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Sign up Closed: Bag Boy Cart-Bag and Travel Bag

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
1,492 signups
Equipment Type: Bags and Carts
Vendor: Bag Boy

Testers Wanted!

The MyGolfSpy Forum staff continually work to bring new and different testing opportunities to our Forum members. This Bag Boy test is an evolution of a prior test—with a twist. 

About The Testing Opportunity 

Bag Boy offers products that are marketed to work together for a more seamless experience. This includes their cart and bags that have integrated Top-Lok technology. This technology is meant to hold and secure the bag in place to avoid that annoying shifting and sliding which some bags have a tendency to do during a round. 

For two fortunate testers, they will receive their choice of a golf bag and Nitron Auto-Open push cart. While the Nitron push cart was reviewed last year and received favorable grades, the combination of the two will make for a compelling test to see how the Bag Boy technology functions across their products. 


Travel bags 

The second part of this member testing opportunity is for those who have travel plans on their upcoming calendars. We are searching for two golfers who have a golf trip planned within the next six weeks and are willing to put a new travel bag to the test. We want testers to put these travel bags through the rigors of packing, transporting and, of course, the inevitable airport mayhem. 

All of this will culminate in a review that will answer how much room these bags have, how they held up, how your golf clubs fit and were protected during travel, as well as their size, weight and feel. 

Sound like a member test you are interested in taking part in? 

As with all member testing opportunities, members who are selected get to test, review and keep the products they are reviewing. 

*This testing opportunity is open to all golfers in North America. 
*Registration ends May 22. 
*Testers will be announced on the Forum May 28


Sweet opportunity. It’d be nice to give it a try. In one of the few wallets in my area and I walk a round twice a week. Let’s get lucky!

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Awesome opportunity to test an industry leading travel bag system. Best of luck to those chosen...and what a great excuse to go on a trip!

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My push cart is old and rickety and I am in the market for a new one!  Perfect timing with this opportunity thank you!  My bag is no youngster either.

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Super excited as I love the bag boy product line! My annual golf trip is coming up next month so I'll be able to really test the travel bag.

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As a tester for the Nitron last year, I can say that 4 people are in for a real treat. The only semi-regret I have is not getting a BagBoy golf bag with the top-lock technology. I was planning to replace my current cart bag with one but then I got a Ghost bag so those plans are on hold for now. Good luck to those who apply. Can't wait to hear how the top-lock technology works for you guys. And really keen to see how their travel bag hold up to baggage handlers.

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In the market for a new push cart.  Very interested in learning about the Bag Boy.  I've had my Clicgear for the past 10 years and all of my friends have Clicgears, so it would be nice to have something different.  I walk every round so definitely want the best possible cart. 

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I play in a 9 hole weekly league at the local university and walk it with my current push cart. Would like to see how the Bag Boy cart compares and holds up on the hilly course!

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Looking to get out and walk more courses and tired of my current setup where the bag turns as I go throughout the round.  Would be great for my Thursday league night to walk 9 or if lucky play 18 and walk the whole thing.  My boy just starting out as well and would love to walk with him to show him how walking can be just as fun playing golf as riding in the carts. 

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This is perfect timing. I have an older travel bag and I have been reviewing getting a new one. This Bag Boy is on my list. I have an annual buddies trip (60 golfers this year) coming up June 4th to Myrtle Beach for 6 days. Would love to give the Bag Boy a cross country trip. 

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I walk 2-4 rounds per week with a cheap-o, 2 wheel pull cart.  Look forward to trying out an upgrade.  A bag that matches up with the cart would be a bonus.  Looking for a system that allows me to get it in and out of my vehicle in shortest amount of time.

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I cant stand club chatter, so I have had both the Ogio Chamber Cart and Carry Bags to eliminate this.  I'd love to test out the Bag Boy technology to compare!

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6 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

Excited to have Bag Boy back for another member testing opportunity this year. 

Two great ... well technically three great products available to test, review and keep for four fortunate members of our awesome community. 

Want to learn more about how to improve your chances at being selected? Go here!


And remember, members can only do one test at a time and for most only get the chance to participate in one testing opportunity per season! (hint hint to all those on tests currently... don't sign up... it looks greedy 😉 )

Good luck to anyone who gets picked for this.  The Bag Boy Nitron is a GREAT cart.  I bought one last fall and LOVE it.  It holds my Titleist Players 4+ so well, I don't even have to attach the straps and never have to worry about my clubs rotating or dealing with some of the other frustrations I've had with other cart / bag combos in the past.

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What a great testing op. I love my wife. She apparently also supports my golfing habit. For Christmas I received a push/pull cart from her and the kids. I believe it is called a “Lite Rider.” It is in fact light in weight, but it also light in function. I suppose it beats carrying my bag but I’m not sure by how much. At least it’s the thought that counts. 

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Many thanks for the opportunity.  Hopefully I will be selected as I always prefer to walk the courses as and when possible. I currently use a Sun Mountain Micro Cart , which has seen better days.

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I play every day.  I walk to the course and walk the course.  Currently using a 10 year old Clicgear with a  lot of miles on it.  Would love to test the Nitron Auto-Open push cart and bag



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Another great opportunity, my son has a cheapo model we use on the course, I just spend the buck to rent of their crappy ones when he and I go.  

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