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Everything posted by cnosil

  1. Definitely hard to get out of you own way. Many times when I have been playing well I start thinking about the possibilities and end up falling apart.
  2. Hate the blowup holes. Been a score killer for me this season.
  3. My game has been off the past few weeks and continued today. Today I struggled hitting fairways but hit 10 greens. 2 doubles and 2 triples really hurt the score. I guess the bright side is that my short game is starting to come together and I am doing better with proximity to the hole. Actually I am kind of at a loss as to what is going on flashes of good play followed by streaks of poor play. Will probably just try to simplify my game and work to hit fairways and green in the upcoming weeks. I guess I made my hybrids mad by being selected to test the KBS shafts; they were actually working well today.
  4. Hope it is only a few days. Sprained mine about a year and a half ago and was out for about 3 months. It was 6 months to fully recover
  5. I am at work myself. Seems like most people took the day off so it is pretty quiet.
  6. Reviews will vary based on what is being tested. A training aid, a gps device, golf club should all be reviewed differently. Clubs that aren't readily available should be compared to something common that you could find for comparison. Knowledge/perspective of the tester will also influence the reviews. What I want to know is what do you normally like and associate that with you current product and tell me how the item being tested compares to that product. Tell me what balls you used in your club testing. What were the conditions of the test. If you are testing a shot tracker and you have to put your phone in your pocket do you wear loose or tight fitting clothes. In the end help me understand your perspective so I can make your subjective answer more objective
  7. Played in my golf league last night was 6 over for 9. Two OB shots that resulted in a triple and a double. Have really improved my short game. I am now making solid contact; need to work on distance control to avoid the missed green 2 putt.
  8. Forecast said occasional rain for the next several hours. I think it will be a while before the heavy stuff sets in.
  9. What stats do you want to track? I don't think tagging will ever be perfect and you will alway have to go back and edit rounds. Probably still better than doing it manually I did manual for a while and then stopped. Would be nice if the grint app did a strokes gained statistic.
  10. Nope, there is no consensus. Everyone has their own opinions on what is the best grip. If you like the SNSR grip then you should probably continue to use that grip.
  11. Pretty happy with today's round; I was pretty solid in all areas of my game. 36-40=76. 2 Birdies, 2 bogeys, and 2 doubles. My normal nemesis chipping was the reason behind the doubles but it was the result of solid contact instead of chunks or blading the ball across the green.
  12. Just watching TV and hitting little chip/pitch shots to work on making solid contact.
  13. Same with me. Was looking for something on TV and found the CWS. I have been hooked ever since. It is so much better than baseball in my opinion and takes a lot less time. Watching Baylor/Arizona now and it is a back and forth game. Rooting for a local team in the DIII championship.
  14. Don't really need a new putter but I have some paypal funds so I am still considering getting a new one. Was considering wedges, but that is off my list for now.
  15. Been watching the college softball playoffs.
  16. Just so frustrated with my game right now. started losing shots right today which led to struggles off the tee and hitting into greens. Wound up with 2 triples and 2 doubles; really need to avoid the big numbers since it totally destroying my scores. Need to make time to practice!!!!!
  17. I need to pick up some other hobbies although there is nothing that I am really passionate about. Golf seems to be the only thing that really draws me in.
  18. It was the spell that Harry and Ron used to make a car fly. It was in the book/movie Chamber of Secrets.
  19. Did you use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to avoid being pulled for no tags?
  20. Yesterday I worked in full swing and trying to minimize toe hits. My miss on the clubface is off the toe. After finishing my MGS most wanted iron testing I utilized their launch monitor and golfspy sam to help figure out what was going on. Seems like we might have identified the issue and the fix. Will see how it goes in tomorrow's testing and my golf league in Thursday. The bonus is that it seems to have also improved contact on my short game shots
  21. Still working on my short game. Can't seem to get those chips where a bit of carry is needed to land on the green. End up blading them. On the practice green I start out this way but eventually can get into a groove and hit the chip well. Doesn't carry over to the course [emoji35]
  22. Generally don't listen to an album; those days are long gone since we generally buy only the songs we like. Since I am at work I just put my phone on shuffle so it could be from any genre but will probably be from the 80s. Coming up: Bodeans, Motley Crue, Joan Jett, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, The Police, and REM
  23. Most of what I read are nice to haves some of what I consider essentials are: Don't know how handy you are but the basic tools are a necessity to do thing like hanging pictures, tightening a screw in a cabinet door , Changing out fixtures etc. I would recommend programmable thermostats pretty inexpensive but can save you money in the long run. In you are high tech look into smart home ones that above adjusted via your phone. No sense hearing or cooling your house when you aren't there. In addition to a lawn mower get garden tools like a rake, shovel, weed eater, actual snow shovel depending on climate. Come in handy to spread mulch or change out the landscaping. Also find numbers of home repair people for those things that are beyond you ability. Get recommendations for plumbers, electricians, roof repair, etc Much better to have a list in advance instead of waiting for an emergency Congrats on your first home!!
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