be a tester.  

    I was pumped to be chosen for the Garsen MAX putter grip test as I had just decided to switch to an oversized putter grip.  The timing was perfect for me.

    One of the tag lines on the Garsen Golf website for the MAX is “The fastest way to make more putts.”  Others include: “Innovation with a twist.” “This simple, yet effective, grip innovation is the fastest way to immediately improve your putting.”

    I was intrigued to say the least. 

    Unboxing: (6 of 10)

    After a quick email exchange with Kyle from Garsen Golf to choose colors and arrange delivery, Garsen sent a package of three different putter grips.  The Quad TOUR, The Ultimate and The MAX arrived on May 9th in a simple packing envelope with a nice letter from Bernard Garsen, President, CEO and Founder of Garsen Golf along with two Garsen Putter Grip stickers.  Each grip was wrapped in cellophane and delivered in the colors I requested. 

    The Quad Tour comes in Black in either tapered or non-tapered.  I selected the tapered version.  I’m a Michigan State alum so I had to choose Green for The Ultimate.  The Ultimate also comes in Black or Blue.  The Max is available in White, Blue or Red. I chose the Red as it also has Black Chevrons and White lettering.  These are the colors of my two grandsons middle school teams.  My review is focused on The MAX  but I will install each of the others later this month and submit individual reviews of The Quad TOUR and The Ultimate later this summer. 


    First Impressions (18 of 20)

    The Garsen MAX has alternating Red and Black Chevron style markings that appear to help with hand alignment.  The MAX is standard length and is oversized but not massively so. The most obvious difference on the MAX from other putter grips is it’s RIB which extends top to bottom and bisects the left and right sides of the grip.   I liked the looks  and the initial feel of the MAX but was very curious as to how it would feel on my putter and if the RIB would be helpful or would it hinder my putting grip and putting stroke.  

    Aesthetics (10 of 10)

    To say the Garsen MAX grip is unique is an understatement.  The RIB grabbed my attention immediately as it extends right down the centerline of the grip.  The White MAX logo is on either side of the RIB just below the very top of the grip.  The Garsen logo is located in the bottom third on the left side of the RIB.  Black and Red Chevrons separate the Red lower section from the Black upper section.  These Chevrons aid in hand placement as I will discuss further.  To quote Billy Crystal, BC31348E-FA84-4D41-883E-46BD52DAD349.gif.ee33d752349e183d7ea2fdf0f2087631.gif



    I elected to replace the original Odyssey EXO7 pistol grip on my gamer with the Garsen MAX.  The install could not have gone smoother. After removing the old grip and cleaning the shaft up, I used a small amount of mineral spirits and slid the MAX on with no issue until it was halfway on.  At that point, I pushed a bit harder and it was done. Easy please, Lemon Sqeezy.C4E7B5B9-F4CD-42FB-BFE8-884834B7BE2F.jpeg.3c598c77ec51fbf99e978b84fc7f5bc2.jpeg


    Garsen MAX feels tacky but not so tacky that you would cringe like you would if you saw me wearing some of the outfits that Ian Poulter wears.  I’m a light grip pressure putter and the feel of the MAX is about as perfect for me as it gets.  The MAX is solid but not hard, soft yet substantial.  The material is High Tech PUI so it’s like having no slip traction on the grip.  Being a guy who NEVER even practiced with anything other than a pistol grip in 58 years of playing, I initially wondered if the MAX was something I should even try as the grip fit my hands in a much different way than my pistol grip.


    The most unusual element of the MAX technology is the RIB. The RIB extends top to bottom and is visible while gripping the putter. Although it’s noticeable, I was surprised that the RIB was not a distraction, rather I found it to be a guide to hand placement.  
    My hands fit on the sides of the RIB and I align my left thumb with the Black Chevron and the pad of my right thumb to the right side of that same Chevron.  The MAX enables me to put a bit of pressure on the grip with my thumbs enabling me to keep my wrists in a more “locked and upright position” to quote every flight attendant I ever flew with.  


    MAX has a slight taper of approximately one quarter inch from top to bottom.  

    Tale of the Tape

                         Garsen MAX              Odyssey Pistol

    Diameter   1.5 inches                  1.0 inch                        
    Length       10.25 inches             10 inches                 
    Weight       55 grams                   69 grams                
    Core Size   .600                           .580

    My History

    I have struggled through the putting YIPs for the past 2 + years.  I don’t freeze over the putt, my right hand and elbow simply flare out during my through stroke.  This results in putts being pulled wildly left, shoved way right and often stopping woefully short as a my putter face contact is inconsistent.  I also lose my posture during these YIPs and sometimes, even my lower body moves.  I have no idea when this will occur so it’s not something I can wait out or take a few extra practice strokes to alleviate.  The YIPs seemed to occur 2-3 times a round, resulting in 3 and sometimes 4 putt greens.  I would do this on 2-50 foot putts.  It’s a terrible thing.  

    I tried left hand low, changing putters, pencil grip, even a long putter.  Nothing worked.  What I had not done was change putter grips. That’s why when the opportunity to review the Garsen MAX came along, I jumped in.  

    The Garsen Golf website stases:

    “…the MAX  places your hands in a position so the palms are in a neutral position.  It turns your elbows into your body and sets your shoulders back.  This relieves arm and shoulder tension, inhibits wrist action which takes “the hands out of putting” and promotes shoulder rotation creating a solid putting stroke which will give you a one-piece feel, leading to a more consistent stroke.”

    I WANT THAT!!!!!!!!⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
    My pistol grip 


    My MAX grip


    The Numbers and My Testing (20 of 20)

    My 2022 GHIN putting stats


    My 2023 GHIN putting stats YTD


    The YTD putting stats were prior to my testing efforts.

    As I began to think of how to evaluate and review a putter grip change, I settled on trying to find comparable tests to evaluate both on and off course. Would I see if the Garsen MAX lived up to the tag line of “The fastest way to make more putts.”? 

    My approach was to evaluate on 3 different tests with a large enough sample size to convince myself that the results were real where each test was a fair evaluation and not subject to a halo effect of trying something new and wanting it to be better.

    Test 1

    Indoor testing was done using my 9 foot putting mat and a perfect putt target consisting of 60 putts from 5 feet and 60 putts from 8 feet for both the Pistol and MAX grips.  I completed 10 each at a time from each distance with a 5 minute break in between to reduce the likelihood of being in a groove. So this test was 120 putts for each grip.



    My make rate indoors combined from 5 and 8 feet using the pistol grip was 54%.  I made 65 of 120 attempts and missed primarily due to pulled putts going left.  I left 8% short from 8 feet. 

    My make rate indoors combined from 5 and 8 feet using the Garsen MAX was 78%.  I made 94 of 120 attempts and  my misses were split equally left and right.  I left 0 of the 120 putts short using the MAX.

    These results were quite surprising as I made nearly 30 more putts with the MAX, an increase of 45%.  

    Test 2

    Outdoor testing was on the putting green at my home course, Denton  Country Club.  I putted early a.m. to assure no disruptions due to other players using the practice green.  I putted 60 putts with each grip installed.  12 putts from distances of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 feet for a total of 120 putts.  These putts were as straight as I could find.  All were uphill slightly and the STIMP readings for these days was 10.5.


    Test 2 was more challenging as the distances increased and lines varied more than indoors. It was difficult finding straight putts over 15 feet on DCC’s relatively small practice green.

    My make rate with the Odyssey grip outdoors was 35% across all distances combined while my make rate with the Garsen Max was 52% for the same distances.
    While similar at under 10 feet, my make rate over 10 feet with the MAX was double that of the Odyssey: 21 Vs. 11.  

    My short misses with the Odyssey we’re nearly double the MAX short misses: 11 to 7.  I kept the putts more to the high side of the hole with the MAX which positively increased my make rate. 




    My GHIN numbers for 2022 and 2023 YTD pre MAX testing are summarized as follows:


    115 rounds 32.8 ppr 23% 1 putt, 72% 2 putt, 5% 3+  


    45 rounds 32.5 ppr 26% 1 putt, 67% 2 putt, 7% 3+


    Test 3 (20 of 20) 

    On  course testing.  Where the rubber meets the road. Where the chickens come home to roost.  

    I played 5 rounds with each grip at my home track and walked off every putt I had during those rounds, no gimmies.  I recorded the distances on the scorecard for every putt so I noted each putt on each hole and total feet of putts per hole.  I also recorded low, high and short.  

    So how did I do and more importantly, how did the Garsen MAX do vs. the Odyssey pistol grip?


    Round 1      33 putts                                                            
    Round 2     34 putts                                                                
    Round 3     34 putts                                                                 
    Round 4     31 putts                                                                    
    Round 5     32 putts                                                                     
    Total          164 putts                                                              
    Average   32.8 putts                                  

    Avg 1 putt: 3.0 2 putt: 12.4. 3 putt 2.6     
    Proximity to hole on 1st putt: 14.3 feet.  
    Range 1-45 feet    
    Pretty much like I have putted for the past 2+ years.


    Round 1       27 putts                                                        
    Round 2      29 putts                                                      
    Round 3      30 putts                                                       
    Round 4      26 putts (lowest 18 hole putt count ever)    
    Round 5      33 putts (12 first putts over 22 feet)           
    Total          145 putts                                                         
    Average      29 putts

    Avg 1 putt: 6.8, Avg 2 putt: 7.6 Avg 3 putt: 0.8          
    Proximity to hole on 1st putt: 14.9 feet.  
    Range 2-65 feet


    Garsen MAX out performed the Odyssey pistol grip by a wide margin

    1 putts rose from 15 to 34 in 5 rounds                                
    3 putts dropped from 13 to 4 in 5 rounds

    Strokes Gained Putting                                                                  
    In 5 rounds I gained 3.8 strokes putting using the Garsen MAX putter grip.  My total YIPs in 5 rounds with the Odyssey was 9.  I had a single YIP with the MAX in round 1 and none thereafter. Two of my four 3 putts with the MAX came in round 5 where my 1st putts were 42 and 65 feet from the flag.

    How do I explain this improvement? My PUTTING grip changed with the PUTTER grip.  The statements on the Garsen Golf website rang true for me:

    My hands are on the side of the putter.                                  
    My palms face each other.                                                      
    My wrists are more neutral.                                                     
    My elbows are closer to my body.                                            
    My shoulders are back.                                                            
    My shoulder rotation is more consistent.                              
    My distance control is better.

    Simply put, I hit more solid putts.  My putter head sits more level to the ground as the grip changes have me more upright and closer to the ball. I make better contact closer to the sweet-spot.  My misses are closer to the hole.  More putts are getting to the hole and more putts are on the high side.  

    The Garsen MAX, specifically the RIB and the oversize technologies completely changed my technique and stroke for the better.  The new technique has resulted in better outcomes.  The better outcomes have led to higher confidence.  

    The Garsen MAX grip has been shockingly positive for me and has far exceeded any expectations I might have had.

    Will the MAX stay in the bag? (20 of 20)

    Absolutely yes!  
    Let me quote Eric Clapton, my favorite artist of all time:  “It’s in the way that you use it.  Boy don’t you know.  Don’t you ever confuse it. Don’t let it go.”  

    The MAX has found a home in my bag and will be tough to remove.  

    When I joined MGS I listed my strength as Driving the ball.  I am still a strong driver.  However I don’t believe any driver can improve my game by 3.8 strokes gained.  If I had the MAX in my bag and with these results when I joined MGS I would have proudly claimed putting as my biggest strength.


    Overall  (94 of 100)























    Go Green!  Go White!  Nice Review!!

    Question:  Is your stat spreadsheet Excel or similar?  Or did you use a putting analysis program?



  12. On 2/3/2021 at 10:34 AM, Tom the Golf Nut said:

    I'm in.. I had a trophy picked out. You know the kind where you insert the actual ball in it. But I'm sure that company is out of business by now! 🤣 I've been waiting 30 years to purchase it... and counting.....

    I understand completely!  The closest birdie putt I have had in my 50-year history of playing the game was about 8 inches from the cup!!  Why oh why???  🤣

    But fear not!  Plenty of companies make these trophies.  For example:  https://holeinonetrophies.com/  So the quest can continue!

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