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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. A little update on this grip. Everything felt great carpet rolling it as well as last night on the practice green. Unfortunately this morning was not as successful. The swing weight with this grip is drastically lighter than the normal superstroke pistol grip. Duh it weighs more so obviously that is the case. What I didn’t understand is that it felt lighter this morning than last night. I’m hoping it was just me getting inside my own head but I’m gonna pick up a couple heavier weights for my Scotty to experiment with to see if I can iron things out. Quick hits: 3” longer but doesn’t make your putter longer so you will need to extend your putter to use it the way it is intended. Keep an eye on the weight as this may or may not effect the swing weight depending on your current grip. To use this as intended you will need to have quite a bit of forward press or play the ball further forward in your stance. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  2. Well finally found some resemblance of a driver swing today. Everything was still a push fade or a pull draw but everything was still playable. I was hit and miss with the T200’s today and was able to get some good feedback for the review. Now the putter with the new Wristlock grip was something I didn’t expect. After carpet rolling it all week and managing to get to the practice green late last night I thought I would be lights out with it. However for some reason this morning it felt different. The swing weight seemed drastically different than last night. I didn’t make 1 putt over 4 feet today. All of that added up to a 43/42 day. I scrambled well on a couple holes by knocking the wedge to tap in distance. Today’s round showed me that I have the ability to shoot even par when things are good and that 50+ is possible when things get off. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  3. I thought the same thing this weekend. The only problem is I don’t drink when I play![emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  4. No it keeps the putter the same length. I would think if you are going to use it for the intended purpose, you will need to extend your current putter. I used a long dowel to see if it would add any length to my putter and the shaft goes all the way to the butt cap just like a normal superstroke grip. The info from superstroke claims that you don’t need to do anything but install right on your current putter but that seems misspoken unless I was doing something wrong. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  5. I have had a bunch of different putter grips over the last few years and this one is the one that seems to stand out the most. I had the Contour Red/Black 104 and 75cc grips as well as the Contour Pro 104cc. The Pro was the best one of them for me but I sold the putter it was on before I had the ability to remove grips. I was thinking about going back to it until I came across the wristlock and thought it looked interesting. I'm gonna take it to the practice green tomorrow and see how it goes. I have carpal tunnel and arthritis in my wrists and hands and the bigger pistol definitely seems to take some pressure off my wrist from not needing to be so straight. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  6. It is definitely different. It is weird to look down the putter and see basically a whole grip past your hands! It is also slightly bigger overall than the Pistol GT 1.0. The more pronounced pistol really helps. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  7. I just received and installed a Superstroke Wrist Lock putter grip. I installed it like a normal pistol grip since that was the reason I purchased it. The end is a more pronounced pistol shape which feels better in my hand. I did hold it the wristlock way before installing it but felt it would require playing the ball even with my front foot or an incredible amount of forward press to work. The grip itself is 3" longer than a normal Superstroke and heavier but I really dig the feel while carpet rolling it. Also I believe my previous Superstroke traxion grip is fake. It feels completely different than this one. Almost like slick plastic if that makes sense. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  8. Got out this afternoon for what I was hoping to be a turnaround 18. Opening hole was a triple bogey while hitting 4 different trees! My mind started to get in my way as I thought here we go again. Took 4 more holes before I finally found my iron swing again. Driver swing is still lost in no mans land somewhere. Something happened to my putter grip as all of a sudden it started twisting while I was putting. No clue what happened and I was planning on replacing it with a wrist lock one tomorrow anyways but it threw me off. I caught a couple slightly toe side and I could feel the head twist. Still managed a respectable 44/41. If I can get my driver and wedge swing back and can keep improving my putting, par for 9 holes is well within reach. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  9. Yeah I knew I was in trouble when I started the day Quad, Double, Triple with 3,2,3 for putts. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  10. Spoiler alert! If you are looking for a magic wand to turn your terrible swings into amazing results, you may want to look elsewhere. I put every imaginable bad swing on these over the last 27 holes and I can honestly say that a bad swing still produces a bad shot! [emoji1787] Ok now that that is out of the way let me explain my poor attempt at humor. It is far too early to say these are forgiving or not or anything else for that matter. I just wanted to make sure that in case someone reading this review thread wasn't aware that no club will fix their swing flaws, they do now! Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  11. Well they can't all be decent rounds! Snuck out last night for a quick 9 and then again this afternoon for 18 and proceeded to forget how to swing. 47 last night followed by 51/45 today. I had a 2-way miss going with every club including my putter. 1 had 43 putts today and that includes a bladed wedge that managed to hit the stick and go in! From the first swing last night everything felt wrong, Stance, Backswing, Downswing, and follow through were all out of whack. The best part of the day may have been the migraine that started on the 2nd hole! [emoji856][emoji3517][emoji107] Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  12. First round in the books and the star of the show was definitely the 6-iron. Stuck 2 180yd tee shots to inside 12’. Made 1 of the 2 putts! The feel is different than the Sub70 699’s. More solid and less springy with a thicker click sound. So far they have been a 1/2 club longer but it is a small sample size. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  13. Got out first thing this morning for my 1st official round with the T200’s. Will discuss them in the official thread though. 43/43 today with another triple and 4 doubles. It all started off the tee today. In all honesty, today may be the first round since I started playing over 20 years go that I missed left with the driver on every hole except 1. Half the misses were still more than playable in the first cut but it was definitely a shock to the system. I will say this though, this was the first round with the Oban Devotion 45 gram shaft in the Gen2 so that may have been the issue. Hoping to get out at least once more this weekend but the forecast doesn’t look to cooperative. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  14. I was actually expecting a thicker top line and sole but was pleasantly surprised with the size Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  15. I’m betting that after a few swings into the ground that new mirror finish will dull out nicely. The pic makes it look shinier than in real life. I didn’t even notice it until I uploaded the picture. Got a round booked for 7:30 am tomorrow morning so the rain had better hold off until about 11. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  16. Yeah I have been a Multi compound guy for a few years and lately have dove into the off brand (so-called knockoff) ones. I gotta say that I now remember what the Golf Pride ones feel like. There is absolutely no comparison. They just feel softer and better quality. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  17. Question:. Is there anything slower than the last few hours of the work week before a long weekend? Answer: Yes! Waiting for the FedEx guy to show up knowing your new irons are in his truck! It feels like it is Tuesday already! A couple quick pics below. These T200's look amazing and the practice swings feel as good as they look! I will give one tiny critique. My specs I sent were for all logos up and the shaft logos are down. Not a huge deal and I may be at fault for not clarifying before hand. 8-Iron Comparison L T200 R Sub70 699 Topline is definitely thinner and less offset on the T200's in the short irons Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  18. Lol. I had my face pressed against the window looking down the street but my wife yelled at me and threw me the Windex! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  19. Another update, Apparently FedEx was wrong that the destination sort facility my irons were at was the last place before the truck. I just got a notice that they were just put on a truck for delivery 5 minutes ago in Clear Lake, IA which is about 30 minutes from me!I decided no pacing, instead I have my spot picked out until they arrive! Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  20. I won’t start pacing until the package is on the truck for delivery. I did google destination sort facility and fedex says that is the last place before it is placed on the truck for delivery. So I still have a shot at getting them today. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  21. Mine are currently in Rochester MN destination sort facility 3.5 hours away. I'm hoping that means they will still be here today. Normally FedEx and UPS come from Mason City IA which is about 40 minutes away but I have never received anything using FedEx 2-Day shipping before so who knows. I would be more than willing to drive that far if it is the only way to get them today. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  22. I ended up taking the day off so i will probably be impatiently waiting by the door! After the get here if it isn’t raining it will be unboxing, photos, jotting down some first impressions and quick thoughts then straight to the course. Should be a great start to the holiday weekend! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  23. Well folks my FedEx account just received notification of a shipment coming from Titleist! This will be the first memorial weekend that I am not on call! If the rain holds off it may be the best weekend in a long while for me! I may just take Friday off so I can hit them when the arrive. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  24. 2nd full round in and posted a tasty 41-39. Missed my downhill 15’ birdie putt on the last for a 79. Still managed to have a few doubles and 1 darn triple. The PXG Gen2 0811x is for real. Just need a new shaft to tighten up my dispersion. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  25. Late night eBay browsing has resulted in an Oban Devotion 45 03 headed my way. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
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