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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by skrupa15

  1. Thanks everyone for the great responses. It's been a really good few days since my post. I'm focusing on what I can reasonably do before the wedding: count calories, limit salt, make healthier choices, be more active. I'm already encouraged by your support. @Pug, despite taking such poor care of myself, my blood glucose is fine. But I do have a family history of diabetes so it's something that's always on my mind.
  2. Hey all. It's my first time posting to this thread but hopefully the beginning of of regular contributions. I can't begin to describe how encouraging it is to see everyone share their stories. My goal is to use this thread not only as a source of information and encouragement but also as a medium for accountability. I can only hope that I return as much of those things as I receive. I'm Sean and I'm about 120 pounds over what a 32 year old male who is 5'5" should weigh. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and my knees ache most days of the week. Something has to give, and I'd rather that something not be my heart, joints, etc. I'm considering switching to a mostly plant-based diet along the lines of what people like Joel Fuhrman and Ray Cronise prescribe. That would represent a massive change in my lifestyle, but my situation requires a dramatic amount of weight loss. My plan is to make this change when I'm fully prepared (gathered information, tried recipes, consulted with my physician) which I estimate to be about 10 weeks from now. Between now and then I have several major life events happening that I know will sabotage me if I commit any earlier (wedding ~4 weeks out, moving ~6 weeks out, start new job ~ 8 weeks out). From now until that point I'm going to make healthier decisions and try and be as active as possible. It's simply all I have to give at the moment. I want to preemptively thank everyone for being what I'm sure will be the kind of community I need not only right now but moving forward as well.
  3. July 27/28 could work for me. I'm unfamiliar with golf in that region, what are some courses for us to consider?
  4. No recommendations sorry. But I will say that after I started wearing prescription glasses, my pair of prescription polarized sunglasses is the best purchase I've made in a while. I hate going outside, driving, or playing golf without them on. If you can afford it, I would just go that route. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  5. Crossfield and Coach (#LockeyArmy) will forever be my favorites. I like Shiels and Finch although some of the "quest for the Open" stuff gets a bit nauseating to me.
  6. I came to the forum to ask this very question. The vast majority of the deals are M-Th only which doesn't mesh with my work schedule. That being said, golf is so expensive here (DC Metro area) that I still believe I would be able to make my money back without too much effort. I was hoping to here from someone who has used the pass before. I'm always leery of discount books like this because I've been burnt in the past. I've gone to courses who either play dumb and say they've never heard of the particular promotion I'm trying to use or state a few extra requirements that I didn't meet and therefore can't use the discount.
  7. 29 year old civilian scientist/engineer working for the US Navy.
  8. Our oldest doxie, Toby. Doing what he loves most.
  9. I find that I can walk 9 holes in any weather with no problem and I enjoy doing so. When I play 18, I always run out of gas somewhere on the back. If it's hot and humid (which it seems it always is now that I live near DC) it's usually around hole ~14, and if the weather is nice I'll make it to about ~17 before there's little left in the tank. It's a goal of mine to get in good enough shape where this doesn't happen. Golf is so expensive here that the cost saving is another incentive. It's tough for me at the moment because my league only plays 18 hole matches and if I'm taking time off work to go and play I'm going to make sure I enjoy myself.
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