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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by PlaidJacket

  1. I'm so stuck. Still riding the 7.2. However, over the next 10 days I'll get in 6-7 rounds. Hopefully I'll get into a groove and post some lower scores. This once a week game I've been playing ain't cutting it.
  2. Just a friendly reminder.... Whenever you get a revised handicap (GHIN) you have to go into your settings here in the forum and edit your handicap there. Otherwise it never changes from what you last input. I see guys all the time posting here that they have dropped from a 9 to a 4 for example. But their info under their picture still says they're a 9. Take a look at yours.
  3. Hell, I'd just post your rounds anyway Ethan. I basically do that already. After my rounds even when I'm playing with other guys I come home and enter my rounds into GHIN. I scratch myself off the card prior to turning it in so the shop doesn't do it.
  4. Jlukes...I agree with you. I've said many times; and in my opinion, there are two types of fittings. Retail and professional. For many average non-avid golfers (not freaks like us. LOL) a basic/retail fit is good enough. Beats OTR any day. But, for guys like many of us around here we want a professional fitting. For me personally I interviewed several professional fitters - builders before I decided on one. I did my research/interviews over several months. I selected a guy that has been a full time professional fitter for over 25 years. He also builds each club. I had to make a 5 hour drive each way to have my fitting and it was absolutely worth it.
  5. We all talk about fitting and how everyone should be fit. Just because a shop or store has a Trackman or a Flightscope doesn't mean jack. For example just yesterday I was in a local golf shop and overheard a guy asking a salesman about getting fit. The first thing this young (and inexperienced) salesman said was come on back to our Trackman and lets see what we can do. I know for a fact that nobody at this store is a qualified fitter. The launch monitor is a sales tool only for them. I'm certainly no club fitter but if I can say anything it's that club fitting is way more involved than flipping the switch on a Trackman. A proper fitting never starts on a launch monitor.
  6. I bought some new spikes for my shoes today? Does that count? Oh, and on side note.... there was a Titleist driver of some type in the golf shop today. Sorry but I didn't take a pic or recall what model it was. It had a brushed metallic looking crown and the sticker price was $999.99!! If anyone is interested I'd bet they'll ship it for free.
  7. It's that time again guys. In your settings update your handicap. I haven't broken 80 in a month!! I've gone up to a 7.1 from 6.5 as of 8-1-2016.
  8. Mine went unchanged from the prior revision. Still 6.5... whew. Thought it might have been worse.
  9. Revisions are out today. How did you fair... Down? Up? Flat? Update your handicap in the settings above. I nudged down from 6.7 to 6.5. Still trying to get to a 5 dang it. This game ain't easy is it?
  10. Kenny B Spieth is your new name. That's great on your handicap and game. Congratulations. I'd like to give it a try myself but like you said... it's scary. But putting is everything. Almost. I rank playing from the fairway and putting either #1 or #2 as must do's. I updated my hcp.this morning too. I dropped I believe because my driving accuracy has been much better the past few weeks or so. Hence... more GIR.
  11. I just updated my handicap. (6.9 down from 7.1) I'd like to encourage everyone to "edit" and and post your current handicap in your settings. It's easy to do. At the top of the page click on your name and select Settings. In there you can enter your handicap. I edit mine on the 1st and 15th each month. Then after that and under your avatar/picture everyone can see your handicap. Do this with each revision. Additionally, in the settings area you can add your location. Kind of nice to see where everyone is from.
  12. I'm pretty much done with tournaments. I've played summer club tournaments off and on for 40 years. Unless you are a player in the Championship flight or perhaps the next one down you're going to be playing with some sandbaggers. I must also say... I had fun in all those tournaments. Mostly when I was younger me and all the guys enjoyed the food, booze, BS and stuff that goes with them. Sometimes I won and other times I didn't. I usually considered it a win if I at least broke even. I'll have to decide later this summer if I'll play in the club championship. If I do I might only compete in the senior division this time. It's just 2 days.
  13. Sadly the club I belong is not well run. Handicap Committee? Those yahoos wouldn't know what that is. Great course - poor management. The reason I enter my own scores is because the Pro shop is a joke. Several years ago I realized they weren't doing their job when I found about 5-8 rounds they never entered. As long as I can enter my own rounds I know my handicap is accurate. As an example Jmikecpa, ... and to answer your last question in your post. Last summer I played in the Club Championship and the guy that won my flight (First Flight) shot 75-73-73!! Yeah Right. With an 8 handicap! I later found out from another Member that, "everyone knows he's a sandbagger. Even the Pro shop" I was told.
  14. I don't see how GHIN would know quite frankly. I enter my own scores after rounds. They wouldn't know the difference. It's a dumb rule anyway. When I play alone I'm just practicing so I don't enter a score.
  15. Hey Under.... I see under your Donor badge it shows 0.2?
  16. I like to go into my "settings" above; for each revision and update my Handicap. On the first of April I came down from a 7.9 to a 7.1. Since moving up to the Men's regular tee back in November my Hcp. has risen. Also some mediocre play contributed to the rise as well.
  17. Yep. The Brick ugly alright. I won't shoot a 69 with it because I'd never have it in my bag to begin with. To be fair... I play an Edel Willamette design and it's really not all that handsome either. But I putt good with it.
  18. I was talking to a buddy yesterday about drivers. He suggested with some certainty that my driver face will go dead after about two years or so. Huh? He couldn't backup his claim. I haven't researched it either. Does anyone believe this? Is there any proof either way that this happens? Or...is this just a golf myth?
  19. Mine didn't change with the 15th revision. But I've been trending upwards this year from a low of 6 last year. I've also moved up a tee as well. Once the course/fairways start looking better I'm confidante my ball striking will improve along with lower scores. XX
  20. Hey coog.... I appreciate your review. At least it's something new to look at and think about today. Howeverrrr.... I'm not about to drop a penny on a Martini tee. I don't even like the look of them. In my opinion tees are free. At my club there is a large bowl next to the scorecard box chock full of tees. Help yourself. Elsewhere you can even find more free tees laying about....on just about any course. Personally I prefer good ole fashion white wooden tees. If I can find one of my plastic "naked lady" tees I'll post a review.
  21. Just got back from more testing with the Cobras. FZ and FZ+. I also had my SLDR gamer along as my reference driver. Well, today both Cobras lose out to my SLDR. I'm guessing perhaps if I go any further I'll need to try some higher launching shafts. The green shafts are low launching which I didn't know prior to last night. The Blue shaft is mid-height. I've also moved the weighting around front/rear position on the FZ+. I just can't get a similar ball flight to my SLDR which I love and which is reliable. Most of my shots with the Cobras are lower flight and I tend to hit them right. More like a push. Not a slice. It's possible I just got lucky with the SLDR since it's a stock OTR club so to speak. This SLDR is the one I got from MGS for a review a couple of years ago. Like many guys have said.... Why change?
  22. No casey. Should my testing of the two the Fly-Z models prove to be non-starters then I'll keep playing my SLDR as is. There is no need to make any changes in that club. I'll go out later today and work with both of them a bit. Then tomorrow I'm going to select either the FZ+ or FZ and play 18 with it. We'll see.
  23. I played both models of the Fly-Z today with mixed results. However... I'm giving the edge to the Fly-Z over the Fly-Z+. On the front I used the FZ+. Didn't hit one fairway. My drives were too low and I was hitting a cut. Hit one OB right. The club felt solid and had a muted thud/whack sound to it. I didn't like the ball flight at all. Early on the front 9 I moved the weight to the rear position but didn't see any difference in ball height. The loft was set at the highest position of 11.5d. On the back nice I played the Fly-Z set at 12* loft with the Aldila Tour Blue S shaft. My first tee shot went OB right. After re-teeing I hit this one long and straight down the right rough. No draw as I was expecting. The next hole I hit driver on I ripped on long and straight down the middle 265 yds. I was gaining a little more height but still not as high and with a draw like my SLDR. On 18 I hit a good shot with a mid-height slight draw to 270 yds. Best drive of the day with either of the FZ's. Tomorrow I'm going out to the practice tee and work with changing shafts in the FZ. I'll also try the FZ+ again. Alongside my SLDR. Today's conclusion: I like the feel, sound and results of the FZ best. But still not as well as my SLDR. Also, I think the initial LM work I did yesterday was all BS. I have said and thought before that all the launch monitors in the world can't tell me what I see with my own eyes on a golf course. I trust my eyes. It's going to be hard for me to give up my SLDR. For now anyway.
  24. Back on Jan 25 I mentioned I was going to consider buying a new Driver. Either the 2015 Cobra Fly-z or Fly-Z+. Today the clubs/shafts came in and I got on the LM at my local dealer fitter guy. I hit a number of shot with both clubs. The FZ+ was set at 11* loft with the flip weight forward and fitted with a Adila Tour ADX-65g 4.5t-R shaft. The Fly-Z was set at 10.5* loft with standard weight that comes with it set in the rear. The FZ only sits in the rear on this model. I don't know what the removable weights weigh for either club. The shaft I tested for the FZ is a Aldila Tour ADX-65g 3.6t-S shaft. I'm comparing these clubs and their performance to my SLDR which generally speaking I hit very well most days. So why change everyone asks? Because I want to and because I liked the review and data MGS did last year in the Most Wanted Driver. My comments are not technical at all. Here is what I experienced today... First off I liked the looks of the FZ+ slightly better than the FZ. The FZ+ has a slightly deeper face where the FZ has a more elongated head with less "pear" shape to it. I could like either club but today I'd choose the FZ+ on looks alone.With the FZ+ I gained about on average 12-15 yards. Some of my better shots with a gain of 20-22 yds. I'll take that anyday. With the FZ I was slightly less with around 10 yards average gain. Shot dispersion with both clubs was rather tight. In the middle mostly in about an 8-10 yard circle. Hard to beat I think and very pleased. The FZ+ is 1/2 shorter than the FZ. The FZ being 45" and the FZ+ 44.5". The FZ+ felt better hitting shots and quite frankly I could tell it was shorter than the FZ before we measured them. I know you're curious how far the LM was saying I hit these shots. My longest drive with the FZ+ was 244yds and about the same with the FZ. I don't really believe those numbers/distances too much. So do I believe my shot dispersions? Sort of maybe... because I generally play in the fairway but more to the left side due to my easy draw. Tomorrow I'm taking both clubs and will play both during my warm-up and during my round. I'll measure my distances. I average 248-250 with my SLDR during the green grass season. Here in the winter with dormant Bermuda I get much more roll averaging more like 265yds. I'll take the tool with me tomorrow and might switch shafts around and play with the forward vs rear weight position on the FZ+. Today I'm leaning to the Fly-Z+. I have two rounds to play over next few days so I should be able to get a good feel for both clubs. I might take them over to another club this next week and do some more testing at their performance center. They have Trackman with out door hitting. I like using a LM much more when you can hit outdoors.
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