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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. Correct this is what I meant. Just didn’t verbalize it as well as you lol.
  2. May have to pick up their pistol solution and give it a try. I think this may be a way to trick swing weight as well!
  3. After 32 putts yesterday and a massive 35 putts today, I'm thinking about going armlock. Just could not keep the head of my FCG steady. The only reason this is in thought vs purchase is I have no idea where to start in this armlock process lol
  4. This type of argument is strictly based on what side of the fence your on. The same argument could be made that if YOU think it is an advantage, Why don’t you switch? There is no scientific or factual answer to either question that I can see as it is all player dependent.
  5. Using my own words against me nice! Lol. I see both sides of the fence here. Has he played up to his potential nope, not even close. Again though he is still #13 in the world playing like “crap” and as you say could pop at any minute. He is actually stay wise not been that bad tbh. He is 8/11 in cuts made. 8 Top 25, 4 Top 10, and 1 Top 5.
  6. Played very well today with the exception of the putter. 39/37 +4 76. Started horribly going bogey,par,bogey but settled down after that. Played the back 9 with 8 straight pars until and untimely bogie on the last hole. 7/14 fairways 10/18 greens 32 putts All but 1 fairway miss was in the first cut. My greens could have been higher had the wind not been inconsistent. More than once the wind either died when I hit or gusted mid flight. I hit my irons on a string which was very satisfying. My only birdie was a left breaking 40+ footer that was luck. I will say that the back 9 absolutely showed me that an under par 9 is more than attainable!
  7. I chose to not count it as a fairway hit. I decided that since it was the back fringe(rolled through the green), that I was past the hole design.
  8. I was leaning this way but then thought the other way. Technically the fringe wouldn’t be fairway on a par 3.
  9. Need a ruling! Is the fringe considered fairway for a par 4? Normally I wouldn’t care but I’m gonna enter my scores from my round but don’t want to score that hole incorrectly.
  10. This is great stuff! Another thing to note is know who you are trying to get in the trade. Some guys may have overachieved while others may have underachieved. Potential also plays a part in trades. For example DJ, Rory, Wolff, Cantlay, IM, Ancer, Rose, etc. may not being playing as well as usual right now. That said they all have the ability to win and in some cases get hot and go on a huge run. While total points scored as well as points per tourney are a great help, it is not the end all be all of a fair trade. To use Rory for me as an example (I won’t call out names as I don’t believe anything was intentional and was more to due with rookie mistakes), Bud Cauley and Kyle Stanley are not straight up trades for Rory. Is Rory worth JT, DJ, Rahm, Xander straight up, no he is struggling right now but one thing can click and he has the potential to be right back to a #1 golfer in the world performance week in and week out. So again, know who you are trying to trade for!
  11. Actually nobody seems to want Rory lol
  12. All will be revealed in good time! Time will tell if I improved my team or made the wrong choice on this one. For a little teaser, every guy involved in this 7 player deal has atleast 1 tour win including 5 or 6 major wins I believe.
  13. I wish I could say I remember what the offers were but that is about 200 offers ago for me! Lol. Got a good 3-Team deal going on currently, just awaiting the last team to accept.
  14. If your using the app click on the 3 lines in the bottom right corner Then click on transactions and trade block This page will show what everybody has set up for players wanted and offering. You can click on edit my team in the upper left. It will list your team with boxes to check for who you want to offer. Then you can search for the last name of the guys you want to get in return and check their boxes. You can also add a message which is helpful if your looking for specific guys and how much you may be willing to offer to get them.
  15. Ooops I completely blanked the video. Sorry about that I got so caught up in actually getting to play that I spaced the video. I will get one put together this weekend for sure.
  16. I’m probably looking to do Rory and or Wolff at the moment. JT and Xander are playing well and probably not moveable unless I get absolutely wowed by an offer. Scheffler is my favorite on your right now so it would take a DJ/Rahm/Bryson type guy to let him go and that isn’t exactly feasible.
  17. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been as bad as what I received. I normally don’t take offense to counters as I 100% understand some guys don’t want to trade and/or value guys differently than I do but Sam Burns for Rory/Wolff/JT was a little much for the counter. I would have rather just got a response of “No way in h€%# am I gonna read with you!” Lol Also I just through Connors in there, He wasn’t as important as the other guy in the trade.
  18. Ok fellas. I send a lot of trades and completely understand if any body wishes to not trade. I try to send trades that are at the very least feasible. If you send me a counter of 1 guy outside the top 50 for 3 guys inside the top 25 not only have you ruined any chance of me trading with you in any sport, you also come off as a complete douche. If you don’t wish to trade then simply decline the trade with a message saying so. No need to make a smart a$$ counter. Rant over. Hope everyone enjoys Masters Sunday!
  19. Depends on what you call cheap! Lol. JT is gonna take a haul. He is playing well right now. @Bucky CC I got your offer and still doing some back and forth in my head. I may need more to let JT go
  20. Alright folks Masters weekend is almost upon us. Let’s celebrate with a trade! Could be a big one or a small one doesn’t matter but everyone is on the table for the right price. Send some offers!
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