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Headhammer last won the day on September 8 2020

Headhammer had the most liked content!


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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
  • Interests
    Golf, Motorcycles, Wine, Photography

Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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Headhammer's Achievements

  1. It certainly is the new hyped club to add to your bag, sorta what driving irons were a few year back. Social media personalities pushing the 7-wood all over my feeds daily, yet the 2 people that I know that added them at the start of the year called them a "bad experiment" and now they are leaned up against a wall in their garage.
  2. Starting Labor Day weekend off right with some homemade double decker egg, bacon & cheese biscuits. #Legendary
  3. Dinner last night was seared scallops over creamy corn with a tomato & pickled onion salsa. I loved the different flavors and textures of the dish, but the missus felt it was a little weird.
  4. I just looked at the specs and it says it's a mid-launch shaft, but their graphic shows it is a low launch so a bit confusing there. If you are having trouble generating horsepower might a mid-high launch shaft be a better option? Probably a question for the fitters here.
  5. Any of the below topics should probably push it to 200K! Iron covers White belts Towels with gromets Is a hot dog a sandwich Is Die Hard a Christmas movie
  6. Dinner last night was shrimp & corn dumplings with a sweet heat cantaloupe & cucumber salad paired beautifully with a sauvignon blanc from the Russian River Valley.
  7. I haven't swung all of them, and some I haven't heard of, so for me it's more the reputation than the performance, all except New Level which Steven Alker has ridden to unbridled success on the Champions Tour. 1. New Level 2. Edel 3, Sub 70 4. Maltby 5. Takomo
  8. I didn't even know there was such a thing.
  9. Range Session 5-7 Balls starting wedge to driver every other club and then back down the bag Extra balls for clubs I'm not hitting well 15 minutes chipping 15 minutes putting Warm-Up Before Round 5 Balls each wedge, 7I, 5I, Hybrid, 10 Balls Driver 10 Minutes putting
  10. Im sure we will hear more about AI and 3D printing. Have not heard about any earth shattering technologies on the horizon, I mean, unless you count this.
  11. I gotta say I've made a lotta good meals this year, but that was one of the tastiest ever!
  12. Dinner last night was filet mignon topped with a garlic parmesan crab sauce and a side of cherry tarragon couscous. #YUM
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