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Everything posted by fixyurdivot

  1. Does he still have it do you think? No, not the belt buckle, a tour level game? I have a hard time believing Norman is going to offer him a contract unless he does. Yea, yea, I know, "but look at some of those he's made offers too"... I hear you. But at least the vast majority of them came directly from the other tours. To throw him an offer just for the mystique factor seems even a reach for Greg. Not that a return to the PGA is even in the works but were that the case he'd have to go back threw Q-School and up through the KF... right?
  2. Top of the pot spies . I attended the WM yesterday, taking advantage of free tickets and The Patriots pavillion. I arrived at the gate at 0710 only to find out they were delaying entry due to frost delay. Unlike 90% of the early arrivers, I was not heading to #16 stadium...what a sight and mess that is. I found a spot in grandstand right behind #10 green and watched from there for about 2 hours; seeing Scheffler, Scott, JT, among other notables come through. I don't think I'll attend this event again (maybe a Thursday) as it is simply too crowded. Further, the atmosphere is way too drink/drunkfest for me. Watching two patrons puking and one $faced girl being attended to by police/FD isn't tour golf I grew with. I started following Horschel but seemingly could not stay clear of a group who were clearly intoxicated and kept hollering "let's go Billy" amongst other stupid comments. Other than the knukleheads and that it was cold and sloppy everywhere from the downpours on Thursday, always fun to watch these guys make this game look so easy. Here's some pics to get your golfing mojo humming. Have a great weekend all!
  3. So much commentary about LIV is from those with a political axe to grind. Once those tinted glasses are removed, rational thinking and discussion can ensue. I mean just the title of this article is a tell. It's great seeing AK back playing tour golf and I wish him all the best.
  4. Yea Kenny, our group was quite surprised that it had not been accomplished on tour. I've read that the odds are better getting an ace... hard to believe. Oh, and as you know, I don't have one of those either
  5. For sure, most do exactly that. Except for our men's league (bunch of retired guys wanting to believe we're on tour ), most groups I play with move balls out of fairway divots. We also allow the balls on the desertscape rock (mostly 3/4 minus) to be lifted and the rocks brushed away to hit off dirt/really fine gravel. No need to damage clubs or oneself. Everyone plays the same minor rule mofication so all is fair and the game is more enjoyable. The purists opine and we listen intently .
  6. Well, there are at least two of us . My biggest beef is that the player has no control of avoiding these. They can see the tree, bunker, bush, etc. in the middle of the fairway and try to avoid it as a shot making strategy. They successfully do this only to find the ball half deep in a divot running 45 degrees off target line. It's arguably the dumbest rule in golf and should be changed.
  7. There is always Yuma . Out of curiosity I just looked at the green fees at the three courses we played there most often. Desert Hills ranges from $35-69, Las Barancas $65 w/cart, and Mesa Del Sol $79. Our last season there (2022/23), we used to play DH's for $18-39, LB for $30-45, and MDS for $30-40. We had heard MDS was planning a renovation and rates would be increasing... sure did. Cost of green fees appears to have well surpassed inflation in most locations. Hopefully these increases are an anomaly and they stabilize.
  8. But did he hit all fairways and greens?
  9. I hear where you're coming from and agree that it is among the more expensive sports/hobbies. I guess my point is that I'd hate to see that aspect of the game get worse.
  10. Jeeber's Kenny, that is quite a price escalation...certainly way beyond inflation. It's always been a supply & demand model but it does seem that certain commoditites have run wild and borderline pure price gouging. Our courses here are $125 for non-resident/guest, public play during winter peak season... I think that's high. They are really nice course, but still.
  11. Ah, missed this aspect...good point. I'd hate to see golf get pulled into the draft of the relative few who mindlessly spend money on products and drive inflation. To the OP's underlying point, golf has long had a stigma of being an expensive, affluent sport... I for one would hate to see that become reality.
  12. ^^These^^ We're all fish in the Sea of Commerce. What bait and lures we choose to bite is largely our decision. I'm a value buyer and if I don't feel the value justifies the price, I look elsewhere. Disclaimer; I had to refresh myself on the term "jump the shark"... that's a pretty skookum idiom
  13. I have two more rounds in since my final review... the Seven T CH is still in the bag . Glad to hear you and the others are getting a break from nasty weather and out to the courses. Congratulations @Rob Person. But, the afterglow is short lived as you now have another milestone to notch .
  14. Sick day... honestly the only thing I miss about work . Hard to believe it's been 7 years next month. Have fun with the Odyssey.
  15. I was just trying to see what might be equal in golf to the "300" in bowling and "perfect game" in baseball. It was a topic that came up in one of my golf groups and thought it might be an interesting discussion for the forum.
  16. Well, the 4 Aces early dominance has certainly been throttled a bit with each successive acquisition and creation of new teams. I really think the team aspect of LIV's format is going to become increasingly more heated and exciting.
  17. No, it really isn't. In your case, the golfer makes a swing that does not avoid a tree - that's a known hazard. In the case of the divot in the fairway, the golfer has no practical control of avoiding divots. He/she made a good shot and gets penalized. It's not about life's fair and unfair but making rules that improve the game - both the enjoyment and the ability to score when you make good shots. If there was a will to make the rule change, they could find the verbiage... I have no doubt. There was motivation and will to inact the ball rollback. Their interests are that of their own exclusive club, not that of the majority of golfers around the globe.
  18. It would be awesome if it can provide a two-for-one. I work out 3-4 days/week and it is not really directed specifically at anything golf... just basic tone and flexibility. I have added the simple bar on top of my shoulders, arms over the bar and do a mock golf swing/turn. I'm hoping some of what I learn from you guys I can emulate on the numerous machines we have and that I don't currently use.
  19. DJ better keep an eye on Pat Perez. The course is within walking distance of the strip and casinos .
  20. Well, thus far we have two descriptions which have never been achieved... and we really don't know which would be more challenging. At least yours is doable.
  21. Hitting a tree and hitting from a divot on the fairway or differences in how far we each hit are hardly a good comparisons. Your point about all playing to the same rules being fair is true. And the rule regarding divots in fairways can and should be changed... long been a bone of contention...long overdue. While we agree on the ball rollback, we disagree on this issue/debate. #timetochangethefairwaydivotrule
  22. Writing change criteria that supports the desired decision/outcome is a clever way to handle things . Weren't you recently pointing out the USGA's clever use of driving distance data in support of the ball rollback? Seems like they've got this drill down to a science. The bottomline in this for me is that I think it unfair and unnecessary for players to hit from others fairway divots. It just detracts from the game and penalizes the player for no fault of their own. Great drive, sucks be you. Challenging but not impossible. I think @Another Stevealready has the basis of defining a fairway divot... for the very low percentage that are not clearly divots and require a forensic team.
  23. Well yes, as perfect as we can but also be achieveable. That's the key for me. I mean if we use only score, why not 50? While playing a few days ago, we got to talking about how cool it would be to hit all fairways and greens. One of the guys thought for sure that has happened on tour, the rest of us honestly did not know (come to find out...nope). From there we concluded doing so and making par or better with the flat-stick would be "the perfect game". Either of our definitions have never been accomplished whereas the other sport "perfects" have. So perhaps we need to lower and widen the goal post? It's an interesting question/discussion.
  24. I considered score 54 but it's never been officially accomplished and highly unlikely it ever will. While really elusive, the 300 game in bowling and the perfect game in baseball have been achieved. For that reason, I felt like the 72 or better with all FIR's and GIR's was more the perfect game. I say that because, to the best of my knowledge/research, no professional golfer has ever achieved the 18 FIR & 18 GIR. I've read that just hitting 18 GIR is rarer than an ace... that surprised me.
  25. So what is golf's version of the "perfect game". Bowling has the 300 score, baseball has one, but what about golf? For me, I'd say it's hitting every fairway and green in regulation and two putting or better. How would you define it?
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