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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. This is not a great story in the sense that it has no beginning, middle, end, tension, etc. But it was amazing to see. Last summer I was playing near Charleston, SC with family. My cousin, who is an excellent golfer, was having a tough time of it because of eye trouble. (He has since had cataract surgery and is playing tons better.) Long story short, he topped a 7 iron on a par 3. It was headed for the water - and a HUGE gator. The ball struck the gator on the head, made a shockingly dull <thump> sound, and ricocheted to the right about 20 yards off the green. The gator never moved. My cousin got up and down with a two-putt for bogey.
  2. Welcome @red rooster golf! And thanks a ton for the testing opportunity. I believe that this is the first glove review at MGS, yes @GolfSpy_APH?
  3. Good morning, Spies! I hope all are well. Exciting news - it looks like the Red Rooster Sussex gloves will start arriving soon for testers. Wishing you all a great day.
  4. I just got the notice this morning that my Sussex gloves are out for delivery! Also, FYI, I updated my review to include some more great information that Kerry Moher shared with me about the Sussex glove, and the results of my fitting process. Kerry has been very generous with his time!
  5. When you feel the guilt but would do it again. That's me right now. I am so ashamedly unashamed. I did not need these. At. All. But Miura. 57. A truly amazing price. I just - I had lust in my heart. Arriving next week.
  6. Good morning, Spies! Good luck @cojobro77 this Friday. Yikes! Hope it goes well. No golf for me today, sadly. (Really this time.) All suited up. Serving breakfast to staff this morning a week ahead of Admin Professionals' Day. It's an annual tradition, and a lot of fun. Then . . . lots of work to do. Wishing you all great Wednesdays.
  7. Man it happens. So frustrating right? But you will rebound.
  8. I just couldn’t stand looking out the window anymore, and snuck over to the range to hit a small bucket. This was after doing a little research about why I was hitting everything thin and rightward. It was the grip, stupid. My grip was way too weak. I reverted to the stronger Freddie Couples grip, and it clicked. The bounce and power were back, and the accuracy was back with a baby draw. My inventive golf brain will find something else to screw up next. But that was a relief to find out that nothing more fundamental, or should I say more difficult to remedy, was wrong.
  9. Just following orders. . . . . . . @GolfSpy_SAM Happy Birthday!
  10. Good morning, Spies! Congrats on the changes @BIG STU! I have gone through the same changes. Over the last 18 months I am down 50 lbs, and the side effects have all been very positive. Rooting for you. No golf for me today, sadly, but it's still a good day. Was greeted at the office this morning with deliveries of my "SPY" putter cover and a couple new wedges. Also, we are taking my oldest daughter and some friends to an Orville Peck concert tonight in Louisville, so that will be fun. That dude is one of the most unique country acts I have ever seen. I am not at all a country fan historically, but his music is great - like a bizarre cross of Elvis and Johnny Cash and I don't know what, but it really works. Would you believe the McDonald's between my gym and work had no coffee today? Odd, but I will survive. Wishing you all fabulous Tuesdays.
  11. I quickly determined that the lack of taper in the GP CP2 grips is not for me, so I just ordered some Iomic Evolution midsize replacements for 4-9i. I have never tried the Iomic grips before. But based on recommendations of Iomic I have read here, it seems to be worth a shot (as always, pun intended).
  12. Kerry from Red Rooster graciously shared some time with me by phone last night. He gave me some good background on the Sussex glove and the Range Rooster which I will share in the review post. With the Sussex intended to be a thinner and softer tournament/special round-type glove, my testing criteria should and will shift a bit. Comparing to the Range Rooster will also be interesting. Really looking forward to this!
  13. Good morning Spies! The only golf-related thing for me today will be packing my bag for the return home. Florida and family time was fantastic and my wife had a super birthday week. A friend’s band played yesterday afternoon, and after 18 in the morning we went and I was fortunate to sit in on drums for a couple songs. It was a total blast. I definitely drum better than I golf in Florida. Bermuda and I just don’t mesh. At least, that is the excuse I’m sticking with for today. Wishing you all a fantastic Monday.
  14. I was closest, so hit second. Some foot wedges were utilized to enable play to continue. Sadly neither of us got up and down. We are both from Indiana playing in Florida, and are not used to real beach sand bunkers, esp this time of year. BTW playing new irons on unfamiliar Bermuda grass is trying to say the least. Lol.
  15. Date 04/16/2023 Course Name Fox Hollow Gross Score 90 Course Handicap 18 Gross Strokes over/under par 19 Net Score to Par 1 Net Score 72 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 280 My cousin and I managed this familial outcome on hole 5.
  16. So - there is something to be said for getting out of our heads and just being an athlete, eh? I may adopt that mantra tomorrow. It’s time to just play during my last Florida round. Good work @richk9holes
  17. My experience is similar to @Swood1994. In emailing with Kerry from Red Rooster, I too took the measurements, and at his recommendation I went to a golf shop and tried on several glove sizes. It seems I have been wearing a glove that is too large for me, and will be testing a Cadet Large as opposed to my (formerly) typical size of XL. So, I am gratified to Kerry already and to be learning new stuff even before the Sussex gloves have arrived!
  18. I abused two more buckets of balls today, focusing exclusively on iron shots, working on getting my hands turned over and completing my swing with a full shoulder rotation. I get the turn at 1/2 and 3/4 swing no problem, but start leaving my hands out right/not finishing with full swings. Will keep working at it. It was really good practice on the whole.
  19. Good morning Spies! It’s great to hear about all you have going on today. Enjoy your days. it seems like a good day on tap here. Knocking out some work, and then talking mid morning with Kerry from Red Rooster about fitting and getting the test going. I’m excited to learn more about RR, the Sussex glove, etc. Then some range time for me to try to overcome the lingering effects of Thursday’s simply brutal 18. And then beach and family time. I wish you all excellent days!
  20. I got the Azaleas as a gift from my wife and wore it on Masters/Easter Sunday. It’s a great shirt and garnered compliments. Greet quality gear.
  21. My round yesterday was abjectly horrible. But there are good signs. It's early season so not time to freak out. Back to the range to sort out the new irons and groove in a consistent, easy swing with driver!
  22. Thank you @BKervin! We are playing TPC Tampa Bay today. Just watched a couple overview videos. Tee shot accuracy will dictate an awful lot of outcomes! The course looks like a ton of fun. Will report in later. Also, here’s my current situation. Think I’m excited? Doing some ball testing. Planning to avoid the negative mental energy today. Sending best wishes for your son and mom @Jnoble89
  23. Good morning Spies! Work and family and my wife’s birthday have made for a fun and dynamic week thus far. Golfing this afternoon with my dad and brother at a very nice and difficult course, which should be a great time. Will send pics later! I wish you all a great day.
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