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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. Left dot is a great wind ball, but you would need serious club head speed to use it in soft conditions where roll is minimal. It is around 1/2 the peak height compared to a B XS with driver. Off the irons it is much more similar to other balls. Still has great action around the greens though.
  2. Pick mine up Monday! Going to be a fun winter, especially with all these announcements. I am looking forward to reviews on the Titleist RCT balls and the pro package. Can't wait to have horizontal ball data and shot shape. With the sale, I saved over $600 compared to SkyTrak. Will be interesting to see how ST responds as it is quickly becoming an option only for those who don't have space to capture ball flight.
  3. Didn't he change from Nike because they stopped making equipment? Don't think he changed for the sake of it. Putter is also the club most commonly not a part of club deals due to the personal nature and some guys using the same putter forever.
  4. Pro V1 left dot if you are stuck with Titleist. I find Bridgestone balls perform better in the wind. The Tour BX would likely drop spin and trajectory as well vs V1. For 8-PW hit 3/4 knockdowns with extra club.
  5. The engraving in the cavity definitely raises it a level in terms of fit and finish. As someone who has done some CAD design for manufacturing I have a few suggestions that you can take or leave as you wish. - You have a lot of different radii/fillets on your corners, I would try to make these similar where possible - For example most of your vertical lines are sharper edges, but you have rounded all the horizontal edges nicely - I believe you have already improved some of this from your first prototypes - Cavity would look cleaner with one depth of milling instead of 3 - Personally, I would make a larger radius on the bottom edges that connect to the putter face as they look very square Great work overall, I love the small details like the "D" milled into the face and the set screws on the back flange.
  6. Until someone can quantify ("bad") ball performance with SG data, there is no motivation to change for Tour Pros who often get balls that have additional QC checks or special edition balls. Pro V's haven't won any majors over the past 2 years... Koepka and Woodland in 2019 and Reed in 18 are the most recent examples examples.
  7. I believe Spider Putt app can log all of this data to help study miss tendencies or types of putts you struggle on. But not sure if it does Strokes Gained. Could be an option... I think it will then recommend specific drills for these areas. In addition to the data you mention above, some feedback on whether it was a bad read would be helpful. Mostly for break right/left, but there could also be cases of uphill or downhill being much different speed than you anticipated.
  8. Face angle: this is also related to how you aim the putter (and slightly to path). If you deliver the face angle at 0 but aim 1 degree left or right, you won't hit the ball to the target. Practice putting down a steel yard stick or string line and see if you are keeping the ball on the line (aim to make 10 in a row - my ruler approximates the face angle to make a 15'+ putt). Chasing a "numerically perfect" stroke in terms of measured face angle and tempo won't necessarily improve putting on the course. -0.9 deg makes an 8 foot putt, if you can aim it properly. Your -0.3 - 0.3 degree target is admirable, but roughly PGA tour level face control. #ManageYour Expectations Instead of practicing lags from mainly 40', I would expand this to 20-40-60' or even 10 foot increments in this range. You mention 50 and 70 footers, so getting some reps in at 60' will help someone hitting a large number of greens who inevitably faces more long putts of 50+ feet. I hit 20-40-60' putts on a slight uphill and then downhill to start putting before each round (and I still struggle). If you are playing different courses often, this becomes even more important to get pace for the day and course. "Heads up" gave minimal benefit to my speed control since I am comfortable using benchmarks for stroke length of: inside trail foot, even with foot, barely outside, and then a few distances past outside which correspond to 20-30-40 and 50' which I practice indoors on a sim. I also pace off every putt to get a distance number in feet then try to match those feels. I also wonder: why is Heads Up non-existent in pro golf? Putting is the area of golf where people tinker the most with equipment, grip, etc. It would be silly to think pros wouldn't have tried this to earn more money or save their Tour card. Especially after Spieth's early dominance with the technique. I believe all studies up to this point has been indoors with relatively short putts (under 30'). This could be something that holds up well in a lab environment (80% of participants improving is mentioned...) but not outdoors for a larger portion of people (but still helps some). There is also convincing research on the "quiet eye" technique to improve putting, which involves trying to focus on a single dimple or spot on the ball as closely as possible. You putting routine, aiming technique, and stroke are some of the most personalized aspects of golf. History shows it doesn't need to be pretty or "technically perfect" to be effective. The only way to optimize this on an individual basis is to track playing stats on either strokes gained or make an leave %'s. Practice stats could also be tracked, but at the end of the day practice doesn't count towards your index.
  9. As someone about to pull the trigger on a MEVO+, this has my full attention. Most good fitters around me also use Trackman indoors.
  10. What ball are you using? Low spin balls will amplify hooks especially if you have a toe pattern. This happens to me with the Tour BX when I am not swinging well and is much less often with a higher spin ball like the Tour B XS. You need to hit 10 balls with driver and see where you are hitting them on the face, extreme toe could cause most of the issue. Otherwise, get on a good launch monitor that has club data so you know your actual club path and face angles and figure out how to correct. There's no magic driver that only hits 150 yard hooks, that shot isn't an equipment fix. Someone already posted above, it's very likely you're not turning your lower body through the shot and are flipping or rolling your hands at impact. If you are trying to work through this on your own, in addition to short swings I would begin by moving the ball closer to the middle of your stance then slowly moving it toward your front foot and seeing how that affects ball flight. Also, teeing it lower and swinging level then progressing the tee height up as well. It is easy for setup to get out of whack with driver. This won't always show up with other clubs because you address them more neutral and likely have all different swing thoughts and intentions.
  11. I'm monitoring these emails as well. I have all but settled on the MEVO+ now that the Bushnell/Gc3 pricing is out. I can push the net back in my garage and have space for full indoor mode. With space being the main downside to these and not being an issue, it seems to be the only system with full functionality and limited sim use without a subscription model. Unless you are in the $8000-$10000 price range and buying a lump sum license like TGC 2019 which is then driving more cost to buy a gaming PC and projector instead of running MEVO+ on your phone or Ipad.
  12. Went through the Decade putting combine on the practice green this weekend using my EVNROLL and old putter. The ER2.2 won by 2 strokes so it came off timeout and helped me shoot a 40 with 17 putts for 9 holes with no 3 putts. Along with my Edel fitting, I continue to use a modified version of "Heads Up" by looking 4-12" ahead of the ball at an intermediate target while I putt. Which is more aligned with the advice from Dave Stockton's books of putting over a spot on your line 2" in front of the ball. I would only consider looking around the hole within 20' in the future but further testing may have to wait until next year as we just had 2 consecutive days of snow here. I'll be lucky to get back out on the course.
  13. From your summary above you mention you had 3 holes with 2 chips, so that 3 lost shots, +1 penalty from a skull for 4, and another hole with a 3 putt after a chip is 5. Not to mention the easier chips that should be leaving you 1 putts. So you are probably losing 5-7 strokes per nine from inside 100. (Plus the longer shots in this range that finish out of position).
  14. Some combination of your putting and chipping need attention. 18 putts on 1 GIR should not be considered a highlight. 18 putts if you hit 6+ (or 9 lol) GIR would be a more reasonable highlight, but 2 putts/hole is the maximum you should allow for if you want to break 90. The assumption is you should be able to chip some balls close enough to 1 putt (30% is a good number) along with the occasional 1 putt after a GIR. A 3 putt on a GIR will happen, but shouldn't be happening on a missed green where you chipped on.
  15. Just do 3 per side or eliminate Happy Gilmore. Double-Step is enough footwork along with heel stomp
  16. Put my older, much lighter putter into play last night and fully committed to aligning and focusing on an aim point roughly 6" in front of the ball. First hole, drain 35 footer for birdie off the fringe. Made another 10 footer for birdie and don't recall missing anything inside 6' (of which there were many to convert 2 putts). 2x 3 putts that were caused by not adjusting enough due to upslope and downslope. Finished 4-5 putts better than my average from the past month with similar number of greens hit and proximity. The EVNROLL earned itself a timeout, maybe some time on the bench will get it acting right. In the meantime I booked an Edel fitting as I see they go down to the 340-345g range and I am starting to buy into their thoery on aiming the putter.
  17. Like the profile at address with the taller face than fairways. My 17 deg hybrid is the first club below driver in my bag. It is my safety club off the tee and approach club into par 5s. The trajectory can be a bit low off the deck and can get hooky. This has me very intrigued as I would hope Callaway can beat the ball speed and forgiveness of my 10 year old Cobra Baffler. The RDX shafts are a decent fit for me as well. This is definitely something I want to test alongside the Epic super duper hybrid.
  18. Make sure you have some sort of radar to track your swing speed and log the progress so you know what works and what doesn't.
  19. 4 rounds in and I am losing 1.8 in SG: Putting compared to season long averages... Aeration season and playing the last 2 rounds in 25-35mph winds is not helping things. But even my best result of the 4 rounds heads up only matched my previous average, nothing has beat past performance. Still some interesting trends have emerged: I am slightly better inside 10' but worse from every other distance, especially 30+ feet. Considering I have averaged hitting the ground at least once per round from 30+, it is relatively easy to explain. Anecdotally, it seems like I have made more putts in the 8-12' range so maybe using this on putts 15 or 20' and in could be helpful a la Spieth. With snow in the forecast this weekend, yesterday may have been my last round this season. But I will continue using heads up for rest of year to see if it improves. I've slightly modified my approach to look at a point 2-6" in front of the ball (and 2' in front on Exputt) which I use to align my face during setup. Looking at a target 30-60' away leads to pulled putts for me and I believe the longest putts in Sasho's study was 20' or less. My lag practice focusses on benchmarking backswing lengths for 20-30-40-50-60' putts based on my trail foot. I feel removing the putter from my peripheral vision has negatively impacted this aspect. Putts within 20' have a stroke length in between my feet, so heads up probably makes more sense for me personally in this distance as it is more of a "feel" stroke and the risk of ground contact is less.
  20. The accuracy is better than SkyTrak as well as response times, or at least I would assume so. You have near 2x the data with club head info and spin will be more accurate which will be worth it to advanced users as it is basically a discounted GC Quad. ST requires a $200-$300 annual subscription cost. If you plan on using the unit 5 years or more, that eats into the difference. My preference would be to get the GC3 over ST, but I doubt my wife will be impressed with the $9-10K price in Canada. It would be nice to see a price drop on the SkyTrak considering they haven't updated anything in the 6 years since it launched and Mevo+ is $300 cheaper here without the need for a subscription. At $7K US, I would need to see a reason not to purchase a Uneekor QED instead. A ceiling mount with no risk of damage, or calibration is a plus.
  21. Seems like a challenge for the software guys to unlock the Launch Pro software to spit out head data.
  22. I am skeptical of the Mini Drivers, but it is worth a test. I see them as less flexible 3W alternatives with less forgiveness than a driver. The dispersion is unlikely to be significantly smaller than a driver where you would use it as a "safe" club off the tee. It would only be where the extra 10-20 yards with driver brings in extra hazards you want to stay short of but in that case the 2H meets the need but only gives up another 10-20 yards. I hit driver similar distance to you and carry with my 17 deg can be low at times. You need a lot of speed to get good carry off the ground under 17 deg of loft.
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