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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×

Off Map Oscar

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    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from USMCSnyper in PXG Black Ops Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    Everyone is different.  You might be a much more upright posture than us which would change things too. Don't go off my numbers I'm far from a pro fitter. 
  2. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from JFish350 in Golf Apps?   
    Can't contribute the rapid success to it fully. I also put a simulator in my garage and I'm on it daily. 
    The shot scope is amazing tho. I love it. The only thing I have to do now is collect the pin location when I collect my ball from the cup. 1 click and confirm my score for the hole. You don't need to use the score tracking but I do it cause I don't bother writing it down till the end if at all. It also tells you how your score is during the round but if you don't want that it can be turned off. 
    Here are some of the things you can see after syncing around
    Golf Pad app will give you the same info at 20 annually but it requires interaction. This is very easy to keep up with as you just need to hit it and mark where the flag is. I rarely mess it up compared to the golf pad requiring interaction each stroke. 
    The v5 is about 250 but you get a gps range finder watch with distances to clear every hazard, hole maps and all the tracking that arcos provides. But it's a one and done cost. No subscription fees. 
    I had 20+ apps at one point I was screwing with including 18 birdies, grint,  119th hole and even the ghin gps app. Now I just have shotsope and ghin to post my scores.
  3. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from JFish350 in Golf Apps?   
    The two I've used the most have been golf pad and shotscope watch. 
    Golfpad was great with a smart watch as I always had the front middle back yardage and with a premium account I could set my yardage with each club or let it dynamically pick one based on elevation change and how I'd hitten recent clubs. 
    The problem with this is I had to select what club I had just hit to get good Stat tracking. And I always forgot. If I could have done it correctly it would be great. And 20 a year for the premium beats 99% of apps out there for the feature set. 
    So I went looking for something more automated.  
    Arccos almost got it but their subscription fee is ridiculous and you either rely on your phone in your pocket or a belt clip add on and I failed to see how that was gonna achieve what I wanted. Plus my phone only ever came out to change Playlist. I hate fiddling with apps and junk during a round. 
    So I settled on the newest shotscope v5. The x5 is touch screen but I read hit and miss reviews of that functionality. When thr v5 announced it wad all controlled by 4 buttons and I love that I can get distances to hazards, turns and layups without pulling a phone and simply clicking 2 or 3 buttons on the watch. Best part is the tracking is almost 100% automated.  Sensors in the grip end hit the watch band during a swing and it record the stroke. What club it was and then when I take the next swing it records the distance for the previous one. It also works for putting!!
    I now have reliable stats from over 30 rounds to look at where I need improvement.  I also get realistic distances for each club. 
    Real info on strokes gained instead of just me thinking about how my round went has dropped several point off my handicap this year. 
    Here's some number to help it make since. I started 2024 as a 26 handicap. I'm now a 10.6 ish.
    For the total of 2024 compared to a typical 5 hdcp this is my strokes gained. Higher the number below the line the higher your score will be. 

    As you can see apparently I can't put to save my ass. And I know why now. I leave almost 70% of my putts short. I've focused my practicing on the areas where I'm gaining strokes and now if we look at the same screen but limit it to my last 5 rounds everything but my putting has gone up.

    Well I've made strides to fix this. I've switched to a broomstick from lab and I know my shots have gotten better but my distance control still needs a lot of work. 
    So I am now focusing on lag putting a lot in my practice.  And I can feel it paying off just need some more time for the stats to start reflecting it. Looking at my last round only. I left 9 strokes on the table in putting. I get that cleaned up and I'll break par for the first time because I still managed to pull off a 78.
  4. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from jbern in Should your handicap dictate your tee box selection?   
    TLDR: your second shot should be a 7 iron or higher loft on most par 4s. If it's not move up. If it is. Challenge yourself occasionally by moving back.
    Long winded version.
    Sunday I was stuck behind two groups that were slowwww. Group 1 was a twosome in a cart that was really struggling to put a ball in play.  The group behind them was some early 20s walking but playing from the blacks (furthest back). One guy belonged there. The other 3 were not getting the distance or straightness off the tee. 
    The two in the cart actually called it at 9 but we all had the Marshall talking to us before the 5th hole. We actually were playing so slow that day that my group of 4 gave up playing stroke and converted to a scramble with 2 mulligans per hole and we were still waiting on every tee box for the foursome walking. Total time was 5.5 hrs to play 18. We were annoyed as possible to be constantly getting iced waiting so long. But our entire attitude changed when we converted to a scramble and had one of the wife's drop off a bottle of 4 roses 🤣. Honestly one of the most fun days I've had playing golf cause there were zero Fs to give.
    My local courses do these colors.
    Long winded point here is a lot of people have ego wrapped up in tee location. 
    If I play with a newer guy we do one of two things. I play the tees that fit his driving style or we do a tee ball scramble from the whites. If everyone can generally drive 250 ish we will play the backs.
    The super slow group of 4 younger guys.  Should have been playing whites or yellows. The one good guy should have come down to their level not them up to his.  
    I'm a big man I should play the hardest tees is a feeling I've seen a lot. And the misconception that the forward tees are the ladies tees doesn't help that.
    So instead of handicap why not 2nd shot distance? Handicap doesn't indicate how well your drive goes. I've got one buddy that can hit 280 fairly consistently but can't hit an iron at all. He's a 37 handicap. If he played the forward tees he would drive every par 4 and never get thr option to hit the irons he struggles with. He's also pretty new.
    If your 2nd shot on most par 4s is a 7iron or something higher lofted. You're at the correct tee. Challenge yourself and move back one. If your second shot on most par 4s is a long iron or wood. Move up.
    And stop calling them the ladies tees. 
    And those that stick to one color of tee are really screwing themselves out of great golf. I have played almost every course within 2 counties of me. Roughly 24 courses. I'm now working my back thru all of them playing a different tee. And it's a completely different experience every round! We have a local 9 hole that I love to go around the backs and then the forwards. It's crazy how completely different the course plays when you add or subtract 25 yards. 
    Hell just typing this out the next time I play there I'm  going to change the tees every hole. Start one at the forwards and move back one each hole then reset. I bet it'll be awesome. 
  5. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    It's all about not leaving puts short. 
    I'll put a tee or pick a hole on the putting green. Take the flag and lay it about 3 feet behind the hole. 
    Then I take 3 paces away. Tee in ground.
    Another 3 another tee
    Another 3 Another tee.
    Now the routine. 
    Between the cup and the tee I put about 4 or 5 balls evenly spaced out. Usually start at what I would call inside the leather on the shaft or gimme range. 
    The goal isn't to hole it but that's fine if you do. Hit it past the cup but before the flag stick. If you leave it short restart. If you get it. Back up about 2 feet hit another.  If it's short reset to the first spot. You do this till you can get to the tee. Once you get to a tee that's your new rest spot. So basically you lag put till you get to ten feet. Then from ten to twenty and then twenty to thirty. 
    Hopefully that makes sense. It's absolutely been helping. 
  6. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from USMCSnyper in PXG Black Ops Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    See I'm 6ft3 and have a 36in wrist to floor. And I fit normal clubs. My buddy is 6ft4 normal clubs as his wrist to floor is 35.5 ish. Running a plus 2 we wouldn't be able to hit anything.  Super weird to me that with longer arms you got such a longer club
  7. Haha
    Off Map Oscar reacted to cnosil in Kirkland Balls are worth the hype   
    Since you seem to indicate that you don’t know what equipment (or protocols)  for the MGS testing it is listed here:https://mygolfspy.com/about-mygolfspy-ball-lab/    I’d say the industrial lab grade scale is fairly high quality and definitely comparable to your scale.  
  8. Haha
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Deadwalleye in Show us your Maltby!!!   
    Well there goes me being productive today.  Youtube rabbit hole here i come. 
  9. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Beakbryce in What are you using to calculate your handicap?   
    It's worth getting a legit membership to your state or area association. I'm in the Utah Golf Association and the membership is only 50 but I get coupons to local courses and shops that easily make up for it and then the member play days and tournaments are absolutely worth it. In the next two months I'm playing 3 different country clubs I would never have a shot at including the only Arnold player signature course in utah. And it's only 100 bucks with the cart. 
    Join your area association. Worth it. 
  10. Like
    Off Map Oscar reacted to BIG STU in Kirkland Balls are worth the hype   
    I tend to agree with you on real world face value performance. Every one is different. One of the reasons there are so many balls out there today with choices in covers and compressions. I will also say something that has maybe not been mentioned. Along with our different swings balls react differently off of different club heads and different shafts too depending on who swings them. IMHO the robot tests only give a consistent over the board fair test. Like you said the Kirkland works good for you and your game where the Maxfli did not. I can see that in a real world test. I have not hit any of the new Kirkland balls so I can not say for sure with me. On the original Kirklands we could not get them here. A friend of mine from Florida sent me a sleeve. I used them and they performed great for me. In fact if you go way back on here in the original Kirkland thread I questioned the legality of the ball. 
    Like everything else in this game one has to determine what works for their game. What works for you may/or may not work for me. At the price point I say if the Kirkland ball works for you that is a good thing
  11. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Today will be lag putting before I play my round for men's league. 
    I switched to a broomstick and I need distance control.  
    My coach gave me a great routine that I'm actually using with both my putting and chipping now. 
  12. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Gravenor in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    It's all about not leaving puts short. 
    I'll put a tee or pick a hole on the putting green. Take the flag and lay it about 3 feet behind the hole. 
    Then I take 3 paces away. Tee in ground.
    Another 3 another tee
    Another 3 Another tee.
    Now the routine. 
    Between the cup and the tee I put about 4 or 5 balls evenly spaced out. Usually start at what I would call inside the leather on the shaft or gimme range. 
    The goal isn't to hole it but that's fine if you do. Hit it past the cup but before the flag stick. If you leave it short restart. If you get it. Back up about 2 feet hit another.  If it's short reset to the first spot. You do this till you can get to the tee. Once you get to a tee that's your new rest spot. So basically you lag put till you get to ten feet. Then from ten to twenty and then twenty to thirty. 
    Hopefully that makes sense. It's absolutely been helping. 
  13. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    The greens is probably the culprit 😅🤣😂
  14. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    4 putt. Ooof. Those cause nightmares. I'd wake up in a cold sweat 
  15. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Dweed in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    It's all about not leaving puts short. 
    I'll put a tee or pick a hole on the putting green. Take the flag and lay it about 3 feet behind the hole. 
    Then I take 3 paces away. Tee in ground.
    Another 3 another tee
    Another 3 Another tee.
    Now the routine. 
    Between the cup and the tee I put about 4 or 5 balls evenly spaced out. Usually start at what I would call inside the leather on the shaft or gimme range. 
    The goal isn't to hole it but that's fine if you do. Hit it past the cup but before the flag stick. If you leave it short restart. If you get it. Back up about 2 feet hit another.  If it's short reset to the first spot. You do this till you can get to the tee. Once you get to a tee that's your new rest spot. So basically you lag put till you get to ten feet. Then from ten to twenty and then twenty to thirty. 
    Hopefully that makes sense. It's absolutely been helping. 
  16. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from USMCSnyper in PXG Black Ops Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    Curious on you super tall guys 
    What is your wrist to floor length? 
  17. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Rob Person in How'd you play?   
    The greens is probably the culprit 😅🤣😂
  18. Sad
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Rob Person in How'd you play?   
    4 putt. Ooof. Those cause nightmares. I'd wake up in a cold sweat 
  19. Fire
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    Wednesday Men's league is 9 holes. Played well. Ended up with a 40 that should have been a 37. Had a blow up par 3 that ended that dream. Finally getting this broomstick to work right for me. No three puts and my best drive to date 😁

    playing the club championship this weekend. Itll be my first ever 2 day tournament. This gives me hope of placing okay. I know I wont win but I really want to play a 2 day as i havent done that yet
  20. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Lefty11 in Vice Golf Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    Not these specifically but I have been eyeing almost every player distance from out for the last few months. I've hit everything in the used racks at my local global golf store. It's called uitna golf but global is the parent company.  
    I really like P770 and srixon zx5. I was debating the copper 790s but that's just cause I have the wedges in that color. Since I'm military I can get 15% on almost every brand except titlest. The zx5 is on sale and that 15% I almost did it. Couldn't get the exact shaft I wanted on their builder but close enough.  Honestly I looked at these cause of the price. And I had a 10% off coupon hiding in my inbox. Watched a few videos. Dig the look. And what I've found is no one makes a "BAD" club currently.  I've hit everything under the sun in those used sets at the shop and they are all close enough that it's mostly about feel. Plus with the 60 return policy I'm not too stressed that they won't be right. I can only hit the 7 iron for that policy but that's fine. I have a sim. I'll swing that till I'm very comfortable with it before I even unwrap the others. If it's wrong for me. Those srixon are still an option. 
    Did you do a phone or in person with pxg?
  21. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Lefty11 in Vice Golf Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    Thats gonna look good. The neon letters vs the white shaft to that grip will stand out for sure. 
    I was so tempted to go for a full color splat too but ended up doing a white on, on white only cause the other colors were price increase I didn't want. I did the acid lime grips tho.  Crisp and Clean with a touch of obnoxious. It fits my style 🤣
     I ended up with a demo set of golf pride align max and like them a lot over the standard align grips. Might swap back to those in 2025 when they release them for real. Wish they did more colors but sei la vi
  22. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Old New Golfer in Vice Golf Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    That's great. Part of my drive for players clubs over the game improvements is that I can't hit anything over my 6 iron and the 6 can be a struggle. If you look at the specs of the game improvements my 7-Iron is 28* and 37.5. I understand the purpose of this to gain distance and increase speed but I've hit the point in my game where it's determintal. The trade off for this distance is spin. 
    So a typically lofted 7 iron is 33* a players distance falls around 30* and game improvement will hit 28* the pxg XP line is even crazier at 27* I'm hitting greens and rolling off the back. I started to notice this especially on short par 3s where my buddy with mizunos at the player distance iron ball would dead stop and I'd roll off the back with nearly the same impacts. I need more spin. Now that's just 7 iron. Imagine how much worse it gets in the long irons. 
    No wonder I can't hit that 5 iron. It's realistically a longer 4 iron in players distance irons and a 3 iron in traditional lofts. And then when I started going down the rabbit hole of golf fitting trying to learn more I found the 24/38 rule. If you're not familiar it's the old school thought that average person will struggle to hit anything over 24* and 38in. I went "No S*** that'd me!" So I've got clubs in my bag I can't hit reliably and I have 20 yard gaps in some of my irons. Why not bring those lofts and lengths back into reality. Close those mid iron gaps and have a full bag I can hit. These loft requiments put the vgi02 out for me so I gravitated to either these or similar set. 
    I get the point of loft juicing but when a modern 5iron is yesterday's 3 iron the whole point of the numbering is lost. Honestly. If I built clubs. I would just put the loft number on them and forgo all of the traditional iron numbers. They don't mean anything anymore when there is 2 clubs worth of distance between models in the same brand let alone across brands. 
    This is a fun chart showing what I'm on about. 
    Let me know how it goes. I'm switching to graphites with these vice. If it's successful I'll probably want to move my wedges to a same or similar shaft. 
  23. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from Lefty11 in Vice Golf Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    I'll do that. I'm also considering building my own with stuff from golfworks. Might start with a few wedges. 
  24. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from sirchunksalot in Vice Golf Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    Gotcha. That's unfortunate on the in-person fitting. I've done 2 and had good results both times. The phone fitting from vice is not nearly as indepth as those were can't compare to a phone fitting from pxg.  
  25. Like
    Off Map Oscar got a reaction from gingerbeast87 in Vice Golf Irons - 2024 Forum Review   
    Not these specifically but I have been eyeing almost every player distance from out for the last few months. I've hit everything in the used racks at my local global golf store. It's called uitna golf but global is the parent company.  
    I really like P770 and srixon zx5. I was debating the copper 790s but that's just cause I have the wedges in that color. Since I'm military I can get 15% on almost every brand except titlest. The zx5 is on sale and that 15% I almost did it. Couldn't get the exact shaft I wanted on their builder but close enough.  Honestly I looked at these cause of the price. And I had a 10% off coupon hiding in my inbox. Watched a few videos. Dig the look. And what I've found is no one makes a "BAD" club currently.  I've hit everything under the sun in those used sets at the shop and they are all close enough that it's mostly about feel. Plus with the 60 return policy I'm not too stressed that they won't be right. I can only hit the 7 iron for that policy but that's fine. I have a sim. I'll swing that till I'm very comfortable with it before I even unwrap the others. If it's wrong for me. Those srixon are still an option. 
    Did you do a phone or in person with pxg?
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