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PING Apologist #9

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PING Apologist #9 last won the day on June 9 2019

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About PING Apologist #9

  • Birthday 08/03/1968

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    Golf, Fly Fishing, Bowling, Vacations to anywhere with a beach, Football game day parties, BSU Tailgates, House parties of any kind, Cooking, Naps.
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    Found site on my own

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  1. Went out mid-morning yesterday to hit a medium bucket before the heat settled in, and wound up going out to play. I was supposed to be grouped in with a 3-some, but they no-showed and they let me go out alone. Fine, good practice time. Sputtered quite a bit on the front, but then played bogie golf on the back. Made 3 pars the whole round, all on par-3's including my "nemesis" hole at #4. I give myself an "OK" for the day. Edit: Forgot to mention that I literally played until my hands bled. Had to ask a marshal for some Band-Aids to cover the blisters I made on both my index and ring fingers on my right hand at hole #12. He didn't have any but zipped to the clubhouse and came all the way back out to meet me at #13 with them. Left him a tip with the staff after the round.
  2. Indeed he was. That's his 3w, and if you think that's old, you should see his blades...He also still has a PING Eye-II wedge in play as well...
  3. Played at the Coeur d"Alene Resort Course Sunday with my buddy Dave who picked up the bill on everything! Thanks Dave!!!! Our golfing stunk, but what a day! We were assigned a Forecaddie (Ty) and rode the course in one of the most luxurious carts I've ever seen... You get unlimited range balls to warm up on and hit into the lake. They have separate chipping and putting greens and you also may opt for a pre-round sports massage right there on the range! They also make and give each player a custom bag tag with your name on it...NICE! This is hole #6, a par-3 playing around 155. Both of us had a GIR, but walked off with bogey... My buddy's tee shot to the world famous floating green on #14 into the wind. He made par and my attempt(s) shall go unmentioned...
  4. OK, so my first official excursion into this thread... This is the animal I got railroaded into last year... I call this one..."Wasted"
  5. Such awesome pics! Keep 'em coming Mister!
  6. Good work out there Carl! I'm so pleased it seems that you're though the "bad" stuff and back in the saddle. Keep hitting them true my friend!
  7. Soooooo glad you are getting back into it Big Rick! Keep at it Bud!
  8. The elevated par-4 17'th tee box from the tips at Boise Ranch (not me hitting...nor to the left...took pic...) Best view in Boise. Hit right at Shafer Butte which overlooks Bogus Basin Ski resort in the shadowed mountains way up there and you'll have about 170 or so (for me any-hoo) to carry the creek that runs in front of the green's false-front. I had hit a perfect one this time then had a laser 7w that put me on in 2. Bogie...
  9. This damn 7w I got just continues to impress. Had two long approaches I hit with it today, both from the 180 mark or so. Both started well left and faded beautifully right and were like lasers toward the flags. Both wound up rolling past and were long, but I'll take those shots any day when faced with using my 5i instead. Man I love this club!!!
  10. Had GG re-tip my Aldila Tour Blue driver shaft for G410 from G400. My mileage is varying, and the jury is still out, but initial impressions over the original Mitsubishi Tensei Orange are good. Need to play some more with the hosel adjustments to fine tune it in. Just another experiment to see if it'll help me better translate great range data to better actual play. I also really want to try the PING Tour 65 shaft which I also hear a lot of positive things about. Somethings gotta give. I crush those stupid Pinnacle Practice balls every time and yet it seems I get no more than 200, 210 out there with my Snell's with that damn power-fade being omnipresent. I think the Tensei is just giving me too much side spin. I hope I can tame this beast. I need it!
  11. A very symmetrical 44/44 with 8 pars and no birds despite having looks at 3 of them. 3'rd sub-90 round in as many weeks. I could get used to this! Putting was OK, while scrambling was an A+ since I used my 8i more often than my 60* for more controllable bump-n-runs rather than spraying flop shots with my many near-green missed approaches. Driver was "meh" though with a recent shaft change I "think" it was better on the course. Of course it was a monster on the range, but it seems rare to have that warm-up translate to actual play which is something I gotta figure out...in a hurry! FW's as usual saved my bacon most of the day with 2 fine 7w shots that were, for me, amazing left-to-righters that went flag hunting on both, just a little long.
  12. Couldn't agree more! Many poorly-scoring rounds for me were some of my "better" ones because at least I was having a decent ball-striking day. They may have been going off into the weeds, but they were "pure"! Many times I am simply satisfied with a good hit and if it is off-line, so be it. I'll just say to myself; "that was a damn good hit!" and walk away with the knowledge that I know I have the ability and only need some little tweaks here & there...
  13. War Department was in Phoenix last week on business and wound up going out with the fellas of her group to Top Golf of all things. I was a bit miffed, but she brought me back this; My new favorite hat! Thanks Hon!
  14. Just getting caught up with this one...WHEW! Sorry for the troubles there but so glad it worked out!
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