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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Everything posted by sirchunksalot

  1. Once sunk a fifty foot putt with the Epic Flash, left a crater where the hole was, but it counted. I'm still amazed at the forgiveness, I've hit shots that would have been almost unplayable with any other driver I've ever owned. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  2. I'm seeing the exact same thing with my speeds training. I can't quite swing the sticks as fast, but the results on the course are great. I haven't used the radar on the course or the range in the last couple of weeks, just trying to focus on my technique and the radar tends to make me over swing. Also, I find it interesting that you first saw a speed difference with your irons. Mine still aren't showing much improvement, but I've always had a bit of a mental block with them. I used to game a set I bought from a guys at work that were in no way suited for me at the time. Stiff shaft, and hard to get airborne. My Cobra's are easy to hit and I have loads of confidence in them, but I just can't really let loose with them. I appreciate you sharing your swing thought with your irons and I think I might give that a try. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  3. I think it's an underappreciated art form. [emoji23] Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  4. One more thing, when I started the SuperSpeed training I had two goals on this course. The first was to clear the creek in hole three. It requires a carry of 235 to get over it. So far, I haven't hit one well enough early in the round to do that, but I feel like with the Callaway I can do it. The second goal was to be able to drive the green on the par 4 12th. It's an elevated tee shot to a green that's 254 to the center. I've come close twice. Today I ended up pin high ( front hole location) and off to the left. My tee shot felt like it was off the toe and just had enough of a draw to throw it about 25 feet from the edge. I skulled the chip shot and ended up three putting, but I feel it was a win in my goal. I just want to know that I have the distance to one day hitting the green. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  5. I got out and played nine after work today, since the rain is coming in for the weekend. The Epic Flash Sub Zero just keeps on performing. I had my best day ever for average distance off the tee, even though I couldn't hit a fairway. It's not the club, it's me. I had a really bad case of the pulls today and as you can see, sent everything left with the exception of my tee shot on 15. It's a short 395 yard par 5 with a narrow fairway and a house on the left that I once pulled a ball into the garage of last summer. Needless to say, I try to avoid doing that again so I aimed at the dead tree to the right and turned it over a bit. It was only one of two tee shots that punished me, since I had to hit a low recovery shot under some branches to get it back into the fairway. The other was a pull on 17 that left me with no choice but to hit a wedge at a ninety degree angle to get back into the playing area due to a thick line of tall trees blocking me from advancing. I hit another great drive on 18, getting close to the green again. I actually hit a provisional after my first shot because I thought I lost the first shot right, but once I got close to the green I saw that my first shot must've hit an embankment and bounced left. Overall, I shot a 48 everything was off today with the exception of the driver. @THEZIPR23 that was a monster drive and I can sympathize with your feelings toward the driver. I've honestly threatened to kick my wife out of bed so mine would have a comfy place to sleep. I'm thankful she's a saint and has a sense of humor. That, and for the fact that she encourages me to play golf for "science". Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  6. That's an awesome drive@THEZIPR23! I know you said in an earlier post you haven't got a personal best with the Epic Flash, but that's one heckuva shot. I see [emoji268] 50 in your future. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  7. You'll get there, no doubt about it. I had trouble getting the speed I was seeing to translate from the range to the course. I think it has something to do with risk, on the course you're penalized for an errant shot. Once you make it to week 20 and start the ASD protocols, it's like a switch went off. I struggled with sequencing and did the ASD 2 protocol, which has been phenomenal! I still struggle with extra distance with my irons, but the driver has been a beast. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  8. Played 18 today, and while my swing is still not perfect I did manage to launch 4 drives over 240 one of which was a new personal best of 270. I was fortunate enough to get some roll going downhill, but I'm not complaining. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  9. I was able to get out and play 18 after work today, and let me tell you, the Epic Flash Sub Zero still brings the wow factor. My average driving distance was down compared to my last two rounds where I averaged 230. You can see, I missed a lot of shots left because I kept pulling the ball. Not to mention, there was this: I just straight up sent a worm burner down the fairway. A couple of guys let me play through and I caved to the pressure and just choked. My thought today was to test the driver in neutral on the sliding weight and the hosel in draw position. I was still hitting a baby fade when I wasn't pulling it, but it kept the slices to a minimum. I think one of the other testers who has a better swing than mine needs to test it out to give real results, but I'm honestly giddy with how it performed. I did come closer to an ace than I ever have in the 10th. I hit a 7 iron to within three feet of the flag. I gotta say I was both ecstatic and heartbroken at the same time. I guess since I was playing solo it was for the greater good, I don't want to have a heart attack without someone there to call an ambulance. I finally figured out how to fight my pull on the 18th, by moving the ball back in my stance a little bit. Then I did this: This is my longest drive ever! I'm not going to take all the credit for the shot because I was able to take advantage of the slope and the dry conditions. This driver is definitely staying in the bag. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  10. You got my curiosity up and so i read a post on the Callaway forum on their website and it says that the hosel adjustment would set the club more upright promoting a draw. They also noted that the effect would be more pronounced at max loft, so I would assume it would turn the club into more of a hook machine. I have practiced with the sliding weight in full draw (it's also where I play it) and the hosel in draw at the same time. I couldn't get consistent results, but I also was fighting my swing at the time as it was a hot mess. I'm planning on playing tomorrow and will set the sliding weight to neutral and the hosel to draw to see what happens. @edingc and@THEZIPR23 I hope both of you feel better before your next rounds. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  11. I didn't try any sort of knee pads, but I did pick up a kneeling pad at Lowe's early in the process. I think I paid $10 for it and it's definitely better than just placing my knees on the ground.@cnosil you're definitely a tougher man than I am. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  12. Great job@edingc! I've been mulling buying a push cart and it's nice to see such a great review of one. I really love the photos of how everything is fitting in the trunk of your Cavalier, those are pretty small cars. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  13. It's their Advanced Speed Development protocols, three different exercises you do once a week, starting week 20, to help you work on a specific deficiency in your swing. One is for lag, one is for sequencing, and the other is ground contact. They do have the videos on their website under Advanced Drills. They also have instructions on how to either have a professional diagnose your swing to determine which one to do, and they have methods to self diagnose. For example, since rev and I were talking ASD 2 which is sequencing I'll self diagnose. Go to the range with the radar and hit balls with your normal swing. Let's say you average 100 mph. Then hit balls using a half swing with the same effort and check your speed. If your speed isn't within 7 percent of your full swing, 93 mph in this example, then you'll want to do ASD 2. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  14. Welcome to the forum and thanks for the excellent write-up on the Stroke Lab putter! I'll be sure to keep tabs here and in the Official Review to see how is performing for you. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  15. I've actually gone from using 3 1/2" tees down to 2 3/4" to make up for how much lower I'm teeing the ball. I used to tee it high and let it fly now I tee it low and watch it go! I think the ASD 2 protocol is phenomenal, getting a feel for how the whole body works in concert to swing the club makes a huge difference in my game. Heck, it's the one Phil's doing every time I see him with a SuperSpeed stick in his hands. If it's good enough for Phil, it's good enough for me. [emoji16] Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  16. If I can ever get my swing under control, the Sub Zero will be considered dangerous. I played nine holes after work and with the exception of the first hole, my driver was a weapon. I had to play the back nine at Chatata Valley and the 10th hole has always been a bane to my existence. The tee shot has to start right to avoid the trees that line a creek to the left. I hit the trees and got fortunate that my ball dropped down leaving me with a playable shot. The bad news was my drive was only 62 yards. It's no fault of the club, just my subconscious playing games with me. I did hit three drives that went 240, 251, and 253. My other three went 215, 208, 209 and they all felt like they came off the heel. None of them were punishing, just lost distance and was still left with decent shots. Overall, I had another day where I averaged 230. Granted, this is not accounting for the first drive. I do believe Flash Face might just be the real deal. My best drive of the day was a straight up block on the 18th that ended up in the 10th fairway but was good for 253 yards. Hit my 3 wood for my second shot, which left me behind trees and led to my shot of the day where I hit a low running 5 iron under the branches and hit the GIR. It's going to be rainy this weekend, that and the wife's birthday don't bode well for playing. Overall, I would call today a big win for the Epic Flash Sub Zero. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  17. Mike, first of all congrats on your new low score! That's awesome! I want you to know that I also struggled with pop-ups. I think the training might have led to a steeper angle of attack, for me, and caused me to hit high on the face. I tried lowering my tee height, shoulder angles, and ball position. It took a little time and a lot of frustration before being able to find good contact, but once I did, yowza! I'm dropping bombs and have more confidence in my driver than I've had in a long time. I have complete and total faith you'll get there. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to hear stories from you and the other testers of long drives and low scores. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  18. I've got mine set at 10.5 and am getting a high ball flight. I've struggled with REALLY high shots lately because I have a bad habit of hitting the top of the face. A setup adjustment that has gotten me more toward the middle of the face and the ball flight is still high, but with a more piercing trajectory. I have experimented with dropping the loft to 9.5 but really couldn't keep it under control. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  19. Congrats guys to all the big numbers that y'all are putting up!@cnosil @Trial& Error @B.Boston @tchat07 you guys are putting up numbers I'd love to see. I've been in the maintenance phase for the last couple of weeks due to golf season, driver testing, and just having to do things around the house. Spring time is definitely busy time. One note about the maintenance phase, it's awkward going back and doing the step change, my body wants to do the double step. Keep up the great work guys! It's definitely worth it when you start reaching parts of the course you're not used to hitting from. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  20. I've got the Project X Even Flow Green in mine. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  21. Congrats on the new personal best! The Callaway is just a rocket launcher. I can see why it was the Most Wanted Driver of 2019. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  22. You guys are absolutely killing it over here, great content, awesome pictures, and really putting the Ping to the test. Keep up the good work! Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  23. I haven't tried swinging the light club before a round, but I do the dynamic warm-up with the heavy club progression at the end. SuperSpeed has put out their suggested warm-up routine: I haven't done this one, I guess I'm too lazy to put the two extra clubs in my bag. I do like the fact it has you swinging the light club at the end. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  24. I don't think you could pry this out of my hands right now. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  25. Shot my best round ever yesterday, 44/45 for an 89. I had six drives register over 240 yards with four of those going over 250. My longest drive of the day was 259. I'm currently in a maintenance phase due to the fact it's been a busy couple of weeks and playing and practicing with the Callaway. I'm more than happy with how SuperSpeed has really changed my game. Sent from my SM-G955U using MyGolfSpy mobile app
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