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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by PlaidJacket

  1. I haven't bought anything yet. However, I'm traveling down the road to a new Cobra driver. I'm looking at either the 2015 Fly-Z or Fly-Z+. Today I'm posting a comment and initial sad experience and a happy ending. The other day I walking into the Pro Shop at my club where they had a display of drivers marked down. With this collection were both drivers I'm interested in. I picked them up and turned to one of the guys behind the counter and asked if I could take them out to test. I was quickly met with a terse... NO! I asked why and he said because they are new and not demos. I said "they are both covered in plastic" or "you can add a layer of tape across the face". Nope. They weren't going to do it. I commented that I'm a potential buyer that the club/pro shop is not user friendly and walked out to the practice tee. In my long history of playing golf and buying clubs pro shops used to always tape a face and let a guy go hit one. Granted this was before fitting carts came around and my club doesn't have a Cobra fitting cart. Later after I warmed up I stopped back by the shop to check on my tee time again and one of the assistants walked up quickly and had some tape in his hand offering to now let me go hit them. I declined. Happy Ending Later that day I contacted a small local golf retailer to discuss my potential Cobra driver purchase/fitting. He didn't have what I wanted in stock but jumped on my discussion and proceeded to order the two heads and a variety of shafts we can test out. He said when they come in he'll call and we can begin testing the drivers out. (indoors-Trackman) He also said I could take them outdoors and test them out. This guy at the retail shop is jumping through hoops while my club is telling me to go fly a kite. I have to admit that my club is poorly run/managed and I knew that. But now I'm thinking I'll not drop a dime in their shop anymore. At least not till they change their attitude.
  2. I played well yesterday. But my post is not about me today. It's about a young women I played with yesterday.... I didn't have a tee time yesterday so I just went out to the course to practice a bit and see if I could pick up a game. While hitting balls for a bit I noticed a couple doing the same. I see them out at the club all the time and met them once last summer. They play all the time. So, I walked over and asked if they'd mind if I joined them. Which I did. They are probably in their early to mid 30's I'd guess. We got to the first tee and me and her husband were both playing the Men's regular (wht.) tee. We hit first. As I walked away after hitting my shot I noticed his wife stepping up to the men's tee too. I thought hmmm? Interesting. Sure enough that's where she plays. She tee'd it up and ripped it down the middle. Beautiful swing. So, away we went all the while a was watching her swing/play. After about 3-4 holes I asked her if she'd played college golf. She smiled and said no. I'd then made a comment like I guessed she's been playing a long time. Again, she smiled and chuckled and said, "no I just started back in June". No way! She was humble. Anyway... I watched her play all afternoon and couldn't believe the quality of shots she hit. I swear I don't think I've ever seen a "beginner" play like that before. She didn't score all that well I sure. But that's not the point. This gal had pure natural ability and athleticism. Many times our drives were very close to each other. She could flat rip it. She hit the ball with authority. I asked her if she'd been taking lessons and she said no. Never! But she and her husband do watch golf on TV a lot. Ha. I mean.... beginners don't hit the ball like that. Many times I could just tell and hear that she was compressing the ball. Amazing. After our round I told her how impressed I was with what I'd witnessed today. I mildly suggested she consider going to see my coach/instructor for a few tips. I swear... this young woman could be a top player in our area and at our club this summer with just a very little bit of coaching. I look forward to playing with them again soon.
  3. I'm pretty sure Nifty was speaking tongue in cheek. Referring to state laws. Not USGA rules.
  4. Played horrible today. Shot an 81 but it was a whipping. 6 fwys, 6 grns, 35 putts. Ouch!! I hardly ever 3-putt but had three today. One birdie that I stiffed on a par three. It was bogie galore all day it seemed. Fairly breezy/windy conditions that wasn't really a big factor in my round. Just didn't strike that ball all that well. Bright side: I did manage to shake a few buck off the other guys in my foursome. Ha! Today was probably the final round I'm able to record for the year. Me and some guys are going to play New Years Eve but I doubt I'll be able to get it into GHIN in time. Looking forward to great golf in 2016. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone.
  5. Yes. Many times Sportsfan. I've seen it mostly on muni's but every now and then around a club I used to belong too. It was on a par 3 two tier green and a couple of times some idiot would plant the cup right on the upslope/downslope. It was totally ridiculous and usually promptly reset. Also on this same green some worker would occasionally stick the pin about 8" onto the green. This particular hole has a carry over water with about three feet of grass before the actual putting surface. A front pin is already hard enough without shenanigans.
  6. I actually played a little better this weekend. Shot back to back 78's Friday and Saturday. I've been wanting to get my handicap down to mid-5's by year end but that ain't gonna happen. I have two more rounds scheduled this coming Friday and Saturday and then probably one more New Years Eve. I may at least dip just below 5 at best. Then it's on to 2016.
  7. Rev you better get to work. You're going the wrong way. Ha. Me too. I'm kind of stuck. I'm going to have to find time to get out more during the day and practice a little bit. The evenings are shot.
  8. I'm going to keep track of you bajo. You and me have the same handicap. I think we're about the same age too. I'll be 61 in Feb. Let's see who can go lowest in 2016. I don't expect too much more from my game this year. Course conditions will become increasing more difficult here during the winter with dormant Bermuda Fws and hard greens. Might be kind of fun as a challenge. I'm keeping an eye on Kenny too.
  9. I received my revision this morning and I'm still at 6.1. (I knew it was coming) I've been playing poorly as of late. Yesterday for example I only hit 3 fairways out of 14 and shot 81. I've been going down hill lately with the driver. Other recent rounds have been better but not great. I think I've finally hit rock-bottom.
  10. Well, Theoo... put in a 29 for yours. It may not be much but at least it dropped 1. I think you've had a 30 showing as long as I've been here. Keep looking at it and reminding yourself that you can go lower my friend.
  11. And you are still my marker. I'm trying to get to 5ish by year end. It ain't easy. Especially like yesterday when out of nowhere I make a triple and a double. Both on par fours. Grrrrrrr
  12. I'd like to make a suggestion to everyone. In your MGS profile (MY Settings) there is a place to input your current handicap. A lot of people do. I'd like to further suggest that everyone update their handicap after each revision. I just did mine. In Texas our GHIN is revised on the 1st and 15th of each month. I understand your local USGA Association might only update monthly. Why does it matter? It doesn't really. But, knowing a member's handicap allows for estimating their skill level or current playing ability. I use mine as a visual reminder of where I am and where I want to be. I'm trying to get down to a 5.5 by year end. The update I just posted today shows a 6.1 down from 6.2. Zzzzzzzz. Getting close unless I get in my way.
  13. I'll add a couple of thoughts if I may. I do believe that groves help/assist spinning the ball. Not just out of the rough but also from closely mowed grass. Additionally I believe a wedge should be replaced or even re-grooved when they get worn down. And they do. I'm come to notice from actual experience that the surface of the wedge helps grip the ball to some degree. My wedges for instance have normal grooves and a micro-groove etched or cut into the face in a circular type fashion. These wedges have the best stopping power of any wedges I've ever played. Some of my regular competitors have even remarked at how I'm able to stop my shots. They joke that have illegal clubs. They're not of course. Now with all that it's also a huge factor as to how you strike the ball. Perhaps the most important. As my game/ball striking has improved through the years so has my ability to control spin thereby hitting shots that hit, hop and stop. From short fairway grass I like to "pinch" it at times. I'd probably use my Groove tool again at least once before deciding I need a new wedge. Can't hurt and it's much cheaper than getting fit for a new wedge.
  14. I have the exact same tool as Phil ! I haven't used mine in a few years but I think it helped clean up some rounded shoulders, etc. I like messing around with clubs so it was kind of fun to do. Did my club performance improve? Maybe. Do I think it did? Perhaps. Will it hurt to try it out? Neh.
  15. I remember many years ago when Nicklaus came out with his "Golf My Way" video; he said it didn't matter what grip you used. overlap, interlocking, 10-finger, etc. Just find one you feel comfortable with. However he went on to say what does matter.... and that's the moment of truth when you deliver the club head to the ball.
  16. I don't recall seeing anything about golf books in the Forum but perhaps I've missed it. I'm not a particularly avid book reader of any kind but this one caught my eye today. And... it was free. So the story goes like this... (this is a triple play of my original intent with the post) I was headed to the grocery store to grab a steak to cook in my cast iron skillet later this afternoon. Next to the grocery is a SteinMart. In my area they have by far the best selection of golf apparel. They carry many brands including Ping, Callaway, Hogan, Norman, Bolle', Bobby Jones, and many others. Great prices also. Anyway, I found a table with Hogan apparel and a stack of books. The sign said buy any Hogan item and get a free book. (see below) I didn't want any golf clothes today really so I just picked up a book to purchase. Before I headed out to the grocery I saw a mark down sale on Bolle' shorts so I went ahead and grabbed a pair. At the check out the lady said the book was only for Hogan purchases and I couldn't buy it separately. Ok.. I said I'd pass. At the end of the checkout she went ahead and put it in my sack. Pretty nice of her I thought. I haven't read any golf books lately but this one might be interesting. I mean isn't anything about Hogan interesting? We'll see. My question to all you is what golf book are you reading? Magazines don't count by the way. Later today I'll be pan searing a NY Strip in my cast iron skillet. And... reading my newest golf book, Ben Hogans' Magical Device. (well this sucks. I guess I don't know how to properly rotate a photo.)
  17. First off Kevin, let me say that your presentations are impressive. You're obviously a smart guy and a deep thinker. I say this sincerely and honestly. How does anyone come up with all this research and then a presentation like you've provided? I scratch my head. I'm not a fraction of that deep into the swing. I'm probably what you might call practical. I study swings and take lessons and practice and play. In general I try to emulate what I see that works and apply that to my own body and athletic ability. Over the course of 40+ some odd years I've gotten much better than when I began. Since I turned 50 I've somewhat noticed a slight decline in the way my body responds. I'm now 60. Today I don't have as much speed and as a result I've lost distance. But I adjust. That's one of the beauties of this game. As for the swing itself there are many ways to effectively hit a golf ball and play quite well. We've all seen them. Some are just scary looking but somehow that guy shoots par all day every day. My swing is reasonably good for my age and experience. It could be loosely defined as a "classic" model. Personally I don't give a hoot about all the research and such. Just show me how to do it and I'll get it. Eventually. Honestly, if I were take a lesson from an instructor and he started going all Carl Sagan on me I'd be frustrated and go elsewhere. My head would explode. LOL Here are just a few things I think works and you must process. 1. Have a decent amount of natural athleticism. 2. Start young. (as possible) 3. Get good instruction. 4. Practice. 5. Play often with people that are better than you. 6. Have a competitive nature. 7. Don't be a quitter. 8. Play as much as your circumstances will allow. 9. Practice. 10. Read books, articles, videos, etc. 11. Try to control your mind and emotions. 12. Gamble (even with yourself) 13. Keep statistics 14. Practice. 15. Own equipment that fits you. 16. Enjoy the game. Your game. 17. ?? 18....... Is your model telling a truth about the swing? I don't know. For me the truth about the swing is what goes on the card at the end of my round. When I'm swinging well my score is low or lower. It's an easy day on the course. When I'm not swing well it's a 4 hour whipping. Perhaps it's just one of those days regardless of the outcome. Perhaps if I studied your research I might improve. Perhaps If I practiced more and better I might play better. Perhaps if I was still 35 I'd play better. In fact I know I would play better if I was 35 again. How about a Time-Machine Kevin. Now that's something I could latch onto. Thanks again for you studied research and sharing with us. You're a true Fellow of the game in my opinion
  18. I'm going to get out in my garage this spring and reclaim all the room I have there. I want to do like RookieBlue and some other guys and start acquiring some basic club repair tools, etc. As for new equipment? I'll be fitted for and buying a new driver and probably a FW wood and hybrid on the 27th. Pretty excited. Other than that I have a dozen of the new Snell balls on the way.
  19. I like this post as well. Be sure you indicate which tee you played from. And by the way... it's not a sin if you don't play the back tee. I sure as hell am not going to pay a hefty green fee to get beat up. I rarely play any tee beyond 6700'. And depending on the course/layout that might even be a little much. Ya know?
  20. I decided take the glove off my earlier post. This is a ball review. I'll post a short review on the MG Gloves later in the week.
  21. Way to go Brad. Good review with stats to back it up. As some of you may know I've commented (crowed) about the MG Tour C4 a few times. It really is a great ball. Like GS Brad I too experienced the type of spin stopping power he described. I didn't have any data to back up my earlier claims but I could just tell the ball was a winner. As for putting; the C4 feels great to me. No difference than a PV1 that I could tell.
  22. My home course is in lousy condition. Our greens are newish... 2nd year and are in good healthy shape at the moment. The rest of the course tees and fairways are awful. The guys that bought the course/club 2 years ago don't have much of a clue to be honest. We're in a severe drought also and that doesn't help. But.. we have water and a new RO system that treats the water. I think more than anything is they don't really have the money to operate a golf course properly nor do they have the right people. I just found out yesterday that they don't even own equipment to areify* the fairways!!
  23. Today I only had two bogies! Now the rest of the story.... I shot an 82 inspite a new swing change I'm comitted to. It ain't easy. Anyway... my round was in 20-25 mph gusty winds. I also had 6 double bogies, 8 pars, 2 birdies and 1 OB. Two chip in's along the way too. Using my new SLDR for the second time I hit 11 of 14 fairways. My GIR is horrible with only 6 today. 30 puts including two 3 putts. What a day.
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