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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Well that sucks... As for the PRGR monitor I have liked it and it has worked for me. There is a little bit more variance with the numbers, but a lot of the time they show the same numbers for me. I have actually had the radar miss more swings recently then the PRGR. Taking your time and finding the right positioning for it is important, but it is a good little device!
  2. I have certainly been the opposite, I have felt a bit sluggish and the results have been steady. Not really any big changes and the highs certainly haven't been super high. Its a plateau that hopefully will break through. Definitely have noticed that more rotation helps or atleast what feels like more rotation, I haven't seen what effect it has on the course as of yet though.
  3. For those looking for some more content be sure to check out @SuperSpeed Golf youtube channel as they have added a ton of videos over the last few days that go over a range of topics!
  4. Been fun catching up on all the goings in and Challenges. Seems like a tricky one this week. My round tomorrow will be quite the opposite at a pitch and putt so thinking I bring putter and 2 maybe 3 clubs haha Good luck for those this weekend and interested to see how it all shakes out.
  5. Had a decent night. Seems like I am settling in a bit. Not getting those super high numbers, but do feel a bit stiff. Been a long week and not surprised at the numbers being where they are. Another hot day here so wore two gloves which helped. Did a full video which I'll edit and post in the next couple days when I have a decent internet connection!
  6. I have found others progress interesting compared to mine. Whether it was a big jump to start or a quicker plateau and so on. I found mine more gradual, in part it's because I am also learning techniques on simply swinging faster which may be in part why I see small gains here and there. I didn't notice a big sustainable jump to start off, but instead saw it close to week 4 I believe. I have also worked hard on getting small but personal bests with green in particular. My hope is that at some point I see 140. I've done 137 so it's not that far away!
  7. Kneeling swings are rough! Just a fyi do recommend the rain gloves for them. Swung good and hard and slipped a bit both grip and knee placement which did not feel good, but all is okay!
  8. This is a quick sample of some lefty and righty swings from this evening's session. It was incredibly hot out today and waiting for it to cool off before I got to them. I did this video after I completed the protocol and used the blue stick. Don't exactly remember the numbers, but left handed swings were 115 range and second right handed swing was 113. I have both the swing radar and PRGR set up, although I only base my numbers off the swing radar as that's what I started my protocols with. I got the PRGR after and use it as a back up and see how similar they are. Generally they are within 1 mph sometimes a little more, but it is reassuring to see them so close. Hope you all enjoy and I'll try to do more videos in the coming days with other views.
  9. Okay with the big move done and a lot more settled I have still managed to complete a week full of protocol with kneeling swings. Part way through week 2 now and will do what I can to make up that 2 sessions that were lost in the move. That being said I have a great area for doing them with the only downside being it's way too hot after the mornings so they need to be done early. Videos and pictures will be dropping by end of day tomorrow as well.
  10. Will have updates shortly. Made the move across the pond to mountain land and of course gold clubs and Superspeed sticks were priority and would have come carry on if they could have! These sticks have done some travel in their short time and don't a lot of good for my swing speed too! Promise I will also get some of those videos too.
  11. Other side note when I was playing last weekend I had go at a right handed drive. The quote from my playing partners was the following B- 8/10 swing and setup, 1/10 result A- I didn't even realize you were swinging the wrong way...till I saw where the ball went. So apparently the swing looks okay and it did feel good, however the hole making contact with the ball was a little troublesome. Ball went about 30 to 40 yards of the heel up the left and into the woods. So I think with some practice it could be a lot better, but my left handed game needs work too so I'll wait and work on that before I go full into working on RH swings.
  12. Week 6 Wrap up: Now that the MGS article is out I can now complete my wrap up on my personal 6 week journey. Get ready for lots of charts, pictures and more! I want to say without question I am a believer in this system, I have been out for a few rounds the last week and only managed one round with Arccos data. I can't say that I am longer then before because my strike pattern is all over the place, however my gapping between my shortest and longest has improved greatly. Many of you have seen that I went for a driver fitting and did see some big gains in swings speed as I was hoping, but didn't manage to find a club shaft that would be suitable for me that was readily available so I went onto another option! Being as I am Canadian I have really enjoyed and taken a lot of stock in TXG and what they offer and provide not only as a free platform, but there other membership options. So I took the Gold Membership and tossed all my data and numbers at them to see what they thought was best. Arccos, Swing Speed sticks and the likes, their recommendation was the G410 with the stock tour stiff shaft. Which will definitely be a item I keep on my short list. Other options included the TM SIM Max with a HZRDOUS Green 65. Basically based off my data the items they would recommend the most are a heavier head with a counter balance shaft to help me control the club face. The one big take away they noted from my data was there was a big two way miss. Now this isn't something I see a lot on the course and the last couple rounds I have consistently had a pretty significant draw. Nothing uncontrollable, but the big left miss is definitely there as well. What does all this have to do with Superspeed though, well as I have stated in a earlier post I found that because the swings do not involve hitting a ball it has helped with my angle of attack. I have always been a bit on the steep side and that has effected my driver distance. After these last number of weeks and sessions and seeing the club data I am consistently about 3 degrees up which for me is a big win. My spin rates have come down overall because of that to. I really like that I am swinging fast and even my slower swings are very quick. With all of this I am not loosing control on my irons or having issues there, but rather feeling I can attack the higher range of my distances per Arccos and for the first time in well I don't know how long I am not having those same consistent issues of coming up short on approaches. Yes I have flown a few greens, but its a change I can get use to. No the data! Once again I am not including step change in these graphs, however if wanted just ask and I'll make them up. As you can see the baseline (Pinky color) for my swing speed is seeing considerable gains and although my after (orange) driver swings have seen some ups and downs they are now at a level the last couple weeks which is much more consistent and I really do feel a lot faster. Green we have 3. Light Green is the absolute Max after protocols, Mid Green is LH swings, darker green is RH Swings. Similar the previous chart ups and downs, however the base line is definitely increasing and the last week and a bit swing speed has without question picked up and my RH swings are picking up as well! Blue has been a weird one for me. There are days where it feels as fast as the greens and others as slow as red. I have noticed a few other testers mention the same thing so not entirely sure what it is, but even with that I am still confident with where I see the trends going think I have reached a point where the speed is a lot more permanent. Light blue LH Darker Blue RH. Reds! same LH swings are higher and RH swings are lower. I have to admit the reds are work, they feel heavy and they are tiring, the RH swings with the Red sticks are difficult and sometimes I am honestly gassed and give it my all to get those speeds, but sometimes they just are not there. I have a good routine to make sure that I have enough time to feel fresh, but the protocol is a good amount of work and the heavy sticks well are heavy! Still the base line has jumped up and there is undoubtedly there is a trend upwards. I am hopeful to get another 2 rounds in this weekend/week and give some better Arccos data to show everyone. Thats a wrap for now... and so begins the second set of protocols and kneeling swings...
  13. Been a bit since a update and I wont be doing a full update till after week 6 and I will combine weeks 5/6 together. However I have two smaller updates First being I FOUND SOME SPEEED! I honestly thought it was a mistake so I went again and nope hit 136, then moved to a new spot incase I was in a spot where grass or something got in the way and hit 137 again. Keep in mind this was with the green stick in the final max swings. So bottom line the speed is fast and its coming in full force! Second was I got the PRGR launch monitor in from @SuperSpeed Golf (thank you for shipping that out!) and for the sake of consistency I will be using the Swing Speed Radar for the remainder, but will also set up the PRGR to see the different. What I noticed wasn't too much, both were similar with a bit of variance in the PRGR, BUT it was my first time using it and still getting use to the setup and how it works. Have a couple rounds of golf booked for this week so we'll see how far some of these drives go!
  14. Fitting Update: I went in today to do a fitting my driver as pricing for drivers over in Switzerland are very very pricey and rather then paying double I figured it would be good to get a head start on it all and do a fit so that I could potentially move into a new driver. A few things to take note of is that I only had in stock options as the move is soon and I don't have time order something in. I did feel bad for the fitter as they were busy too and he was great, but they were trying to slam fittings in with only one bay open. I also want to include a bit of background about my swing - although I don't have any driver swings to post I believe there are some on my youtube channel (apolloshowl) and if not there are plenty of iron swings. Its pretty smooth and although I am not the most consistent it works and I have been putting work in to improve it bit by bit. I will try and find a link or make a new video at some point. - I have had a tendency to have a negative AOA which has caused some lost yardage and high spin rates in the past. - Swing speed has always been around 98-101 I felt I could maybe ramp it up, but the overall speed may be 105 max and results wouldn't necessary help if I did swing for the fences. - Grip is pretty neutral, maybe a hair bias towards the strong side as I use to fight a slice. - Ball flight is normally a stronger draw, can be a hook or a straight push. That being said I trust my driver and when I do see the flight go right to left I am a bit surprised. That being said I am working on neutralizing it and won't be sad to see a nice fade become the new norm. Okay with that out of the way a quick run over the driver: Callaway Epic Sub Zero 9 degree lofted to 10 with an Aldila Rogue Max 65 Gram Stiff Shaft. Weight back. Solid performer overall and just a good club, I have hit it well and although it isn't the most forgiving I still love the shape, look at address and the overall performance it provides me. Sorry for the long winded intro to this, but I think its all relavent. I started my warm up and saw some MASSIVE slices. Honestly couldn't say I was overly surprised. I had a bit of a struggle finding a aim point and swing being indoors, that being said after a few swings I did find what I would call my normal swing and hit a few solid drives to give me a baseline. I also tried the following drivers- Taylormade SIM/ Sim Max (Best of the bunch, however couldn't find a shaft that would allow for consistent strikes, had longest straightest drives overall) - Callaway Mavrick (Second to SIM Max, however again shaft was a issue, only 50 gram shafts) - Mizuno ST200 (Lowest spinning of them all, BUT it had to be taped due to no demo so really couldn't accurately see numbers) - Cobra Speedzone (good not great performer, solid and had the best shaft option for me, however weighting felt different) So although I tried a variety of in stock shafts, heads and more we sadly didn't find anything that would be of any real benefit for me. The Epic Sub Zero was still the best shaft head combo and although not the straightest definitely the furthest. Thats the bad news, I really wanted to come out with a new driver, but it just wasn't feasible for me or did it make sense to make the leap to a new one. The good news is as follows my swing speed on average for all of those drives 112! a massive increase from previous. Second bit my angle of attack was now 2-3 up! woohoo for me. I do honestly believe that SuperSpeed has a big part in that because the swings are all in the air and not having to focus on hitting a ball. Finally ball speed was up as well on all accounts. Yes the numbers weren't amazing and I didn't have my best day, but I did have several that cracked 300 and found a good reason to stick with my current driver. TLDR: Went for fitting, my current driver is the best for me. Swing Speed way up, Ball Speed up and still have a good bit of money in my wallet!
  15. @SuperSpeed Golf are you able to go over some of the differences between the Superspeed sticks we are using and the SuperSpeed C that I've noticed go up on your youtube channel? I know its counter balanced, but who would you recommend that for vs the ones we are using? Or is it simply another option you are offering? Thanks!
  16. Ok I've been on hold for hours trying to get some flight stuff sorted out and figured I'd do up a quick graph for everyone. To show the numbers from Dominant only swings so far. White - first driver swing before protocol Orange - driver swing after protocol Green/blue/red dominant handed swings Non Dom may come depending on how much further I'll be on hold!
  17. July 1st Week 4 Protocol 1 Update: Jamie Danbrook Another week down and some gains and some slower days. The overall feeling for me is that I am gaining on my base, but I can only reach my peaks on certain days. The floor is being raised and the ceiling is about the same as it has been. That being said my off hand swings continue to improve and feel more strong. This week of course there was focus on being as fast as I can be, but there was also focus on technique and making sure I am staying relatively in position. I found with some swings my back swing was getting abnormally long which then through some timing off when I did go to the range and hit some golf balls. So there has been a bit of a balance there to ensure that the game won't go completely out the window. However we need to see some numbers! Don't forget to check out the link at the top of the thread to see everyones fastest week by week numbers! Start End Light ND Light D Med ND Med D Heavy ND Heavy D MAX 107 119 111 131 109 123 104 117 130 104 111 101 121 100 111 97 103 118 105 110 108 119 101 116 99 111 128 Step Change 131/114 123/110 114/103 114/101 109/101 104/96 125/108 116/102 110/101 All in all what I would classify as a good week. I do realize that I had a bit of a down period the last two sessions, however the feeling is definitely there and I am very confident the program is working well for me and that I am gaining speed. I feel faster and stronger and even more coordinated. Off hand swings as mentioned are gaining in speed and for me I feel that is a sign that the overall speed is without question! I don't have too much else to update on that I can think of right now, however if anyone has any questions please let me know and I would be more then happy to answer!
  18. I'll get a video or two and post it later today! I may have mentioned it before, but I can swing fast just not sure about contact with the ball. Been too scared to try yet. That being said I would also like to change my grip off hand before. I found my hands getting sore normal grip so I went to 10 finger grip. At some point I'll do a little 9 right handed... Hopefully alone and with very very wide fairways.
  19. You will know more then I will, but much with my last post I think it's essential to warm up the body before this and golf or really any other physical activity. Especially as we get older, I know over the past few years I definitely feel my body not quite being able to do what I use to and need that extra time to warm up for any activity I do. I can feel stresses on my body (especially knees and back) and work hard to be more active on daily life to keep up that mobility and flexibility. I've even gotten into a routine of doing their dynamic warm up on off days.
  20. Nothing with my lower back and the only discomfort I've felt has been with off hand swings. The warm up before is very important and will help prevent any of those issues.
  21. A interesting article about back swing for any of those interested. https://golf.com/instruction/driving/faster-backswing-driver-hit-ball-longer/
  22. Extended plateau for me. This for me is a longer goal. I plan on continuing this for a long time and using it to really push my game forward. Plus I am still driving the ball well and not seeing any negatives yet.
  23. Awesome to hear! Glad to new sticks are working out so far too!
  24. Just a quick update because we have had a lot of talk about tempo. For me personally I tried out a few different methods today quick back swing, slow, inbetween, controlled and more wild really trying to get a rebound and I found that again for me a slower more controlled back swing and applying more force through the ground then swinging free gave me the fastest swings and the fastest swings to date so far. I also have my fastest starting swing with 107 so I am definitely seeing a increase. Looking forward to the rest of the week and hopefully able to crack 120 with a driver for one swing!
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