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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. Rest season progress check. Not bad for 55F with a couple single arm swings for warm up and then ramping up from 90 mph swing speed.
  2. 100% I was going to say, see if you can go for a full playing lesson so he can check out your shots around the green and anything under full swing.
  3. I would use time after the round when possible to take advantage of the short game area and do focused work on speed control for putts and hit 20-30 yard chips with all wedges (even on range). For full swings, you should be hitting the clubs used on par 3 tee shots and finish with your 1st tee club going through your full pre-shot routine for the first tee. When I am in a time crunch (15 min or less) this is my go to on the practice green: - 1 putt from 20, 40, 60 feet lagged within 10% of start distance or 3 feet (whichever is farther) - Mickelson clock drill with 4 balls, except at 3, 4, 5 and 6 feet instead of the same distance. Move back 1 putt each time you miss, keep going until you make the 6' putt. - finish with your full routine on random putts to different holes 15-30 ft. (don't expect to make them, putt out for 2 putts) - bump and runs greenside from 2-5 yards off green - assess the carry vs run out on chips with your most lofted wedge and your bump and run club (9 iron for me). Is my 9 iron running 2x or 3x as long as it carries? Is GW carry equal to roll out? *** In my opinion, short game warm-up is more important to dial in touch for your hands to make finesse shots. I can take 10 swings with an orange whip and 5-10 driver swings without a ball and get around on the course fine (not to mention courses with no range where it isn't an option). I don't want my first putt of the day to be an 8 footer for par (or 50' lag) or need to get up and down greenside from a downslope to be my first chip. There's value in seeing your ball flight with irons and drivers on the range so you can play for it, but that is also something you need to adjust as the round goes on regardless. If you average 2 shots to get out of any sand trap, that's not acceptable. Set aside 30 min, watch a couple Youtube vids on technique then go hit 30 shots out of a practice bunker and it will be taken care of. You won't execute every shot perfect, but anything more than 1/10 shots being left in a bunker is cause for alarm and can be easily fixed.
  4. What is your pre-round routine in terms of hitting some warmup balls on the ranges or chips and putts in the short game area?
  5. Decided to switch from the tour b xs ball to the tour b x as a test. Was around 80F tonight after our heat warning today lol, decided to play conservative on the par 5s... first hole into a 20mph headwind. I expect this approach to be 20-30 yards short of the green, not pin high the second was downwind off the tee, cross wind on the approach. Those are 17 deg hybrids. Speed Kills...
  6. Golf becomes easier when you can hit a hybrid 250 and a 9 iron 150 to get on a 400 yard par 4.
  7. If you get faster but make no improvements, you are still hitting the ball farther with shorter clubs in on approach. The reps of speed training should lead you to self organize and become more efficient as you learn how to move the club faster.
  8. Progress check is done after foundations. And the results are: For whatever reason I could not get my radar aligned to read single arm swings with my lead arm. After the progress check, you fill out a survey to help select the next program and the result was... Lead Arm Enhancer I am pretty excited for this program, part of me feared I would get steered back to another round of foundations. This winter I got help from a physio on my... lead shoulder. When making single arm swings using a golf shaft, I can tell my trail arm is significantly faster based on the whoosh noise while swinging. I definitely feel like there is low hanging fruit and gains to be had focussing on my lead side. The app recommended a 2 week break until starting the next program which is 24 sessions. I plan on getting back into fit for golf workouts which have been slipping between speed training and playing.
  9. 39 (+4) on a local muni, finished birdie-birdie on a par 3 and 5. The eagle putt on the par 5 9th hole finished 1" left of the cup after sticking an 8 iron to 18' from 160 out after my drive of the day (290 into a slight headwind). Lipped out another birdie from 4' after almost dunking a PW for an ace on a par 3. Took a triple on the second hole after hitting my 2H too good through the fairway approx 240 with no draw and then shanking a GW into water for a triple bogey. 6/9 GIR, 50% FIR, 16 putts (1x 3 putt)
  10. Today I completed the foundations program and it appears I have to complete a “progress check” which is the same protocol as the baselining when I first got the system. So, a few more days until I find out what next program is recommended. Fourth consecutive session at or above 300 yards of distance potential and a 107 calculated driver speed. it was a balmy 80F in Calgary today and the shag ball speeds were up after the stack session. The drive below felt more like cruising speed than maxing out.
  11. It's been an interesting 2 weeks since my last post when I set an all time high speed. Speed was down after spending the weekend landscaping and adding a Fit for Golf workout along with the Stack. Then I got vaccinated during the week and was quite tired for 2 days including another low speed session. Was 1 day late on a Stack session and got docked 10+% in my grit score in the midst of potty training my 2 year old over the long weekend combined with snowboarding, more landscaping, and sneaking in 9 holes between 4 days of rain. As any good OCD golf nut would, I spent a bunch of time watching Youtube videos. This time was from the guys at AMG which highlighted proper trail wrist action. Add in a little info on stance and setup from Adam Young on the Sweet Spot podcast about maximizing driver distance, along with some proper rest, and I am back in the 300 yard territory on the Stack app and carrying my gamer driver 250+ on the SC 200 in the garage. My last three 9's are 39, 49 (with a 9 on the last hole), and 40 as I begin to trust my irons are 10-20 yards longer with this new speed and committing to aiming for a draw shape (with everything but driver). At this point, 5 weeks into my training (16/18 workouts in the first "Foundations" program), I am 7 mph above my baseline speeds excluding my highest speed (+9mph). It seems easy to swing driver before my session at 105-106 with no ball and I am regularly hitting 110, peaking at 113 after my sessions. The next step is to try and free myself up to swing through the ball vs "hitting at it" and see if I can start closing the gap between 110 with no ball and my playing speed. My next in-person lesson is June 5 and hopefully identifies further tweaks for driver swing to turn the slice back into a playable fade. Driver dispersion is roughly 90 yards wide at 270 vs 50 yards wide for 2H at 230 right now. Setting personal bests in the Stack app, whether for a single swing or set average is as engaging as ever. I am eagerly awaiting to see what next program will be recommended based on my outputs. The software aspect (engagement/accountability, data logging, workout scheduling and customization) more than anything else, puts this system in a tier above any other speed training product on the market until competitors develop some sort of app to go with their hardware. 110 MPH seems like a reasonable goal for playing speed by the end of this season up from 95-100. If I am in that neighborhood, I plan on booking a driver fitting especially after gaining nearly 20 yards of carry with the Epic LS at a Callaway demo day where trackman clocked me at 95MPH on a slow day.
  12. What are 5 things you did well and did bad? Ask yourself this after every round and focus your practice on the bad list. Playing the par 5's at +4 appears to be a strength this day. Par 3's at +6 is still on pace for a 99. Look for patterns or repetitive issues: how many sand traps did you hit into? Were they greenside or fairway? What was the club that put you in the sand? Any reason for the blow ups on holes 1&10? How many GIRs did you hit, total number of putts, 3 putts, and up/downs? Were your penalties off the tee or on approach shots? What tee clubs did you use on your successful holes (bogey or better)? Were there similarities on the holes you scored double bogey or worse?
  13. Going to be a long road if you need to sort out your full swing to learn how to chip and pitch. Below full swing is based on developing feels through repetition of hitting to known distances and learning roll out with consistent contact. A lot harder to dial in contact on full swings versus partial. The intention of my questions was to think of ways you could shave 1-2 strokes in each of those areas and allocate practice time. Like spending some time 1 day per week on putting distance control, another on short putts, another on greenside chips, and another on 40-100 yards. There's always going to be days where your full swing isn't firing 100%. Everything below full swing as well as mental game is going to be the glue that holds it together and raises the floor on your scoring. Another example would be speed/strength training, gain 5MPH clubhead speed and hit the ball 10-13 yards farther. Don't need to touch a golf club or use any golf "facility" to develop any skill or technique. Having 2-3 clubs less into a green pretty much guarantees higher GIR and lower scores provided you present the club the same way in terms of path and face relationships. I'm sure you do a bunch of this stuff already, but all I remember through most of this thread is swing technique and if your #1 priority is breaking a scoring barrier - full swing technique is less than 50% of the overall picture. (I don't mean this in a SG perspective, before someone tells me SG OTT and Approach are like 60-70% of scoring.)
  14. What are you doing to improve your scoring? Better technique and contact should lead to lower scores once the new swing holds up on the course. There are a lot of areas to drop shots below full swing and through course management. How many 3 putts and total putts per round do you average? What is your make rate inside 6' and 12'? Do you have swings that produce carry distances of 5-30 yards in 5 yard increments with 2 different clubs for high and low trajectory greenside shots? What is your up/down%? What is your system for 40-100 yard shots or any distance below your shortest full swing wedge? How many penalties per round do you average? Are they usually off the tee or on approach? How are you going to increase GIR? What are your scoring averages for par 3s vs 4s and 5s? Which club leads to best scoring off the tee on par 4s/5s?
  15. Been playing late day 9 hole rounds lately at a 27 hole course due to the COVID booking restrictions here. Last week I played the 3rd nine for the first time and shot a 40 to go with a 39 on another 9 two weeks ago. (Along with a 49 in the middle...). The first time I played this course, I shot a 38 last fall. Spent some time this weekend reflecting on how I could shoot 38-39-40 (+9 total) playing each 9 the first time and how to bring that approach and mindset into all my rounds. Two of the 9s have water and/or OB on 7+ holes which take driver out of your hands as there is usually only 50 yards between hazards. Playing at 6300-6400 yards, I can knock it around with my 2H to keep the ball in play off the tee and have a short iron approach on par 4's under 400. Pre-planning targets for tee shots/approaches using Google Maps and following a consistent pre-shot routine has helped me concentrate on the shot at hand. I think the biggest difference playing these courses again is having expectations about what is a good score and paying more attention to score than a process focus. Need to get my driver swing cleaned up so I can trust the shape and commit to aim points off the tee to give myself more opportunities with wedges.
  16. Why does a stronger grip require you to pivot stall and flip to close the face if the strong grip promotes a shut face?
  17. It was difficult for me at the beginning to feel a “full swing” compared to a normal club instead of swinging the stack as hard as possible and I mostly swung close to top speed. I definitely pushed it harder today, but I was still focusing on my tempo. When I try to swing fast, my speeds drop due to poor sequencing of the transition. So that defeats the point. This I feel is a benefit of the stack, your getting realistic swing reps instead of happy Gilmore swings and doing the triple jump for super speed. Unfortunately, I need to make sure I don’t try to smash irons because it is giving me another gear. I hit an 8 iron 170 today, it’s usually my 160 club.
  18. Stage 3 transitions from “Full swing” to max speed for swing intention. Although I didn’t notice this until most of the way through my first set just about when the batteries died on my radar, which I will blame for the low speeds. Another round of personal bests which was also confirmed by a 112 and 113mph swing my gamer driver with no ball after the session.
  19. Did he clarify whether that 1/16" is to the closest edge of the ball or center?
  20. The putting speed drill is so hard, first try last night as the putting green was empty after playing a late 9... Probably not a good sign that I was better around 20-30' than up to 10' in the smaller window. I guess Exputt is definitely helping with speed control, once I get 5-15" cleaned up I should be in business as I have already dropped 1 putt/round compared to last year. Just got the Decade month 3 videos unlocked a couple days ago. Huge amount of info on the targeting process, the 6 month foundations membership is a great value for the amount of knowledge it exposes you to compared to the cost of 1 lesson. Especially if you put in the effort to use the Combine tools, which I haven't had the chance to use.
  21. Fast day today, broke speed records by 7, 3, and 1 MPH at 235g, 120, and 195g. Didn't make the loosest swings at 195g as I was expecting to smash the record by 3-5 MPH based on other weights. Driver again topped out at 110 with no ball after the session. The pressure shift move in early backswing from AMG that @cnosil posted in his swing thread has been paying immediate dividends. The more I use the Stack, the more I feel it would benefit a wider population of golfers compared to SuperSpeed due to it's carryover to actual golf swings. Making 36 normal swings on your dominant side with forced rest gives you time and opportunities to make small tweaks to grip, stance, and other fundamentals to see what makes you faster. Compared to wondering if you planted a bit harder or stepped farther with SuperSpeed. Let alone worrying about losing the golf club on non-dominant swings and the number of missed reads I would get on those erratic swings. Between this technique change and speed training, my irons are averaging roughly 10 yards farther than last year - 150 yard 9 irons, yes please! Now I want to take a day or two off practicing in the hopes my body will have more time to remember the good swing https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/39282-cnosil-journey-to-a-better-golf-game/?do=findComment&comment=762301 Yesterday I shot a 39 with no birdies after bogeying the first 2 holes on a 9 I have never played before. It was likely my best iron play ever and first round since enhanced COVID restrictions started in Alberta. Quite amusing to see 5 straight singles playing 6 minutes apart, but finished the 9 holes in 1 hour 45 minutes which is faster than a 4some at this course. So a big win overall, compared to no golf in Ontario... Especially funny to see people tailgating in the parking lot since 5 people can gather outdoors, just not while playing golf in the same group...
  22. Fresh off its 2016 Most Wanted Mallet putter win: A PING cadence Ketsch TR Mid Just to keep on the bench, so the EVNROLL doesn't start misbehaving.
  23. Do you mean at P2, shaft parallel in backswing you are already shifting back toward the target?
  24. I just noticed today that the app notifies you swing by swing when you set a record at each weight with a fake applause.
  25. Interesting to see your session 8 weights are significantly different than mine. Lots of customization happening within the app already it seems.
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