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Everything posted by Dweed

  1. Love the pics of the dillos. Hell ya nice drive for sure.
  2. Are these mostly found at your course gig? You can always donate to 1st Tee!! Might not solve the addiction but helps find new homes anyway.
  3. Played 9 today. Pretty windy, 20-25 but that seems to be the norm this year. Happy with the score but ball striking/aim was off a little bit. Only hit 1/2 of the greens that I normally do. But my scrambling/chipping helped keep me close the pin for 1 putt pars. I guess my takeaway for today is it's good to know (confidence) I can trust other aspects of my game to step up when other aspects are less than stellar. Driver was a big help, 6 out of 7 fairways.
  4. @anth715 I hear ya. It's called golf. Amazing how things work out. But I digress, welcome to the forums. Keep checking in and you'll be amazed at how something little you read just happens to "click". Welcome.
  5. Hang in there. Keep a positive outlook as you dig into things. And have fun my man.
  6. @keatinho welcome to these forums. As you'll soon see, a lot of great information is available. Also, some information may not work for you. Only you can determine that. Take what works for you and discard what does not. @RickyBobby_PR provided some very good insights. Check into some lessons (they don't have to be really expensive) to help give you some directions to pursue. There is a lot of data available for sure, but learning golf has a lot of "feel" to it as well. Continue to look for those answers and remember, have fun. It is a fun sport after all. Again, welcome to the forums.
  7. Welcome @Goyanks7777. Welcome to the forum. Always glad to see another Michigander...(transplant). Most of us are. Keep us updated on your simulator build project. It'll come in handy for the winters for sure. Don't fret about handicap index numbers. Practice, have fun playing and at practice, take some lessons to help with shot consistency and still have fun, trust me, your numbers will drop and you're still having fun.
  8. I hear ya. And feel the pain. Last week I had to give up 10 shots and it is hard to recover from that up front over 9 holes. You can have an excellent round and he only a little better and you're toast.
  9. For a short muni, it really is a super fun course. Hitting down off of 9 all I can see is a ball hitting into traffic. Of course that can't happen for the avg golfer. But still. Glad the place is still open. Fun local course.
  10. Had a decent round at league this morning. We only play 9. Shot a 40. Stats were not impressive. 4 Fairways and 3 GIR. But the rest of the story is 4 missed fairways were within 8 feet of the edge and 4 missed greens were all in easy putting range of the shot grass. So I wasn't totally disappointed. Yah, still work to be done but seeing some improvements.
  11. @Blakep welcome to the forums. Glad to see another Michigander. Used to live down that way. Wife worked at UofM. Bag accessories. Watering brush for sure but I keep that in the truck as over time they might leak. A wet towel and a dry towel work best for me along with a stiff bristle nylon brush for after each shot. Takes too seconds to clean the grooves. Divot tool for sure and as you mentioned ball markers. Roll of golfers tape. Sunglasses and case. Is Huron Hills still open? Used to love that hilly place, Such small greens made it a hoot.
  12. Dweed

    Wedge lofts

    Set PW at 45, Utility wedge at 50, sand wedge 54 and a 56*as my most lofted. Been happy with this set up for a lot of years.
  13. I guess I'd give up 10 yards for a 10-15% increase in fairways.
  14. Managed to squeeze 9 holes in this afternoon. Missed some opportunities for birdie and on the last hole (a par 3) managed to chip one in for a 2. That saved me and got me to 39. Birdie?? Nah. Not to be. Got to hit it Alice. 2" short doesn't count.
  15. @NoraSethi, just a quick Welcome to the forums.
  16. Took one of the grandboys out last night. Hit the course at 5:30. I let him tee off at the 150 marker and 5 or six shots later he'd be on the green. 3 or 4 later "in the hole". Let 4 or 5 groups pass us to keep things flowing. I let him drive a little bit. He only lost 1 ball which was decent. I'm sure we could have found it but it landed in a patch of poison ivy and I wasn't brave enough to try and find it. On the 7th hole he actually had a nice drive of about 120 yards and put his second on the green. 3 putted but almost had a par when he yells at me. Grandpa!! I got to poop!! So off we go to the clubhouse. So we left afterwards and since I so seldom ever use a cart I forgot to collect my phone. Took him home, headed back and of course they had already washed the cart... and my phone. Still drying it out. Damn!! I love being a grandpa.
  17. Sorry to hear that man. No matter what, listen to the med professionals and don't push yourself beyond what you can do just to make a Sep or Oct tee time. Heal it up proper and good luck man. Keep us in the loop.
  18. I don't like to carry too much stuff around with me. Don't wear a watch so that would never fly. I personally use an Izzo Swami 6000. It is accurate enough for me +- 2-3 yards is more than close enough for my game. My only con about lasers is I see an awful lot of people use them, then re-shoot the distance, then move a foot and re-shoot. Then of course, a buddy has to come over and try also. Then they shoot and are 50 yards off anyway. Just sayin.
  19. @V3rtigo, glad to see and hear that the "bug" has been biting a bit. No matter what, have fun. Score ain't but a number. Good job and enjoy.
  20. Despite the wet conditions and cool temps our league ventured out this morning. The first 4 holes were a tad bit cumbersome trying to shake the dew off. Rained a few hours last night so everything was a bit slow. As long as I could keep my shots lower they managed a bit of a run. Shot better than last week by 5 strokes. I had some decent shots once I got warmed up. Hoping to take the grandson out after school tomorrow for 9.
  21. @ChrisGE, just a quick note to toss in my 2 cents worth. Welcome to the forums. As you're discovering, a lot of information can flow your way. A lot of good stuff here.
  22. congrats testers. Have fun and enjoy. Looking forward to your results.
  23. Let me out dad. Summer is almost here.
  24. @NFFC83. If it feels better and you get results that you like, stay the coarse. Welcome to the forums.
  25. @RicWood, welcome to the forums. Glad you took the plunge and joined. Welcome.
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