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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. We have 4 games left with this week in play? Your guess is as good as mine.
  2. Ok I'll bite. Why does it have to be 46"? Why not play a 12* driver if loft could be a issue for you depending on what spin profile you may need? I have had my good days and bad days, but in the end its the largest face you can buy and therefore in some cases the most forgiving (at least at being able to find the face). I know many more who have bigger issues with woods or driving irons vs a driver. There is no rule saying you have to play this club or that club, but in the end if it isn't comfortable for your game then it is simple that you don't have to game it. I know you have said previously that you prefer smaller heads in drivers and you consider a driver to be a much smaller head profile then the newer 460 cc versions that are currently common if not universal. There are 430 cc models and even the mini driver from TM which for some had some success. In the end play what works. I personally don't find the newer drivers that big and I don't mind playing a 45" driver and even though I have had my struggles at times I still go back to it because I like using driver. I don't find moving the ball forward in my stance a hindrance and understand the mechanics of why it should be there for optimal launch.
  3. Altho I do agree ball is gone so it shouldn't matter. If you are thinking about a certain finish or factor to get your body/hands in a certain position for the finish would it then effect the swing prior to impact? I know that kinda defeats the purpose of the question being asked, but I could see circumstances where the ability to finish in a certain position or have the hands or body be in a position when the swing is completed can have a ripple effect through the swing which would then impact how you impact (don't like that english) the ball. So I guess maybe that is why it isn't discussed as much? Because it would be better to just focus on impact/setup and let the body do what it does after impact because those are the factors that matter more?
  4. Trade deadline is passed.... 1 game left in Week 13 and then onto the final week of the regular season. It really is too close to call. Projected rankings are even stupid close. In the Draw division projected standings at the end of the season look like this. Thats 5 teams tied for 2 playoff byes and 4 games between 15th and 1st! Seriously crazy and I haven't look at how this week is going to finish, but props to everyone in the Draw Division. @mwr57 is projected to grab the 16th and final spot in playoffs with a 16-12 record. Then 2 teams at .500 miss out at 14-14. Having 18 of 28 teams with .500 or better records is a bit terrifying. The Fade Division is also tight but certainly a different situation with Cmart having a good lead. Also their 16th ranked team sneaks in with a 12-16 record. Again these are fantrax projected so don't take too much stock in them. For reference they had me only loosing 3 games not too long ago and I've had a wonderful 1-5 stint I think in 3 weeks. Regardless good luck to all in the final weeks of the regular season!
  5. Each OEM has a RH or LH sleeve. It doesn't mean it is not compatible with the head though. Just means the the sleeve lofts/lie are reversed. Often people who want a more fade bias in their sleeve will use the opposite hand in the draw setting making it a fade setting. Most will have a LH or RH labelled on them somewhere. I would have to check my LH Epic Driver to see where, but I recall there being a LH on it somewhere... Edit- I don't see a LH on it, but they are all underlined which isn't the case on a RH sleeve so that must be it!
  6. This is true. Altho it really isn't stated we encourage members to wait or find these leaked photos elsewhere unless they are posted by the OEM. Keep in mind with our testing these OEM's are giving MGS product to test for our members and we like to abide by their release dates. Truthfully these photos can be found just about anywhere so it won't take much searching, but again we will hide posts if they are leaked early. Don't want a small leaked photo to be the cause of potentially not getting a testing opportunity!
  7. An older thread, but one that certainly hasn't lost any meaning and with so many new members this is a great one to keep up with. A lot of good stories here and common threads can be found as to why or how members joined. For all those who haven't posted in this yet why did you join? Did you happen on the forum by chance or were you lead here by some other factor be that testing or instagram or whatever else?
  8. Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting a WIYB! Looking forward to seeing some updated photos when you get a chance... especially that 1 iron. Any stories behind the clubs you have or why they made it into the bag over others?
  9. Something I have done in the past is check out the older MGS most wanted. This can give you a decent idea of where to start. All that being said Ping G400 Max or SFT are great spots to start. Still used by a ton of golfers out there, few iterations old so it won't be too expensive and Ping is a good forgiving driver that offers good distance as well. Can't recommend enough and think you should be able to find them for a steal. Also along these same lines the original Taylormade M2 was super popular and may not have the newest and greatest tech, but again was and is still used by many and was considered to be far better then the 2nd version of the M2. Also shouldn't go without saying welcome to the lefty club! Happy to see another on the forum!
  10. My wife just showed me this photo from the summer which I never knew she had! It is one of my favorites of our fur family.
  11. This came up in our Rapsodo review that we just finished up linked here: But the question we were asking is what exactly are we looking for in a launch monitor? Of course this varies golfer to golfer and their situation, but with so many options what are your preferences? What is a reasonable budget that you would put towards one (if you haven't already) as well as what are the numbers/data points that would be most important to you? With options ranging from PRGR at $150 or so to GC Quad at how many thousand, to the Garmin R10, SkyCaddie SC series, new bushnell/foresight GC3, Full Swing which was featured on the blog site along with Rapsodo and the list keeps going there are so many options. Many have their short comings, whether it be spin rates or just being too expensive there will always be benefits and pitfalls to certain devices, so again for you what would make the perfect device and at what price? For me personally I think GC3 is that device. At the moment it is a little outside of how much I can fork out, but given its a Camera based system not radar gives a ton of benefits in my eyes. Add in the software that comes with it I think they really did hit a sweet spot. However 6k is a lot to fork out. If I had a little more space (my next place certainly will) it would be a no brainer. I feel the use and benefits would easily pay for itself given the data points are more trusted then several others and personally I don't want to go with a subscription based service where I would then feel obligated to get X amount of use each year. Add in outside of updating software to get better graphics and such there isn't much more I really could ask for? Therefore I think it would be a good long term investment. Now if you only wanted swingspeed or maybe ballspeed saving the extra $5850 for PRGR makes a lot more sense. In any case where is your sweet spot and do you think there will be any big prices dips coming or innovations that will help change the market?
  12. Underrated, but great options and even you could look at older models as they still perform really well are the Cobra series from F7 onwards. They have the rails which help with turf interaction and out of rough, but that also comes from someone who owns both a f7 3 and 7 wood and would find it hard to go away from them. In any case worth a look!
  13. This is a simple one for me. I just want a new driver. My Epic Sub Zero bit the dust in a who knows what happened incident. Now using my Cobra Flyz plus which I don't hate, but it is much much shorter then other drivers I have used so can't wait till we hear more about the new drivers and take the plunge... even if it would count as a late Christmas gift.
  14. Want to apologise to the membership for having been somewhat mia over the last month or so. Had a work trip to Kazakhstan for a couple weeks and just a lot of catchup leading up to and on coming back home with wife, work and dogs. Now that things are settled back in shouldn't have that lapse in time... although baby is coming soon. However that being said Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back in the US and looking forward to photos of those amazing turkey dinners! 

  15. If you do recall I was using a Open ball so the jug had to be the proper way!
  16. I have done very little in the way of practicing over the last while, but I'm going to pull out the puttout the next few evenings and see if I can track some putting stats with it. I really enjoyed this training aid even though it is extremely frustrating at times. With cold temperatures officially here it is unlikely that I'll be doing any outdoor practicing from now until spring even though technically courses are open.
  17. It is trade deadline day! Altho I am pretty much happy and content with my roster. I am going to put Gibson/Jeudy pairing together for a uptick in RB. For any of those interested send your offers! I may also consider a TE swap as part of the deal adding in Kittle. Happy trading everyone and wish all the best this week moving forward!
  18. Agree with the previous post where you don't have to get new ones of you don't want to. Another option could be to go to a local shop and bring your irons to hit side by side with some others. See some of the differences and maybe you'll have a answer if it is worth buying new to you irons. Another good thing to do is give s budget to whoever you're working with. This way you don't get any sticker shock. With all this being said there are lots of not too expensive good irons out there and any good shop or fitter should be able to find clubs you like that work within your budget.
  19. The twitter-verse is definitely a rabit hole I won't dive into.
  20. Not specific to any of our leagues, but more out of curiosity. Who do you all listen to for fantasy advice? Are there specific podcasts, sites or rankings that you use over others and why? I enjoy the CBS podcasts, they are fun, pretty light and just enjoyable to listen to, plus they have several different people on each week to give you a variety of thoughts and opinions. I'm sure there are many others that are great and would be keen on hearing who you may think give the best advice?
  21. As we near the Deadline im looking to move a combination of jeudy/Mclaurin/Lockett/Jacobs/Monty in a 2 for 1 or 3 for 2 involving another WR or WR/RB. Let the trade offers fly!
  22. Darren Sproles is a smaller RB? Would he count?
  23. Okay along with this topic I want to see everyones thoughts on this. A few years back I went back to New Zealand on a vacation/work trip. I fell in love the the look and videos of Tara Iti. If none of you have looked it up, please do. It looks amazing and would likely be the best ever course I would have played.... yes I didn't pull the trigger on this. For everyones reference for non members you can play, but it is a true once in a lifetime situation. A guest can follow certain steps and play ONCE in their lifetime. So this isn't just a how much would you pay to play, but also how much would pay for a truly once in a lifetime golf experience? This also means you can play as many times as you like for the time you stay. Not just a single round. A quick breakdown of the costs goes as follows For me flights were free so no worries there, but NZ isn't a short or cheap flight. I think round trip mine was about 2800 US round trip which included a stop for a week in Australia. Rental car was $30 a day, so not bad there. However here is the golf stuff - Rooms (which are mandatory for play at Tara Iti) range from $1000 NZ a night ($750 US) to $4000 NZ a night. A breakfast is included in the price. Rounds of golf were $690 NZ a night and there is also a $200 caddie fee per round. Breakdown- 2 Rounds of golf, 1 night room = $4000 NZ or about $3000 US. So how I was looking at it I could have gone for 2 rounds with one on the day of arrival and stay a night then one the next day and then have to go and get driving to make my way down to the South Island where I was working. Ultimately I decided on not going as I truly wanted to, but the timing would have been rushed and I didn't want to feel that pressure if I was going to pull the trigger on it. If I had more time would I have? I'm not going to lie I was really really close... but for a true once in a lifetime golf experience what would you pay?
  24. A lesser used product I would say, but i have the G410 Crossovers from Ping and do really love them. They have worked great for me and I even introduced one to replace my 4 iron. Not sure how the newest one performs, but love the look of the 410 overall and wish I could find a 425 to give a look and hit to compare.
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