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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. I think it's working... Current active streak of 47 holes with no 3 putts, which I am sure I just jinxed and will proceed to break next time out. Which includes a 2 putt from 90 and 75' during my last round of 18. Down to 33.5 putts/rd versus 34.5-35 last season and that includes 4x 3 putts on my first 9 holes of the year before the current streak started. Averaged 2.5 3-putts per round last year, so I am trending nicely towards an average of one 3-putt or less per round.
  2. 3mph slower today compared to baselining. Was hungry after a light lunch but did the same stack warmup. Consciously thinking about “full” on course swing effort versus all out “max” is confusing when you are swinging a weight on stick. Definitely could swing harder... Sad my grit was 97%, I guess I shouldn’t have waited 2 days after baseline test since it didn’t tell me to take rest days... either that or it was based on my speed throughout the session. I will likely add full driver swings to finish the stack warmup protocol prior to the foundations swings with the stack. If for no other reason than to get a feel for full driver effort versus just going into stack swings which you would want to swing as hard as possible. Again found that I am on the verge of yelling for the app to pickup the speed number. Narrowed my stance for last couple swings with the lightest weight and picked up 5mph. Going to experiment with that moving forward.
  3. 101 eSpeed. 108 was my fastest driver swing during baseline session and I thought I saw the distance potential update on the screen at that time.
  4. Did he say where the distance potential is calculated from? I swore during my baseline session my 282 yard potential came up after my 108 MPH driver swing which is a 2.6 multiplier of CHS and is a common number thrown around for max carry. But your numbers don't line up with that. In the app is does mention distance potential includes rollout on moderate-firm conditions, at 1000 ft elevation and 90 degrees with Prov1X balls. I'm glad I play at 3000+ ft of elevation because it never hits 90 here LOL.
  5. 6'2" - w/ long arms 34" putter, used to grip down on 35's
  6. Would love to try one of these to see how it feels, some guy is trying to sell a 505X on Facebook near me for $950 Makes me feel like $300 for a used Graphite Design is a killer deal.
  7. Surprise, surprise, I check my email this morning and have a delivery notification 2 days ahead of schedule. Pop my head out the window and see the stack has arrived just in time for a speed session at home over the lunch hour. Quickly get the stack registered and work through the app menus to familiarize myself. It quickly becomes apparent that this app is extremely polished, unlike most where you have to swipe through 4-5 screens of instructions before accessing the main menu. I love that there are relevant videos positioned as you click through to the programs which you can watch or skip permanently. On to the interface itself: The rest timing between sets and reps along with the ability to have it call out remaining remaining rest time puts this thing light years ahead of other systems becuase throughout the routine I wanted to get reps in faster. I was making lunch in the other room on the 2-3 minute rests between sets and the audible tones have you ready to swing as soon as rest between reps is up. I needed to speak louder than anticipated for it to log the swing speeds, but that is a minor complaint to not have to touch your phone repeatedly for data entry. Yesterday I decided to dig up a free sample workout from the Fit for Golf offseason program. I was still feeling some muscle soreness today, even after following the 15 minute warm-up protocol in the Stack app. I logged these comments in the app along with health ratings - again, more attention to detail. I plan on doing this warmup for every session and have already used it before rounds of golf and snowboarding when it was posted on the website. EXCEPT to test the impacts of full warm ups on speed... I plan on doing my "late for tee time" warmup of 10-20 swings with the orange whip before 1 session during the Foundations program and see what kind of CHS differences there are. Baseline Session: I find it very interesting that my eSpeed as well as @dlow206 was well below our Driver speeds during baselining while @mr.hicksta was within 1 MPH. My early guess is this ties into lower speed output on some of the higher weights. I was thrilled to be topping out at 108 MPH which is around an all time personal best for me. My biggest challenge was to truly simulate a "full" swing matching the effort on course as per the instructional video. The speeds I saw here made me feel that I have significant room for improvement on course by not tightening up and trying to steer the ball or trying to "hit" at it with poor tempo. Trying to match a 1 arm swing effort to an on-course swing was a bit of crapshoot as it seemed much easier to turn farther and get more wrist set. Hardware: All the components look good, shaft seems firm, grip could be better, and weights have nice fit and finish along with the carrying case. I like it is shorter than a standard length driver which makes it easier to carry and use in smaller spaces indoors. My only suggestion for improvement thus far: the threads should stop 1/4" from the end of the adapter. It would be extremely easy to cross-thread the yellow tip onto the shaft, especially with the number of weight changes. This would likely required the threaded rod to be extended, but far from a deal breaker. An unthreaded portion allows you to slide the cap on, rotate counter clockwise until the threads engage like on a sparkplug and then tighten down. It is a pain in the butt to place the cap perfectly straight on the threaded end and twist it on in perfect alignment. I also dropped the cap on the floor 3 or 4 times because it falls as soon as the threads disengage which is a PITA. An unthreaded section would allow the cap to sit in place after the last thread. I would be super frustrated if I blew the threads and rendered the product useless after spending $450 on it. Overall: Already glad I made this purchase even with the high price, the level of polish of the hardware and especially the software (it shows pictures of the actual weight discs between sets) is above most competitors. The swing analysis aspect of Rypstick is a huge bonus, but with the video content embedded into the routines and timing; the Stack is very close to having personalized coaching. I am very interested to see "grit" scores and any other tricks to help keep me engaged (push notifications with workout reminders are engaged!). These early results have me believing that 110 MPH cruising speed should be achievable this year. Unrelated: The Fit for Golf exercise routines are no joke, it's been a long time since I've superset squats and chin ups which I was feeling today even after the 15 minute Stack warmup. The FFG mobility work is great for disassociating upper and lower body which is a weakness for me... I think a subscription is in my near future as having all the routines made for you is a nice benefit and the structured mobility work warms you up leading into speed and strength work. I've suffered greatly with initiative to work out at home since the gyms closed on lockdowns. The Stack is going to be a great step in turning that around and I am tempted to take the plunge on FFG to fully commit as there doesn't seem to be much end in sight for the next few months.
  8. Play the front tees at 5500 yards once every couple weeks to try and go low.
  9. PING regularly adds an additional 1/8" in length to their GI sets for 4 and 5 irons... I would recommend trying 1/4", the 1/8" wasn't enough to help me. I have the same issue as you with overlap between 7/8 irons as well as 5/6. I bit the bullet and removed the 5 iron from the bag as it was only useful off the tee. Want to get the lofts checked just to rule it out. Otherwise in the market for a hybrid that carries 190-200, to go between my 6 iron and 4 iron with a 6 iron length shaft in the train wreck that is the top half of my bag.
  10. Estimated delivery of April 21 up in Canada... Just reached a personal best of 105 MPH CHS with driver and no ball after my last session with homemade SuperSpeed sticks. I've probably averaged about 1 session every 3 weeks this winter due to rest and rehab on my lead shoulder. Hoping the "grit" score on Stack can help motivate me to use it 3X per week as recommended and that my shoulder is up for it. Nice to see it is only 34 swings which is a manageable number.
  11. Shoulder is good but there is still minor discomfort, I am actively pushing ROM as far as possible to maximize turn with no issues. I have been slacking a bit on weight training and rehab work but hit 200+ on squats and 250+ on DLs over the past month or two which are the highest since before COVID lockdowns in 2020. Need to progress these up to 250 and 300 respectively. I also tied a personal best of 190 carry with a 6 iron last night using this new backswing position from Gankas which is up 10 yards from average on that club. SC200 gave around 90 MPH club head speed, but I never fully trust that number from the unit. When we arrived at the course it was just over 40F and frost was still coming out of the ground in shaded areas. Left side back muscles were pretty tight which was the bigger issue for this round. Until, my new Adidas golf shoes gave me a blister the size of a quarter on the back of my foot by about hole 10. Planemate is tempting, might try to buy one 2nd hand as people give up using them. I have found a couple drills without a club to exaggerate the shallowing. This is nice indoors in sets of 5. Really trying to figure out the queues and feels to get my lower body rotation driven the transition.
  12. First round of year, shot 84 which works out to +15 adjusted for course/slope and is better than any 18 hole round in 2020. 22 putts on the front nine (6 GIR), with 4 3 putts LOL. Took time to adjust to the heavier weight of the EVNROLL as well as putting on outdoor greens which seemed to have varying degrees of sand on them. But, made up for it with 12 putts on the back 9 (6 - 1 putts, 3 GIR). Also clanked a chip off the flag stick that was so close to going in... Positives: One of my best ever driving rounds, a lot which can be attributed to the concepts from DECADE on aiming and planning out tee shots from Google maps. 3 Driver misses were wipey shots off the heel that ended up 210 out. Longest drive was 297 with the majority in the 250-270 range. Wedge play from 70-100 yards was solid, 50% GIR as well as up and downs. First birdie of the season after sticking a wedge to 6ft from 95 yards on a par 5. Negatives: poor distance control to start with putter, bladed/thinned some irons/wedges (still flipping), including a rinsed ball on a par 3. Need to work on shallowing and transition moves with irons. Failed to get ball on green from greenside bunker. Got tired walking 18 and lost my swing after hole 15 - need to push harder on fitness. Was a couple 3 putts and 1 penalty off the tee away from breaking 80... This is the year, next lesson is Tuesday. Stack System can show up anytime...
  13. Double only happens when DJ puts it in play during the Masters
  14. Kevin Stadler has one in the bag at Valero this week. Let's GO! Maybe they'll bump the price another $100 if he gets a T10
  15. I played around with 15% per percent on Exputt and it was usually pretty close. This would give 14’6” on a 10’ putt with 3% uphill slope. Doing some rough math on the aimpoint chart I posted would extrapolate out to 18-19% for 12 stimp. Would be interesting to see how 20% worked at that speed. disclaimer - tonight was the first time I used stimp 10 and any speed setting other than 7. But I started with some calibration work on 5-50 footers in practice mode to develop some feels.
  16. I read about vector putting and wanted to try this... I use aimpoint express on course which points you in the area of the fall line and then visualize my target either closer to me for downhill or past the hole for flat and uphill putts along the aimpoint line. Thinking about this in my head, that would assume the amount of break only depends on slope or that line of zero break which would conflict with the impacts of green speed from these charts. Will be interesting to test both methods... If the weather holds, I'll play my first 18 on Monday. Fingers crossed I can try it out.
  17. I've been using Exputt on stimp 7 and only looked at the 8 stimp numbers. I averaged it out to 11% downhill and 9% uphill since 5% slopes and above is rare. I round this to 10% per 1% of slope and it has been working well in Exputt. Need to experiment at 10 stimp, guessing 13% downhill and 9 uphill... But will first verify how off the ballpark assumption of 10 for both works at this level. Hoping to actually use this on the course this weekend as well.
  18. I play some cheap muni courses... Summer was the difficulty setting. March and April golf 2 hours north of the US border is always slow greens. Even mid-season, the nicest public clubs in the city will only get up to 10-11 maximum for maybe 1 month (8-9 is much more common). It is difficult to maintain greens at that level in a dry, cold climate and the courses don't want to invest the money. I found charts with stimp adjustments for uphill/downhill putts based on % slope. They allow me to calculate an equivalent distance for flat putts. Ie. a 33' putt that is 1' downhill plays similar to a 23' flat putt. I hope this helps me with elevation changes on the course this year. The Play 9 mode then becomes a random number generator for distances and calculate uphill/downhill. (I set all putts to straight with the hints feature in Play 9.) My most used setting is 5-50ft increasing putts in practice mode, spent time on 5-10 footers yesterday for start line. I prefer a yard stick for start line and alignment, but 5-10 ft practice mode works OK.
  19. Summer time and the putting’s easy. other than 1 little blip in there...
  20. It's like a higher power is telling me to work on my low point control...
  21. Really liking the mat to hit little chips taking the club shaft back to parallel to ground to work on clean contact with no ball indoors. Also for back to 3/4 swings with lead arm parallel to ground. Easy to grab a club in the living room and make a couple swings to dial in low point and get the feel of a good transition and not hanging back.
  22. - Need at least 5-10 minutes of mostly dynamic warm-up prior to sprints. You can google specific warmups for sprinting. - 1-2 sprints at 60-80% effort will only help for warm-up - If you have not done max effort sprints in months, you should avoid going 100% for a couple sessions and work up through the 60-80% range and then towards full speed. - Hamstrings is another area to monitor, especially if spending a lot of time seated. - The worst part about speed training is you spend as much or more time warming up compared to "working sets"
  23. Your wrists are not going to enjoy hitting balls off plywood over the long term. You would need to find some piece of rubber or dense sponge. I think it would be safe to assume the harder the material under the mat, the faster it will wear out if there is less give under the sequins to absorb force from the contact and flex a bit. If cost is a concern, place a towel a few inches behind your ball flat on the ground or use something to mark a line to judge if you are hitting it fat. Use tees or balls for a gate drill to avoid heel and toe strikes.
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