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Everything posted by Dweed

  1. @sschristiewelcome to the forum. Lots of great info and folks here love to share in experiences concerning golf. Positive as well as busts. Hopefully with weather improving, you'll get out soon. Welcome fellow Michigander.
  2. @ThumbGolfer, welcome to the forum. There are lots of great tips and advice to be had. I'm a bit west of you in the St Charles area. With the weather (except for tomorrow) starting to get spring like keep in mind Crooked Creek Golf off of M46 west of town is open for walkers.
  3. @LeakyValve, first off welcome to the forums. Always needing new input and sharing of experiences. Great question. It depends on the item being reviewed and if the review is by the mfgr or by someone on the forums. All of your points would or should be looked at and addressed. But the common golfer wouldn't generally have access to some of the technological methods used. Cost for sure, size is a big one for me. Being a tad bit rotundo many of the apparel items are out of my grasp as they don't make sizes above XL. Does the product really work? Looking forward to seeing what you are proposing. Again, welcome aboard.
  4. Congratulations folks. Looking forward to your thoughts when you've had a chance to evaluate. I'm heading to AL tomorrow for a couple of weeks so I purchased a dozen of the Tour and Tour X to take with me and do my own off books eval. Good luck and have fun all.
  5. I've got to say my ace back in 2015. Par 3 147 yards, elevated tee. Into the wind right to left quartering about 12 mph( that was the direction and speed when I started the round). 7 iron. Landed about 15 feet short of the pin and rolled in. It was starting to get dark so I never really "saw" it drop. Heard the pin rattle and picked it out. Had to scramble to finish the last too holes before it became totally unplayable.
  6. @thulesgold just a quick Welcome to the forums. Glad you joined and hope you find it as a positive experience as much as I have over the years.
  7. Welcome @TuukkaH. Glad to see you are well on your way to adding your input to the group. We need great input and interests. Welcome.
  8. Welcome @Solid and @Bryceb. Glad you both are with the forum. Looking forward to reading some of your experiences in the future. Welcome.
  9. Welcome @Back9Scott to the forums. I believe you'll find lots of interesting tid bits as you move through the many different subjects that abound here. Welcome.
  10. Congratulations you all. Have fun. Looking forward to your write ups.
  11. @smartak welcome to the forums. Hope it is all that you want it to be.
  12. Same here. Hopefully the 8" will be gone by Thurs with 40-55* forecasted.
  13. Welcome to the forum. Hope you get some great info and are able to share as well. I grew up in WI and graduated from Point, many years ago. Welcome.
  14. @shanksforthememories and @Bortery, welcome, welcome to the forums. Thanks for your sharing and I hope you get lots out of it. Welcome aboard.
  15. @Marlin Dave, first off, welcome to the forums. Thanks for your input. You mention your location as Michigan- Florida Keys. So are those Florida Keys on the Lake Michigan or Lake Huron side?
  16. Glad to hear that your tinkering has helped your putting performance. Best of luck.
  17. @johngschulz. Try it for awhile and see how you feel. I used to interlock, then I changed to overlap and that feels most comfortable for me. Go with what feels good and gives you the best results for you.
  18. Congratulations everyone. Have fun. Can't wait to read your results. Don't have too much fun though. We would like to read your input sometime this fiscal year.
  19. Way to go dude. Congratulations.

    1. Michael.Sandoval33


      I appreciate it brother!

  20. To be honest, I've never paid $100 or more for a round of golf. There have always been many other things in life more important to spend $100 on than golf. Being retired and sacrificing all those years I guess I could afford to spend that much. But why? I stay close to home and enjoy my golf on courses that I feel I can better afford. Maybe some day, just not yesterday or today.
  21. My go to is the one I tested in the recent MGS Sub70 putters last Oct. The Sub70 004 Mallet.
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