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Everything posted by fixyurdivot

  1. You might also want to check with the course pro staff/shop manager. They should be able to provide some suggestions as well based on experience. If it's largely charity, with a wide cross-section of players and capabilities, I say keep it simple and just add a few wrinkles like you have already noted; KP's LD, LP and maybe fewest putts. One company tournament I used to play had complimentary one free roll, throw, and kick that could be used anytime during the round. For instance, players in a sand trap and has no experience hitting out of sand, he/she can use one of the options for that shot. They also offered additional roll/throw/kicks for a donation ($5 each back then, 1980's dollars ). Some of the 19th hole stories on how these were used were quite entertaining. Kudo's to you for taking on the role, good luck, and let us know how it all turns out.
  2. Yup. Like @vandylandsaid, hard to think the PGA remains as we've known it with this investment group not wanting something in return... beyond just profit. You and me both. About the only thing I found exciting watching some of today's ATT coverage was Finau hitting driver on a 200 yard par 3. If I happen to watch any coverage of the event, I'm hoping for gale winds and rain sideways. That kind of summarizes my feelings about pro golf... if it's going to be a $*%$s&*@, then lets have a $*%$s&*@.
  3. Now officially for profit with an infusion of $3B from Fenway Sports Group. I just listened to Jordan Speith's interview at ATT PB and his response to this announcement. He sounds excited. PGA, like LIV now has their sugar-daddy. Lots more details to come. Just read through this article which sheds a bot more detail but still unclear on the "for profit" and/or "non-profit" status (head-spinner).
  4. I traveled 3 hours from Yuma to Palm Springs to validate my TrueSpec fitting numbers and finalists (ZX5's) off grass. Palm Springs was the closest opportunity as it was during the tailend of Covid. A couple of our forum members who had recently started gaming the v-sole suggested to test them on turf before buying... the benefits of the forum .
  5. I've heard this from a couple of users, one that returned it within the 30 day test period and is back to his G400 Max. Jamie, I think this is only an issue on the models that were assembled backwards . Interesting point, I'll look for this when I get a chance to test.
  6. Those are impressive gains. Looks like TM is sticking with the Stealth carbon face technology as it withstood the initial onslaught of doubters and what now appears to be isolated cases of face delamination (anyone else remember that month long+ discussion/debate?). And the newest tech being added is the very high MOI. Still a 460cc envelope but it appears to have a flatter profile and looks pretty darn good to me. I'll have to check out the Qi10 at the next demo day.
  7. Hello all. My final product review is complete, please check it out here. I'm a few days ahead of the scheduled completion date but have a couple of items coming up that will chew up available time and I didn;t want to be late. Please let me know if you have any questions or if my final decision surprised you. Thank you again to Odyssey and our MGS Staff for letting me test/review this product.
  8. Not all that surprised Hatton went to LIV but I am in agreement with @BringerofRainand surprised that he was only able to negotiate $50M. Perhaps the contract includes unlimited club replacement and a no fault clause involving damage from on-course hissy-fit's?
  9. +1. When teams records/wins are shrouded in accusations of cheating or underhanded tactics, I always hang an asterik on them. I'd do the same were it the best team ever...speaking of which .
  10. Do you simply pile all your eating utensils into a drawer? If you answer yes, then the best golf bag design on the market probably isn't for you. Here's looking at you @Owengeorge13 I'm still using this Sun Mountain bag and love having the kickstand option even though it rides 90% of the time. I position it sideways in the golf cart and it works great. If I opt to move away from a kickstand style, I'd probably choose the C130.
  11. fixyurdivot


    I'd like to hear from our WMGS members on this. I wonder what the difference is between men and women tour events as it pertains to viewership. I'm pretty certain more men watch PGA vs. LPGA but do more women watch LPGA events than PGA? To be fair, some of my LPGA viewing is simply the result of what my streaming and TGC offers; and often it's LPGA. But in many cases, were both a PGA and LPGA available, I'd still choose to watch LPGA.
  12. fixyurdivot


    Pound for pound, Lydia and the rest of the LPGA are statistically better players than the PGA. I've watched lots of LPGA events over the years and find them every bit as entertaining as the other tours. My best guess in answer to your question is that it simply comes down to the money thing. That said, the LPGA has made a huge run in viewership interest the past decade or so. In a selfish way, I hope money doesn't ruin womens professional golf as it is doing with men's golf.
  13. Perhaps it is a built-in, subliminal system that helps golfers not waste any shots between the tee and green?
  14. Huge for Maxfli and DSG. I'm happy for Lexi as well as I've long been a fan. To be really honest, I have no idea who if any other tour level players are gaming Maxfli but do so not via official endorsement. Regardless, I'm amazed more are not. I test the "CG Balanced" version of these, both Tour and Tour X and found them equal to other top shelf tour balls; principally PV1 and PV1x. It only stands to reason that they would be a great match for many tour and elite amateur players. But you know, it may work in our favor price wise if they stay under the radar. I have purchased several boxes of them each time DSG's has offered the special MGS discount.
  15. Well thanks! As it turned out I shot a 39/38 at our individual net Stableford today, taking 1st place in first flight . I had one of the best start to finish ball striking days I've had in a couple of months. Only one 3w that I worm burned ugly but it did not hurt me. But the real news was the Odyssey!! 14/17 putts with 6 one putts and 1 three putt . The 3 putt came on the par 5 #10 after hitting a great drive, 5w and wedge onto the green, but too long leaving a 40+ downhill. I had been coming up a bit short and just over-cooked the lag sending it almost 10 feet past . Several of the 1 putts were from about 5 feet for par saves. So now the Evnroll is on the bench. Certainly inanimate objects cannot possibly have a form of consciouness we are unaware of... right?
  16. Now come on, to be fair, they made millions all those years with him playing/endorsing that ball. You know, the CS may very well be the "ball the changed the ball", but it was Phil's moves that made it a club house name .
  17. Because I am committed to my official product tester responsibilities, the Odyssey is going back in the quiver for men's league play tomorrow. Maybe the brief (one round) time on the bench gave it time to reflect on just how serious this endeavour is .
  18. Pretty much same story here. I started with a Golf Buddy then, after joining the forum in 2018, I bought @Thin2win (Chris's) V2 watch as he had just upgraded to the newer version. It worked really well until I got soaked in a downpour and water got inside. I have since upgraded to the G3 and it's been stellar. I only used the RFID tags on the V2 for a short time and decided I didn't need the data, so the G3 is perfect. And, yes, the sub-forum has been real helpful answering user questions. I think it's cool that SS has decided to become MGS's "official" partner. They make super good products and their support has been nothing short of fantastic. It's nice that they offer existing customers discounts on their latest products!
  19. My thought on this is that the differences between these is likely noise level and nothing the vast majority of us would ever notice in play. That said, I've been playing AVX and Maxfli Tour the past year and it's nice knowing they are paying attention to quality... as one would expect from top shelf pricing.
  20. Yuck and yuck. Final finishing processes can be super touchy about surface preparation. Someone on that department was munching on Fig Newtons while loading parts . @Jay 1971I do agree with the others that you will probably have better luck getting compensation by contacting Mizuno directly. When I had my Srixon ZX5's built at Fairway Jockey, I noticed a couple of clubs had some bubbling/blistering on the cosmetic badge (back of club). This was not present when I first received the clubs and realized they had built them to D0 vs. D2... it was on them when they came back from re-work. They were great about it and built me two new replacements. I asked them and Srixon if either had seen this on the new Srixon models and they had not. Thus far, now 3 years later, none of the clubs show signs of this. The good news is that there is a guy on the forum and on this thread that will pay top dollar for cool club patina. The bad news is that he hits from the wrong side of the ball.
  21. Hopefully you have insurance. The price of some phones are close to that of a set of clubs .
  22. Bummer on the phone but hopefully those files will still be on your SIM card or in "Da Clouds" . Yea, I happen to see a little weather channel yesterday and the nasty stuff moving through your region. They said a nice change is right behind it Now that is different/unique approach to product testing. Keep in mind that YT has that "age restricted" designation . After our round Saturday, one of my buddies said he noticed the change in putter headcovers and I told he and the others all about the MGS Odyssey test. None are particularly up to date on latest equipment technology (naturally, they aren't spies ) so I explained the science behind the AI insert. They seemed pretty impressed that level of tech went into a putter... I have to admit, so am I.
  23. Yes, that is arguably his lowest/dumbest/least classy move... kind of forgot about that one .
  24. Interesting. I was a long time Phil fan and never played anything Callaway. I only heard through the grapevine that the company I worked for had teamed up with Callaway on the XR16 driver. During that time I was not playing golf all that much and most definitely did not stay current on the latest in product offerings. I avoided all Swoosh products not because of Tiger or MJ but because that symbol so saturated the market I was tired of seeing it.
  25. All the best to Samson. He looks like he's having a blast in the picture.
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