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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×

Josh Parker

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Everything posted by Josh Parker

  1. So I guess for me this is a 2 part question. 1. I don't mind the 40 balls if they are chipping to one flag and allowing others to practice as well. 2. Leaving them there and not at least putting them all in one spot is a no from me. I have been to facilities that have the pvc slides to collect them all and they stay at the putting/chipping green all the time and I have been to others that don't. At the end of the day it's just about being respectful of everyone else.
  2. Went and hit the new DI a few times to make sure it held together. This combo may turn out great.
  3. For me, I take a moment in between holes and remember I'm not making my living playing golf and it's more fun that being at work. Forget the last shot and focus on the next.
  4. I have known people like that as well. What would you say his biggest struggle is? Sometimes it could be he hasn't found the right coach that he clicks with. He needs someone that can take his swing and make it work for him and not try to change it at this point. 40 years of habits/traits is a long run.
  5. Happy Birthday! @Golfinvegas @pablo6060 @Pastor Chuck @kleonard8 @flynny19 @foreseef @RETaylor @Heyyodeen
  6. I don't know of any specific golf cruises. The big thing to keep in mind is how much time you have before you have to board the boat. Most of the time it's 6-8 hours of total time and some are less than that. They are a great time though regardless.
  7. Good morning! Up and at it with the coffee brewing and waiting on the family to get up so we can get the aquaponics system to the house and start working on the setup again. Shoulder is still feeling a little tight so it will be another no golf day but I'm trying to be patient with it. @Rob Person hope you and your family have a wonderful wedding. Have a great day everyone!
  8. I wish I was going. I'm in on the next one. Couldn't swing this go round. Courses look amazing.
  9. Sounds like a fun day and round! Looks like a fun course.
  10. Haha! I love the math and sounds fairly accurate.
  11. For sure! Hit a small bucket and just took it easy. I'm trying to be patient and let it rest but it's not in my nature to sit still. Haha
  12. Happy Birthday! @Mike_D @Arnie C @Youngseok @jneff11 @Senior Champ
  13. Good Friday morning! Another jamb packed day ahead and hopefully some range time this afternoon. Shoulder is feeling pretty good and want to slowly see how it is at the range. Not going to push it. Hope everyone has a great day!
  14. This turned out so sweet! I have now added this to the must try list.
  15. Sounds like your playing partners need to step up and buy and Autoflex.
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