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Sign up Closed: ExPutt RG

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3,084 signups
Equipment Type: Technology
Vendor: ExPutt


Do you find putting practice boring or repetitive? Is it something you avoid doing because it is not true enough to real-world situations? ExPutt is a putting simulator that aims to change that. It is a small, portable device that can be used for fun and to improve your putting at home with minimal space required.

What Is ExPutt RG?

ExPutt is a small putting simulator that connects to your smart device or TV and provides real-world feedback and situations to help you improve your putting. The ExPutt system consists of a putting mat with a foam backstop, a remote, and a tripod camera for measuring putts. The system features training and game modes for practice, competition, and fun, as well as real courses.

ExPutt RG Numbers

On the data side, ExPutt provides ball speed, launch direction, distance, putter path, tempo, and impact angle. Want to enhance the experience? Place stickers on your putter for more accurate data.


Playing Modes

ExPutt offers three playing modes. The Classic Mode has three sub-modes: Practice, Play9, and Challenge, which allow golfers to work on various aspects of putting, including on-course play. Explorer Mode focuses on your putting weaknesses. Golfers can select a pin position and recreate putts from the past on real courses. Multi Mode allows golfers with ExPutt devices to compete against each other in real time.

The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for four golfers to test, review, and keep an ExPutt RG device. For this testing opportunity, we want golfers who are committed to improving their putting to see if the ExPutt RG can help them achieve that. We want the testers to compete against each other in Multi Mode and to share their full experience with the device, from unboxing to simulation rounds.

Are you a golfer who struggles with putting? Think this test could solve your putting woes?


Want to learn more? -https://exputt.com/ 



  • This test is open to all forum members worldwide.
  • Registration ends July 3.
  • Testers will be announced on the MyGolfSpy Forum on July 9.


I'm in! I'd love to try this out. Not only looks super helpful, but also fun! I'll bet my grandkids would love to "practice with Papa" with this one!

Add to that the benefits of not having to be outside in the sweltering So FL heat for hours to get time on the greens!

Great opportunity for all....sign up!

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Wow! Just this week I was doing some video analysis of my putting stroke. 

I have been tinkering with my putter setup (toehang, length, weight, and even considering lie) and also trying to understand my stroke better (line and quality of impact).

I am an engineering professor and I believe in improving from data. I believe that putting practice is right now probably the weakest part of most people trying to improve their game. 

I think that the ability to understand which setup and stroke allows me to obtain a better path, impact and roll, and being able to combine it with practice in the real green using my iPad sounds like a winning combination.

Unfortunately, the ExPutt website does not provide much technical information on the data side of thingsm but the screenshots and the test description make it interesting enough for me to crave this.

I am personally much more interested in the data/analysis function of Ex Putt, but I think my son would enjoy much more the simulator part. Not a bad way to get him to practice (not easy for an 11 yo). 

Thanks for the opportunity and I will be very eager to read the reviews if I am not selected. 

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My course's greens are usually fast. I flinch a lot and I can have a 4 foot putt and have a 5 foot comeback.  Last week I was off for a full week to dispense eyeglasses to veterans and when I returned the course was closed for aeration. I played the first day back and the greens full of large holes and sand, bumpy as he'll and slow as molasses I one putted 8 greens.  Now back to normal and I'm 3 putting 4 or 5 greens/ round.  HELP!   I even putted right handed when really struggling. 

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Wow, this is super awesome. I could really use this and it would go great in my golfshack, next to my little launch area (garmin r10, spornia net, hitting mat)  😄 I def need lots and lots of help putting! 

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This looks like a great training/ practicing tool. My putting has gotten just a little better over the past couple rounds. Would love to see if this will help me with putting the reads I am making, and putting strokes. I look forward to the opportunity to test this device out. 

Happy Golfing

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What a great opportunity......I've been trying to get my kids to practice there putting (big surprise they just want to hit balls) but having a system like this to use and provide feedback for would be a great opportunity. I would also be able to provide experiences from myself (30+ year golfer) and my children (1 and 2 years experience). Having this opportunity could provide valuable feedback for the company for golfers of all ages......again thanks for the opportunity, hopefully I get picked!!!

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Oh man. I was just looking at one of these. This would make the perfect addition to the garage sim since mine doesn't have putting. Good luck to everybody that applies.

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Oh please l hope this really works! My putting has two modes, bad and worse. Thanks for the opportunity. 

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Awesome opportunity! Would be interested to see how this could improve putting over my current setup Perfect Putt mat. I’ve been struggling with distance control and trying to dial this in more, just hard to make it to the course to putt everyday. Best of luck to everyone who enters!

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Great opportunity to accurately understand your putting process while having fun.   Would love to be part of this testing !!!

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The putter, the club used most (by far) and least practiced. Many golfers just want to hit bombs and spend hours in the range hitting hundreds of balls and never touch the practice greens. This training aid is FIRE! Would live the opportunity to test and review, while perfecting my putting ability.


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I’ve never heard of this device and company. Super intriguing to me since I live in a big city with no car. Something like this could definitely help improve the game. 

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Love me some high tech training aids! Regularly play sim golf with my buddies, especially with it being so hot out right now. I’m excited to see how this stacks up to some of the other putting aids available. 

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