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Everything posted by 00sportsman

  1. Looks pretty unbalanced to me. It sounds like I need to thank @blackngold_blood for dropping McDowell a couple of weeks ago. Don't get too excited, though. Be prepared for him to get nailed by the "00sportsman's rooting for me" curse.
  2. Oh to have an empty nest (for a while at least).....mine are 28 and 30, and still with me. Plus, we have a 6 year old grandson who has lived with us since he was 6 months. I love them all, but could stand a little quiet and privacy for a while.
  3. I said 6, but the reality is at least two of them are guys that I root for, so I don't want to let them go even though they have done nothing for me so far this year. Currently all four of my guys, two of whom I picked up Tuesday, are a combined -13 for the day and are all projected to make the cut. I can't get J. Day and A. Noren to do that!
  4. I wish my roster was good enough that I couldn't drop anyone. I basically have 6 guys that I'm not willing to part with. The last 4 spots are a revolving door and I look at those spots as a complete crap shoot .
  5. I just got a chance to look at it (on my mobile) and saw the number of moves you've made. I hadn't really paid that much attention to what everyone did with their rosters, but it's nice to see I'm not the only one shuffling more than a blackjack dealer.
  6. Interesting how different strategies come into play. I've managed to go 12-4 and have made at least one roster move every single week. My bottom 5 on the roster are completely different than the bottom 5 I started with.
  7. I've got two playing, and just can't decide whether I'm going to try to pick up one or two, or ride it out. As much as I've complained about Alex Noren, I can't seem to let him go........should be easy, shouldn't it?
  8. Played Arcadia Municipal today. One of the better courses for me to play. Something like 5800 yards and WIDE open. @fozcycle and @MattF will probably have a hard time believing it after Friday's debacle, but pulled off a 91, with FIVE 3 putts and only 1 penalty (We won't talk about the quad on a 160 yard par 3.) Pulled off two birdies on par 5's. I hadn't had a birdie in who knows how long. Smoked a drive on 13 (only about 475 par 5, probably playing 460), left about 190. Rolled a 5 iron onto the green and left about 10 feet. Missed the eagle putt by about 3 inches. Pushed my drive a little left on 15 (490 par 5), hit a solid 3h just short and right of the green. Went a little long on the chip and ran it across the green one onto the fringe, then rolled it in through a foot of fringe about 6 feet down a little slope for 4. Played my Ping i20's with stiff CFS shafts today, and I think they may stay in the bag for awhile. Did a lot more chipping around the green with my 9 iron, and that really helped as well.
  9. Congratulations. That's awesome.
  10. You've got more patience than I do. I get them when they leave middle school and get to try to teach them Algebra, or I get them after they already failed Algebra and have to take it over again. Down here, football is year-round so that is my only coaching job.
  11. Doesn't look like it mattered, to me. I set my lineup and you're still giving me a butt-whoopin'. Jason Day decided to go the way of Alex Noren.
  12. I hope so. He's been a huge disappointment so far, but I can't seem to just let him go.
  13. Well, I'll trade you Alex Freakin' Noren for him. I think he's forgotten which end of the club to use.
  14. which has to play through twice before he can take his stroke
  15. Hey, 289 is 289. Doesn't matter what it hit getting there. You haven't seen bad golf. Just wait until Friday! It will completely change your definition of "bad golf."
  16. although hash browns, home fries, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, au gratin potatoes, boiled potatoes, potato chips and fried potato wedges are all ok.
  17. Where did you get fit? I'm anxious to see it later this week!
  18. Those are my "probably going to end up wet" balls. I think they're a really underrated ball, particularly at 10 bucks/doz. They're very soft, and I can hit them pretty much as long as any other ball I play.
  19. the mad scientist to spend an extra 10 minutes per shot adjusting his calculations
  20. Wow. Sorry to hear about all the issues. Glad you're back with us.
  21. Nice. Foz, Rev and I got a practice round in at Pebble Creek today in preparation for next week's iron man day!
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