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Everything posted by hohjoe

  1. Chiefs fans won't admit that. What a pathetic non-call that was. I think if a Falcons defender had done that the NFL would have filed assault charges against him.
  2. A great win for the Falcons and on the road. The next two games will be tough and then the Bucs come to town for a Thursday night game.
  3. I have a C-130 I use on a BatCaddy. I like it and it rides well on the BatCaddy. The C-130 also had more pockets than the Maverick.
  4. yeah, they did. A great finish for the Falcons!
  5. The C-130 fits better and it looks like I can use the cart retention straps on the back of the bag to keep it from twisting on the Batcaddy if necessary.
  6. I have a Batcaddy X8R and where I was playing the course was undulating hills and I didn't trust the remote and I got in the habit of keeping my hands on the handle. Now I play mostly at a flatter course but still keep my hands on the cart. I do keep the remote in my back pocket and will use it a time or two on a round. I often send the cart forward with the distance button on the handle. It will go ten yards with each button push for a max of 30 yards.
  7. I've worn aids for a while now and I don't remember the sequence when I first started wearing them and everything was new and different, but pretty much immediately, if I remember correctly. These days I don't always put my aids in when I get up in the mornings and the tinnitus will get louder and and louder and very annoying. And when I do put the aids in the tinnitus goes away immediately.
  8. The Sync doesn't fit well on the Batcaddy. I returned it and ordered a Sun Mountain C-130.
  9. I tinnitus and hearing loss also. The only thing I've found to help with tinnitus is hearing aids. If I don't wear the aids the tinnitus gets so bad I want to scream and wearing the aids helps tremendously. Fortunately I get aids from the VA.
  10. Anyone here use a Sun Mountain Sync and a Batcaddy? Does the bag fit the cart well?
  11. It was hot and humid in Georgia last week. We tee off at 9:20 and walk the front and ride the back. The hottest I've played was 105° and it was humid. I was drenched when I finished and I was in a cart. I also carry 3L of water and I'll drink it all when it's 90° plus. Before I tee off on 18 I start cooling the car down and I get in a nice cool car when I'm finished.
  12. I was a teenager when we moved to Atlanta in ’66 and except for three years in the US Army and four years I spent in Charlotte I lived in or around Atlanta until I retired three years ago. I’ve lived south, downtown, northwest and northeast of the city. I drove site-to-site as a part of my job, and I think I’ve spent a couple of years just sitting in traffic. Every year the traffic has gotten worse and in every direction. I moved to just outside of Athens, GA when I retired and I do not miss Atlanta traffic
  13. I haven't found a dream putter, yet. I'm constantly looking at and trying, not buying, putters. My one requirement is that it works.
  14. I retired three years ago this past February. I went from playing golf 10-12 times a year to playing 3-5 times a week. It seems as though that's all I do, but I'm having fun and haven't lost any desire or motivation to play. As long as you are doing what you enjoy, then continue. If you get the golfing bug again it sounds as though you are in the right spot geographically.
  15. A family of honkers out for a morning walk.
  16. This was at Jennings Mill. The one in the top picture was on the large fairway on nine going from the pond to the woods. The one on the bottom was behind the blue tee box on 15 going from the cart path to the houses. I saw both today.
  17. I received an email from Netflix to tune into a live roast of Tom Brady, so I did. But, it’s just people talking.
  18. I came home and couldn't find one of the cats. Then I noticed it was sitting in the window.
  19. I don't get that pick. Penix isn't going to help the Falcons this year, or the next.
  20. Falcons fans celebrate that non-trade daily.
  21. I like a burger with cheddar cheese, mayo, mustard, ketchup, onion, lettuce and tomato. Or, a burger with Swiss cheese and mushrooms and mayo. The ultimate burger is Bison, mayo, fig jam, tomato and a fried egg. The drink would be a Left Hand Milk Stout. All the burgers are cooked well.
  22. Shogun. Although, I'm ready for it to end because I'm tired of the subtitles. I read the book years ago which is excellent. And there was a made for TV series in the early 80s that was good. Warrior. On Netflix so far it's been good. Sugar. I watched the first episode and it may be the next to the last one I watch.
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