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  1. I have also wondered if the double X flex of the original autoflex would have been a better fit as well
  2. @Autoflexusa Found this beauty in my raincoat after i thought I lost it over a year ago.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to read the review and glad it was able to provide some valuable insight. Since I haven't traded it yet I very might just break it out every now and then just to see if my original thoughts were correct.
  4. After years of chasing 80 and getting close so many times a year I finally was able to break through on Sunday and not only break 80 but absolutely smash it with a 75 at one of my favorite courses. Neshanic Valley Golf Course has 3 separate 9's and I played Ridge to Lake from the blues which is roughly 6000yds. I shot a 38 on the ridge 9 followed by a 37 on the lake 9. Offcourse below gives a nice quick summary of the round and my round started on the 10th hole and Arccos breaks it down in a bit more detail. This round also brought down my handicap to the lowest I've ever had and officially gets me into a single digit handicap even with rounding. Just a great day of golf that was rewarded and a long time coming.
  5. Still have the TAIII's in the bag and they are doing just fine. I am starting to see a bit of reduction in spin but they still have more than enough zip. I can easily get the 2025 season under my belt with these wedges no problem. On another note I really marred up the 60° by hitting a shot out of some trouble that I didn't realize had a massive boulder underneath so I unfortunately did some pretty big damage to the sole of the wedge. I have practiced alot since then as well as play a few rounds and I have yet to see this effect performance.
  6. I don't feel like I had any performance issues that weren't self inflicted. I just noticed the little details on looks and build of the shaft itself but these have no effect on performance.
  7. So I didn't create a new club for it and that would have been a great idea but this is just the quick strokes gained off the tee with the Dream 7. I got 8 rounds in with the Dream 7 and overall my strokes gained declined off the tee. I wouldn't say that this is the most reliable because I didn't use it on every tee shot but it gives enough of an idea to show that overall it hurt my game more than helped it.
  8. Final review is up. This was an absolute blast to test. Thank you again so much to AutoFlex and My Golf Spy for this incredible opportunity.
  9. Played probably my last 18 holes with the Dream 7 before my final review and went in cold with no warmup whatsoever as the round progressed and I loosened up the speed picked up more and more. Not a lot of fairways hit but overall a consistent shape to the Dream 7 this round of a high fade. Possibly get a few more Trackman sessions in as well before the final review but I haven't been seeing anything that has been shocking from one session to another.
  10. I set out to play 54 holes of golf this weekend and I am happy to report that goal was accomplished yesterday at approximately 6:30 PM. I played 18 holes on Friday at Beaver Brook Country Club and then on Saturday I played at 2 new courses. the first 18 was at Mountain View Golf Club and the 2nd 18 was at Reading Country Club. This was potentially my last weekend being able to take the Dream 7 out onto the course so I wanted to put in Maximum Effort. Friday 05/24: Beaver Brook Country Club Beaver Brook was a funny round. There was no range but I did go to Golf Cave before to warm up and try and get reacquainted with the feel of the Dream 7. Warmup session was okay where I didn't leave feeling the most confident but I attributed that to my body just not feeling super loose even after the session. Unfortunately that carried over to the course and the first two holes were not a great start for the Dream 7. The course got pretty tight after the first two holes so I kept it in the bag till the 17th hole and just used my mini driver instead. When it came to 17 and 18 I figured that I was loose enough and the swing felt good so why not give it another chance but was seeing more of the same results. Just a very weak fade on 17 and a massive slice on 18 that stayed safe. I can't present the Arcoos data for this round because I used my mini driver off the tee on every other par 4 and that club was working so the accuracy data and distance data would be skewed and not be a true reflection of driving data. Below are the results from the PRGR on the course and it also wasn't the fastest day for the Dream 7 either. Reflecting back on the round I don't think I was trusting my swing and just trying to control the golf club rather than let it do it's thing. This was causing lots of doubt in myself and my equipment which is never going to yield good results. Not there was a lot of swing thoughts but there was a lot of doubt. With the Ping G400 release I think their tagline was stop steering and start driving meaning just let the club do the work and stop trying to control everything. During this round I was definitely steering and not driving. Saturday 05/25 Round 1: Mountain View Golf Course After Friday's debacle of a driving day I wanted to test the UB7X and Dream 7 head to head. Because I didn't have a lot of trust in the Dream 7 still and wanted to start the round off with some confidence. The UB7X did what it was billed for and what I expected of it. A bit slow on the swing speed with the miss being a weak floaty fade but nothing that will put me in trouble. I did pull on drive a bit OB but that was user error and not the shaft. Something that my swing can be prone to. After the front 9 I was feeling confident on the swing but a bit uneasy about the Dream 7 still. However I said I was gonna do 9 holes with each shaft so I popped the Dream 7 into the TSR3 and committed. As the round progressed the confidence started to show and my club speed with the Dream 7 was significantly higher than with the UB7X. 117mph seemed easy to achieve with the Dream 7 and would be very tough to get with the UB 7X. The Dream 7 did have an interesting one on hole 17 where the driver brushed the ground a bit but if you heard the strike and saw the ball flight you would never of known. The club head speed is a misread but that ball was sent into a very pretty high draw. It ended up kicking right off the fairway and maybe got a cart path bonus to the final distance. Saturday 05/25 Round 2: Reading Country Club Round 2 on Saturday was at Reading Country Club in Reading PA. This course was one nowhere near where I live and a course I will probably never play again because of it's distance from me. The reason I ended up here was because my fiancé works for the USGA in partnerships and is in Lancaster for the Women's US Open for 2 weeks so I made the trek up to visit her. She told me work was taking a client out to dinner and told me to take my time getting there so I stumbled upon Reading Country Club which broke up the drive there. Now for the golf. Initially I was planning on doing the same thing at Mountain View of 9 holes with each shaft starting this time with the Dream 7 but that plan quickly changed. The Dream 7 kicked things off with a massive 298 yard drive that was all carry and in front of a group of people taking wedding photos. After that it was just drive after drive of being in control. I had found a free flowing mentality that was working and I wasn't giving that up any time soon. The only "bad" drive was just a pull that ended up OB but that happened earlier in the day with the UB7X and is a me problem not a shaft problem. Ball flight was a consistent high fade that was what I expected with a few being a bit more on the penetrating side of ball flight. Due to the high ball flight the carry was up but overall distance was about the same as the UB7X. But the ball speed had some flashes of brilliance and that was super encouraging to see club head and ball speed as high as it was at times. Since I only used the Dream 7 the Arccos data was accurate and was a big improvement overall. The key takeaway is when this shaft is on it is a game changer. Now to work on catching that lightning in a bottle more consistently.
  11. Been a long time Bridgestone Tour BX player and have been playing the past 4 or 5 rounds with the mindset version. On the greens my lag putting has been phenominal since using it and focusing on the green dot really helps the cause. I have used to do three lines like triple track on Callaway but since using the mindset version I don't think I'm gonna go back to that. picked up 2 more dozen balls within a week after the first dozen solely to save myself from a trip and I was in the area.
  12. This is very well said. If you are already set in your swing adapting to the feel of the shaft is very much like going through a swing change. It takes time but the flashes of progress will keep you motivated.
  13. This is very much what I have been finding as well. you wont get punished crazy on left to right dispersion but that spin number can for sure jump around a bit on you if you are not on your a game. It is very much a knife edge but the rewards and upside are there.
  14. Managed to get to Golf Cave this morning and was able to get some numbers on the Dream 7 after cutting it down to 45 5/8in. Everything that I was seeing on the range carried over into this morning's session (Full Report Here). I was also able compare the Dream 7 to UB7X and the numbers were pretty much identical between the two. They are essentially achieving the same result but the Dream 7 is able to do this with less efficient strike. Something else that has improved with the Dream 7 is consistency of strike. Previously my strike pattern with the Dream 7 was a bit all over the place but has improved to a very consistent strike pattern with the difference being night and day Dream 7 Length of 46 1/8in Dream 7 Length of 45 5/8in UB 7X 45 1/4in Yes the strike pattern is more in the low heel but that is encouraging as it is most likely the reason for the lower smash factor and higher spin. For perspective a golf ball dimple is about 3mm wide so we are about a dimple low and two dimples in the heel. We are not that far off. This for sure puts it in the realm of the UB 7X which is now the new goal of the Dream 7. Another thing to note is thing to note is the dynamic lie consistency between the 2 lengths of the Dream 7. Regardless of length they are almost identical from 2 separate sessions which tells me that the tip section of this shaft is very stable and is doing it's job very well.
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