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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. I think that is part of it though. Don't get me wrong I am a huge Ridley fan and have been for a long time, but he is turning 27 this year. No not old, but prime years for WR are 27/28. Yes he will still be good after, but can he be as good facing the elite cb's week in and week out? Atlanta was/is in a tough spot caught between past and future and I don't envy them, but as I mentioned in a post before I am ready for our next era to begin and I don't see them being that competitive again this year so in my mind it was good time to bite the bullet. Take a QB and start selling off assets to build a team that can truly compete again in 3 or so years. That being said the best of luck to Julio and I'm ready for another 4 win season.
  2. These changing of matchups are playing with my nerves... I keep not knowing how my week is panning out and with Rahms points still in have no idea if I'll be at 5 or 10 or anywhere inbetween.
  3. Been a ride Julio... Thanks for all the memories, but now truly am regretting Atlanta not going full rebuild. Watch out Titans and AJ may have a bit less fantasy value.
  4. Although I would agree that it is a weaker field, I would vote no to skip this event. Corales did not have any top players at all, looking back it was very much a second tier field and the top player maybe being Willett or winner Dahmen. Next weeks event had DJ, Koepka, Fitz, Hatton, Fleetwood, English, Glover, Grace, Hahn (who is often rostered by 5 teams), SungJae, Kisner (although he has been a letdown this season), Kizzire, Noren, Rodgers, Straka, Willett and more... so although again I agree it is a weaker field it by no means compares to Corales. Sadly we have all had to punt on a few weeks. I have had on at least 3 weeks this year, sadly it is part of the (long) season and is part of roster management. I'm sure if the commissioners want they can put it to a vote, however I do see this in a different light then I do Corales. That being said I am open to hear any arguments out that anyone has...also reading back I am seeing the sarcasm you put in... my bad.
  5. He will probably be come back with vengeance since he was so far ahead and win the last 5 events of the season. I'm scared of how good post covid angry Rahm is going to be... Also pretty sure Hatton only missed one week when he tested positive earlier this season. I would expect Rahm to be back for the US Open and he didn't commit to next weeks event anyway.
  6. Late to the party but wow, cannot believe it. There will always be both sides of the argument for our points system and sadly fantrax doesn't or can't handle withdraws other ways. That also makes at least 3 for this event (Day and Kisner were others I saw). Really hope that over night maybe something can happen or change? However it doesn't seem likely. Feel for all those teams with Rahm and hope it isn't more then a week away and he is good and back for the US Open.
  7. Again I'm not going to get sucked down the rabbit hole... It isn't like arm lock is brand new, it has been around for years and years so not sure why now it is a issue. What I said is pretty self explanatory and much like BNG I am going to leave it at that and put my content into other threads. Cheers all!
  8. We should not dive into that hypothetical as it would open up way too many "what ifs" and lead us further down the rabbit hole then we already are. In the end it is legal now and until the regulating bodies deem it illegal we will see players use it or try it, until then it doesn't really matter what we or other players think. Even belly putting took a season or two to phase out. So if they said yes it is illegal tomorrow, we would likely still see it as a form of putting on tour for at the very least another season if not two. Many OEM's are making putters with this style in mind so I don't see it going away anytime fast. F1 has a lot of good comparisons for technology being brought in and being protested and so on. See Mercs DAS system or the more recent flexi front and rear wings on cars. They have ways of protesting these systems to see if they are within regulations or not with varying degrees of conclusions or penalties. I am sure if players really thought it gave them that much of a benefit we would either see all of them adapt it or those who refused call it out for being illegal. Sports evolve and golf is no different, lets enjoy the game and some incredible shots/putts being made regardless of how someone swings or putts rather then bicker over things we have absolutely zero control over and truly has no effect on our games other then maybe us buying new clubs.
  9. Looks like mine will be in Europe sometime next week... So it's on its way
  10. My offer wasn't that bad! It was at least a 3 for 1 and now that Fowler can see from 150 yards he is Gold! (There was a article i just read about his sight) Sneds has been really good and Fitz has been one of the better players fantasy side this year... Very undervalued. Yes JT is amazing but he had also had some struggles so took a shot on buying low... Worked out i like my roster better now anyway! Plus i know people have offered a lot less for top players.
  11. I echo everyone else, @Lacassem big congrats and awesome to hear! Well deserved I am sure as well.
  12. I'm a lefty and international so this is really the first one (puttout) that I could... But am not. Completely understandable from a OEM side wanting US right now, much easier and simpler. Eventually the right item will come along!
  13. I will admit I didn't bother running through the pages of this thread as well I can imagine half of the posts, but figured I would chime in with my own thoughts on the armlock putting style. I have tried it, played rounds and practice with it previously and struggled so much with it. I lost all feel for my putting stroke and was horribly inconsistent with speed and line. Maybe with practice I could gain something, but it would take a very low point in my game to get there, which I am not willing to go through. It is so different feeling, so for those who take the time and get good at it great. However like the anchor putting it isn't for everyone and there will always be those who simply stay with the standard method. For those who followed my stroke lab putter review, may recall a prereview I did on the Nike Method counter balance putter. This had some cool tech in it that really stabalized the putter with weighting... this is something I am surprised didn't catch on as it had a lot of armlock like features and was a very stable putter... in the end I think players will always look to improve and I hate to say bend the rules, but work with/around them to get an advantage. This is part of sport and how these guys make a living so I don't blame them. I honestly don't know where I stand if it should be banned or not in the future, but from my own experience I didn't see it being a huge advantage for my game. I am no pro by any means, but if it was here to stay I honestly wouldn't be put off.
  14. See my badge with the But more importantly Which I am hoping to cash in sometime soon!
  15. Thankfully I think we have a good league and there won't be any ill willed trades. Thankfully he seems eager to get involved and has the trade sheet to reference and help make the best trades possible if any. Glad to have him and see how many wins he can steal from us and maybe shape up how the playoffs end up!
  16. And a Split Division 32 team League in your season with only 2 matchups per week... compared to 60 against everyone each week! Win percentage your season... Win percentage my season... Last season playoffs....
  17. The beer leagues are always good fun. For the first time in years I am actually playing this season and its on a fun team. There are lots of different refrigeration systems and lots of them are getting more eco friendly which is cool. Most are ammonia based systems that cool brine (basically a dense salt water for those who don't know) which goes through pipes in the concrete and takes heat away (yes that is different then cooling things down haha). Water is really important for us as we spray water called pebbling (see picture above post) which creates little water droplets on the ice so it isn't smooth. If the water is bad it is soft and will break down quickly and then conditions change so we use different systems to purify the water. These "pebbles" allow the stones to curl and slide along the ice with greater ease. Quick facts for curling ice- Lanes are called Sheets of ice - Stones weight 42 lbs and cost about $600 per stone. - Most curling ice (white base and rings) are painted. - Lines are done by using yarn! It is really cool because its very much a art and a science. There are so many different factors and ways to get the proper result and each building and day often offers a unique and new challenge.
  18. I said it at the very beginning I am going to defend my title this year as of right now am still the reigning champion! Even if you have a previous title I currently still wear the crown!
  19. I went back and realized I have posted in this, but it was years ago and although I still have the same job I figure I can do a better job expanding on it. I work as an Ice Technician for Curling Clubs/Events. Yes making ice as a job... My career is split into two parts. One my curling club. I am the sole employee of the club here in Switzerland and manage bookings, prepare and install and maintain ice conditions and general maintenance and cleaning of the facility. It is all pretty routine, but I love it and we have a great membership and a club that is willing to do what it can to provide me with the best equipment possible to do my job and make the best ice possible. The second part is admittedly more exciting. I take on contracts for the World Curling Federation and other Associations to come in and prepare arenas and curling facilities for championship events. This often includes coaching and training of new ice techs in the local area. These events have given me the chance to travel the world and go to 15 countries over the last few years (pre covid of course). They are a lot of fun and a unique challenge where I often have to work with people I have never met before and still create championship conditions. Sometimes we don't have the proper equipment (Kazakhstan) or I have a translator who doesn't know much english (China) or simply have a really difficult building that doesn't cooperate. I have stories for days and usually end up doing between 2-5 trips a year, which will hopefully restart again soon! I made a quick video for anyone who is interesting in seeing a lane (sheet in curling terms) being prepared. My Video.mp4
  20. Issue is you would have to surpass my team and that just won't happen
  21. From 32 it would be a epic come back. Glad it's getting sorted away and thanks to the commissioners for getting on it right away.
  22. Thankfully we can go back and view the recap posts for some reference, but yeah a lot has changed. Weird it would change or add weeks of matchups now having worked for the last 17 weeks... @blackngold_blood went from #1 to #32 spot... So we will definitely need a fix soon.
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