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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. FWIW, my old Callaway Epic Max driver head cracked a couple months ago when my 17 yo daughter was using it. The crack was very similar. She swings nowhere near as hard as Ben. It happens.
  2. Wow @GolfSpy_BEN! I am sorry this happened. But . . . wow.
  3. Good morning, Spies! Back in the saddle after missing tons of work the last couple of weeks with the annual golf trip, then my daughter's college graduation and mother's day festivities. Re-entry is brutal. Welcome @JessicaMarko to the forum! It's a great place to be. I slumped hard on the golf trip, and again this weekend playing with my brother and parents. I couldn't get off the tee to save my life, and iron shots were iffy at best. Of course, I figured it out yesterday on the sim (after six terrible rounds in a row), and it's all down to a backswing flaw (coming inside too quickly). Such a simple fix, and immediate amazingly positive results. This darned game. The LAB DF 2.1 impressed on the trip. I need to learn distance control with it still, but it's accurate as can be. I have never lipped out so many putts. Like five a round, no joke, which is all on me. I did drain an 80' putt after a blind wedge shot to save par; that was a trip highlight for the LAB. I wish you all super days. Wish me luck catching up on the forum along with work!
  4. Good morning Spies! I was out last week on a golf trip, and man is there a lot to catch up on! The forum is super busy. The trip was a blast. We had many memorable shots, and all forgettable scores. I try too hard on this trip and play poorly as a result. It’s an exciting day today as we are at Purdue for my eldest daughter’s graduation. We have a whole day planned, and a houseful with visiting family. We had some fun playing Payne’s Valley on the sim last night with my dad and brother. Also playing 18 with my brother and parents tomorrow. It will be a fun weekend. I hope all are safe with the crazy weather lately. I wish you all amazing Fridays and a wonderful weekend.
  5. Date 05/07/2024 Course Name Nashville Golf & Athletic Club Gross Score 92 Course Handicap 9 Gross Strokes over/under par 20 Net Score to Par 11 Net Score 83 Net Birdies or better Longest Drive 71.5/129 Ugh. This course is tough. And I played weakly. But it was a blast!
  6. Date 05/01/2024 Course Name Sahm Gross Score 79 Course Handicap 7 Gross Strokes over/under par 9 Net Score to Par 2 Net Score 72 Net Birdies or better 0 Longest Drive 0 68.4/110
  7. Huge congratulations on the retirement @rkj427!!
  8. Good morning, Spies! @sirchunksalot again, I am sorry about the car stuff, but am pleased to hear it's not too terribly bad. Finally, some golf is in my life! It made the rainy drive in to work more bearable. It's a crazy morning ahead, but this afternoon I am playing a tune up round with my best golf bud. And? This beautiful baby will be in the bag: I am a bit excited. (More glamour shots in the CHA thread if you are so inclined.) I am completely down the rabbit hole of shortening wood shafts. I dropped one driver shaft to 44.5", and put a Brnr Mini in the bag to replace my 3W too, and both are improving my accuracy significantly while preserving distance. Can we talk about the stock shaft in the Brnr? What sort of magic have TaylorMade put in that thing? It's perfect in that club. I tried to better it; no dice yet. I hope you all have amazing days!
  9. My new (to me) toy came in. I'm taking it out to play this afternoon!
  10. Those look like fun to mess around with. Have you hit them?
  11. I played the BRX last weekend and have never hit long clubs so straight. Certainly I was having a good swing day, but the ball just stayed online with excellent distance too. I did not remember to use the mindset all the time, but when I did I feel that it helped my focus. This is a great golf ball. One that I will continue to use with confidence.
  12. Hey @fixyurdivot! Thanks for the excellent question. The quantified reduction in spin came from me playing the driver at the lowest loft setting on the adapter sleeve, which has the stated (and verified) effect of reducing spin. Also, based on the results of my playing tests, there is no doubt whatsoever that the LS model is lower spin than the standard model. I could sometimes get ideal spin rates with the standard, but can consistently get my desired spin parameters with the LS. If you struggle with spin like me, of course you should try the different models out with various shafts to see what fits you, but I think it likely that you will be most pleased with the LS model.
  13. There are going to be several disappointed readers if we don't see a video of @jbern making a long putt with the DF 3.0 with this song playing as background. I envision the music kicking in as the putt starts to fall, just like in the GolfSidekick videos on YT. Bonus points if you can mimic the Lithuanian/South African accent.
  14. Ooooh Mystique! That's a great putter name. But, I am biased, as I would pay to watch Mystique/JLaw read the phone book.
  15. Hey @jbern! I picked up a DF 2.1, bright red with black shaft. Pics to come. I don't want to interject a 2.1 into your 3.0 thread. I have some naming ideas already though, but need to think on that some more.
  16. @Rob Person so sorry about the thumb! Hope it feels better soon. @CFreddie We are headed to Nashville. Second time there. Good airbnbs, good food, good courses, great times. Thanks for the good wishes @sirchunksalot! And finally, good luck with the subterfuge @Northern Monkey!
  17. Greetings @Liam E! My only two pieces of advice are (a) to try to ensure your fitter is experienced, knowledgeable, and trustworthy, and (b) try to have your swing in a good, reliable place when you go. Congratulations on your retirement!
  18. What a unique test. Congrats to all the testers! This very novice tinkerer will be watching this one closely.
  19. Good morning Spies! I’m sorry to hear the car news @sirchunksalot. Hoping for better word on the horizon. Really cool pics @GolfSpy_APH! Safe travels. It’s a busy workday ahead as I prepare to leave Thursday for a golf trip. Cannot wait. Here’s to hoping my lower back can tolerate five days of golf in a row. And the new-to-me LAB putter arrives today to break up the monotony, which is exciting to only me. I got my pre-trip/pre-season club work done yesterday. It was fun reshafting a wedge, adjusting some swingweights on other wedges, and generally dialing things in. It’s amazing to me how much an extra 1/2” of shaft length affects swingweight, and how manufacturers and most fitters do nothing to counteract its effects when you order clubs that way. I hope all here have super Tuesdays!
  20. Date 04/28/2024 Course Name River Glen Country Club Gross Score 81 Course Handicap 10 Gross Strokes over/under par 10 Net Score to Par 0 Net Score 71 Net Birdies or better Longest Drive 70.7/131 Such a fun round. Beautiful late afternoon.
  21. Thanks @Indy_Oz! I tried the DFs at PGATSS on 82nd. GG’s putting space is better though IMO.
  22. This is a great thread. Interesting differences, yet quite a bit of consistency in responses. I shoot for 60 mins to stretch, hit some balls, then chip and putt, and fuss over all the accessories being in the right places. When coming in hot and rushing from the car to the tee I don’t start well at all. But that happens too frequently. I need to work on that. I like the suggestion of putting first before the range. I typically do the opposite, but now plan to switch it around. I wish I could say the practice greens on my usual courses were predictive of the course greens’ speeds, but … nay. Such is the life of the muni golfer. Ha.
  23. The effusive praises of so many here convinced me to roll the LAB putters at my local store. And they were so sweet. I kept going back. And back. And I sent in my remote fitting video, got my specs, and I found a used DF 2.1 in my specs with the BGT shaft on the bay at a really nice price, and pulled the trigger today. It should arrive Tuesday, just in time for next weekend's golf trip. I am absurdly excited to try this out on course and see if it kicks the Scotty out of the bag!
  24. Good morning Spies! Welcome @BORDO! Hope you enjoy the forum a ton. Congrats on the spring work transition @GolfSpy_APH. I have a day of meetings today, then back home tomorrow. Looking forward to swinging a club tomorrow. It’s been too long! I wish you all great days and long weekends.
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