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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. This is all great news @Michael.Sandoval33. I love the upbeat confidence. Hope you love one of the new shafts.
  2. I just got an M1 for my hybrid. One range session and it was great. Actually a low, piercing ball flight, not high launch at all with the 4H. I suspect it will replace my MotoreX stiff hybrid shaft. I sound like an ACCRA advertisement.
  3. M0-M2 are all light, flexible, but stable shafts. I can feel the flex difference, but cannot say that one is easier to control than another for my swing. Depending on your swing speed and transition/AOA, one or the other may deliver more distance through optimal flex. I think for me that is M0. The profiles must be very similar based on my feel of all three. If you handed them to me blindfolded I am not sure I could tell the difference. I have swung an M4, and that definitely feels different, however. Best bet would be to find a fitter that has them and try them. I believe PGATSS near me has them in their studio (but not for sale retail); if you are near one I recommend giving them a call to see if they will let you try them out. Good luck and I hope this is helpful.
  4. I did not try the M0 in the Qi10. I don't have a shaft puller, unfortunately, or I would have.
  5. I have about the same swing speed as you, and I have had fantastic success with the M0, hitting up on the ball, a low spinning ball, and a low spin driver head lofted in the 8-9* range. It plays in the 44.5=45" range. I hit a few at the range last night that felt oh so good, and rocketed off the face. Misses are not bad at all with this shaft, unless the swing is really poor. I also tried an M2 in a 43.5" short-shafted Qi10LS setup, and had good success with that too. It took some doing to get the swingweight in the correct range, but once I did, it worked really well. I just put an M1 hybrid shaft in my 4 hybrid, and tried it last night, and loved it. It's early though. If that continues to perform I am likely to move it to my 3W or 5W and see how it performs, as I don't need two driver setups. I ordered a used M1 to try in a mini-driver setup too. More to come on that. Can you tell I absolutely love the Accra FX 3.0 140 range? I do. It's a fantastic shaft, and I find that the M0-M2 all work well in an OP setup. Swingweight and a smooth transition are key. The shaft is stable and has the profile needed for OP to work for me. Of course now I am dying to try the GX line. Not going to do that for a good while, however. Too much experimenting already going on with the FX!
  6. There are lots of good hybrids out there, for certain. I game the Paradym X and love it, and am trying the Apex 21 too, just for kicks. I bought one b/c I wanted to try the shaft it had in the Paradym. I wouldn't get too hung up on the stated flex of the shaft, as @BreakfastBall15 said. If you like the shaft in your 5W maybe get the same/similar hybrid shaft to try. Or ask a fitter (or look online) to see what shafts have similar profiles. Best wishes on the journey and please let us know what you try and choose.
  7. Good morning Spies! @sirchunksalot so sorry about the car. Hope it’s fixed fast. I’m off in search of coffee and food! Lesson tonight with my daughter. Can’t wait. Willing work to be smooth and productive and quick. Wishing you a super day.
  8. Good morning Spies! A chilly morning, especially wearing shorts as I try to get back into the gym routine. Step 1 to more swing speed at my advancing age has to be added strength. Swing speed is definitely down a little bit from last year when I was working out more regularly. Licking that can be fixed! @Josh Parker sending you good wishes for an improved day! A very busy day and early week on tap with travel again late week. A little bummed bc I found out yesterday that the planned round with friends this Friday in Boston (we are all traveling for a board meeting there) did not come together due to no private club connections and tough access to public courses. That means I need to try to convince FABWIFE to let me play late Sunday upon return from MA. FABWIFE is cool, but that may be a tall order. Time for strategies. I hope you all have a great day and great weeks! If you are golfing, let my jealousy boost your game. Ha.
  9. So, this is probably not new to most here, but I read tips yesterday on how to calculate Swingweight accurately without an expensive Swingweight scale, but using one of the apps. I intend to start doing this bc it sounds more accurate. No change for me - use a good scale and get weight in grams of the entire club. This is the change: Find the approximate balance point using your finger or something else. Put a small piece of tape on the underside (head down) of the club covering the approximate balance point. Get a very sharp knife, put it in a vise, and find the exact balance point by balancing the club precisely on the knife’s edge. Push down *just enough* to put a mark in the tape, but not mar the shaft. Then take the shaft off the knife and measure in millimeters (more precise than inches) from the butt end to the knife mark and input data into calculator. I had been balancing on the tip of a funnel and marking with a pen and it seemed less precise than this method described above. Hope this helps someone.
  10. Good morning Spies! Happy anniversary @Kenny B! On the road to Indy from Chicago after a nice weekend celebrating birthdays for FABWIFE and eldest daughter. Hoping for some sim practice after getting home. Fingers crossed other jobs don’t spring up beforehand. Happy Sunday to all.
  11. I was so impressed with the reviews I picked up some Star grips to try. They are on the way. I’m coming from Iomic grips. I love the softer tacky grips, and have no reason to change bc Iomic has been great for me, but I am excited to try Star in hopes they are similar if not better and more durable. Thanks to the reviewers thus far. Great info.
  12. I think you will like them @ILMgolfnut. IMO the best I have ever had. The stability is crazy.
  13. Plz tell us about hitting it off the deck and if it can replace a 3W! If it can I am quite interested. Thanks @Jmikecpa! EDIT: I see you addressed this point. Is it still your opinion that the BRNR can replace a 3W?
  14. Great job all testers thus far. Super intros, and excellent content. It’s pretty cool how you have me deep into the DF3 already without the putters even arriving yet!
  15. I admit I have it so bad. i have a new hybrid and hybrid shaft experiment on the way, I counterbalanced my entire set of Maltby irons last week, I am behind in installing a new PX LZ wedge shaft in my 54° wedge, I am still in the middle of testing drivers even though the review of the Qi10 is officially over, I just bought counterweights to use in my gamer TS3/TS4 combos and my Miura CB-57 irons, AND I have a set of MP-33 irons waiting in my garage to be refurbished and rebuilt and adored. Oh, and I am pining over a Maltby KE4 TC Pro I am likely to buy tomorrow and try as a mini-driver. On very rare occasions, I look back on my life before I learned so much at MGS, and I think to myself: But then the thankfulness returns.
  16. Sounds good. I will likely do the same. Thank you.
  17. I am in the same boat @Shrek74. What did you determine?
  18. It’s too soon for me to tell, Jamie, after the swap with Ben. But the Qi10 LS will be given every opportunity and early returns are promising. Updates forthcoming.
  19. Nope. No. Nah. Unh-Uh. Don’t need those at all. Not at all. Crap. Knowledge is not power. Good lord those are pretty.
  20. I posted this in CHA, but thought I would repost for OP fans. I’m going to try OP in my hybrids, and if that works then in my FW woods. Just picked up a 21 Apex 19° Hybrid with my fave ACCRA FX 3.0 shaft in hybrid mode at flex M1 (light senior). These ACCRA shafts are made for consistent feel across driver-FW-hybrid and match to my Paradym OP driver shaft (although one notch stiffer M0 vs M1). Resistance may be futile.
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