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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Titleist irons were a little different because Titleist needed everything asap to get the irons to the testers for launch. So that was a bit of abnormal circumstances. This is how it works in general: Test is Announced published (usually a Thursday/Friday) and left open for roughly 1 week. Test closes and we have our "short list" made for selection within a day or so of Sign Up Closure. Mods provide feedback on short list over the next few days and after agreement we announce. - Depending on the test short lists are easier or harder to do and certain requirements have to be met from the OEM. So from Signup Closure to Announce is usually 4-6 days or about 2 weeks from when the test is first posted. As you all know we have jobs and real life outside of MGS so sometimes schedules can be a bit harder to coordinate as we need at least 3 of us to agree on all the selected testers to ensure we are not playing any bias or missing out on any good candidates that would be good for selection. Following that a PM is sent to all the testers asking them to accept the test and get any info we need to send off for them to get the product... if fittings are involved this takes a bit more time.
  2. I won't disagree there were several bugs within the new system and as we fixed one more were found out. Included in the previous forum testing update thread I discussed a LOT of those things there. Whether it was timing of it rolling out or whatever I hope we don't ever run into any of those situations again. For what it is worth there was a test site created, however none of the bugs were present there. Added to that it was the forum testing update thread that lead to a lot of the changes which have now been implemented and were suggested by the community. These being the tab format - Members didn't want to see the pick me pick me comments hence why we added the Comments and Pre Testing comments. @greggarner the "Leave Feedback" is only available for testers. Anyone commenting on the thread will have to do so under the regular comments as they do not have access to the review tab. This is exactly like the old placeholder posts just in a newish area... rather then being at the top/beginning of the thread its under its own tab. I thought I had mentioned this a few times before in previous threads, but I'll have to try and make it more clear for the future. We also manually change all the titles for the testing threads as to show when they have signup available, closed, testers announced, in progress and upon completion we send out an announcement to get more eyes on it. Part of the issue with fewer pages on the first few reviews on the system was they were not in recent content and unless they were followed it was less then ideal for users to find. Again this was something we worked on and moved as well as renamed as per the memberships request to make it more user friendly. Since then we have been able to get more eyes on them and had a better system for getting the tests more views and gain more traction within the forum. As we work on some newer changes/optimization we will continue to update the thread (in posts much like these and the previous one I did) to educated and inform the members of whats going on and be there to answer questions that may arise.
  3. As nearly all of you know we have had some changes to the forum this year and it has had its ups and downs, however I am happy with the progress we have made so far... key being so far. First I want to start of by saying I know the changes haven't been accepted by all, but I continue to get PM's and the like about the site and how we can adapt and improve it these messages are important and always taken into consideration. Before going any further I expect conversation in this thread to be productive. I am more then willing to listen to suggestions as well provide feedback as to why things are what they are, however if this just turns into constant complaining then well.... lets just hope it doesn't come to that. We all want to see the site grow and do well so lets keep comments in a productive manner. Also we know about ads... there have been a lot of discussion on it already and we have sent messages out to the powers to be and hopefully at somepoint we will have a permanent fix for that. Headed into the off season we will continue to take a look at everything and how to improve on what has been implemented and what is dated and should be improved on. Keep in mind the Forum is always evolving, we have had several features come and go and the site continues to grow. A few more things to keep in mind before you comment - You can always PM me privately to discuss a specific topic. Trust me you would not be the first nor the last and again I am happy to discuss a situation or topic that may be on your mind. - The testing section will continue to be worked on. We recognize it isn't perfect and want to continue to improve with it. That being said I know it is signifcantly better then when first launched and based on traffic reviews are getting a lot more attention. - Added to the testing section we will be revising and adapting some of the procedural processes to steam line the reviews on the frontend and backend. This includes some work on the templates for reviews and more. Part of this will be to keep things a bit more consistent across all reviews. Including the new star rating system which is there. - We have had a big change over this year with the mods (myself being new included) and there was a pretty steep learning curve to start off. Added in this with a near record number of tests so far and Covid delays/issues it has been a trying season to say the least. We are very appreciative of all the testers and feel for all those who have had to wait or are still waiting for their equipment to come to test. Okay I think that is all for the moment. I will be trying to respond to as much of these as quickly as possible and watching/reading all the comments, but feel free to tag me in it so I get to notification if its overly important that you feel it needs to be read. Last last point, please please fill out the poll as it helps us get an idea for use within the forum and we may send out a survey later on via email for everyone to fill out, but this is the start for now.
  4. As the season winds down for many in colder areas and we start to get jealous of all those who are able to golf year round I wanted to ask and hear some stories about what everyones highlights were for the season? This of course can range from watching the tour, playing or your own game highlights, MGS highlights from testing to simply joining the site and anything else for this golfing season! For me the breakdown of highlights is pretty easy... my golf season this year on a playing side was low which was expected, but I made up for it by watching more golf then I have ever in my life before. I had a great run at the MGS Fantasy Golf League with a 2nd place regular season finish and a top 10 finish after the playoffs. This for me was a huge highlight as it gave me the chance get to know some of you through trade talks and the weekly highlights posts. Of course the other big MGS highlight was becoming a mod, which has been a great privilege and again another great way to get to know a lot of you more and to contribute to the site which has already given me so much. So in short MGS has definitely been my golfing highlight and all that surrounds MGS. I have got a new net for training and practice and my folks brought my backup set form Canada so all my clubs are now here in Switzerland. It has been a unusual golf season for me, but still one I really enjoyed and looking forward to welcoming a new member to the family in February who will hopefully take a liking to golf like I have.
  5. For those pondering some moves over the next week. I'm going to have Hock on the block as well as Lockett and any and all bench players that I'm rostering. Including AJ Brown and Jeudy. Not looking for another TE, but rather another RB or WR. Feel free to send some offers!
  6. Spy Chat seems to be working just fine on my end... worth taking screenshots so we can see what the issue is.
  7. I'm not sure if this answer will answer your yaa or nay, but here is my advice (this comes from a coaching background in other sports, but holds true for golfing as well). Whether you take practice strokes or not or in whatever fashion, just make sure you have a routine and that it is consistent. Do the same thing (other then maybe tap ins) for each putt. Have a process (and not a long one... nothing is worse then slow play) that is consistent which you are comfortable with. We often get athletes to write it down. This helps make some trickier putts more comfortable and higher pressure putts more relaxing as you are simply just staying in your routine. I know what I do and what I prefer, but it isn't universal for everyone. However I do have my routine and I do my utmost to go through it on every putt so that I'm consistent and in the end it has turned in to the best part of my game by far. To answer the bit of yaa or nay and where or how.... I'll ask another question back. What for you would help you best visualize the putt and see it going in? I think if you can answer that you will have your answer as to what you should do and hopefully get into a routine that will help you drop more putts.
  8. This is just from what I recall, but it takes all your "normal" shots as part of the average and such, this means that tops and some others are not counted. They grey are the ones that are not being used and the green are.
  9. The box for equipment for the event is 10 by 6 by 4 (feet) and that didn't include the painting equipment, scraping machines and blades so it is quite a lot and probably 50k US worth of gear. Just too much, normally places rent equipment from us (world curling federation) but they wanted to buy it. Apparently the stones are okay though! Because that's another 80k of "equipment" haha
  10. Keep in mind Kaz has only been independent for the last 25 or so years so there is still corruption and well shady stuff. As I've been told much of it from the previous event is broken, stolen, lost or who else knows. I mean I had to use a garbage bin and sub pump to mix and spray the paint last time haha I'm hoping to have a call and catalogue what is there and bring everything I can, but who knows. I will have 6 days (5 after TV takes a day for setup) from when I arrive to take it from a hockey arena to full curling arena with all the dressing and good stuff! It will be enough time, but bound to loose a day or two to stuff not being there, needing to build something or who knows what else. I should say although this is a rant/vent these experiences are incredibly unique and provide funny stories, new friends and travel to incredible places. However in a normal event I'll do 12-14 days at 12-14 hours a day and this will be closer to 14 days at 16-20 hour days... just needing to mentally prepare for it and appreciate all those listening to me vent away.
  11. Need to do a little work vent... So as most you know I work as an Ice Technician for Curling Clubs/Events. I've been assigned to go to Kazakhstan in November for 2 weeks to do an event there. It is a long flight (even from Switzerland) and the visa process is tedious at best. However that is all well fine and good. I have been to this same venue and city before back in 2017 for another event. People are nice, food is good, but still a very different world from what most of us are use to. Which leads me to my vent/rant. Last event we had ALL brand new equipment for our ice making needs. This equipment was taken and as we were told put into storage... apparently this wasn't the case. We had a call the other day and they want all new equipment again... however we are a month out and ordering, shipping and customs it is likely impossible to get it into the country on time. On the call we were told to forget about the 2017 kit and will likely have to source a lot locally (not easy to do) or bring a lot in bags what we can. The sad part is this is not entirely unexpected and teams here are trying to qualify for worlds and olympics which is very important so a lot of pressure on making stellar conditions. In the end we will get the job done, but the stress is already mounting and there is little spoken english there(thankfully my deputy is Russian), but it will be an adventure however with a little extra care a lot of this could have all been avoided and managed a lot easier. Before anyone asks there was no way I thought I'd be going back there either... but again the food was good!
  12. Just fantastic! Now you just need to come over the Switzerland and we can see them in action!
  13. Update to CC5 It is with some sadness that I have to do this update as the competition this year has had to be cancelled. Due to delays in equipment arriving to the testers and our now shortened days for parts of the country and world it is not possible to run full proper competition. We had adjusted and made amendments to it back a month or so ago hoping to get 4 or 5 good weeks worth of competition, but sadly with a few still missing clubs it just isn't possible. That being said our testers will be putting up full bag reviews of all their clubs over the next little while in the original testing thread as well as updating some of their thoughts and such here in the pre chatter thread. The competitors already have been informed of this and are of course disappointed they weren't able to participate in a full CC5 event, but we appreciate all their efforts in keeping everyone informed and updated with how their clubs have been working over the last while. Sadly with delays we just weren't really able to get off the ground. This has also not been the only test which has been effected and as we have seen in some other threads many many manufacturers are having these same issues. This all being said thank you again to the competitors, thank you to Cobra for providing this opportunity and of course MGS for their support in providing the community with these testing opportunities. With that stay tuned for more reviews on the clubs some of which will be dropping this week!.
  14. Okay I think I understand a little more. The reason all the tests are not together are because this new platform runs separately to the forum which is why they have the new sign up method and so on. With this all tests from this year forward will be all together in the new area. All others 2020 and prior will be in the other past tests. Unfortunately there isn't really a work around with this unless we created all new threads for every single test that we have ever done which well frankly I won't be doing.
  15. They shouldn't be on any back pages. All the tests show up anytime there are posts in the Recent Content stream by default. So maybe there is a setting that we are missing on your account that could be causing that change or to not appear. I should also add that all the CC5 club reviews will take place in the testing page.
  16. I'll check, but I don't think it can be separated like that. I know I've mentioned it before in this thread, but the new testing platform is basically a separate site to the forum. This is why all the old tests (pre new systems) are in a separate tab. The new system has a better search function as well and will enable you to also sort by a star rating system. With this it will catalog a lot of tests and have ways to sort them down the road. I'll check in, because i do know that we will need to change the title from current tests to something else in the future, but unless a full new page is built for archiving I'm not sure how that will work. In any case I'll pass along the feedback. Also just want to see what you mean by main page? Do you mean forum or recent content?
  17. Thanks @Golfspy_CG2 for setting this up. I know I'm not eligible to win, but still submitted a team to see if I can beat everyone anyway!
  18. I mean injuries are bound to hit me soon then it will all be for nothing, however i will enjoy it while it lasts.
  19. Not much of a story. Doing some training, hit one shot sounded funny. Setup hit a second and sounded worse. So put it down and saw a cracked crown. Taking it to the shop and looks like Callaway may replace it or repair? Oh it's a Epic Sub Zero OG
  20. I see your team in circus league but not the main one...
  21. Serves as a good reminder to make sure all teams put in (---) their mgs tag.... Yes that includes me which I'll be doing shortly.
  22. There are a lot of teams that have yet to trade which is all good! Definitely not something that is for everyone. I made most my moves before the draft and one after. I have a few offers out there, but I'm happy with my roster and won't be going crazy because I've constructed a solid team so far which should be okay? That being said I am still open to offers and will do my best to either counter OR give a reason in the comments why I did't accept the deal. I still would like to buy a WR4, but feel more will options and so on will come from waivers.
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