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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. As of now I don’t plan on carrying anything else. That may change down the road but we can discuss that when the time comes. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  2. I do have a generic 48* wedge that sits in my bag since I have the extra spot. I don’t normally use it unless I hit a few bad shots with the 56*. Then it is mainly just for a different feel and to get out of my own head. Usually a couple shots with the 48 and I forget about the bad ones with the 56. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  3. Yeah I kicked the idea back and forth in my head but ultimately with it being 48* I figured it would be more of a full swing club to fill the 110 yard range. I have mulled over the thought of adding a 52* SM7 since I have a spot in the bag open but I tend to use my 56* for almost everything not full swing. I have always played this game with the idea that being well versed with one wedge can be more beneficial that having 3 or 4 specialty wedges. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  4. Here are the specs of my order. T200 4-W Standard Loft Project X LZ 5.5 -1/2” 1* upright Black/Black GP NDMC No Wrap All logos up I have actually been so board sitting at home the last 2 weekends that I have almost went full fanboy. I ordered a new 56* SM7 to go with the irons and then thought to myself why stop there. I already have a flow neck Scotty X5 that will hopefully be refinished this week so I’m in the process of finding a TS2 driver and a Titleist 3 wood of some sort to round out the bag. It won’t be a completely Titleist bag though, the Srixon F85 5 wood will be buried with me! Lol Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  5. Picked up a new Vokey SM7 56* M grind for cheap to go with the t200’s. Should be interesting, I haven’t gamed a Vokey wedge since the groove change. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  6. This was kinda my thought as well. If we end up doing the fittings, it would only make sense to go with whatever the fitter recommends. That would allow me to give a full review of the clubs setup by them for the best performance for me. Even if it isn’t exactly apples to apples in my situation with current unfitted clubs, I would still be reviewing the best setup for me. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  7. Being a club ho to could probably fit myself and be fairly close even with never being properly fit before. I tend to gravitate towards lighter weight Steel shafts. That being said if we are able to do the fitting, I will go with whatever the fitter recommends. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  8. Didn't realize we were taking it to the street. Game on! Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  9. It wasn't exactly my intention to call you or the others out but looking back it may have come off that way. If nothing else this should be fun! Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  10. Well let’s see if this works for you. If @Berg Ryman (I believe he is the only ping tester in fantasy football) is willing, I would change the bet to a swap of 1st round picks or a 7th rounder for a 14th. Winners choice.
  11. The original plan was for us to do a fitting at a Titleist Thursday but obviously that may be difficult with the majority of states with shelter in place going on. I’m still hoping we can do a fitting as I have never been fit for anything other than using truegolffit for a driver. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  12. Also as a fun little side competition, I am challenging any 1 member of the Ping G710 iron testing( @perseveringgolfer @Berg Ryman @JonMUSC08 or @McaseyM ) to any irons only competition. Details will be negotiated but thinking 2 iron only rounds. Best round counts (possibly handicap adjusted). Putter and testing irons only. The bet: A dozen golf balls of the winners choosing
  13. So obviously just like the G710 iron testing we are in a slight holding pattern while things are sorted out due to the virus. As an attempt to keep some conversation going, is there anything anybody would like to see for this review? Any questions you would like asked during the fitting process? I will be doing the irons only round at least once for this review but would love to hear any ideas you guys may have or would like to see. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  14. With the T200 test coming (hopefully not too much of a delay), I keep thinking I may need a Vokey wedge or 2 to round them off. Will obviously depend on the fitting as to which lofts I will need but with a 43* PW and possibly a 48* GW one will be needed for sure. 56* M grind really has my attention but haven’t played vokey since before the rule change. SM6, SM7, or SM8 is the question Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  15. Big thank you to MGS and Titleist for this opportunity. Also congrats to my fellow testers. This is gonna be fun. I am already trying to figure out how I am going to putt with the back of an iron that has a slight cavity for my irons only round. I can’t wait to get started. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  16. Stage 2 post below stage 1 Stage 1 First off I really want to thank MyGolfSpy and Titleist for the opportunity to do this review. For a more complete bio you can find it here. https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/32612-2019-official-forum-member-review-lynx-black-cat-and-prowler-vt-irons/?tab=comments#comment-560524 If you prefer the short version here goes. My name is Mark Kramer and I live in North Central Iowa. I work as a HVAC Technician and as you can imagine this is the busy season for me. Not only are people finally starting the A/C's for the year but the weather has become perfect for golf. On top of that my daughter turns 18 on Monday and will officially have a graduation ceremony on Father's Day. I have been married to my beautiful wife and best friend for 5 years now. I love everything associated with golf from club building to playing to club ho'ing. To say I was excited and anxious to receive the T200's would be an understatement. I took off work the day there were delivered and this was my waiting spot! First impressions are as important in golf as they are in dating. Right when I opened the box from Titleist I knew I was dealing with a company that cares about how their clubs are packaged. I have received clubs from other manufactures that had very little packing to keep clubs from banging around on each other. From all of the pictures online to the reviews, these T200's have everything I look for in an iron cosmetically. Thinnish topline, nice sole width, not too long heel to toe, and just enough offset to help with my right miss without being off putting. For this review we were originally going to be fitted at a Titleist Thursday in our area, obviously with the Covid-19 pandemic we weren't sure when Titleist would resume so we decided to either get fitted locally or if we knew our specs we could go that route. I called the closest golf store to me that does fittings and they informed me that they were never sent their fitting irons from Titleist. It seemed off to me and I will gladly discuss with anyone wanting more details via Personal Messages. I will just say this, I don't believe this is to be considered a knock on Titleist. I have played a fair amount of different equipment over the years and have a fairly decent idea of what works for my swing so I decided to go that route. My specs that I ordered were T200's 4-W2(GW) with Project X LZ 5.5 shafts, GP MCC black/black standard grips, -1/2" length, 1* upright, and logos up(I'm weird that way!) When I received the irons everything was spot on except the logos of the shafts were down. Not a huge issue and probably my fault for not specifying. When it comes to reviewing and playing an iron set, my main focus is and always will be consistent distance. I want to know that if I put 2 similar swings on a club that the ball will travel the desired distance. I am a big believer in not caring/worrying whether my 7-iron goes 165 or 155 as long as I can count on it going that specific distance. I do have a couple iron only rounds planned as a little side competition with [mention=55883]Berg Ryman[/mention] to add a nice twist to the review process. If there is anything specific anybody wants to see or have tested please let us know. Again a huge thank you to MyGolfSPy and Titleist for this opportunity! Stage 2 Review I can't start this review without first thanking MyGolfSpy and Titleist for the opportunity to review the T200's. I would also like to thank my fellow reviewers for allowing me to tag along. While I know I used my Golden Ticket to be involved, I still like to think I had a legit shot at joining these 3 MGS Hall of Famers without it! For this final stage of reviewing, my primary focus was on the course. I did hit the range a couple of times but that was more to find my swing again. For those that weren't following along, I had a couple rounds where I couldn't hit any club in my bag including the putter! Luckily it didn't take long to find it, and I managed to have some of my best rounds ever with these in the bag. Looks: 8 out of 10 This category was an easy one to grade. The T200's are just about the perfect overall shape for me. If I was able to create my own iron, they would share a bunch of qualities with the T200's. If I am nitpicking, I would shorten the heel to toe size slightly, use a satin finish to reduce glare, and have no cavity. The finish of the T200's are a mirror chrome that looks sweet until you get into bright sunlight. -1pt The cavity was another small inconvenience for me due to being an early morning dew sweeper. Grass and water would collect in the cavity and would be hard to get out every now and then. -1pt The heel to toe size is strictly a personal preference and by no means a turn off. I would say the T200's are a happy middle ground between true players mb and a super game improvement iron. Sound & Feel 6 out of 10 This category was the hardest for me to decide on. When you hit the T200's on the sweet spot the ball melts off the face and flies high and fast. As you move away from the sweet spot, the feel becomes harsher and the sound gets extremely clicky. This is a nice thing to have to know that you missed the center but for me, I would prefer that feeling with a more severe miss as oppose to a slight one. I did miss a few to both extremes of the face and my hands and elbows hated me! Basic Characteristics 16 out of 20 The T200's are very strong lofted with a 43* PW so raw distance was never an issue. I did have issues with consistent distances though, more on that later. Accuracy and control were exactly where I'd expect an iron like this to be from a side to side aspect. While the T200's wanted to fly high and straight, a draw or fade were not a problem with the correct swing. I played a few rounds in slightly windy to blow you over windy and knockdown shots with the T200's were more of a struggle to execute. Don't get me wrong, they are absolutely doable, they just took more work for me to pull off. On Course Performance 24 out of 30 Alright folks if you have managed to read through my blabbering to this point, thank you. This is the meat and potatoes of MGS reviews in my opinion. The on course performance is what I always like reading as that is where the clubs really have to shine. For those that have followed along as we put these clubs through their paces, you know that I commented more than once on the out of nowhere fliers that the T200's produced. I am talking 20-30 yards too far from what felt and looked like a normal strike. Consistent distance is the most important aspect of an iron for me. The courses I play do not have many playable areas behind the greens. On more than one occasion I had to take a penalty due to the ball flying the extra 20-30. For this reason alone I subtracted 12pts from the score. Now if your paying attention, your probably saying "But Mark, 24 out of 30 is only 6 points!" Well you would be correct, however as I have said in this thread as well as the "How did you play" thread, I have had a career year score wise and the T200's have been in the bag for almost all of them I believe. There was a couple rounds where they weren't really needed due to my driving but there were there none the less! LOL For that reason, I added 6 points back because let's face it, this game is about playing your best as often as possible. Miscellaneous 10 out of 10 I will use this category to praise MyGolfSpy and Titleist for making this review happen during the pandemic we have been facing. With everything that has been going on, getting us equipment junkies some clubs was fairly low on the importance scale. The fact that Titleist got these to us as quickly as they did was awesome and I can't thank them enough. Play it or Trade it 15 out of 20 This was another difficult one for me to score as I have played really well with these in the bag. This distance consistency thing is huge for me which is the reason for the score. These are staying in the bag for now, even with a trade it overall score. The heads are awesome and I can't help but think a shaft change may unlock the final consistency I am looking for. Conclusion If you decided to just skip to this part as I tend to ramble, no hard feelings. The T200's are almost the perfect club for me. Looks, Raw Distance, and playability are all in the upper echelon for irons in this category. Unfortunately for my grading process the inconsistent distances are the most important which leads to the lower score. I will have no problem amending my negatives if the shaft change does what I am hoping. Total Score 79 out of 100
  17. Turned out amazing. The breakfast sausage patties I made afterwards for the week were great too except for all the smoke it created. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  18. Ran out of propane last night and don't really feel like running 20 miles to get another tank so I'm trying some burgers in the air fryer. Hoping to have the same success as I did with my two attempts of steak. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  19. Wow! This might be the only thing to top the Nuk trade!
  20. With all the Coronavirus closing going on right now I’m thinking I may need a putter. I just sent off my Flow neck x5 to Continental Golf and while I don’t know for sure that my refinish will be affected, I’m thinking I better start shopping around just in case! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  21. Living in northern Iowa , my wife and I decided to give steaks in the air fryer a try. They were surprising delicious. You don’t get the grill marks as you said but didn’t bother me. I think the key to any steak is how you season and marinate it. I simply marinated some sirloins with a little olive oil and seasoned them with lawrys and some beef seasoning I have. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  22. Them are some good looking shafts there. Intrigued by the rapid taper design. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  23. Picked up a UST Frequency Filtered shaft and a new superstroke Traxion pistol grip for my soon to be refinished x5 flow neck putter. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  24. This is what I did. It made an already great price even better since I had my preferred shafts and grips already. The effort was worth the extra money I save especially when you enjoy doing it. Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  25. I asked Jason this a few months ago when looking to purchase a set of 699’s. He told me they prefer to control all aspects of the build and I could send my shafts and grips to them for assembly. I ended up buying a used set on the bay and doing the work myself.
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