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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Definitely worth the reminder and it's so easy to do or let the clubs sit in the car for a long while between rounds etc. While it hasn't happened to me I am almost surprised it hasn't at times. Hope everyone else sees this and understands how crappy it can be!
  2. So we ordered a lemon chicken, sweet and sour pork, fried noodles with chicken and two small fried rice. I'm guessing this is about $30 in the US. No drinks, no extras. Here that was 82 CHF so about $90. Yup... That's why it's a luxury. Now it was exceptional, but just not something we do hardly ever.
  3. Depends on the golfer, but typically each company will offer a few different no upcharge options. Best you can do is get in and try them to see what works. Hard to say otherwise like others have stated.
  4. Good morning all! A busy morning getting the schedule done for the curling hall, but finally got all 800 plus hours scheduled for the curling teams here. Now onto September! No golf today, but instead going to hunker down and make sure that I am caught up on everything. Last night my wife and I ordered chinese food for the first time in years (it is a luxury meal here) for our 3rd wedding anniversary. Was a great meal from a new place and really enjoyed it. Newsletter is taking a bit of extra work from the migration as no title shows so until that is fixed we will reduce the newsletters other than Testers Wanted until we see a fix. Have a great day all!
  5. 14 way top on the Ghost Anyday bag. Hands down.
  6. Depends on a lot, but generally speaking you would loose some distance and even forgiveness. Hybrids are more forgiving just by their construction and the way they are built. If you can find some swing feels that work I think you will come to really enjoy the hybrids.
  7. I haven't really come across this. I more so see different things on course than I do on LM and due to this I usually take all those numbers with a grain of salt. I trust my on course swing and what I see there.
  8. So even thought it shows 5 I believe it continues a backend count. Kingsmill outing was a perfect example as there were days I started at 20 and was at 5 by noon. I still kept on my day, but I was never able to get a true recovery and was playing catch up the whole time. Where as now if I have a full day and get down to 5 at the end of the day and get a half decent recover I will be back up to mid 60's. I rarely start a day above 70 with the amount I sleep and the kids being up several times throughout the night. So this is all to say I think there is some back end magic that penalizes you for going beyond 5 and yeah when I am at 5 I am exhausted. I can find room to keep going, but it's a running on fumes type deal and there are definitely mental lapses that happen. Whether golfing or daily routines.
  9. We decided in Kingsmill that the body battery doesn't go below 5 because if you hit zero well... You won't be breathing anymore It is interesting it doesn't go below 5, but I do understand it. If your body battery is truly at 0 then you're not breathing. Great post and great insights.
  10. Date 06/25/2024 Course Name Otelfingen - Weiss Gross Score 77 Course Handicap 9 Gross Strokes over/under par 5 Net Score to Par -4 Net Score 68 Net Birdies or better Longest Drive Personal best this season. Didn't loose a golf ball, found a new swing thought/feel on the range that felt easy, but also lead to a few pulls with irons however the first round out the the T Squared putter and I was draining putts! Had 29 total with only 13 putts on the back 9. Managed 3 birdies and 8 bogies with 7 pars. First 3 holes were bogey, bogey bogey and all were playing pretty simple. Anyway, is what it is and loving the putter as well as how the game is trending. 73.4/133
  11. https://mygolfspy.com/news-opinion/forum-member-review-galway-bay-rain-gear/
  12. I am really going to have to recommend that Garmin introduce a toddler mode. Reason? Well I think my sleep and such given the two little ones is always going to be at a deficit. Not really a problem, just the nature of being a dad and so on. The kids also love the watch and to play with the buttons/screen. The lock mode is great and thank goodness it has it. I have had the watch for nearly a month now and just have it on charge now for maybe the fourth time. The battery life still astonishes me and today I am going to see if I can do a better job at shot tracking without the CT10 sensors. Not sure how well it will work and may depend on how busy the course is, but still great. Another thing I want to say that I really appreciate is the scorecard. I don't really carry one anymore which is a bit abnormal, but it is great that it has it built in. The last thing that I really like and have enjoyed is what I call the score ring. It shows different colors for eagles, birdies, pars, bogeys, doubles and worse. It is a quick little visual that can give you an idea of where you are at with the score and again one that I really like. Today recovery was very meh, but I am looking forward to starting the round and seeing what I can do. Comp this Sunday at a pretty hard course so hope to get a good solid round in and go from there!
  13. We are always excited when we can bring fresh, new products to the MyGolfSpy Member Testing platform, especially when said products have created buzz and questions surrounding them. The new irons from Vice Golf fit this mold to a tee, and we are thrilled to have our members get their hands on them for testing. About Vice Golf Irons Vice Golf made a big leap by entering the golf club market. The Wunderkind line of irons consists of the VGI01 and VGI02 irons. With many DTC (direct-to-consumer) brands producing irons, it would be easy to think these are template irons. However, that thought would be wrong. Vice Golf partnered with the largest golf fitting and building company in Europe, called HIO. The two used all their combined expertise and knowledge to build the new irons. In addition, all Vice Golf clubs will be built in-house at the HIO headquarters in Munich, Germany. Please welcome and congratulate our testers! @Tom the Golf Nut - VGI01 Irons @dback - VGI01 Irons @gingerbeast87 - VGI02 Irons @Splatt - VGI02 Irons
  14. I quarter inch is a little bit, but not a lot. You can always choke up a bit if you like, as you are. You can have them cut down, but likely also need new grips. Some are a lot more sensitive to these things than others. For me I can and or could play a little longer or shorter than standard with no issues. How much time have you had with the clubs? Have you had enough time to feel them out and get a good grip on whether they are too short or long for you in more game type situations?
  15. GolfSpy_APH


    Not sure when, but I do think at some point he will get a win. It may take some time but he has showed that he can win on any given week.
  16. Which ones specifically? They may be included as part of most wanted testing, but they wouldn't be comparisons to prior models.
  17. 4 to 4.5 is what I would consider normal. For those not liking it or finding it slow, they can work harder to be one of the first groups out instead.
  18. I have been meaning to come back to this thread and write my review on this bag for some time. I have used this bag for a ton of rounds now and both carried, pushed and rode in a cart with it. I feel I have a good perspective on the bag to give a full review that should be useful to others considering this bag. Let's get some of the obvious stuff out of the way first. This bag is top tier and the quality of the materials is unmatched to any bag that I have seen or owned prior. This all started with the unboxing experience. The box is not just a big brown box that is boring and bland, but a grey ghost branded box. The contents inside are well sealed and it felt like the gift that just kept on giving. With two straps included and a couple towels everything was wrapped and in good shape. It is often the little things during unboxings that matter. The wrapped carbon fiber legs, the air bags in the pockets to keep shape and added hooks for the zippers to make it a little bit more of your own. Details matter and Ghost has clearly done a good job at taking care of these details. The material is soft, the stitching is pristine and the top 14 way holder is exceptional with the soft velvet to protect the shaft and more. As I used the bag I continued to see new details that I hadn't noticed before, it was like a surprise new detail that came to light each time I used the bag. First impressions were a clear knockout, the only thing I noticed that I was not so much concerned about, but weary of was the weight. Comparing this bag to my others it is heavy. Would it be a deal breaker? We will see. Functionality With no big long pocket I could see where some could pick at the ability to hold everything you want in the bag. I didn't have this issue. I was able to put plenty of golf balls, tees, markers, rangefinder, Rapsodo, rain gear and whatever else with no issue at all. Personal take, if this bag doesn't have enough room for you, you should probably consider thinking about what you need, not want to carry. Another not and this is one I haven't fully fleshed out, but the stand legs don't go down as far as expected and the bag sits very upright. Not a knock, just an observation and I did need to be aware of where I was putting the bag when carrying. With other bags the legs went down a fair ways and I was able to basically place it anywhere on the course. On my cart (Clicgear) it fits well and snug. I never had an issue with twisting or sliding or shifting. A benefit here was the easy clip for the straps which made making this a single, dual or no strap option with ease in seconds. As Ghost takes pride in the bags and how they wear overtime there is the option to get a neoprine sleeve to protect while in a cart. The amount I take a cart is next to none, but this was a nice touch and provided some added comfort knowing the bag would not wear excessively for this. The Weight This is a bit of a sticking point for me, while nothing so drastic to keep me from using it as my go to bag, it did mean I could not take it on my latest overseas trip as it would have mean I was overweight with my clubs and kit I wanted in it. The bag was also big enough that the particular travel bag was almost too small for it. Again nothing deal breaking, but worth noting if you travel or carry. I don't know if I could carry this bag 18, it would take a toll on me. I don't normally carry regular lighter bags 18, so this one is a no go for that. However pushing is essentially no problem. It does weight more and is a little extra effort on hilly courses, but when it comes to functionality the pros outweigh the cons. I much prefer to use it with the 14 way holder and form factor than the prior bag with 4 way top. I would imagine those who pack a lot will find this bag heavy, but again it goes back to packing what you need vs what you want. Pockets I mentioned the pockets before, but there are pockets in excess. The two main compartments are great and offer solid space for larger items. The other zipper pockets attached are convenient for general things such as keys or smaller things. It is lined with that same soft material which I appreciate. The ball pocket is big, and has a cool velcro piece that can be customized. Then my favorite pocket is a magnet tabbed pocket that can be good for phone, wallet and other valuables. Tons of space and the zippers are of high quality, even though the straps have broken once or twice, there are extras and I think it was more me being a little too rough. Weather Conditions The Ghost Anyday 5.0 comes with a rain hood and I have put that to good use. It is excellent and buttons on well and provides more than enough rain protection. I haven't used it a lot, but I have used the bag in the rain (because apparently many days when I want to golf it is raining) on a handful of occasions. Stuff has remained dry for the most part and it does a good job at not getting too bogged down. That said in a downpour, maybe not the best bag as it is not 100% waterproof and in my experience takes a good amount of time to dry out fully. Pricing and Value This is going to be my last graded section, is it worth the price and does it have the value to back it? Simply put yes, if you are looking for a high end bag that will give you a high quality look and get the looks this is a great bag to consider. I have gotten more comments on this bag than I can count and I have had many people asking about where I got and what my thoughts are on it. The price is high, but that is what this bag is meant to be. A high end, luxury type bag that will get noticed and has all the little details to back up the price. Is it on the heavy side, sure, but that is due to the materials used and when considering the other weight saving features like double fluted carbon fiber legs (yes, that's a thing) then you see where the attention to detail is. The final part is the 5.0 in the name, this was the fifth iteration of bag. With improvements and enhancements made each time to get to this point. Whether that was adding the extra strap, making a firmer pull tab for the magnet pocket the details here have mattered and it shows. The price will make it out of reach for many, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth every penny. Wrapping Up I love this bag, while I may nitpick here and there this bag is my favorite and the best bag I have ever owned. Period.
  19. Unfortunately it won't likely be coming back. To organize something I would suggest making a new thread/post in the area section that will get some attention. That should help.
  20. Yes, maybe longer! It makes it face balanced, but I would have to ask the T Squared crew as to why. That said it doesn't look or feel long when putting. It does make it feel more center shafty... but as I have been using the MEZZ and RUNNER that are both center shafted it doesn't bother me at all.
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