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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. Good morning Spies! We have some snow here for the first time, after an abysmal couple of gray and rainy days. The real cold is right around the corner. Winter is coming. Winter is here. Golf-wise, I have a few things going on. Tinkering is all I can really do at present. First, my Foresight GC2 launch monitor arrives today or early next week from Canada, which prompts me to order the rest of what I need for the garage sim today. FABWIFE, correctly, pointed out how busy I am with work and how countless trips to the hardware store and MacGyvering my own enclosure would lead to significant frustration and delays. So, with her support and wise counsel I intend to order a kit from Carl’s. There is still lots of DIY work, and I intend to avoid their advice and mount the projector to the top bar, which will require some reinforcement thereof. I will likely do a thread on that. Anyway, I will probably place those orders today. The hitting mat choice is the one I struggle the most with. I think I will get this one (link below) because it seems like a solid standing area and will fit with a Holy Grail replacement strip should it prove to be tough on the joints. TallBoy 5x5 Golf Practice Mat - Commercial Quality Indoor/Outdoor with Tall Flexible Fiber System 1 inch Turf on 3/8" Foam Pad https://a.co/d/1UDLXN2 Also, I think I am going to try my hand at refurbishing iron heads. Maiden voyage on tap today with a beat up Goodwill club. Rust removal, polishing, etc. Pics to come (unless it is a miserable failure). Tinker Tinker! I wish you all great days!!
  2. After getting pretty serious about golf in 2021, I started watching YT videos, and then saw the first MrShortGame video on the less expensive Autoflex shaft. That intrigued me, and some internet research led me to the Otto-Phlex thread here. I read all 8 volumes of that thread in one weekend, and found great information, a supportive and sharing culture, and what seemed like genuine people. I was hooked and have never left, and intend to never leave.
  3. Those look so darn sexy. Just wow! I’m in the camp that thinks more people can hit blades than think they can. (I may be wrong?) If these are as forgiving as Wilson says, maybe they will prove me right! Regardless, these and the Blueprints are the first 2024 iron releases that get my fire started. I will look for a chance to test them when they hit stores!
  4. Mine shows delivery this weekend (which means Monday since they are coming to the office). Boom!
  5. If the adapter is already rotating, you can probably remove it without inflicting damage on the shaft or adapter. Try it with just a hair dryer, and then a heat gun if you have it. Pull it straight off and avoid twisting; given that it's loose already it should be simple. I would not go to the torch unless you have experience pulling adapters and saving them using a torch. You could also take it to a shop and they can remove and save (and re-glue) the adapter. Re-gluing is super simple if you clean the shaft and adapter with acetone, and a wire brush in the adapter, then just glue it on with epoxy. I have done several after giving it a shot as a complete novice and have never had any issues. There are lots of videos online on how to do it. Good luck @Ding-dong!
  6. Good morning, Spies! Like much of the rest of you, we are frozen. And it's going to stay that way for a good while. I weathered the three vax ok; feeling about 90% today. FABWIFE has had a much worse time of it, with fever, chills, nausea - the works. We both think it's *way* better than getting any of the things we got vaxxed for, but it still really stinks for her. I think my new Maltby TS3 4 iron arrives today. If so, I will go hit some balls in the simulator this afternoon. The shipment will also include the Project X wedge shaft so I can test that out too and report in after the build. Tinkering is all I can do for the next few weeks with the cold sticking around; it will have to suffice. I hope all of you in warmer climes get a chance to play today. Have a great day all!
  7. Welcome back to the light side of The Force @Ding-dong!
  8. You are correct @cnosil. We changed our minds to get only two - and then a scheduling snafu means we got none. EDIT: FABWIFE got us another appointment for all three. Fingers crossed. This is a dread rollercoaster. lol.
  9. Good morning Spies! An interesting day ahead. FABWIFE and I are getting 3 vax shots at noon, and betting we feel like crap by 2:30. So planning an uneventful afternoon and evening of doing nothing but some paperwork and holding down the couch. I wish you all super Sundays!
  10. I had an iron shaft fitting at PGATSS where we picked a head in the neighborhood of the clubs I tend to play and hit tons of shafts to see what worked best. It worked well for me and only cost $100 - well worth it IMO. You are not stuck with the DTC shaft options as most DTC will sell you the heads alone. You could then build the irons yourself with your chosen shafts or have your local shop do so. Good luck whatever route you choose.
  11. Thank you @Parshooter36 and @MattF!
  12. Working on the same thing myself. A question about mishits. (Trying not to use the S-word.) Assuming those using the sim are decent golfers (20 hdcp or less, and can reasonably hit the ball), how much of a risk is it that one misses a 10x10x5 cage? I am considering building a 10x10x5 blacked out cage like @Kenny B's, and adding an additional 5' of netting to the front on a 12x11 rolling arch with casters (to make the netting collapsible and reduce the footprint when not in use). Does anyone care to opine on the necessity of the additional netting? Thank you in advance!
  13. Good morning Spies! Just a busy work day for me. Waiting on an order to arrive from Golfworks, and also the new to me launch monitor is shipping out today, which means I need to get to work on some sim space this weekend. I have to clean before I can build. I feel like I have been talking about it forever with little progress to show. Well here goes. @Kenny B I hope you are feeling much better. @sirchunksalot Jason I hope the pup continues a strong recovery! I wish everyone great days, and hope some golf is in your weekend plans.
  14. One pair was "LEFUS Men's waterproof" non-spiked, and the other are more generic "non-slip spiked golf shoes" which appear to be discontinued. Both have more hard plastic and non-leather materials than my foot-joys. Both are BOA. They seem to be holding up well. They are tough to compare - they don't compare to the top of the line foot-joys -- but just looking online I would say they look similar to some Payntr models PGATSS carries. Hope that helps!
  15. Godspeed to a quick recovery Kenny!
  16. FWIW, what you describe sounds absurd to me @cnosil. I hope you can break the logjam and wish you a speedy recovery.
  17. I'm curious too @ParFore74x. The PX wedge shafts are not LZ specifically, but I read elsewhere that they blend very well and for those who like the LZ feel they will recognize it in the wedge shaft too. They are also supposed to be somewhat lower flying, like the LZ shafts are for me, which may be good. I will report back after trying them out.
  18. A couple purchases for me from Golfworks recently: a 4 iron to top off my set of TS3 irons with Project X LZ shaft, and after reading several good things, a Project X wedge shaft to try. I will test it in my 54° Cleveland and if I like it put it in the 58° too.
  19. Good morning Spies! It’s back to the routine here. Had planned on a sim outing this afternoon but my buddy threw his back out so we pushed that a few weeks. Sadly, there is no golf in my immediate future. Will try to line up something! In the meantime, I hope you all have fantastic days. Carpe diem!
  20. Second on the gap wedge, although in my case I love the TS1. I have a combo TS3/4 set otherwise, but the TS1 GW is never leaving the bag.
  21. So Do these if the shafts are legit!
  22. Not gonna lie … these look tempting to try! Hey! I rhymed!
  23. Happy New Year Spies! This is by far my favorite corner of the internet. I have learned so much and feel like I have made good friends. Very thankful. I hope 2024 is the best year ever for all of you and for MGS! Also thanks @fixyurdivot for being the OG on this necessary thread! HNY!!!
  24. Thanks for the list @Lacassem! I want to build the same enclosure. Eager to hear how it works for you. Excited for you.
  25. I have bought a few in great shape at Goodwill. They seem to be there often. If you have some nearby, or other similar thrift stores, you may want to check there. Good luck!
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