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About Beakbryce

  • Birthday 11/10/1952

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix AZ
  • Interests
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    no one

Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Styling. Fedora's should make a comeback... As for me, summer I wear mostly land ends' super T mock neck short sleeve untucked and winter change to long sleeve mock necks under rugby shirts, untucked. I don't style per se... or any other way but I am damn comfy! Jeez, I even wear cargo shorts exclusively 98% of the days here in AZ. If people want to judge me by my clothes that's their problem, not mine. I prefer not to know people that simplistic anyway.
  2. we must be from the same generation with the same history and thought process!
  3. Untucked. I have gone back and forth on the need for dress regulations for golf course wear, but I wouldn't play a course that demanded a tucked shirt. That being said, if it was Augusta, I would tuck, but loosely tuck! To many places to play otherwise. I do respect golf courses right to impose dress codes. They are a business and want their clientele to expect and receive a certain amount of consistency. I do however personally hate the argument that to attract people to golf everything needs to be relaxed, easier, faster, louder. Even golfers that play a relaxed set of rules like my group, realize part of the fun of golf is that it is hard. Buckle up buttercup. I am lucky the courses I play have just enough clothing regs to make sense but are not too stuffy or pretentious to take themselves too seriously.
  4. I am all in on this choice for Captain. He should bring a refreshing younger attitude to the Ryder Cup. Not having been a vice or captain is overrated. Some guys can just lead. Look, I know there are some popular players on Tour. Popularity doesn't win. I look forward to picks of some of the younger guys on tour and letting the boys club go unless they play their way on! Less vice Captains, to many cooks spoil the broth, and actually, less picks. Play your way on. If there isn't going to be less picks, actually pick the guys that are hot during the FedEx Cup playoffs. The Captain can't go all Tom Watson on the players, but the players need to understand there is a Captain for a reason. BTW, if this means building a big lead over the first 2 days, even if someone doesn't play until Sunday singles, so be it. The Europeans started to win using this strategy way back when and it wouldn't hurt us to bruise an ego but still win! One suggestion I do have is to hire a stats and analytics guy to do the job like Edward Molinari did for the European side in the last Cup. Then I would also hire someone like Tom Doak to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both teams using that info and then lead the effort to set up Bethpage to our advantage. Heck, make him an assistant coach if that will help. Lets get outside the box and win this thang!
  5. Change the adjustable settings on my driver! Play the next day. Something for most of you to look forward to, when you are retired, there is no such thing as a really "bad" round!
  6. Record. Fast forward at 1x. Slow down for a particularly good shot.
  7. Retired. 18 or bust. BTW, why are we limiting it to 18 as a high number? Again, retired. BTW, watching the three best players in the world get eaten alive by the 5th hole. their 13th, so suspect they wished they had played 9...
  8. Recipient of the dozen Bridgestone ball giveaway so am using the BX RS until they run out. I gave three sleeves away to wife and playing partners so at 5-6 rounds a ball running out could be soon. I like the ball. Little shorter off the driver for me but longer off everything else. I know, I can't explain it either. Then into the shoe box for found Pro V1, V1X, AVX, Vice Pro Plus, and Chrome Soft X LS.
  9. The quote if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all comes to mind for me as well as other's so far. There's a snake in them there grass... That's nice, isn't it?
  10. What fun. great job. now if you could just figure out how to hook an Alphard motor to it...
  11. I also do a heavenwood and a 4 H with similar adjustment to lofts.
  12. Hours hitting golf balls without a plan would seem to lack focus. Maybe if he played the course on the practice range. It also sounds like he isn't picking a target and seeing the shot. Play what ever he hits off #1, hit what would be a normal 2nd shot, etc. Focus on what the shot would look like based on the previous shot and where he thinks it left him. Needs to actually get behind the ball on the range, see that hole in his mind, and the aim point. Range is wide open so missing isn't end of the world.This keeps it from being I am going to hit 100 8 irons and go from there. As much as he plays, there is little value in repetitive swings without a plan. Maybe if one of his buddies went once in awhile to the range with him and he describes the shot he needs to hit and how he is going to do that to the buddy? No advice though. Just let him think and hit. I have a hitting mat on my back porch. I don't hit a ball, just get in 20-30 swings on days I am not playing. I swing and "see" the ball flight, really good shots there! Positive reinforcement of what I am doing. Maybe chip some wiffle balls. Again, no expectations. I don't know, maybe get him some of the new Bridgestones with the new line up, see shot, focus on green dot balls. Reorient the thinking on the course.
  13. I have told a lot of people this. STOP keeping score. Golf can be about the journey if you let it. Somehow we have been bamboozled in to believing our score determines our worth and our improvement. In your buddies case, the minute he can stop comparing his score to everyone else and himself, the sooner he can just remember a few good shots each round, the better off he will be.
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