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    bogey_vols got a reaction from kingcscott in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I got my first eagle earlier this week. 295 yd par 4. I drove it to just off the green and chipped in with my 58*.
    I was grinning the rest of the round.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  2. Like
    bogey_vols got a reaction from cksurfdude in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I got my first eagle earlier this week. 295 yd par 4. I drove it to just off the green and chipped in with my 58*.
    I was grinning the rest of the round.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  3. Like
    bogey_vols got a reaction from PING Apologist #9 in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I got my first eagle earlier this week. 295 yd par 4. I drove it to just off the green and chipped in with my 58*.
    I was grinning the rest of the round.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  4. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to robertson153 in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I forgot to mention in my excitement, I average around 85. So now you can see why I was ecstatic.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
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    bogey_vols reacted to PING Apologist #9 in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    Amazing round out there! Good stuff!
  6. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to MDGolfHacker in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    Congratulations on shooting 76!
  7. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to GolfJunkie302 in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    Now that you know it's possible, it's going to happen a lot more often. Expect a lot more rounds sub 80! 
    Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  8. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to robertson153 in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I just had the round of my life!!! Every ball I stood over felt like it was going to go exactly where I wanted it to. Driver, irons, wedges, and putter were all on as good as they've ever been, and all working together was amazing. With all that being said I shot 76!!!! 38-38 on a par 72. Now that I know it's possible, it's going to be a real bummer when I have one of those days when I shoot 92.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  9. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to GolfJunkie302 in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    Broke par for the first time recently! My previous best was +3. I still had 31 putts so I guess I know what I need to clean up...
    Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  10. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to SeeMore Putts in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    First time I broke 90 was last season. Needed my first eagle on a par 5 to do it, so I got two milestones that day.
    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to deejaid in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I don't recall the first time I broke 90 and have yet to break 80, but I found this ball recently in my old ball stash from the first time I shot a sub 40 Nine.
    2005 I was around a 90 shooter and was always happy to break 90, that was always the goal. On this day I remember I shot a 44 on front as my buddy mentioned at the turn that I was on pace to break 90. That must have made me nervous as #10 was an easy 130 yard par 3 and I step up and bladed a 9-iron. This thing was a line drive that bounced on the green then hit the stick dead square and ended up 10 ft from the cup when it should have been 30 yards past the green. Ended up parring the hole.
    I settled down for the rest of the back nine and really played well for a 3-over 39, my first sub 40 nine and a very good for me at the time 83.
    Tax Day, 2005, and I was playing a Dunlop Loco [emoji12]

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to STUDque in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I get to add another post to this thread. Your boy broke 80 today for the first time.
    New PB: 78
    So here's how it happened:
    Front 9
    -Straight to the first tee
    -Somewhat windy (15-20mph)
    -Took a solid 4 holes to start feeling right
    -Hit 3 balls in the hazard on the front 9
    -Found ways to make bogey when I didn't deserve it
    -Ugly triple on 9 lowered the expectations way down
    Back 9
    -Wind picked up (30-40mph gusts)
    -More of the same golf through 10, 11
    -->Drained a birdie from off the green on 12
    -13,14 throwing darts
    -15 "get off this green with no worse than bogey"
    -16 conservative off the tee then perfect 2nd
    -17 dead into wind.
    -->2nd shot 175
    -->When it's breezy swing easy 5i
    -18 tried to give it away with nervy chips
    -->Knew I had 2 putts for 79
    -->Drained the first from 10
    -5 birdies...Wtf? The most I've ever had before was 2
    -30 putts
    --> 2 from off green
    --> Changed grip that made all the difference
    What a perfect day to be out there. Windy but hot so I stayed cool. It was truly rare round for me to shoot so well but still make tons of mistakes. If I were posting in Sluggo's BSOTD thread, I'd have at least 7 that I could elaborate on. I know it's not sustainable but I'm glad I made it.
    WOOOOOOO. Beer time. [emoji481][emoji481] [emoji482]
    Sent from carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy
  13. Like
    bogey_vols got a reaction from MDGolfHacker in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I got my first eagle earlier this week. 295 yd par 4. I drove it to just off the green and chipped in with my 58*.
    I was grinning the rest of the round.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  14. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to BigtazzGolf in Under the Lights   
    I've never played at night for score only fun. It isn't often mind you. I think night golf is ranked right next to top golf. It's fun but you probably won't get much from it imo. Add lights to courses in the south and that's an open invite to the mosquitos and that ain't cool lol
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  15. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to GeekingGolf in What ya drinking tonight?   
    Drinking cold Budweiser tonight I finally get to test and review some sweet equipment and also tomorrow is my birthday cheers
    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  16. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to palvord in What ya drinking tonight?   
    A really complex tasting Miller Lite tonight. Aka, it's the free stuff at the in-laws.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  17. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to DawgDaddy in DawgDaddy's Deal of The Day!   
    4-Dozen Wilson Staff Duo Spin Golf Balls $48.00 https://www.allingolfer.com/

  18. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to RexS in Share your Shot/Hole Of The Day!   
    Playing in a best ball tournament last Thursday, our group had 4 bad drives on a Par 4.
    The best shot we had, was my drive and we were left of the cart path in the thin rough and about 178 from the pin. It was also windy and we were playing into wind of about 15 to 20 mph.  I pulled my 3 wood, choked up about an inch or so and took a 3/4 swing. It landed the green and stopped 12" from the cup.
  19. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to STUDque in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    For me, it was the first time breaking 90. My buddies and I always walked twilight rounds because it was much cheaper. It got so dark we could barely see the ball and the back 9 at our course is mostly woods. My buddy lost his ball on 16 due to darkness and packed it in. Since I was making a serious run at breaking 90 (first in my group to do it), I figured I'd keep shooting until I lost my ball.
    The hardest part was the tee shots. Even though they wound up in the fairway, my buddy and I still had a hard time finding them using our phone flashlights. I played the '09 burner at the time and the only thing you could see was the spark when I hit the ball. No flight and definitely no landing. For all shots, my buddy held the flashlight over the ball so I could at least line up.
    I played super conservative to keep my ball in the fairway and wound up parring 16, 17, and 18 to end with a cool 87.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  20. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to STUDque in First Time Breaking a Milestone   
    I'm sure there's some great stories out there of the first time members broke 100, 90, 80, par and I'd love to hear them.
    In many cases, these are some of the fondest memories a golfer can have.
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  21. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to GolfSpy_X in MGS Store....What have You Bought?   
    So....here is the deal with the store.
    I never wanted to focus on selling gear. I love designing it but never thought our site would do it. Just didn;t want people thinking we were trying to get money out of them.
    I really do love designing and we get so many requests for gear I said screw it and designed up some stuff and threw together a quick store.
    But it wasn't good enough.  If I was going to do it I wanted to really do it right. So, I took the store down from main site (Can still find it but it ain't easy).
    The gear needed to be better, so now it is.  Top of the line quality from covers to divot tools and much more coming.  Also there will be a first class store on the site in the weeks to come.  Will be ready around the time of the Masters
    I hope you guys like it.
  22. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to 00sportsman in How'd You Pick Your Screen Name?   
    Sorry for the bump (maybe) but I find these short stories really interesting. I was thinking about starting a thread, but was smart enough to look for an old one.
    Mine is the number 00 and the division, Sportsman, that I ran last when I was racing stock cars
    It did occur to me that it works well for MGS as well. Think 007, the ultimate spy.
    Sent from my XT1585 using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  23. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to STUDque in How'd You Pick Your Screen Name?   
    I've already answered this question in the other thread but I'll play along and do it here too:
    Freshman year of college, the older players on the baseball team were trying to knock me down a peg because I walked around like I was something special. They all got on this train of some version of the phrase "You must think your sh*t is nice, you're a Stud." They just kept at it and I soaked it up like the 17 year old kid I was thinking I was [emoji41] and I better prove them right.
    So AOL instant messenger is how we talked through text back then since cell phones still weren't mainstream and texting charges were insane. I was ready to choose my new identity in college and just slammed Stud into my name to make "enSTUDque."
    I started off the season on [emoji91] and bam! Now that's my real life nickname too. It's catchy and it stuck then got shortened to just STUDque.
    Ever since then, that was my username on every online sign up and it's NEVER taken. [emoji106]
    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  24. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to PING Apologist #9 in How'd You Pick Your Screen Name?   
    Well...I'm kind of a weirdo I suppose. I'm near 50 (this year in August) and I've never been a part of anything like this...ever. Now my job is very "tech-ee", but even so, I still went kicking and screaming into my first "smart" phone when the first Motorola Droids were released way back when. I'm kind-a an old fuddy-duddy for stuff like this..!
    So long story short...er, maybe..! I found this site last year when the Golf Bug bit me, looked at the all articles and cruised through many of the forums picking up all sorts of good nuggets from many of you great folks. When I jumped into the sport feet first last summer and decided to join MGS, I was then be tasked with creating my first ever screen name. My original was the "Duff-Man" from The Simpsons ​TV show which my first thought and also happens to still be my login name. But after creating that name, it dawned on me that I could do way better and also be a bit, well...unique.
    PING became a reality for me after lots of on-line research. Their engineering approach to things REALLY appeals to me, so too does their marketing and branding...they really are just what I was after. I watched a tour of their facility on line once where they employ Americans on US soil (a big deal to me)  that assemble and tune their clubs. That blog also had a total fitting included a peek into THE vault...after that, it was all over for me. I am PING. That and I also have a great sense of OCD. So, when I began to acquire my own set of swingin' stix, I could not bring myself to deviate from the brand-at least to start and to-date.
    Therefore, I was a PINGMAN! But that was way too obvious. Ping Apologist #9 just seemed...well....right for me. The "Apologist" was funny to me since I knew once I built my signature showing my WIMB, that I thought many of you more experience types with a grab-bag of various brands of custom sticks would surely get a laugh at the "new guy". The #9 is only 'cuz that it is my lucky # and the number I wore all through high school and Babe Ruth ball way back when. It also leaves room for 1-to-8 to chime in...heh...
  25. Like
    bogey_vols reacted to Wannabegolfer67 in How'd You Pick Your Screen Name?   
    My avatar is something Golfspy MBP did for me.
    The name is simple, I wanna be a golfer!! Haven't earned that title yet in my eyes!! LOL!!
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