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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. @ILMgolfnut and I started talking by IM about our simultaneous garage golf simulator projects, and decided to join forces in a thread about our progress, components, experiences and the like, and to welcome suggestions. While waiting for my 12x9x5 enclosure to arrive, I finally found time to clean my garage and clear the area for the install. I really know how to use excitement to grab a reader at the intro, so here are some thrilling before and after pics. The rugs are where the sim will go. The long rug against the back wall is cheap artificial turf 12’ wide, so that may give you some sense of scale. I will surely need to move things around but for now I plan to leave the TV where it is. Yes, my garage is absurdly big. Long story that … for another time. I’m thinking maybe 10’ wide would have been more manageable We shall see We will provide component lists soon and build-out updates for those who want to follow along. Please wish us luck!
  2. Lots is discussion of spring here, so I had to post this good news from Brown County IN: It’s coming…
  3. It does seem like a really great product, and it's good to hear support is solid. My putting issues were purely related to user error - my failure to correctly record gimmes. That will be fixed next time. We need a Central IN MGS outing!
  4. Nice! I played with mine last week. Very nice, and held up great.
  5. This is my first foray in this thread. Played my first ShotScope round last weekend, before I had a chance to study a lot. Predictably, I screwed up the putting. And I apparently forgot to put a tag on my 54 wedge. Still, everything else worked great, yardages were accurate, and editing post-round on the dashboard was simple. Color me impressed for now.
  6. Just noticed the new badges. Swanky!!
  7. Why is cleaning out the garage the worst part @ILMgolfnut? I've been dreading it, even after saying here in the GMT that I was getting it done - it's only partially done. Work permitting, Saturday is the day! Good luck with your sim build and plz share pics and progress!
  8. I totally understand it from the OEM perspective. And generally I am fine with it from the influencer’s side. But it can raise integrity issues in my mind for YT personalities who review clubs a lot of the time. I’m looking at you, Crossfield. Maybe it’s me but it seems he subtly diminishes Srixon’s competitors in his reviews, and poo-poos their marketing claims to a significant degree. Honesty? Maybe. Biased? Methinks.
  9. Good morning Spies! Enjoying coffee and a smoothie before heading into the gym for stretching and cardio. Got some driver practice in yesterday. Warming up was fantastic, with several good iron shots and some driver rockets. But then the right thumb decided to get involved in a big way, which caused the usual issues. It’s incredible how much that one digit can impact swing path, club face alignment, and all sorts of mechanics for me. I have a nice blister to show for it. The good news is that diagnosing the problem is very simple with the blister! With a lesson coming up and pain as a motivator this should be fixed quickly, and I will go back to hitting my version of driver bombs. Sometimes playing drums can be a real detriment to the golf swing! The garage sim materials are starting to arrive. It’s very exciting for me. More to come on that front. I wish you all terrific Thursdays. Fairways and greens!
  10. Good morning Spies! Sitting in the dark in the gym parking lot, imbibing Java, and perusing the forum until my little voice tells me I have delayed long enough. Ha. A dynamic day on tap today with loads of work, lunch with an old friend, plus some indoor practice late afternoon. Then back to the office for what will likely be a late night. So be it - plenty of fun mixed in, and I am grateful to have clients I like, a good team, and interesting work to do. Some days I am better at that feeling of gratitude than others! The garage is slowly getting cleaned. Sim deliveries start in earnest today. For once, all those Amazon packages on the porch will be for me! It’s getting exciting. Maybe time to start a new thread … I wish you all fantastic days. Carpe diem!
  11. Good morning Spies! After a somewhat frustrating workday Monday, and a much better Monday evening, I am up early feeding my soul with golf forum perusal. It works as a pre-workday mood adjuster, and I highly recommend it! Today promises to be better. I hope it is a good one for all of you!
  12. Good morning, Spies! I was away for the weekend having fun. Got to play Saturday. It was cold, and my game showed it, but we had a great time. Parred the first hole of 2024, so that's good! Finally ordered all the garage sim stuff. Now to the cleaning . . . I wish everyone improved Mondays. Mine started poorly too; but I am determined to see improvement!
  13. Thank you @vandyland. That is very descriptive and helpful. Sortof. (Ha.) Maybe the shafts are pured? (It could happen.)
  14. Man . . . Sigh. Why are you doing this to us @vandyland? I really, really like my TS3/TS4 combos. I did not want to doubt them. And here you come, riding in here with the comparison (which I asked for explicitly) and shooting up the joint.
  15. Ha. I see that! Not my handiwork, I swear!
  16. These are not mine! But there is a minty TS3 iron set with A-flex steelfibers for sale on eBay with a current low bid. https://www.ebay.com/itm/305375894990?hash=item4719d25dce:g:SkEAAOSw-uRlt8hB&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Aqjw5X0wif0W4TA%2BwzFQvuTh0nDR0rWv4u52y12zjeab5nhTq%2FWPf47KSzV6ijHUQWSk8%2FsGtpYWM3orbPO0IAHr7wpOmSPzwjTm8F%2FHbmM5v0teT309Ed%2B4XY94PBG2hfxCXKbk0p2DPij5sRBMogZfQ1EpmYwWXh8V3BeBY7Q7Ps5e10IPh5oaCsSg5Iwr%2B0y0vlgGEsZ6f%2BSi3rcdu0Fg2Lw9Qp%2F7Sv1MksC1dIYczl8vD7oltTTptgIxlnlSqzFIIpsmBL9ZXrUx5ubGmhwkYDDM93ToLDTF4wBL0xo|tkp%3ABk9SR6r8xdisYw Somebody should snag those!
  17. Eager here to learn about how these clubs compare for you @vandyland! I also have the Hogans, and game the TS3/TS4 combo most of the time . . . so of course one cannot help but wonder if the TS1-IM could be even better!
  18. Good morning, Spies! I'm arriving late, but so great to see the big new test announcement! This joint is jumping. The sun is out! Talking heads on the radio say January was the "dreariest" in 25 years in Indy. I admit it seemed like it, and I am glad that is over! We got a big deal closed for a client this morning. There are a lot of happy people at that company this morning. Now, on to those that were left waiting in the wings while that got sorted (some patiently, some not so much). I am a day late, but @JAYER38 congratulations on the new addition! Very exciting, and I hope mom is doing well too! @cnosil sending you good wishes for a speedy recovery! Wishing you all fab days!
  19. Good morning Spies! Sitting in the gym parking lot as I finish my coffee. Glad but nervous to get back in there after injury recovery. Think I will try just the elliptical to start, and @Jnoble89’s mobility training too. Very much looking forward to some warmer temps and GOLF later this week/weekend! Happy anniversary @ejgaudette! I wish you all a fantastic day.
  20. Good (late) morning Spies! It was a good weekend for me. Lots of time with FABWIFE which is always fun. We went to a huge flea market on Saturday (a favorite pastime), one with 98% crap and 2% small treasure. I had in hand a new looking Jones Sunday bag with vintage Wilson Staff irons, but the bag was pink/purple and after investigating the clubs they were all cut down to ladies' sizes. Some lady sold a really nice set of irons and a killer bag! And some other lady is going to end up with a super nice set when that comes home! It rained for about four days straight here, so my plan for Sunday golf was a washout. Hoping for later this week . . . I hope you feel better quickly @CSiders12! Watch that closely. Great article @Jnoble89! Mobility training is exactly what I need, and I intend to work that in. Much appreciated.
  21. Good morning Spies! Another grey day in IN, but warmer and snow is long gone. I have coffee in my namesake’s cup … and have started a few hours of work before FABWIFE and I head out to goof around for a bit. Golf is on the agenda for tomorrow afternoon! This will be only my second time swinging a club since Christmas Eve, and first since my back injury 10 days ago. Fingers crossed. I am absurdly eager to get out there. @Josh Parker I hope your daughter feels better! I wish you all great days!
  22. That makes good sense, @ryan.mzzz. Thank you.
  23. Thrift store find! I have not even cleaned it up yet. Feels like a great score!
  24. I agree with you @funkyjudge. I would not try to pull pinned heads myself. Fortunately, the heads I am working with are not pinned, but rather have the bore-through hosels. On a second try the heads came off more easily for me with more heat. Thank goodness.
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