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  1. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in EDEL EAS Putter   
    I also haven't been checking in as often I'd like here. Some of this is busy-ness: the boys' soccer season is almost over, and Kirke has his final competition of the year this week. We should be wrapping up our observations and writing final reviews really soon.
    Here's my short summary: I can't see myself shopping for a new putter anytime soon.
    The longer version: my last few rounds have been bland, statistically. I'm not putting poorly, for sure, but I'm not gaining on some of the numbers I first saw with the Edel. One qualification: I'm in an awkward place with my Arccos stats right now. I've played 18 rounds (9 or 18 holes) with my Edel; Arccos will only let me look at numbers for the past 15 or the past 20 rounds. So these numbers are for the past 15; that means that I'm comparing against 12 rounds with my old Odyssey and my first 3 rounds with the Edel. Here's where things stand today:

    That -2.1 is compared to scratch; Arccos suggests my putting is at the level of a 9-handicap. That seems reasonable. In terms of raw numbers, I'm doing fine:

    Happily, I posted some screen shots of numbers from just under a month ago, so we have a nice comparison:
    From 0-10', my SG is exactly the same. From 10-25', my SG is slightly worse (-.1 to -.5). From 25-20, my SG is slightly better (-.6 to -.3). My Putts/GIR is a bit better (2.0 to 1.9). Overall, using my 1/2/3 putt numbers, I was averaging 30.2 putts per round. I'm now at 30 even. This is following a recent round that was immensely frustrating. As you can see from my stats, I'm normally a bit shaky inside 10 feet but very solid in mid-range putting. On this 18, I had only 5 one-putts and 13 two-putts. A huge chunk of those 2-putts were from mid-range, where I kept hitting solid putts but just missing over and over and over. I don't think I even sniffed a three-putt all round. But I just couldn't get one of the mid-rangers to drop.
    All that to say, although I'm not revolutionizing my putting numbers, even going through a "dry spell" with my Edel has just returned me to normal. I fell tremendously comfortable with this putter. My distance control has been incredibly solid (though you can see that, given the green size at our course, I almost never have a really long putt).
  2. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from cnosil in EDEL EAS Putter   
    I also haven't been checking in as often I'd like here. Some of this is busy-ness: the boys' soccer season is almost over, and Kirke has his final competition of the year this week. We should be wrapping up our observations and writing final reviews really soon.
    Here's my short summary: I can't see myself shopping for a new putter anytime soon.
    The longer version: my last few rounds have been bland, statistically. I'm not putting poorly, for sure, but I'm not gaining on some of the numbers I first saw with the Edel. One qualification: I'm in an awkward place with my Arccos stats right now. I've played 18 rounds (9 or 18 holes) with my Edel; Arccos will only let me look at numbers for the past 15 or the past 20 rounds. So these numbers are for the past 15; that means that I'm comparing against 12 rounds with my old Odyssey and my first 3 rounds with the Edel. Here's where things stand today:

    That -2.1 is compared to scratch; Arccos suggests my putting is at the level of a 9-handicap. That seems reasonable. In terms of raw numbers, I'm doing fine:

    Happily, I posted some screen shots of numbers from just under a month ago, so we have a nice comparison:
    From 0-10', my SG is exactly the same. From 10-25', my SG is slightly worse (-.1 to -.5). From 25-20, my SG is slightly better (-.6 to -.3). My Putts/GIR is a bit better (2.0 to 1.9). Overall, using my 1/2/3 putt numbers, I was averaging 30.2 putts per round. I'm now at 30 even. This is following a recent round that was immensely frustrating. As you can see from my stats, I'm normally a bit shaky inside 10 feet but very solid in mid-range putting. On this 18, I had only 5 one-putts and 13 two-putts. A huge chunk of those 2-putts were from mid-range, where I kept hitting solid putts but just missing over and over and over. I don't think I even sniffed a three-putt all round. But I just couldn't get one of the mid-rangers to drop.
    All that to say, although I'm not revolutionizing my putting numbers, even going through a "dry spell" with my Edel has just returned me to normal. I fell tremendously comfortable with this putter. My distance control has been incredibly solid (though you can see that, given the green size at our course, I almost never have a really long putt).
  3. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from sirchunksalot in EDEL EAS Putter   
    I also haven't been checking in as often I'd like here. Some of this is busy-ness: the boys' soccer season is almost over, and Kirke has his final competition of the year this week. We should be wrapping up our observations and writing final reviews really soon.
    Here's my short summary: I can't see myself shopping for a new putter anytime soon.
    The longer version: my last few rounds have been bland, statistically. I'm not putting poorly, for sure, but I'm not gaining on some of the numbers I first saw with the Edel. One qualification: I'm in an awkward place with my Arccos stats right now. I've played 18 rounds (9 or 18 holes) with my Edel; Arccos will only let me look at numbers for the past 15 or the past 20 rounds. So these numbers are for the past 15; that means that I'm comparing against 12 rounds with my old Odyssey and my first 3 rounds with the Edel. Here's where things stand today:

    That -2.1 is compared to scratch; Arccos suggests my putting is at the level of a 9-handicap. That seems reasonable. In terms of raw numbers, I'm doing fine:

    Happily, I posted some screen shots of numbers from just under a month ago, so we have a nice comparison:
    From 0-10', my SG is exactly the same. From 10-25', my SG is slightly worse (-.1 to -.5). From 25-20, my SG is slightly better (-.6 to -.3). My Putts/GIR is a bit better (2.0 to 1.9). Overall, using my 1/2/3 putt numbers, I was averaging 30.2 putts per round. I'm now at 30 even. This is following a recent round that was immensely frustrating. As you can see from my stats, I'm normally a bit shaky inside 10 feet but very solid in mid-range putting. On this 18, I had only 5 one-putts and 13 two-putts. A huge chunk of those 2-putts were from mid-range, where I kept hitting solid putts but just missing over and over and over. I don't think I even sniffed a three-putt all round. But I just couldn't get one of the mid-rangers to drop.
    All that to say, although I'm not revolutionizing my putting numbers, even going through a "dry spell" with my Edel has just returned me to normal. I fell tremendously comfortable with this putter. My distance control has been incredibly solid (though you can see that, given the green size at our course, I almost never have a really long putt).
  4. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from KC Golf in EDEL EAS Putter   
    I also haven't been checking in as often I'd like here. Some of this is busy-ness: the boys' soccer season is almost over, and Kirke has his final competition of the year this week. We should be wrapping up our observations and writing final reviews really soon.
    Here's my short summary: I can't see myself shopping for a new putter anytime soon.
    The longer version: my last few rounds have been bland, statistically. I'm not putting poorly, for sure, but I'm not gaining on some of the numbers I first saw with the Edel. One qualification: I'm in an awkward place with my Arccos stats right now. I've played 18 rounds (9 or 18 holes) with my Edel; Arccos will only let me look at numbers for the past 15 or the past 20 rounds. So these numbers are for the past 15; that means that I'm comparing against 12 rounds with my old Odyssey and my first 3 rounds with the Edel. Here's where things stand today:

    That -2.1 is compared to scratch; Arccos suggests my putting is at the level of a 9-handicap. That seems reasonable. In terms of raw numbers, I'm doing fine:

    Happily, I posted some screen shots of numbers from just under a month ago, so we have a nice comparison:
    From 0-10', my SG is exactly the same. From 10-25', my SG is slightly worse (-.1 to -.5). From 25-20, my SG is slightly better (-.6 to -.3). My Putts/GIR is a bit better (2.0 to 1.9). Overall, using my 1/2/3 putt numbers, I was averaging 30.2 putts per round. I'm now at 30 even. This is following a recent round that was immensely frustrating. As you can see from my stats, I'm normally a bit shaky inside 10 feet but very solid in mid-range putting. On this 18, I had only 5 one-putts and 13 two-putts. A huge chunk of those 2-putts were from mid-range, where I kept hitting solid putts but just missing over and over and over. I don't think I even sniffed a three-putt all round. But I just couldn't get one of the mid-rangers to drop.
    All that to say, although I'm not revolutionizing my putting numbers, even going through a "dry spell" with my Edel has just returned me to normal. I fell tremendously comfortable with this putter. My distance control has been incredibly solid (though you can see that, given the green size at our course, I almost never have a really long putt).
  5. Like
    mpatrickriley reacted to azstu324 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    It's been a minute since I checked in to post here so my sincere apologies. The past few rounds haven't been my most productive putting rounds. In fact, I've had back to back rounds with multiple 3-putts and I haven't seen that in quite some time so I'm feeling a little deflated the past couple rounds. That said, and being completely honest, I was feeling so confident in my putting with the Edel that I've gotten quite lazy with my practicing. For the first month, I was practicing daily working on setup, stroke, pace, and all of the things that we should all be doing all the time.. well wouldn't you know it, as soon as I took my foot off the gas, my putting starts to become an issue. This just goes to show, even the perfect putter doesn't mean diddley when you don't put in the time wield it correctly. I'm in no way looking at this as a fail, in fact, I'm seeing this as a testament to the fact that even the best equipment in the world won't fix your issues.. but what it will do though is let you know that you've got to get your act together and practice. 
    Saturday was my breaking point, I played one of my favorite courses in the area (The Raven). The greens there are some of the best around IMO. They roll at about a 11-12 and are just groomed to perfection. They're not overly tricky but if you don't have a steady pace or confidence in your putt, its really easy to blow past the hole or leave them short if you give them too much respect. While I didn't shoot a horrible score (79) I had 2 doubles both with 3-putts and 4 bogey's (I did have 1 birdie hence the 79). Looking back at the round I had multiple chances for 1 putts that I just couldn't capitalize and the 3-putts should have never happened.. talking 1-3 footers that I just choked on. 
    I actually spent some decent time on Sunday getting back to the putting basics and realized that I was skipping a few crucial steps in my setup as well as rushing the putting stroke. Basically falling into old habits. Yesterday I went out for a late practice round mainly to apply and continue practicing my putting. I was only able to get through about 14 holes before the sun was gone but I was able to completely shake the 3-putts and had a good number of lengthy 1-putts drop. I probably sunk a good 5 putts well outside of 10' and that's a huge win! 
    I'm playing a scramble this Saturday and I'd really like to be the anchor man when it comes to putting.. driving too.. but mostly putting 😛 
  6. Like
    mpatrickriley reacted to azstu324 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    When a Putter that you can rely on matters the most.. 
    Hole 3 at Springfield Golf Club. 

    Actual play by play footage from tee to green. Been seeing more and more of these. 
    The putt at the end was about 12 feet..
  7. Haha
    mpatrickriley reacted to Sluggo42 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Lol, the ending was awesome..
  8. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from Sluggo42 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Worth clarifying: by "feel," I didn't mean here anything to do with the putter itself. Perhaps I could call it a lack of focus, though that suggests a lack of attention. But the "feel" I'm talking about exists even before I start the stroke. On days when I'm putting well, I have this detailed impression of where the hole is, even when I'm not looking at it. On other days, when I lack it, my intention in putting is less specific: the hole is "over there."
    Tomorrow, after Kirke's tournament round, he and I are planning to play together. This will be the first time I've played with my Edel away from my home course, so I'm looking forward to what I see from it.
  9. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from Sluggo42 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Bit of a bounceback round this morning. Overall, I shot a 39, so it felt great to break 40 again.
    Putting-wise, I was still struggling with feel. When I'm putting my best, I take a couple of looks at the cup and can virtually still "see" it out of the side of my head when I look back down at the ball. For some reason, I've struggled with that my past 18 holes.
    Nonetheless, I had only 14 putts this morning for an Arccos score of -.7 strokes compared to scratch. It's worth noting: I two-putted the first five holes, then went on a tear with my short game. While I missed every one of the last four greens, I putt a wedge to within 5' on each one and made all four one-putts to save pars.
    I'd love to see something from 10'+ go down again sometime soon. But the Edel is in no danger of leaving my bag, even though I'm going through a bit of a dry spell putting.
  10. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from Sluggo42 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Another quick update post: I just completed my ninth round with my Edel on Monday (most of those are 9 hole rounds). It was far and away the worst putting round I've had since putting the Edel in my bag. As a round summary, Arccos draws a little line with four points: SG driving, approach, short, and putting. Typically, that line starts low and gradually climbs, reflecting that driving was the worst part of my round and putting was the best. Here was my line from Monday's round:

    I had 18 putts: seven 2-putts, one 1-putt, and a 3-putt. Simply put, I just didn't make anything. Several of those 2-putts were makeable, but I just made nothing. I suspect one problem was that I spent some time practicing putting that day, and went to the course with mechanics in my mind when I was on the green. So I'm hoping that this is an abberation.
    Overall, though, the Edel continues to be a very solid addition to my game. Here are my big-picture numbers through the nine rounds, including Monday's disaster:

    The -2.0 number is my putting compared to a scratch golfer. So far, the Edel is staying just ahead of the Odyssey it replaced. Before Monday's round, I was hitting my goal for the Edel: a single stroke gained compared to the Odyssey. That gain has dropped to .3 of a stroke; we'll see where it ends up in the next couple of weeks.
    Even so, I'm keeping an eye on one number in particular: the SG on 0-10 foot putts. That number remains the worst part of my putting, and it was the number I had hoped to see decrease most with the Edel:

    Raw putting numbers are still solid, again compared to scratch:

    I have fewer 2- and 3- putts than a scratch golfer and more 1-putts, but that is most certainly mostly due to missing greens and having tiny greens on my home course. That said, even in raw numbers, the Edel is holding its own.
  11. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from Sluggo42 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    You, sir, were not wrong:
  12. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from VtheGNMan in EDEL EAS Putter   
    You, sir, were not wrong:
  13. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from MattF in EDEL EAS Putter   
    You, sir, were not wrong:
  14. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from tommc23 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    You, sir, were not wrong:
  15. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from tommc23 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Worth clarifying: by "feel," I didn't mean here anything to do with the putter itself. Perhaps I could call it a lack of focus, though that suggests a lack of attention. But the "feel" I'm talking about exists even before I start the stroke. On days when I'm putting well, I have this detailed impression of where the hole is, even when I'm not looking at it. On other days, when I lack it, my intention in putting is less specific: the hole is "over there."
    Tomorrow, after Kirke's tournament round, he and I are planning to play together. This will be the first time I've played with my Edel away from my home course, so I'm looking forward to what I see from it.
  16. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from cnosil in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Worth clarifying: by "feel," I didn't mean here anything to do with the putter itself. Perhaps I could call it a lack of focus, though that suggests a lack of attention. But the "feel" I'm talking about exists even before I start the stroke. On days when I'm putting well, I have this detailed impression of where the hole is, even when I'm not looking at it. On other days, when I lack it, my intention in putting is less specific: the hole is "over there."
    Tomorrow, after Kirke's tournament round, he and I are planning to play together. This will be the first time I've played with my Edel away from my home course, so I'm looking forward to what I see from it.
  17. Like
    mpatrickriley reacted to Sluggo42 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    This is an interesting post. My first putt, first round, and every round since, “Adele” has been the most “comfortable feeling” putter I’ve ever experienced in my 57 years of golfing. But, it’s also the first putter that ever been fit to me…
  18. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from VtheGNMan in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Bit of a bounceback round this morning. Overall, I shot a 39, so it felt great to break 40 again.
    Putting-wise, I was still struggling with feel. When I'm putting my best, I take a couple of looks at the cup and can virtually still "see" it out of the side of my head when I look back down at the ball. For some reason, I've struggled with that my past 18 holes.
    Nonetheless, I had only 14 putts this morning for an Arccos score of -.7 strokes compared to scratch. It's worth noting: I two-putted the first five holes, then went on a tear with my short game. While I missed every one of the last four greens, I putt a wedge to within 5' on each one and made all four one-putts to save pars.
    I'd love to see something from 10'+ go down again sometime soon. But the Edel is in no danger of leaving my bag, even though I'm going through a bit of a dry spell putting.
  19. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from sirchunksalot in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Bit of a bounceback round this morning. Overall, I shot a 39, so it felt great to break 40 again.
    Putting-wise, I was still struggling with feel. When I'm putting my best, I take a couple of looks at the cup and can virtually still "see" it out of the side of my head when I look back down at the ball. For some reason, I've struggled with that my past 18 holes.
    Nonetheless, I had only 14 putts this morning for an Arccos score of -.7 strokes compared to scratch. It's worth noting: I two-putted the first five holes, then went on a tear with my short game. While I missed every one of the last four greens, I putt a wedge to within 5' on each one and made all four one-putts to save pars.
    I'd love to see something from 10'+ go down again sometime soon. But the Edel is in no danger of leaving my bag, even though I'm going through a bit of a dry spell putting.
  20. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from sirchunksalot in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Another quick update post: I just completed my ninth round with my Edel on Monday (most of those are 9 hole rounds). It was far and away the worst putting round I've had since putting the Edel in my bag. As a round summary, Arccos draws a little line with four points: SG driving, approach, short, and putting. Typically, that line starts low and gradually climbs, reflecting that driving was the worst part of my round and putting was the best. Here was my line from Monday's round:

    I had 18 putts: seven 2-putts, one 1-putt, and a 3-putt. Simply put, I just didn't make anything. Several of those 2-putts were makeable, but I just made nothing. I suspect one problem was that I spent some time practicing putting that day, and went to the course with mechanics in my mind when I was on the green. So I'm hoping that this is an abberation.
    Overall, though, the Edel continues to be a very solid addition to my game. Here are my big-picture numbers through the nine rounds, including Monday's disaster:

    The -2.0 number is my putting compared to a scratch golfer. So far, the Edel is staying just ahead of the Odyssey it replaced. Before Monday's round, I was hitting my goal for the Edel: a single stroke gained compared to the Odyssey. That gain has dropped to .3 of a stroke; we'll see where it ends up in the next couple of weeks.
    Even so, I'm keeping an eye on one number in particular: the SG on 0-10 foot putts. That number remains the worst part of my putting, and it was the number I had hoped to see decrease most with the Edel:

    Raw putting numbers are still solid, again compared to scratch:

    I have fewer 2- and 3- putts than a scratch golfer and more 1-putts, but that is most certainly mostly due to missing greens and having tiny greens on my home course. That said, even in raw numbers, the Edel is holding its own.
  21. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from Nolan220 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Bit of a bounceback round this morning. Overall, I shot a 39, so it felt great to break 40 again.
    Putting-wise, I was still struggling with feel. When I'm putting my best, I take a couple of looks at the cup and can virtually still "see" it out of the side of my head when I look back down at the ball. For some reason, I've struggled with that my past 18 holes.
    Nonetheless, I had only 14 putts this morning for an Arccos score of -.7 strokes compared to scratch. It's worth noting: I two-putted the first five holes, then went on a tear with my short game. While I missed every one of the last four greens, I putt a wedge to within 5' on each one and made all four one-putts to save pars.
    I'd love to see something from 10'+ go down again sometime soon. But the Edel is in no danger of leaving my bag, even though I'm going through a bit of a dry spell putting.
  22. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from Nolan220 in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Another quick update post: I just completed my ninth round with my Edel on Monday (most of those are 9 hole rounds). It was far and away the worst putting round I've had since putting the Edel in my bag. As a round summary, Arccos draws a little line with four points: SG driving, approach, short, and putting. Typically, that line starts low and gradually climbs, reflecting that driving was the worst part of my round and putting was the best. Here was my line from Monday's round:

    I had 18 putts: seven 2-putts, one 1-putt, and a 3-putt. Simply put, I just didn't make anything. Several of those 2-putts were makeable, but I just made nothing. I suspect one problem was that I spent some time practicing putting that day, and went to the course with mechanics in my mind when I was on the green. So I'm hoping that this is an abberation.
    Overall, though, the Edel continues to be a very solid addition to my game. Here are my big-picture numbers through the nine rounds, including Monday's disaster:

    The -2.0 number is my putting compared to a scratch golfer. So far, the Edel is staying just ahead of the Odyssey it replaced. Before Monday's round, I was hitting my goal for the Edel: a single stroke gained compared to the Odyssey. That gain has dropped to .3 of a stroke; we'll see where it ends up in the next couple of weeks.
    Even so, I'm keeping an eye on one number in particular: the SG on 0-10 foot putts. That number remains the worst part of my putting, and it was the number I had hoped to see decrease most with the Edel:

    Raw putting numbers are still solid, again compared to scratch:

    I have fewer 2- and 3- putts than a scratch golfer and more 1-putts, but that is most certainly mostly due to missing greens and having tiny greens on my home course. That said, even in raw numbers, the Edel is holding its own.
  23. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Bit of a bounceback round this morning. Overall, I shot a 39, so it felt great to break 40 again.
    Putting-wise, I was still struggling with feel. When I'm putting my best, I take a couple of looks at the cup and can virtually still "see" it out of the side of my head when I look back down at the ball. For some reason, I've struggled with that my past 18 holes.
    Nonetheless, I had only 14 putts this morning for an Arccos score of -.7 strokes compared to scratch. It's worth noting: I two-putted the first five holes, then went on a tear with my short game. While I missed every one of the last four greens, I putt a wedge to within 5' on each one and made all four one-putts to save pars.
    I'd love to see something from 10'+ go down again sometime soon. But the Edel is in no danger of leaving my bag, even though I'm going through a bit of a dry spell putting.
  24. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from cnosil in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Bit of a bounceback round this morning. Overall, I shot a 39, so it felt great to break 40 again.
    Putting-wise, I was still struggling with feel. When I'm putting my best, I take a couple of looks at the cup and can virtually still "see" it out of the side of my head when I look back down at the ball. For some reason, I've struggled with that my past 18 holes.
    Nonetheless, I had only 14 putts this morning for an Arccos score of -.7 strokes compared to scratch. It's worth noting: I two-putted the first five holes, then went on a tear with my short game. While I missed every one of the last four greens, I putt a wedge to within 5' on each one and made all four one-putts to save pars.
    I'd love to see something from 10'+ go down again sometime soon. But the Edel is in no danger of leaving my bag, even though I'm going through a bit of a dry spell putting.
  25. Like
    mpatrickriley got a reaction from cnosil in EDEL EAS Putter   
    Another quick update post: I just completed my ninth round with my Edel on Monday (most of those are 9 hole rounds). It was far and away the worst putting round I've had since putting the Edel in my bag. As a round summary, Arccos draws a little line with four points: SG driving, approach, short, and putting. Typically, that line starts low and gradually climbs, reflecting that driving was the worst part of my round and putting was the best. Here was my line from Monday's round:

    I had 18 putts: seven 2-putts, one 1-putt, and a 3-putt. Simply put, I just didn't make anything. Several of those 2-putts were makeable, but I just made nothing. I suspect one problem was that I spent some time practicing putting that day, and went to the course with mechanics in my mind when I was on the green. So I'm hoping that this is an abberation.
    Overall, though, the Edel continues to be a very solid addition to my game. Here are my big-picture numbers through the nine rounds, including Monday's disaster:

    The -2.0 number is my putting compared to a scratch golfer. So far, the Edel is staying just ahead of the Odyssey it replaced. Before Monday's round, I was hitting my goal for the Edel: a single stroke gained compared to the Odyssey. That gain has dropped to .3 of a stroke; we'll see where it ends up in the next couple of weeks.
    Even so, I'm keeping an eye on one number in particular: the SG on 0-10 foot putts. That number remains the worst part of my putting, and it was the number I had hoped to see decrease most with the Edel:

    Raw putting numbers are still solid, again compared to scratch:

    I have fewer 2- and 3- putts than a scratch golfer and more 1-putts, but that is most certainly mostly due to missing greens and having tiny greens on my home course. That said, even in raw numbers, the Edel is holding its own.
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