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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. Well I sent a few out and even declined one without a counter, but nothing has taken yet. Your trade with @sirchunksalotmay have to keep us traders content for a bit.
  2. If you look a few post above, they are working on finding a solution.
  3. Thanks for that. Not sure if I want to try it though. Especially if I won’t be able to re-enter my new score into the tournament.
  4. Oh what a day today was/coulda been! It was in fact a career day but also an almost had it! Shot a career best 37/37 +2 74 5/14 FIR, 5/18 GIR, and 25 putts! I managed to play the first 8 holes @ 1 under and went into the par 5 9th with my goal of under par for 9 holes at my finger tips. Smoked a drive right down the middle. Got greedy and tried to reach with my trusty 5 wood and snap hooked it ob. That lead to a double bogey and a 1 over front 9. I went to the back 9 hot under the collar and played the first 5 holes 3 over trying to get my score back to even. I stepped to the driveable 6th hole(9-hole course again) and smoked my tee shot to just short of the green. I managed to chip in for eagle. I finished with 3 pars. The eagle definitely made me feel better about the round after that terrible double to close out the front. I was extremely happy with the 25 putts but it is slightly misleading number wise due to just missing a lot of greens and chipping it close. I can say that I believe I only missed 2 putts inside 10’ so the confidence is growing quick.
  5. Anybody else look at the standings closely? Unless I’m mistaken It looks like the leader overall is a 20-25 handicap and shot a 65 gross/net 40 with 0 putts and #2 is a 30ish handicap and shot an 82 gross/net 49 with 0 putts! Who knew a $600 driver was worth your integrity! Edit: I went in to delete my first round and input my career round today but couldn’t find the option. Oh well.
  6. Do you still happen to have that round open? The one that you started to find the spring invitational. I couldn’t find it either when I went to enter my round but noticed I had an open round. I deleted it and then the invitational showed up when I went to enter my scores. Could be the same issue since you can only have 1 round count.
  7. Took off work an hour early since the weather was beautiful and is suppose to blow(15-20 steady with 30mph gusts)big time over the next few days. For some reason everything with the driver felt forced and ended up having to just play the cut that seemed to be prevalent today. I really scrambled well with my irons and wedges today. Shot 40/36 +4 76 with 2 birdies. 6/14 fairways 10/18 GIR and 1 GUR! Managed to drive the Par 4 6th hole the second time around(9-hole course). Left the eagle putt about a foot short I did have 33 putts but did not miss a putt under 10’ which is huge for me. If I wouldn’t have been scrambling from missing the fairway I think I could have easily shot 2/3 under the way everything else was working. I think all I need is to be chosen for the cobra connect challenge to push me under par! (Just in case the mods read this and have made their decision yet)
  8. Boy do I wish I would have kept Ryan Moore right now! Lol. If Day doesn’t perform next week I’m gonna hate myself
  9. Now that’s funny! I will probably just keep my spot if selected and since I think I have one of the strongest teams, win the trophy, badge, and of course golden ticket anyways! Thats right @Apolloshowl I’m coming for my title back!
  10. I’m not oppose to moving Rory but he is still worth quite a bit to me.
  11. Yeah and the definition is different for all of us. I will say I have started basically every putt on my line(not always the right one) since the grip switch. I left a few inches short but I can deal with working on getting my speed right. As long as I’m hitting my intended line my confidence will continue to grow.
  12. You could always pick up another guy playing this week in P. Reed. I’m still willing to take BAD off your hands and wouldn’t you know I have Reed!
  13. I have been looking at some reviews but a lighter/bigger grip (SS Pistol 2.0 Grim Reaper 54g measured vs SS Pistol 1.0PT 62g measured) made a big difference the last few times out. At least it made a difference in my confidence and stroke. Still gotta give myself some more makeable opportunities.
  14. The ridiculous counter is a much more fun way to live though. Last time I checked the point of Fantasy is to add a little fun to life. I have already stated my position on the ridiculous counter offers earlier in the thread so I won’t bother repeating myself. I’ll just say this, your ridiculous offer may just upset a potential trade partner later on.
  15. This is what needs to be done either here or slack or on Fantrax. While I don’t share your value of Connors, making it known what you want is the best way to go about it minus the ridiculous counter. Simply use the message during your decline, here, or slack.
  16. Got out for a super quick 9 after work. 1hr 10 minutes 1st tee to 9th green! Started with a piped drive down the middle and a great PW to about 18’. Left the birdie 6” short but a par to start is always welcomed. Then the bad happened. Toed a 9-iron about 15 yards short of the par 3 second and proceeded to chunk the wedge and 2-putt for bogie. Just missed the fairway on 3 and chunked another wedge, chipped on and 2-putt for another bogie. +2 overall. Stepped to the dogleg right par 5 4th tee annoyed that I just chunked 2 wedges(normally the strongest part of my game), and smoked a fade over the trees and just not the fairway about 225 out. Pull 5 wood thinking an eagle here and I’m back to even. Took an easy swing so I wouldn’t go over and pulled it pin high left of the green. Chip on and make the 12 footer for birdie. Par 4 5th is an straight uphill hole. Great drive in the fairway and a flip wedge pushed a little to 25’. Make the putt for birdie and riding high now back to even. The 6th hole is a dogleg left but driveable if you can carry the trees at about 275-280 and get some roll. A draw works too if you can’t carry that far but my draw can turn into a hook if I’m trying to go for the green. Hit a high fade to pin high on the fringe. Got too aggressive with my chip and left myself a 15 footer and 2-putted. Now my Nemesis hole. Straight slightly downhill 473 yard par 4. Not sure why this hole gets to me as I have more than enough length to handle it. Absolutely smoke a drive down the middle to 150 out. Grab my 9-iron(ground has been firm so rolling the ball onto the green is better than trying to land on it as of now) and just as I start my downswing some idiot yells at the top of his lungs. I blade it and roll 20 yards over the green. Chip back on and 2-putt for bogie. I would have hit another ball but a couple let me play through and I didn’t want to slow them down by going back and getting another ball. Next up is the par 3 8th. Grab my 7-iron and take my stance. The same idiot yells again as I swing and I push it pin high right of the green. Now I’m really pissed and may have yelled back at him about manners on the course! Chip on and 2-putt again for bogie. Now I’m frustrated as I get to the uphill par 5 9th. Pull my driver on left and Re-Tee(stroke and distance). Smoke the next one down the middle. Pull 5 wood and hit another great shot to just short of the green. Chip it to 2’ and make putt for another bogie. Finished with a +3 39 due to the idiot and me not able to woosah it away! Lol
  17. Just found the area with the reviews and got caught up on this. Great stuff so far fellas and I really dig the videos.
  18. As I mentioned earlier I did it that way but cannot verify if that is copacetic or not.
  19. I know we can enter it afterwards but don't know if it is against the rules which is why I tagged THV. Hopefully we are good but if not I will enter a new round next time I play.
  20. I'm not on it and it is possible I am wrong in doing it afterwards. I took it as you have to choose the tour before you enter your score. Let's tag @GolfSpy_THV and maybe he can clarify for us.
  21. Interesting sounds like a bug or something. If you still have your information and entered you score already you can try deleting it and re-entering it to see if that changes anything. No I actually just waited until I got home to do everything. My phone didn’t charge the night before so I didn’t have the battery life left to even have it running in the back ground.
  22. I actually found it easier to do after the round. As for tee shot accuracy there is a spot next to your score and putts for it. It is basically Hit surrounded by Long, Short, Left, Right. You just choose which one happened on that hole. GIR will be calculated by your score and # of putts for that hole. I used a scorecard and recorded all the data I needed to post the round at home.
  23. I entered my round after I got home. My phone didn’t charge the night before so I kept track of all the info needed to record the round. Mine shows as entered so you should be good to do it that way. If not I will have to enter a new round.
  24. Got out for a quick 9 this evening mainly just to swing the clubs. Wind was blowing a steady 12-15 with gusts in the upper 20’s. Without my membership I probably wouldn’t have went but since I need to get my money’s worth I’m taking every opportunity I get to swing the clubs. Played surprisingly well with a +1 37 2 bogeys and a birdie. One bogey was due to a chunked chip after smashing a drive to within 30 yards of the green. The birdie came from the par 5 that played downwind. I swung too hard trying to hit a monster drive to set up eagle and topped it about 170. Pulled my trusty Srixon F85 5 wood and bombed a 280 yard draw to within 50 yards and managed to get up and down for birdie. I hit 4/7 FIR and 6/9 GIR. I did have 16 putts which isn’t great but I was actually happy. I replaced my SS 1.0PT grip (60g) with a SS Grim Reaper Pistol 2.0 (51g). I have struggled with finding my line and keeping my face square with the PT and was getting very frustrated. Today I started every putt exactly where I wanted to but left 4 a combined 2’ short. I’m good with that as distance control will change with conditions. Zero 3 putts is also something I can live with lol. Hoping to get out tomorrow before the rain comes in to see if it continues.
  25. Well now that we have figured that out, enjoy your time here. I have no need to argue opinions about whether it should be illegal or not as it doesn’t really matter to me. Make everything legal for all I care and play however you want to as long as you are within the rules agreed upon at the start of the round.
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