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Everything posted by Addicted2Golf

  1. Furyk, Toms, Tiger at the top of the leaderboard. Did I enter a time warp?

  2. I hit every fairway but one yesterday with my driver. I haven't had that much control off the tee in a very long time. It certainly makes golf a lot more fun!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Addicted2Golf


      LOL. Well, I've had my fill of "creative shot making" from off the fairway. There's something to be said for hitting it to a designated LZ and then having a nice, relatively straight forward shot into the green. ;-)

    3. R.P. Jacobs II

      R.P. Jacobs II

      Kudos...THat's a great accomplishment & harder than hell to do..The Best, Richard....

    4. GolfSpy Tim

      GolfSpy Tim

      that's awesome!! I hit all of my driver shots with my new Cobra ZL into the fairway on Monday - headed out this evening to see if I can repeat that or if it was a fluke

  3. Shot a 41 on my front nine today with two doubles and five straight pars. Finished with an 87. Pretty encouraged right now with how my game is coming along this early in the season.

  4. Just posted in the Golf Travel Section. Need some Cali Golf Recommendations from my fellow Spies.

  5. Going to Cali later this month. Might have to see if I can tee it up with my boy Sactown (my Sundevil brother from another mother)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheymike


      Hey A2.. If you pass through Cheyenne on your way west and have a few hours, shout at me and I'll take ya for a round of golf here at 6000'.

    3. Addicted2Golf


      I would freaking love that Mike, but unfortunately I'll be flying over you at about 35,000 feet. But I will promise you this. If I EVER make it to Wyoming, we will definitely tee it up my brother!

    4. GolfSpy Dave

      GolfSpy Dave

      Just got back from Tahoe...

      When and where are you going to be?

  6. Just did a preview of Vision Golf products on A2G including some pics for those who are interested. Some really good looking kit. Nicely done Boz! http://www.addicted2golf.net/?p=1211 I'm not ready to post any feedback on the balls, but I can tell you that I love the Vision Sticky glove. More on that in a review that we will post later in the week.
  7. Boz, you already know I'm in. Unlike some boards (which I won't mention by name), not everyone here shoots in the 70's and bombs 300 yard drives. On MGS, I think you'll find we have a fair number of mid to high handicap players who are fairly pragmatic about their games.
  8. Played today at Crystal Woods in Woodstock, IL with my friend Eric (who was supposed to join Matt and I at Chalet, but called into work instead). Righted the ship somewhat with a 86. Didn't putt well, but I hit my driver straight and my irons were very solid today. 10/13 fairways hit and 6 GIR's.
  9. Matt played GREAT. Any other course in this area and it would have been a round in the 70's. Iron play was solid and his putting was ridiculous. It was a sight to see. As for me, I played Chalet at the behest of a friend although it's a course that doesn't suit my eye and quite honestly plays with my head. Many bad rounds there. This round was no different - shot a brutal 101 and uncharacteristically lost my cool and my confidence on the back nine. There was one nugget - nearly Eagled out on the Par 4 5th which is the #1 handicap hole. Pured a hybrid from 205 yards out to about six inches. Best shot of the year so far. This game drives you crazy sometimes.
  10. Hmmm... so many members with exactly 11 posts. And its cracking me up that so many of our March threads are getting resurrected. I'm glad I wasn't half in the bag when I wrote those...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Putterslut


      I have 11 posts. Are You talkin to me? You talkin to me?

    3. Addicted2Golf


      Hell yeah, I'm talking to you. Get posting!!

    4. Putterslut


      So,,,what did you think of my Robert De Niro?


  11. I shot a personal best nine hole score of 39 on my Dad's Texas country club course on Father's Day. We were playing a skins game and I took money off everybody. That was a good day.
  12. Back from a two week vacation. What the heck is going on around here?!#

    1. GolfSpy_X


      was wondering if you got lost.

    2. Addicted2Golf


      Nope, still representing.

  13. Thanks Matt. Yeah, me too. I'm thinking about trying to make it out Sunday if the weather is OK.
  14. Shot a season low nine hole round of 42 at Pinecrest CC today. My putting fundamentals had gotten sloppy and I switched back to a reverse overlap putting grip which has made all the difference in the world. I'm also digging the new irons. I have to focus a little more - especially when hitting the long irons. But, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  15. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering" - Yoda.
  16. You were definitely grinding, but that's what good players do when they don't have their best stuff. Did you make it out on Monday? We hit the range over at Randall Oaks at 8AM and they blew the sirens just as I got through a large bucket. It didn't thunderstorm until almost an hour later. I would have been pissed if I were playing because it rained for an hour after that. All those guys with early tee times probably spent half their morning in the clubhouse and then ended up taking rain checks.
  17. I'll take the blame. It was obvious from observing Matt's swing and especially his length off the tee that he is a much better player than what he showed me today. It probably didn't help that I started praising certain aspects of his game (which got him thinking about good he should be). As for me, I shot an 88 with a triple and a double on the front. Putted horribly on the front nine and did better in that phase on the back. Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing with Matt. Hopefully we can do it again soon (when our schedules permit).
  18. Starting to play a lot, but struggling to round back into form. Shot an 89 last week at Randall Oaks here in the Northwest Suburbs, which is my regular track. Have had a couple of 9 hole rounds in the low forties, but otherwise this season has been pretty forgettable thus far. One thing I've figured out this past week is my grip pressure has been way too strong causing a lot of problems including turning my draw into a hook and also a loss in distance. I was hitting the ball a half to a full club shorter and couldn't figure out why until I realized that all that tension was wreaking havoc with my swing.
  19. Tempo is everything. And don't forget the nod to the gods.

  20. I would try this. Adams has been raising their game for a while now. My only issue with Adams is that their stuff doesn't hold its value and you end up taking a huge hit upon trade-in or resale when you move onto the next model. But, if you buy pre-owned or after they go on sale, then you're ok.
  21. Where are the next changes taking place. Man, I could have used that arm wavy emoticon about twenty or thirty times by now. LOL.
  22. Unfortunately, I checked and Illinois is very limiting when it comes to their vanity plates. Up to 3 numbers OR 5 letters only. Most of the suggestions, even if they weren't taken, wouldn't work here.
  23. Jesus. What are we talking about work for anyways? The last thing I want to think about when I'm on here is work. Who started this damn thread? LOL.
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