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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. @Getoffmylawn sounds like you need a vacation somewhere you can hit some bombs and see the fruits of your labour! Preferably somewhere at elevation with dry conditions You may be getting too attached to the outcome, it appears you have increased your strength on all lifts. That is an accomplishment in itself and have helped fight off Father Time for another winter! If your swing speed does not increase, you will have learned that strength is not your limiting factor which also has value. You can then confidently switch your focus to technique, equipment, intention (all-out Bryson swings), and shift towards more SuperSpeed protocols or other speed work. What else did you have planned to do on lockdown in the winter anyway I'm undergoing physio on my shoulder and can't hit balls past 100 yards or about 70% effort. It could always be worse! Especially when the physio gives you a SuperSpeed stick to stretch with during therapy LOL.
  2. I am reading Kelly Starrett's - Becoming A Supple Leopard. You can check out his background... The DL technique he discusses in the book emphasizes keeping the lower leg (tib/fib) close to perpendicular to the ground. Your form looks excellent, this is a very minor coaching point: on the negative portion of reps 1 and 5 your knees come forward more than the rest of the reps. His cue for this is shooting the hamstrings back to start the lift. You can tinker with that on light weight and see how it feels, you knees aren't coming extremely far forward and trap bar has a tendency to bring you more forward without a barbell there and into a hybrid squat/deadlift position. Back and shoulders look great which is key to safe DL with those weights. If grip strength is the limiting factor, try to add some forearm strengthening work, those fat grips to fit over a barbell, or anything with a larger diameter grip. If you have Twitter, William Wayland is a great strength coach and has an article showing split stance variants with trap bar DLs. This will allow you to drop the weight but up the load on each individual leg, while not challenging balance.
  3. If you are training for speed, you want to swing driver as fast as possible with no concern to direction (including without a ball). The net is helpful in this scenario so big slices and hooks don't discourage you. The intention isn't to use these max swings on the course, but by boosting your average speed you will have greater length on controlled swings. Face contact and path should be worked on separately from the speed training to improve dispersion. Hitting into a net all winter 100% has the chance to cause problems when you can't get ball flight feedback. But that can occur with regular swings as well.
  4. Feels can change week to week and month to month. Hopefully this one holds up. Indoor with no ball is a bit of a different situation or doing slow-mo rehearsals to ingrain a new move. I find it's works better to think of a swing type or ball flight that triggers these moves or feels as opposed to focusing on moving a body part in a specific way when you are hitting balls (at range or course). My swing path is left which results in fades and pulls because of downswing sequencing and not enough lower body use. If my swing thought is "high draw or easy draw" that helps shift the path to the right, get the legs moving to start the downswing while the arms hang back, and shallow the club. As opposed to thinking: shift weight to lead leg, drop right elbow to hip, swing out to the right.
  5. In my opinion, the Blue or middle stick is of least importance as its closest to golf club weight which is why I never bothered building one for my set. The green (light) stick is the whole purpose of overspeed training. There are lots of products on the market like the heavy club with extra weight, whether it be other sticks, Orange Whip, weighted clubs, etc. The entire premise of overspeed is to move faster than before, I would be hesitant to reduce emphasis on this portion.
  6. I made my own sticks, but stopped at the light and heavy. I see minimal need for the middle stick, so that reduces my reps by 33%. During my Protocol 4 session yesterday that resulted in 3 swings with 2 sticks at 6 reps per side = 72 swings plus 3 max out at the end. You could probably knock that down to 4 or 5 reps with the same benefit to reduce down to 48 or 60 total. 90+ swings at full speed is like 5 rounds worth of tee shots or at least 2 rounds worth of full swings, which seems like overkill. I have continued left hand swings, my technique is terrible and I get a lot of no-reads which is discouraging. I only do SS 1X week, so I plan on continuing both sides. The new material from Fit For Golf with 1 arm swings using the light stick has me intrigued. If I incorporate these, I am likely to drop non-dominant swings to keep the reps down or cut the reps in half.
  7. Don’t get too hung up on it, I watch a couple of their videos on YouTube then pick 1-3 swings other than the normal swing. It’s all about getting reps in with heavy and light sticks. Some sets I do 5 reps, some times it will be 6-7 if I don’t get reads.
  8. I really like Super Speed level 4... first session in 4 weeks as my shoulder has been killing me. The heel stomp swing was a great cue for me. My normal swings to start with heavy club swings were 1-2 mph slower than the beginning of my training 2-3 months ago. Heel plant boosted speed 5-8 mph compared to normal swings. Ended the session with 4 mph (102) higher swing speed hitting a ball compared to 2 months ago. No ball swings were +2mph and max score it swings with light stick were +3 mph.
  9. Throws first. Heavy work always after speed. If you are trying to max out or set PBs on lifts, that should be done on a day with minimal speed work. Similar idea to the speed concept. A bench press PB after Super Speed and med balls throws is a different PB than a bench right after warm up while fresh with no speed work.
  10. Look into Controlled Articular Rotations for shoulders, hips, and torso. Shaking is a strength/stability issue, not mobility. It's also not realistic to expect that you can reach full rotation in the backswing and hold that position with zero movement. If no motion is your goal, uncoil 1-2" and you'll notice a large difference. If you are exerting yourself to reach max rotation it will require more effort in slow-mo because there is no momentum of the golf club. Pushing the limit of your body to it's end range will result in shaking at some point, otherwise you aren't pushing far enough.
  11. The jumps/slams are your explosive work and should be done with max speed/output as opposed to when recovering. The only exception would be when using them with a superset of a loaded variant for "post activation potentiation" programming. Doing them when you are "tired" is either training your body for slower speeds or an endurance focus. Jumps/med ball throws can be alternated since they mostly split upper and lower body, which is how I start lifting sessions before moving on to free weights. Either do those first then the free weight sets, or do antagonist pairs if you are looking to save time on the workout. (Incline DB/T-Bar row)
  12. This is similar to what I found this winter and switched from FB to an ER2.2. The toe-hang helps better match my face to path as measured on Trackman. My path was 2-4 degrees right with a closed face, I now push the ball more often than pull because the toe-hang didn't fix my path just the release of the face. My instructor had me make strokes over top of a Visio Mi putting template to groove the feel of a proper arc and less push out across the target line on the follow through. I used the parameters from my CAPTO putter lesson with the Visio measurements to find which arc radius is best suited to my stroke and picked up one of the Mi templates to help groove stoke. The templates can be used to hit putts off and you can put tees through the holes to make gates for the putter head and balls. Excellent piece of kit I would recommend. There is still likely some technique things to address or focus on if you are pushing the putter out past the line. This usually relates to the elbow coming away from the body. The thought/feel from my lesson was to keep the left elbow tucked closer to the body since I went outside on follow through. Could be a similar issue with your right elbow on the backswing.
  13. I'm not a dietician, I believe there are general recommendations for macros you can Google online. Individual metabolism will have some effect on this. The general advice is to start by calculating your daily caloric needs for target body weight (base metabolic index) and energy output (workouts, etc). Protein intake target of 1.5g per pound of target body weight. Then calculate your remaining calories and balance carbs/fat according to dietary preferences. Continue to mix in single leg work on the compound moves (lunges, lateral squats, box jumps) in addition to bilateral work. Same with upper body - pressing and rows with one arm using DBs or cables activates the core for stability which helps resist some of the rotary forces in the golf swing. Ballistic/explosive work with med ball throws would help, you can get trampolines/pads for med ball targets. I just ordered a landmine attachment from Amazon for $80 that mounts in the center of a 45lb plate, then insert your barbell, and load with whatever you want. For the cost, I think this is one of the most flexible add-ons for a home gym if you have a barbell and some plates. I also got a set of resistance bands ($40) that you can connect in parallel for a total of 150 lbs of resistance. I clip these on to barbells, wrap under my power cage, adjustable bench or feet, to induce progressive loading in the top half of lifts where it's easier to overcome the weight of what's on the bar. For example, I can dead lift 225 off the ground with medium effort, comfortably for sets. As I progress closer to lock out with bands, the load exceeds 300 pounds. But I am far from pulling 350+ off the floor. This also helps working at max/speed intent as you have less inertia to overcome at the start of the lift. As the bands begin to resist you have built some momentum and are moving fast as the bands reach their maximum.
  14. A 2 driver setup... I've been listening to too much Scott Fawcett. Something with a short shaft around 44" and forgiving head and then experiment with an EPIC Flash or something similar around 47 or 48" for all out distance when I play the local goat track or cow pasture where you can hit it anywhere.
  15. It finally arrived on Monday! Got to hit close to 100 putts, in the analysis screen the system commented about poor lighting and didn't provide face/path numbers. Of course it was the same night I had to go pick up weights for my home gym and the night before a snowboard day. So it took a lot of restraint to set it aside. Sunk my very first putt on the system which was a 20 footer, good omen for the Exputt and the EVNROLL. Longest make was 44' in practice. Now the real fun begins.
  16. Have you been tracking speed data on a daily or session-by-session basis? It is common to see slow and fast days. The lesson could have been a slow day or you could have been slightly tense. Being loose and whippy with the wrists can be hard to commit to, but Mike Malaska had a good video comparing swinging with a full turn and no wrists or barely turning with an arms only swing and flipping the club at the ball with the wrists. He was getting 80-90% of his top speed with no lower body and just arms/wrist. Seeing it on the course is the only place that matters, not the monitor. So that means its working and keep pushing!
  17. Maybe they are at the extreme end of the SBST spectrum with minimal arc naturally and the DF complements that, or the weighting is better. It's all personal, the DF probably complements their stroke better than traditional putters (or the dozen they bought off the shelf with no fitting after draining putts in the store). I saw some Facebook comments last night about a guy shelfing his due to lag putting. Most people tend to say short putt performance and inside 20' feel more automatic versus they never 3 putt anymore or it "really shines from 60 feet".
  18. Don't beat yourself up, especially if you don't have time to do adequate warm-up at the facility if it is a decent drive away. But if you can get there 10-15 minutes early to loosen up and start taking big cuts, definitely unleash the fury and see what kind of results you can get. Once the instructor is making tweaks to technique, the purpose won't be hitting top speed or even "cruising" numbers from your current swing. So manage expectations that numbers will be on the low side especially when you are consciously thinking about new moves.
  19. And do a proper, extensive warm-up before each session. My vote is SuperSpeed or EXPUTT. A mat is only useful for start line, buy a ruler for $5 from the hardware store and putt off that unless there are 0 surfaces in your house you can roll balls on. If so, go buy a $20 rug/floor mat plus ruler and build your own SuperSpeed set (lots of forum posts) and do both for less than the cost of SS.
  20. As someone with an slight/strong arc stroke, I notice better distance control on longer putts with a toe-hand putter vs face balance at the expense of start line direction control. Lie angle balanced could have similar impacts. I would like to see one of these in the Most Wanted mallet test... With all the talk of gaming 2 drivers in the future, a DF plus a lag specific putter would be hilarious to go with 2 drivers.
  21. Another aspect that can be overlooked is temperature and recovery. I am doing my speed work in a garage in Canada. The only heat is from a small heater that blows directly on me. My last week was my slowest this winter (week 6), but it was one of the coldest days and I did almost no warm up other than using my Orange Whip. I've experimented playing my driver 3/4" short at 44.5" by choking up and I tied my highest driver speed at the shorter length. So there is a lot of useful information from the monitor and you can see what queues work for you: loose grip, loose wrists/forearms, throw the club back, push lead shoulder back, lift lead heel for bigger turn, etc. There are many times when I consciously make a longer backswing but the speed feels the exact same. The longer hand path is usually good for 2-3 MPH, the next step is then syncing that up with the lower body sequencing.
  22. @Getoffmylawn I'm assuming you are monitoring CHS during your superspeed sessions. One thing I added at the end of each protocol is driver swings with no ball and tracked the top speed from 5-6 swings. I will then hit 5-10 balls with driver into a net with no consideration of direction and log that CHS speed as well. No ball has been ~6 MPH faster than hitting a ball in these trials.
  23. You're back to pulling the club almost 45 degrees off the target line at P2 with shaft parallel in backswing. Next stop: OTT shank town. A place I know all too well!
  24. Their switchboard bounces you to voice mail after 5 min on hold. Finally got through, suppose to receive more units end of this week and ship this week or early next week. In the meantime, I reached out to Exputt and they do ship to Canada even through there is no mention of it on their website. Sad that I missed out on the Black Friday deal and could have got the unit cheaper from them directly and probably got it sooner. Exputt is quoting approx $20 higher shipping fees, but at least I have a backup plan. Will cancel the original order if they still don't have units next week.
  25. I've sent one email already with no response... Also ordered a pair of Adidas shoes for 50% off and haven't got a confirmation yet. Cyber Monday: Pandemic edition was a big fail.
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