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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Thought this was funny... For those that already know what I do this is how i would answer. I freeze water bumpy water so people can throw rocks at houses for a sport! How would you explain yours?
  2. Yup that is exactly what most will end up saying. I'll be honest I was a app user till my first review and realized that it just isn't possible to do the review properly from the app and went to mobile version/web and never looked back from there. Maybe in the future it is something that will be looked into a bit more, but with the functionality of the mobile version and the ability to just mark it on your scren like an app as suggested above it I wouldn't say is overly high on the priority list at this time.
  3. Inbetween games and to try and keep my energy up figured I'd go through some surface level things from the weekend so far. Been a interesting week with a lot of pretty solid players missing the cut and some surprise names on the first page of the leaderboard. There are some teams I would put on bubble watch as they only have 3 or less going into the weekend.... 7 Teams are in this situation and will likely need those players who are in the weekend to get top 5 finishes in order to advance. BNG currently holds a 2 point lead over 2nd before his bonus points. With myself currently being in 3rd he has a 20 point advantage going into the weekend after bonus points. 6 (3 and 3) have 7 and 8 going into the weekend so could argue we have the best possiblity of gaining more points, however players can just as easily drop points as gain them it seems this week with a few players putting up negative scores over the first 2 days. Either way shaping up to be a close weekend and one that will surely provide some drama either with fantasy or on the course!
  4. 100% Hope that Searmus makes next weekend! He's had such a great season and too bad his 1 win didn't get him into FedEx SJI because that could have really helped him. 8 guys started this week and ended up with 8 making the cut! Still 10 points behind BNG before his point bonus, but like my chances headed into the weekend with that many making the weekend.
  5. Ok just wanted to let everyone know the best way to see where you stand with the way playoffs are. In case you didn't know. First go to standings then on mobile tap the circle thing with 3 lines and select by period. This will show your score/standings (with your 4 best) for the week. Remember top 20 get through to next week. Also keep in mind these scores do NOT include the bonus points earned. On desktop or pc it is the same. Standings then select By Period. This week will automatically come up.
  6. Both happy and exhausting, but have the Baden Master curling tournament this weekend. We are lucky to be hosting up to 8 Olympic teams this year from all over europe, tv coverage and more. It is really fun to see these teams play and put on a show. For me personally it means about 60 hours of work over 4 days with making ice, coaching and assisting hosting. However it is still really cool to be part of... best part is ice is running great and off to a good start. For all those with fantasy golf feel free to keep me posted on how much my team is winning by!
  7. That may be a good side league like Circus in football, but for me personally I would miss trading and waivers aspect of it all..building a team is where I get the enjoyment out of the league.
  8. As much as I like that for this being a more or less casual league not sure how it would play out. Again I like the thought and it would bring in some good strategy, but for the amount of teams we have and the amount that end up being mia not sure how that would pan out. Maybe if we had a smaller more competitive league.
  9. Looking at the add drop list from this week it is a little sad to see guys like Fleetwood, Rose and Fowler dropped because their season for us is done. Those are guys I liked going into the season and had high hopes for, but just couldn't put together seasons. Rickie had his moments and had it not been for a bogey at the PGA it could have been a whole new season for him. Now it will be interesting to see if any of the guys between 71-125 can have a stellar tournament and crack top 70 to buy themselves another week. I'm riding high on Power and someone else who I hope gets dropped, but I won't say who here. Also noticed Sneds got dropped by a few players. Makes sense since him missed 2 cuts in a row, but he has been a decent player this year and a great waiver replacement add. Finally Mr. Higgo who went for a pretty penny after his win is now unowned I believe... oh how the tides shift and change.
  10. Again the schedule the way it was this year lead to some tough weeks. We both had high scoring teams (rev too), but had a lot of points scored against us. Again rub of the green... thankfully it was auto populated schedule that was set when the season started so there was just some luck after that. Obviously sucks when we have some teams mail it in or no partake in any manner at all which then led us to have to this format. With all that though anything can happen in the playoffs and pretty sure last year the guy in 20th nearly came to win the whole thing so in terms of how it will all play out its still up in the air and anything can happen. Sorry you feel like you got wronged, but your not the only one who had a tough schedule or some bad breaks along the way this season (Rahm, Hideki and now Oost owners).
  11. Basically we can chalk it up to the schedule. We have some weeks that are harder then others. Hoping next year we keep it at 60 or whatever the highest number is that we can play all the teams like last season. Then instead of having some schedule luck and loosing two matches you may still loose 2 or 3 but you'll also beat 57 or so! In the end I had the highest scoring team by well over 130 points so a weeks worth of play, yet I still was 10 games down, but that is just the rub of the green!
  12. Agree 100% if he is dropped he is dropped. There is no "but I wouldn't have dropped him had I known". It is the risk any of the managers know about owning him and the risk they have taken all season with him. Again I would still be surprised if he is allowed or given a exception, but anyone who does go ahead and drop him should be prepared to loose him if he does get that call to play.
  13. I sit a bit on the other side. If he gets in I don't really care. Good for him and don't have issue with his scores counting towards playoffs. It wasn't as though he was dropped and picked up for nothing. That would have changed my opinion somewhat. HOWEVER!! unless I am missing something other then a few players saying it sucks and he should be in I have yet to see anything from the PGA tour saying they are considering putting him in or modifying the playoffs to allow him to play. He has even said (Zalatoris) that it was win or go home and it was the way the rules are. He said had he not won he would go over to europe and play while the playoffs are taking place.
  14. In the end if PGA lets him into playoffs he is in. His points will count just like anyone else's. We always knew he was a wildcard, just didn't know it would come down to the wire like this. I do agree it makes a huge twist, but same would have been had he won last week or any of the other weeks leading up to it. I would still be surprised if he was because it may not just change this week, but rounds 2 and 3 of playoffs.
  15. Of course I would love to have been able to save some more FAAB, but given my roster construction if a wavier pickup this late makes me loose the title I would honestly be a bit sad.... or well disappointed. Given the guys I have there isn't anyone on waivers that SHOULD make that much of a difference to beat out my top 6/7 and I'm happy to stick with Power to see if he can grab a top 70 spot and maybe make it to round 2 of playoffs. In any case I won't be making any moves unless there are some bigger drops come tomorrow morning, which I think is fairly unlikely. Big question I think is how big of a injury is Oost's neck injury and is it possible he may be done for the season? It could dramatically change how the playoffs shape up.
  16. Week 27: Wyndham Championship Kisner for the win in yet another playoff! Congrats to him and all 5 who owned him. Unfortunately his win will be overshadowed by the fact it was our last week of the regular season and we now have our top 35 for playoffs! So lets get some of this weeks accomplishments posted right away - High Scoring team of the week was @cnosil with 256.3 points. This helped him go from 26th to 21st place. There was a total of 9 teams breaking the 200 barrier with our league median being a decent average 138.8. 2 of the 5 undefeated teams were able to lock in playoff spots with @Getoffmylawn making a push, but ended a few games short of making top 35. Regardless congrats to them on a great week. Our top 15 shakes out similar to previous weeks as @blackngold_bloodalready had top spot locked up. Somehow I managed to hold onto 2nd while @ZJBogey2 and @Josh Ross swapped 3 and 4th positions. All in all a great field up top and ended up being good and close which was fun to see... also nerve wracking! Congrats to our top 15, a lot of you have been there most all year but regardless a great accomplishment regardless of what happens in the playoffs. Cut Line time! Sadly @russtopherb is the odd man out in 36th... 4 games back form 35th may make it a little better, but after a big push in the final week it was just not quite enough. However we do have to shout out @B.Boston for being the last man in and the only team in the playoffs just below the .500 mark. A big congrats to all the teams that made playoffs and also a big shout out to all the teams that didn't who participated throughout the season. Thank you and we hope to see you back next season and if you like let us know who you think will take home the title this year? Okay now onto some more fun stuff. We had 6 teams break 4000! points this season. I was lucky enough to end up as the highest scoring team of the season, but was followed closely be the other 5. Over the course of 27 weeks it is a pretty impressive feat to crack 4000 points, so congrats to all those who did as shown below. On the other end I think we all need to give a big hand to @revkev who not only secured 11th spot, but also had the most points scored against him all season. The 15 teams below all had 3200 or more points scored against them over the course of the season. Of the 15 only 7 of these teams were playoff teams. @Josh Ross Did a trade recap a little while back so thankfully I don't have to go through that, but what I will do is briefly go through some of the big names that missed out on the Tour Championship this year. - Will Zalatoris, it's been a story all year and we all know why, but it sucks. - Tommy Fleetwood, flirted with the top 125 all year, but never quite played well enough to secure his spot. - Rickie Fowler, see Tommy Fleetwood above - Robert Macintrye, I know he wasn't eligible, but still much like Z would be nice to have been able to see him there. - Justin Rose, Finished at 126 - Nick Taylor, not a big name however made a good push this weekend and still fell short. - Not someone who didn't make it but someone who won't be playing next week is Louie Oosthuizen... could be huge for playoff matches coming up! For me that is a wrap, with @STUDque taking over with his sheet for playoffs I can now sit back relax and hope to retain my title. Truly a big thank you to all who have participated this year, it has been a ton of fun and I've enjoyed bringing the recaps each week. Good luck to everyone in the playoffs and may the best (my) team win!
  17. I think... I think... I managed to hold onto 2nd spot. Unless I'm missing something which is possible my lowly 2 wins was enough to hold onto it. Webb making top 10 was great and could have got me 2 more wins had 1 or 2 guys at -13 not made top 10 OR had his -14 been close enough for top 5. Either way nail bitter right to the finish... Recap will be soon as long as this playoff doesn't take forever!
  18. Maybe you can bribe the Rapsodo Coach to recommend something new for you? He/she may highly recommend a new driver for the good of your golf swing and game haha
  19. I would wager with 70 teams we will have 5 divisions and likely a few different draft times like in previous years.
  20. Correct! But if you had a awesome week and somehow got into the top 25 you could earn some bonus points for the first round.
  21. If Webb can focus on winning this week I'd be much happier haha
  22. Hello all, We have got work back from the dev that the reported bugs are now fixed. I did go through and try to access reviews via notifications and recent and they all showed up as they should. I have also used past notifications and they went to the appropriate post (yay) and not the bottom of the review page (that was not fun on mobile, but is working as of when I post this). Signup Comments are still not working all the time for me, this seems to be a difficult fix and although we did have it working the other day it reverted back. So we are still on the hunt for why this is. Bolding of unread content. I'll have to confirm with @GolfSpy_CS but it appears to be all good on my end. There have also been a few things on the back end that have been worked out which is great. I appreciate everyone's patients with this as I know it hasn't been the most fun, but we are so close and we will start highlighting some of the past reviews to get some extra eyes on them. The first being Sub 70 Hybrid which will have a announcement highlight going up shortly. Cheers all and enjoy your Thursday.
  23. Poll is closed now that's why you can't vote. Not sure what the date was when it did, but it was I believe it was a day or two ago.
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