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About tdc1

  • Birthday 02/26/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mt.. Pleasant, Michigan
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Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. I’ve told this story many times, maybe even elsewhere on an MGS forum page, so apologies if this is repetitious. Also, I don’t tell it lightly (those of you like @ILMgolfnut that sat up all night to get out as a single will understand shortly). I was on sabbatical in Dublin during the Fall of 1998 (16 weeks altogether). Over a long Bank Holiday weekend I booked a trip to St. Andrew’s. I had confirmed tee times for the Jubilee Course and Carnoustie but not the Old Course. When my flight from Dublin landed in Edinburgh it was pouring down rain. I got my rental car and headed for St. Andrew’s. About halfway there the rain stopped, and by the time I got to St. Andrew’s it was a perfectly clear, blue sky. I skipped checking into my B&B and drove straight the Old Course to ask about getting out as a single sometime over the next few days. The gentleman in the starter’s hut asked if I had clubs. I told that they were in the car. He said to go get them. In less than 30 minutes from arriving in town, I was teeing off on the Old Course! I was the fourth member with a guy from California who had played the course before and two Swedes. I had no time to arrange a caddie of my own but the guys carrrying for the Swedes were very generous with advice for which I tipped them nicely. Somewhere in Sweden there is a picture of me in a pot bunker with my head almost above the lip. I remember all six of us laughing so hard as I tried to figure out what to do. Please don’t hate on me for being so lucky — I fully appreciate how fortunate I was!
  2. At the time I was still too new to the game to understand what I was getting into!
  3. Good early afternoon, y’all! Still on the bench as Covid works its way through my system. Hoping for a solo round on Sunday. In the meantime, watching the Senior Open at Carnoustie which brings back a lot of memories. I started to play golf in 1990 (almost 40 y.o.). In late September 1998 I got to play at Carnoustie — hotel still under construction for 1999 Open but course prep already underway. The first 5 holes played in questionable conditions, the next 8 holes played in sideways rain, and the last 5 in glorious Fall sunshine. Undoubtedly the hardest course I’ve ever played (and not made any easier by the weather or yanking my opening tee shot OB). Still, made par on #18 and got around in 9 fewer strokes than I did at the Old Course a couple of days before. I credit the caddie (walked on as a single at the OC and didn’t have a caddie but that’s another story). Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  4. Made the mistake of going inside for a minute and returned to find someone had given herself a promotion.
  5. Good morning, y’all. Cool and cloudy here in the middle-of-the-Mitten. Sitting outside, feeling sorry for myself. Played golf with a friend last Friday (we shared a cart) and that night he sends an email saying he has tested positive for Covid. Monday night I test positive as well. After managing to stay safe for 4+ years and then to get bit while playing golf . . . Monday night and Tuesday were not fun with intermittent fever and chills but I think the fever broke last night and today is mostly just like having a bad head cold. Still several days away from hitting balls again and few more after that from rejoining my regular group. Okay, wallowing done. The back yard is alive this morning and She Who Must Hunt is after almost everything that moves — rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, blue jays. Only the robins and sparrows seem to have her permission to forage in the yard. Have a good day, everyone!
  6. @Tom the Golf Nut Safe to assume you went 3-under on that hole? Unboxing video was good fun. Glad the maiden voyage worked so well! Looking forward to more postings.
  7. Congratulations! How did you manage to keep control for the next two holes?
  8. I've used a combo of Frogger (and Frogger knockoff), GrooveIt, and/or wet towel and tee. The Frogger (and knockoffs) work pretty well but the metal bristles snag my towel and bag, and if you lose the cover for the pointed tool end --ouch! I've had no problem with the Grooveit magnet (except when yanking something out of the trunk that catches on it). I got a combo package of the regular Grooveit (with water chamber) that I use with my push cart, and Grooveit Mini (no water) when carrying my clubs. Wet towel and tee remains my standard even if I have one (or both) of the others with me.
  9. Loooong shot but fabulous prize so: 1. Cur Number = +4 2. Sunday Scoring Average = 71.3 Good luck, everyone!
  10. I've never been one to set formal goals for my game just generic "play better" or "have more fun" kinds of things. This year, however, I started with two more specific goals: #1: stop trying to hit "hero" shots, and #2: clear the river with my drive on #1 (about 215 yd. carry) so it plays as the Par 4 it is. Welp, no "hero" shots lasted about two weeks (although lately I'm trying to recommit). Goal #2 is getting closer — total driving distance up about 10 yds. but the carry is still not quite there. At this point in the season I have Goal #3: cut the number of double bogeys. Not surprisingly, Goal #1 has the most direct impact on Goal #3 — I mean, who'd a thunk it? My GIR numbers are terrible — a combination of short tee shots and obstructed approaches. I like @matt_puttercup's goal of "67% looks at the green in regulation (i.e. FIR + open looks from the rough.)" I think I'm going to steal it!
  11. Good afternoon! Managed to get 9 holes in before skies decided to make us stop. My battle against the dreaded double bogey went well until the last hole -- pushed tee shot meant a penalty drop. Unfortunately the 3-putts have returned -- hit two par 3s in reg only to three-jack my way to a bogey. Parred the other par 3 from the right rough. Go figure. Also, managed to hit 2/3 fairways with the Terra Forza Green shaft -- two very nice ones (214 and 235) but the "let's hit a high fade" one found the trees and brought the average down to 206+ for the day. As an old golf partner always used to say, "It's an ancient and honorable game. Keep smiling!"
  12. Good morning, y'all! Looks to be a bit of a hit-or-miss day weather wise here in the Middle of the Mitten. Weather Channel shows storms falling apart/heading South while regional TV says scattered thunderstorms. We'll see but I'm hoping to get at least nine holes in. Sunday morning shopping done so time to fire up the coffee pot and spend some time on the porch with the dog (aka She Who Must Hunt -- never had a Lab with a prey drive as strong as hers). Have a great day, everyone. Be safe and be kind.
  13. Good morning, everyone! It’s been awhile. No golf today. My home course is usually packed on Saturdays with traveling groups and Michigan weather is hotter/more humid than normal. I did get the Cub Cadet in for service this morning—helps to have a golf partner with a truck and trailer! Apparently, my annual allotment of 2 weeks of good golf has expired. Last couple of rounds have been pretty rough. Double bogies and 3 putts are back out in force—the latter often causing the former. However, the Terra Forza Green shaft in the driver continues to perform well—distance still up +10 yards and FIR near 70%—so that’s good. Hope all y’all have a great weekend!
  14. The right graphite can help keep the ball in the height profile you prefer but it will take a good fitting.
  15. I made the switch less because of aches and pains but more for overall weight and higher launch. In my experience: easier to carry, a bit faster swing, and visibly higher launch. No regrets at all.
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